15102369? ago

Early on, I did consider whether the Q phenomenon was a way to flush out enemies of the Deep State/Illuminati. However, I concluded that it didn't take much to "flush out" American Patriots. They stand up and stand out wherever they go. We don't live in secret. We don't hide our political views. We go to church. We join the PTA, the NRA, give money to the United Way and Red Cross, we volunteer in our communities, and are pretty much a positive force wherever we go. That's who the Patriots are--not the idiots who plan to "bug out" and hide in the mountains with their freeze-dried food and AR-15s. The Patriots are already in the fight and will continue to be there if they decide to start locking us up.

I guarantee you this, if the DS was to win and start locking up the Patriots, we will see God's hand come down on them like something out of the Book of Exodus. It would be tough times, but Patriots are tough and they fear God. The shills, the political opportunists, and conspirators can't imagine what Patriots will endure for their God and their flag. That's why we will win. There will always be a remnant of the good that cannot be defeated.

15104353? ago

Amen. Except stop giving to the United Way and Red Cross. When Disaster strikes, go out and help on the ground yourself, or donate to those who are. The Red Cross is not in the interest of American Patriots. We need to learn to cut out the middle man and go straight to the people. This forms stronger self reliant communities, something the DS hates.

I absolutely agree there is no need for an 8chan psyop to draw out Patriots. We have never hidden or backed down from a fight. That people think this is ridiculous!

15101060? ago

Raises a lot of issues that have struck me. Even the most ardent Q supporter should take the time to listen all the way through and legitimately ask themselves the questions raised. We saw how effectively the tea party was used to fool and calm the conservative opposition and to get more uniparty pols elected under that banner.

What has kept me paying attention to the Q stuff--though like everything I read or hear politically online with an open and questioning mind--has been Dilley stating that it came from a Trump family member (my guess, Don Jr.) to ask him why he wasn't supporting Q and to suggest that Q is legit.

Was Trump effectively compromised and tamed by the DS in his rocky first six months in office? Wouldn't totally shock me if he was. But I don't think he is actively working to take the country down. If he was, I think he has been under the impression that he still would be allowed to win in a way--even if not to expose the real powers at work and the humongous crimes and deceits against us. I think it is pretty clear he still doesn't have control of the intelligence community, including the FBI. We're somehow to believe that Pompeo and Haspel and great white knights who silently cleaned the CIA, and yet the FBI is taking years to supposedly tame.

I think Trump drawing the Q is real. I suspect the intel from Don Jr to Dilley and Bill Mitchell crew has been conveyed as such. But I am not so sure that either Sr and Jr really know and understand those doing the Q bit could well be from the other side. I have heard rumblings of MI6, which seems plausible in concert with the CIA, etc.

I am not saying I know that to be the case at all. Just working on what can explain all the Q stuff in a squaring of the reality we have seen with the elections, etc. Sure makes sense as a very sophisticated psyop that would show some credible threads, while also lulling us in misdirection, misinformation, and a resultant, unfortunate passivity and suspension of critical thinking.

15100525? ago

It's pretty obvious President Kennedy knew about the corrupt deep state .............. look at what happened to him and his brother

15099874? ago

It's pretty obvious that the midterms was a sting. EO that was signed in September, the "actors" dramatizing it to get the public's attention.

There is a 45 days after the midterms deadline for a report to be put forward on the results of investigations into the midterm elections. What is the best way to permanently stop someone from cheating? Let them do it and catch them in the act. Let them think they got away with stealing from the cookie jar, but in reality, you were watching and taking pictures of them in the act red handed.

These things wouldn't be brought up immediately after the midterms due to late recounting and accusations (projections) of bias and trying to steal the election. So you drop it after everything is all said and done, but before the 45 days are up. This anon goes into it really well: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2850253

Frankly I'm surprised so many people are so concerned. I guess a lot of people clearly have not been paying very close attention to what is going on: https://qmap.pub/read/578 "Moves and countermoves." Q

15101081? ago

So Trump is giving over one chamber of Congress to the opposition, and weakening what the voters voted for in the other, in order to eventually, maybe, with a few years work by his compromised FBI and DoJ put a few voter fraud foot soldiers away?

If he bought into that. Well, I just don't think he's stupid, though I do think that with the help of his somewhat stupid daughter and SIL, he has been fooled as to who is friend and who is foe in and around his administration.

15101234? ago

You should look into the EO he signed in regards to the midterm elections. It will allow for people to not be seated if they were found to have actually lost, or if it's inconclusive, the seat will likely have to be decided in a special election.

This is why the investigation and it's report will be concluded before the new congress first convenes. In California alone, 8 or so house seats that are traditionally republican were flipped. We saw a lot of upsets that technically shouldn't have happened.

I strongly believe that the democrats will lose the house from this. But who knows. We'll have to wait and see what their investigation finds.

15173482? ago

If you think there's gonna be a substantial swing from that, I think you're fooling yourself. And many seats were stolen, not just a few.

15175022? ago

Take a look at what you said.

You are proving my point.

15181778? ago

No, I'm not.

15102063? ago

And if you believe that is happening. Well, I guess it'll carry you for another 30 days...

15099686? ago

I appreciate you sharing an alternate perspective. This is not a disruptive act.

Thank you for engaging in discussion instead of merely shitposting.

15098990? ago

Fail! DS has lost control. Dead cat bounce.

Fear is why millions were enslaved under communism.

You failed to make us afraid.

God wins in the end!

15099068? ago

You didn’t watch the video, did you?

15102621? ago

Don't need to watch it to recognize what it is - an attempt to plant seeds of fear and drive some away into the false safety of the norm and programming. Animals are safe in the zoo but not free. You failed.

15099131? ago

I'm not interested in the propaganda of fear the enemy produces.

15102593? ago

^^^THIS ^^^ is a problem. A characteristic of an arrogant (I know everything and am always right) but weak mind and character cannot entertain information, thoughts and opinions contrary to a belief and worl view.

15102786? ago

You forgot your D. I've got a diverse world view.

Stop assuming you know me.

15099143? ago

It’s not the propaganda of fear you moron. It’s someone who has a very articulate view on the world (a Q follower himself) and someone that encourages self thought.

15099166? ago

Thanks for clarifying.

15098813? ago

Aaaand jusr the title about sums it up, buy keep in mind its like everything else these creatures do. So it is more accurate to say that's the point also.

15098848? ago

Right next to the submit button is a preview button. You can click that to preview your comment before it goes live. I'd suggest you check it out.

15098809? ago

See you all at Camp FEMA soon.

15098868? ago

If I'm wrong, I don't wanna be alone.