15047856? ago

Sure. More often. My turn. Why do you ask?

15044479? ago

I certainly hope you are right, but as a pessimist, I suspect a far bleaker outcome.

15044521? ago

Even as a pessimist, you must still recognize how how likely it is for President Trump to have some sort of plan given he knew without a doubt that the Democrats would cheat.

15044910? ago

It's a game of one-upmanship to see who can outmaneuver whom. I'm sure the Libturds also knew they would slip-up. The real question becomes whether or not the faked election results can be overturned, or will this simply end with the Leftists still in office, and a few of their scapegoated cohorts in jail for a few months. Like I said, I hope you are right, but suspect a bad outcome.

15045013? ago

The real question becomes whether or not the faked election results can be overturned

They can.

The 1982 Consent Decree which prevented Republicans from contesting election results for 36 years was lifted in January 2018.

Like I said, I hope you are right, but suspect a bad outcome.

I'm disappointed that your pessimism is greater than your faith in President Trump.

15043998? ago

If this train derails somewhere along the way or we find out this whole thing was just a giant mindfuck, then we have no other path forward than a true hot civil war. When all the balloons burst and the fake economy crashes hard, that's when it will start. No jobs. No money. No gas. No food. TEOTWAWKI Always good to have lots of food, water, and ammo on hand cuz who the hell knows when ti's all coming tumbling down... the good news? We will crush the dumbfuck commies and socialists and have a fresh start at true Freedom and Liberty and see if we can't figure out how NOT to fuck it up the next time around. Or all this shit happens, everything goes to hell, civil war starts, and then a couple million Chinese soldiers land in Cali... Anyway, I really do hope that DJT and Q can pull this out.

15043640? ago

Arrests would be an ENORMOUS morale boost for the Q infantry...

15043918? ago

I suspect this is being dragged out longer than expected because an election can't be contested before it's formally been called and the Dems realize they've been caught in a Department of Homeland Security trap... so they don't know what to do.

I suspect it doesn't matter what they do because many of the fraudsters are likely having all of their phone and email conversations scooped up under a FISA warrant surveillance for other crimes. I suspect a FISA warrant against one of the Awan brothers or George Soros would be enough to get 'em all.

15041715? ago

Put the fuck up or shut the fuck up. Q isn't going to be selling very many more t shirts if something doesn't happen. It's like Nancy Pelosi said. These peasants aren't gonna be happy much longer living off of some fucking crumbs.

15041883? ago

Why are you here if you hate Q so much and think so little of President Trump?

15041237? ago

The days from 1-19 Jan 2019 should prove very interesting, before the new Congress goes into session. How many of the newly 'elected' will actually be seated in Congress and how many will be seated in jail. If the EO 12473 is real and is effective on 1 Jan 2019, then game on.

15041342? ago

I hope they get picked off one by one... and then the Democrats lose the House after the elections are redone.

The elections that are redone will be hilarious because the Dems won't be able to cheat AND they'll be forced to use lesser-known nominees.

15039786? ago

1 arrest.

That is all.

15038850? ago

That's a lot to hope for.

15039730? ago

Perhaps but I think it's far more likely that President Trump planned for this rather than doing nothing.

He did have two years to prepare and think about it and he absolutely knew the Dems would be so panicked and desperate that they'd cheat.

15037696? ago

Your ancestors would be marching by now.

Their ancestors would be shooting by now.

Their ancestors would have heads on spikes, would have bloodlines of traitors totally eradicated right now.

Looking at us is like looking at a poodle begging for table scraps and remembering that canines are descended from wolves. It's sad, really.

15038851? ago

No - my ancestors were smarter than that.

They'd enjoy witnessing the greatest sting operation in human history and the destruction of the Democrat Party rather than having a chimpout because they got bored.

15041907? ago

Alright. But humor me for a moment.

The Q folk have been predicting the downfall of the Dems and the Deep State for a while, with no results. Maybe it'll just take more time, but... How long would we have to go with no results before you stop sitting back and watching and waiting?

What if, by the time the Dems take their stolen seats in the House and Governerships in January, nobody has stopped the election fraud? What if we reach summer and there's no Declas? What if Dems spend all of 2019 blocking any conservative bills with their stolen House seats? What if 2020 comes, and instead of seeing Hillary in jail, we see her running for president again? What if, by the 2020 election, there's still no wall? What if we keep taxing our citizens to pay for ever growing tributes to Israel, but we can't find the resources to fix the VA by 2020? What if the Dems successfully pull the same election stealing in 2022, and we've got even more taxation without representation?


Where is your line? When is it too much, and you'd have to say, "I can't keep waiting and watching?" You know, hypothetically.

I guess I don't know what your individual ancestors were doing in history. But I do know that revolutions were often started for less than what we're putting up with today. I know that heads have literally rolled for things that we let many of our "representatives" do without even prison.

How long can you keep the faith?

15042256? ago

The Q folk have been predicting the downfall of the Dems and the Deep State for a while, with no results.

False - the purge in the FBI of Deep State operatives in positions of power has been profound.

How long would we have to go with no results before you stop sitting back and watching and waiting?

Nothing can be done until all of the bad actors in positions of power within the FBI have been removed... and based on Q's October 9 post #2381, we seem to have either done it although I'm not clear on how to interpret Q's "batter's box" list.

Think about how much we've learned about the corruption within the FBI.

Consider how idiotic it would have been for Sessions to try to arrest major players while people like Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page etc were in positions of power. They would have destroyed evidence, falsified documents and handed out deals and immunity like candy. It would have been just like all of the previous Hillery Clinton investigations and we'd never be able to try those criminals for the same crime again.

Instead President Trump and AG Sessions worked to remove all of the bad actors in positions of power while Huber was diligently creating 61,000 sealed indictments in preparation for when the FBI house cleaning was completed.

To answer your question - this is a complex process with many moving parts and it's up to you to recognize progress or ignore it. If you consider progress to only take the form of arrests then you will always see all the legal work leading up to that moment as being a waste of time rather than a fascinating game of chess.

What if? What if? What if?

I'm here to understand the process and witness history being made - to appreciate what is happening and why rather than just demanding the final result.

President Trump's agenda is to defeat one of the most powerful cabals in history and save America and western civilization from being crippled and enslaved.

President Trump's agenda is not to entertain you.

"I can't keep waiting and watching?"

But you're not watching - you're basically sleepwalking and all of the events are happening without you bothering to take noticing.

You are just like those people who demanded a Comey / McCabe / Rosenstein / Strzok / Page FBI be used to investigate Hillary Clinton in early 2017.

People like you screamed and cried about how Orange Man is bad when the Alabama election was stolen without understanding the Republicans were legally prohibited from contesting elections until January 2018 when the 36 year long Consent Decree was finally lifted. That was progress, but you wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't paying attention.

How long can you keep the faith?

For as long as I see progress and understand what is taking place.

15036227? ago

Here's something about this whole setup that irks me...

We're here openly talking about it. Surely the DS knows about this site. Certainly they know about what Q has posted regarding this. Certainly they know about the EO, and that Elections are now under domain of the DHS. Certainly they have to be at least suspicious that their activities are being tracked.

Why in the hell would they still be doing all this cheating/fraud if they know of the likelihood of their being caught?

Is it just pure desperation, and that they know they have nothing to lose at this point? A last-ditch hail mary, that somehow they won't be stopped? That's the only scenario I can think of where this makes any sense. Not even "these people are stupid" covers it.

15038948? ago

We're here openly talking about it. Surely the DS knows about this site.

It's too late - it's over.

The Dems had two options - to continue cheating like they've done for decades or have a fair midterms and allow President Trump to gain more power.

Why in the hell would they still be doing all this cheating/fraud if they know of the likelihood of their being caught?

I'm expecting the Florida recount is taking so long because the Dems don't know what to do.

15034869? ago

After he is reelected in 2020 Trump is going to expose the voting fraud and declassify the Fisa paperwork. LOL.

15034473? ago

I was told the elections were secure.

15038974? ago


That is exactly what this discussion post is about.

Please read the post before commenting on it.

15034468? ago

15034400? ago

Don't forget, Trump is going to get rid of the DHS leader for incompetence. Did she really do the job she was supposed to and do we really have all the information? Maybe that's one of the things he's pissed about.

15033733? ago

I agree with part of that. We just witnessed the most blatant fraud ever. We witnessed a corrupted party, assisted by the other corrupted party, overtly destroy any idea that we have a Republic or anything close to a Democracy. I WANT to believe that something will be done about this, but I am not SEEING anything but Dems getting what they want and basically having a "bloodless coup." If you True Believers(tm) were actually Patriots, you'd be fucking outraged that the last voice and non-violent option has been stolen from us and fuck all has been done about it. McSally rolled over so fast, they didn't even need to bother counting all the fake votes.

15039023? ago

but I am not SEEING anything but Dems getting what they want

The election hasn't ended yet.

Counting is still happening.

We won't know what President Trump's next move or plan is until the cheating is finished.

15033108? ago

You cannot contest the results until they are certified. They had to play out properly.

15032823? ago

"Profoundly disappointed" Yeah we all will be, while we wait here and twiddle our thumbs and the Democrats steal our country. The Arizona republican Senate candidate from whom the election was stolen conceded. Sound like some great sting is about to be revealed? I'm pissed. But what can we do? Take up arms? Why get shot over it, then you're no good to anyone. We will all sit here and bitch while more and more of our country is stolen. We are in this dirty little corner of the internet because it's the last place they haven't shut down yet. They could, they could in an instant. Why don't they? They probably have some value in collecting data from us. Putting us on lists for comments like this. When that's no longer useful to them, they'll just round us up. That may not be legal now, but it's only one more stolen election away from becoming the law of the land.

15040086? ago

Hate to say it but you've hit it on the head.

15039049? ago

You can't contest election results until the election is over... and counting and recounting continues.

That's just how it is, even if it makes you sad.

15032102? ago

Wishful thinking. I see no reason to believe any of this will happen. All I see is Trump and Q getting their tails handed to them.

15039080? ago

You can't contest an election until it's certified and counting and recounting is still happening.

15031363? ago

Staying optimistic but it tough

15031163? ago

That is IF there's actually a stinger at the end of this, either way the truth will be undeniable soon, whichever way it plays out...

15031146? ago

You might be right & we'll see when all elections are finally declared. Nothing can happen until then, when the fraud is declared. But something does have to happen, the world cannot witness what's been going on without there being repercussions. USA is the land of the free ffs.

15039138? ago

Like I said in the post message, I think it's more likely that President Trump had planned for this rather than doing nothing.

15030612? ago

They have to certify the election before it is a crime. Then something can be done,And hopefully will.

15030608? ago

F--k YES! I am dealing with a lot of good conservatives (not necessarily Q followers) who are ready to throw in the towel on this whole thing. I am continually telling them about Q and to trust the plan. POTUS will not and cannot let this go. It is so freaking obvious that has to be a sting. If it's not we all f--cked, but I refuse to believe we are. WWG1WGA!

15039255? ago

It is so freaking obvious that it has to be a sting.

Yes I think it's more likely that President Trump has planned for t his rather than doing nothing like a chump.

It seems silly to think President Trump knew how they'd cheat, who would cheat and where and when they'd cheat... and chose not to lift a finger.

If it's not we are all f--cked

We'll need to deal with the Democrat domestic enemies ourselves if President Trump is unwilling.

I wonder if this is when martial law will be declared - not just to keep (((George Soros))) funded mercenaries from trashing the streets but to also prevent furious patriots from marching on the homes of the Democrats?

15030493? ago

We witnessed 9/11

15030077? ago

I doubt any of this will happen.

15039305? ago

It's just a theory, however I do think it's more likely that President Trump has a plan rather than doing nothing... but we won't know until the counting and recounting is finished and the election is certified before any action can be taken.

15029995? ago

Hope so.

15029210? ago

Yes goys, stay complacent!! Arrests errrr are coming next year!! YEAH!! Oy vey, israel is our greatest ally and pay no attention to how jews own and control almost everything, you anti-semites!!

15039464? ago

People like you have been screaming and crying about arrests not happening since Donald Trump's inauguration.

It always makes me laugh how stupid you people are.

Can you imagine how retarded it would have been for AG Sessions to make major arrests while people like McCabe, Comey, Strzok, Page etc were still in positions of power within the FBI?

They would have destroyed the evidence, falsified documents and handed out immunity like candy and we'd never be able to charge them again for the same crime.

Instead of being stupid, President Trump and AG Sessions just finished cleaning out the Deep State operatives from the FBI and created over 61,000 sealed indictments that can now be opened... which is why Q deleted all of his posts and converted his forum into an indictment scoreboard.

Your childish naivety is laughable.

It's as if your head is empty.

15029167? ago

Here's the real acid test when the time comes :


If there are arrests, the un awake, emboldened by the MSM And corrupt politicians still in power, will take up arms to try to take down the pro-Trumpers. You just have to hope that the NG and military authorities are controlled by Trump and not the DS.

If there are no arrests there will come a time where enough is enough and those who are awake will have no option but to take the fight to the enemy.

Buckle up, lock and load , good luck and GOD SPEED to ALL PATRIOTS.

15039497? ago


Yeah and I wonder if that's when martial law will be declared... not just to stop Soros from flooding our streets with mercenaries but to also stop furious, justice-starved patriots from marching on the homes of the Democrats?

15035859? ago

We're 100 times better armed, and better trained! The majority of them are big city apartment-dwellers who've never shot a firearm in their lives! We could shoot one of them in the arm or leg with .22 rat shot, and he'd go crying home to mommie, wanting a purple heart!!!

15044068? ago

Keep thinking that.

Keep thinking your enemy is weak.

Keep thinking that there aren't literal left-wing communists and degenerate gang-bangers at every level of your vaunted military, with the same training as your hero soldiers, likely just as well armed. Ever heard of a John Brown Gun Club?

Keep thinking that these people won't gladly fight against you when the time comes. Keep thinking that they won't back up every other armed federal agency against you when the time comes.

By all means, prepare to defend yourself. Prepare for war. All of us should. But, please, pray for peace. Don't think "Patriots+Military #1 superbestfriendsforever" are going to just waltz to victory, when the time comes.

15035884? ago

Then she'd give him blue balls and drain him!

15029029? ago

Guys... if you allow a crime to be committed when you have the foreknowledge and/or capability to stop it, the you are complicit in the crime. You guys need to realize this and dig more (even if the answer you find isn't what you wanted)

15039591? ago

Coercion is key in legal entrapment so your concerns would only be valid if President Trump did something to encourage the Democrats to cheat.

Monitoring an election and then arresting fraudsters is not entrapment.

15028951? ago

The dems are still printing and counting fraudulent ballots, many still ongoing in California and elsewhere! The rigged election results must be voided!

15039708? ago

The election can't be contested until it's over.

I suspect this is why the counting and recounts are taking so long - because the Dems realized they've been caught in a trap and they don't know what to do about it.

We'll know what President Trump has planned for them as soon as the counting is over.

15039793? ago

Yeah, they may be trying to clean up the mess now but it’s waay too late, ha ha!

15028872? ago

Dems under estimated the amount in their vote rigging. That is why they did not seem very happy about the house win, they expected the senate and governors, so they had to go for a second hit. I strongly suspect everyone knows they do this, and knows they have been for many years. If Rep. did say something the attack dog MSM would destroy them and the pedo videos would flow. Ultimately if something is not done about this vote scam, 2020 will be a wash, because conservatives will not show up to vote, and why should they?

15039825? ago

I agree entirely which is why I suspect President Trump had a plan rather than doing nothing about the fraud.

President Trump had two years to plan for this and he knew the Dems would be so panicked and desperate that they would cheat.

Since 1982 there has been a Consent Decree which legally prohibited Republicans from contesting an election.

That Consent Decree was lifted in January 2018, which also means POTUS was allowed to monitor the elections very closely.

Q has been talking about martial law... I wonder if it will be declared over the midterms - not only to stop the Dems / globalists from trashing our cities when the lose but to also prevent furious patriots from marching on the homes of all the Democrat cheats who tried to install themselves as dictators?

15028725? ago

No the saying, "A watched pot never boils.". Maybe if we disconnect for awhile, quite looking for second by second activity, we will actually be able to see what the progress in The Plan.

Look at a minute hand on a clock, it's hard to tell if it is moving, but turn away for a 15 minutes, and when you look back Mickey Mouses arm has moved 1/4 way round face of clock.

15036356? ago

You mean that's not Spiro Agnew's arm?

15028878? ago

We lost the house, which we should have won had election fraud been a priority to Q+. We cannot implement voter ID, or pass any legislation for that matter, with dims controlling a chamber. We are going to have 2 years of nothing getting done, all the while Q will be feeding us false hope. Then when we lose 2020 elections, you will realize its all over. The game is over now, with us losing the house, most of you just don't realize it yet.

15036375? ago

Lame Duck Session of Congress!!!!!

15033155? ago

What is your definition of "over"?

15028712? ago

This could be the reason they let Roy Moore loose his senate seat to voter fraud last year, If they had gone after him then it would have messed up this much bigger sting operation.

15039859? ago

There's also the problem of the Consent Decree which legally prevented Republicans from contesting elections for the last 36 years.

That Consent Decree was lifted in January 2018.

15028682? ago

I just watched a very good video from the X22 REPORT. He explains in very easy to understand terms the plan the way he sees it and boy it made sense to me and echoes your post. He also cautions to control your emotions and be patient for something this big takes time and a lot of people and planning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAflZMI7nS0

15028633? ago

I hope so, I am really getting tired of waiting. I am feeling like I spent two years waiting for IT to happen, and yet here we are, Democrats getting away with literal murder and election fraud, witness tampering, evidence destroying and anything else that would send you or I to prison for years if not for ever. I am getting tired of waiting. My DJ gear has been collecting dust because instead of digging through new music and perfecting my mixes, I'm here talking about Trusting The Plan with all you patriots.

15028762? ago

My DJ gear has been collecting dust because instead of digging through new music and perfecting my mixes, I'm here talking about Trusting The Plan with all you patriots.

You can do that checking in a few times per week for 30 minutes or less. Claim your life back. Q and having a life are not mutually exclusive.

15028594? ago

This has been my thinking all along with Q: It better not be a fucking LARP, for the sake of the bloodshed that will invariably result if we are denied justice much longer. Better to have our Military folks deal with this than to have us dealing with it directly. It would be a violent-as-fuck shit show that would fracture the country into pieces, win or lose, AND its exactly what the fucking cabal wants. I don't think Q is a LARP, so I'm going to continue to support him 100%

I'm patient. I can wait, I can trust the plan. But if we don't see something happen before the end of Trump's term in office, the Q mojo will be dead, and there will just be a lot of angry-as-fuck autists looking to get even.

15028574? ago

Meh, I'll believe it when I see it

15028456? ago

It does look like Trump has the DOJ ready now. (i.e. Whitaker)

15039944? ago

I suspect the reason Q deleted his posts and replaced them with the indictment scoreboard (placeholders) is because AG Sessions's job of cleaning house in the FBI was completed and now the FBI can function as it should when arresting election fraudsters and those named in the 61,000 sealed indictments.

I suspect we're just waiting for the Dems to finish stuffing the ballots before the election can be ended and then the contested.

15028932? ago

Well we have 2 months max then for things to happen. Or until the Dims realize and complain that he cannot legally be the acting AG. Not sure why they havent been pushing that instead of trying to force a recusal.

15028135? ago

The DemocRATS are stealing the 2018 election it's now out of control!


GATEWAY PUNDIT: SINCE ELECTION DAY: Democrats Pick Off Over a Dozen GOP House Seats and 2 Senate Seats… And They’re Going for More...


15039986? ago

Nothing can be done until counting is completed and the election has ended.

Then it can be contested and we'll know what President Trump has planned.

President Trump / Q had two years to prepare for the midterms and we all knew the Dems would be so panicked and desperate that they'd cheat.

It seems silly to think that POTUS has nothing planned.

15028130? ago

Tough decisions will be made. We need to get organized. Fast

15028109? ago

People keep forgetting the EO Trump signed back in September. The one where the DHS has up to 45 days where they can investigate and form a report if it is suspected that foreign interference was involved in the election. How it defines that is interesting, though.

Take a look at this post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2850253

15029099? ago

DWS is a dual citizen, as are many other Congress members. Does that count as foreign interference?

15036990? ago

How did she get elected if she's a dual citizen? They're not even allowed to vote...

15049845? ago

A disproportionate number of Congress members and those serving in our government are dual citizens. I am of the opinion that this is a severe conflict of interest, especially in Congress given that they control our nations finances and have the power to declare war, amongst other things.

15029196? ago

Unless it say something directly about dual citizenship, (which I believe it does not.) they are still technically a citizen of another country, so I'd imagine so.

In fact, I'm fairly certain dual citizens are part of the reason these things have been signed in. (Soros, etc.)

15029574? ago

I am of the opinion that those serving our government should be loyal to our nation only, at least while serving. Do we have citizens in Parliament? Drafting Israeli or Irish legislation? It's absurd! And they control the nation's purse strings. This really needs to be addressed. What is scarier is how few citizens are even aware of this fact.

15035731? ago

Yep. Exactly. Thankfully Trump has been slowly chiseling away at any foreign nations influence under the guise of protection from Russia and China, (But this includes Israel, it's just terrible optics to mention it.)

A common misconception is that all of Israel is evil and that Jews are a hive mind. This, obviously, is not true. There are white hats and black hats over there, too. They just have some of the most evil fuckers are Jews, so they far over shadow the others. (White hat Jews have to lay real fucking low which goes without saying, considering who their neighbors are.) Israel is last for so many reasons, optics being a big one.

I jokingly call them "White hats with unusually large noses."

15049816? ago

Oh I am well aware of that. My comment is not antisemetic in any way. Evil exists in all nationalities, that is non-negotiable. It just happens that currently, a disproportionate number of our Congress members happen to also be Israeli citizens. I don't care what nations they are, be it British, French, Irish, Israeli, Russian, Chinese, Rwandan, Iranian, Peruvian, Faroese....any country. If you are serving in our nation's lawmaking body, controlling our nation's wallet, and afforded the power to declare war, sending a nation's citizens off to war, acting on behalf of our taxpaying citizenry, you had better be loyal to our country and our country only. Period. Non-negotiable.

15027906? ago

I pray to God you're right. If the corruption of the 2018 election is allowed to stand we're done as a nation of laws.

15040142? ago

I suspect there may be a civil war either way - if we witness the Dems steal our election like the domestic enemies they are or when we learn how widespread their fraud was and how President Trump is contesting the election and arresting them.

Either way, patriots will be so furious they will likely march on the homes of the Dems.

Perhaps that's when martial law will be declared - not only to stop (((Soros'))) mercenaries from trashing our cities but also to stop justice starved patriots from taking the law into their own hands.

15027878? ago

Agreed. Just in time for everyone’s favorite former head of ICE to take over the DHS.

15027870? ago

The same thing was said when we lost the senate seat in Alabama.. we will see.

15040168? ago

Nothing could be done because of the Consent Decree which has legally prohibited Republicans from contesting elections for the past 36 years.

That Consent Decree was lifted in January 2018.

15027807? ago

Let that bell of FREEDOM keep ringing till the criminal DEMS go deaf.

15027801? ago

pretty much my thoughts, too. DJT talked about voter fraud during the 2016 campaign and ever since he has been in office, investigations were going on so the traps could be perfectly laid out for the midterms. elections arent over yet, voter fraud, resignations, and indictments will call for new elections.

15040197? ago

I think it's more likely that President Trump has spent the last two years planning for this, rather than doing nothing.

15027767? ago

i agree with you 100%. Great post! I think that you are absolutely right that Trump will let the Dems steal the Florida election before he springs the trap. I know many will freak out and fret and whine and say "woe is me". In a stink operation you have to let them commit the crime before you arrest them. Right now the Dems are just digging their own grave. On or before December 21st 2018 the DHS report on foreign interference with the election will also come out. This is where I believe that they will take down Soros.

15027727? ago

They aren't going to publicly say they are investigating election fraud if they are investigating election fraud.

15041505? ago

^^^^ Logic.

15027688? ago

OP, you bastard!! Made me DDG 'pink socked'!!

15027546? ago

Once we lose the right to a fair election process our country is lost.

I don’t want civil war, but I don’t see any other way should this not turn out to be a sting.

15040257? ago

I suspect justice-starved patriots will start a civil war or at least march on the Democrat's homes even if this is a sting?

Perhaps President Trump / Q is planning for martial law to be declared not only to stop the Soros-paid rioters from trashing our cities but also to stop us taking justice into our own hands.

15027503? ago

There will be no marches.

If this Election is allowed to be stolen, there will be blood.

There will be War.

15027294? ago

There is no indication this is happening.

Not even remotely.

You are filling in blanks with your own fantasies.

According to the data available, the elections are being stolen and because this is a midterm there is no way a federal agency like DHS can get involved.

POTUS isn’t stopping the steal.

He’s not protecting the border.

Why? Because the entire government, under the auspices of Uniparty, is in revolt.

15040301? ago

Nothing can be done until the elections are over.

Then they can be contested and we'll know what President Trump has planned.

It seems silly to assume President Trump has no plan, given we all knew how desperate the Democrats would be.

15027259? ago

Fuck arrest i want executions. Also what proof do you have that trump is about to contest these seats

15027199? ago

Today I was supposed to be at my local McSally office to make calls to voters who had ballot issues to verify their ballots, but got this message yesterday. "As of 5 o'clock today, there is no McSally Office. Thanks for the willingness to help though."

15032566? ago

McSally tucked her tail between her legs and showed that she will not fight for the people.

15027588? ago

McSally is a RINO.

15027185? ago

Trust the plan goyim, no action needed, just sit back and eat mickeydees while drinking sodypoppy

15027156? ago

We just witnessed the dnc and gop pull off the greatest election fraud in history. Eventually you cucks will realize that we got jewed again.

15027149? ago

There isn't much any of us can do for the time being. Just trust the plan.

15026952? ago

Not the greatest. This stuff has been going on on many levels for decades. But the most brazen, for sure.

Which shouldn't inspire confidence.

15026913? ago

No matter how the counts go, if heads don't roll after this then Q can lick my horse.....

Eew thats dirty

15026904? ago

And when that doesn't happen, what then?

15026888? ago

I think you struck a nerve. So many shills and concern fags here it's ridiculous.

15026928? ago


I made a silly comment about Peppers the cat yesterday and the shills went insane with their REEEEEEEEEing because of the upvotes.

Obvious shills are obvious.

15030797? ago

I loved that post...it was hilarious. I think Peppers the cat needs to be a regular...

15040366? ago

Peppers the cat will return.

It's just too much fun to have shills and trolls arguing with a cat.


15026881? ago

If he lets AZ seat to be stolen that is just plain stupid and everyone will be pissed off!! Especially those that live in AZ and don't want that psycho path!!!

15026957? ago

Perhaps that's why martial law will be declared - to stop patriots from slaughtering the domestic enemies of congress before they can be tried?

15026879? ago

Yes. Just like hilary was brought to justice.

15026860? ago

Promises, promises. Be careful. The bigger you build your house of cards the harder it will fall. We'll see.

15026893? ago

We'll see

I'm pleased you are trying to maintain an open mind.

15026961? ago

I'm already convinced were fucked. And I'm further convinced that Q did the fucking, this time. By giving us a bullshit false sense of security that our government was going to do something about blatant election fraud.

15026970? ago

I'm already convinced were fucked. And I'm further convinced that Q did the fucking

Perhaps you should drink some bleach?

15036037? ago

Aren't they supposed to drink the KoolAid?

15027308? ago

Let people express their opinions why don't you.

15027001? ago

The great ideas from you idiots continue to roll in. Our future is secure with science rocketists like you on the job.

15026837? ago

Enjoying the show. Pass the popcorn. This part, where the DS is going insane, posting here and what not, is good, but the really BIG show is just getting started. This is a good time to take a powder so you don't wet your pants later.

15030037? ago

You don't know anything more than any of us do, but you pretend this extreme confidence. That makes you a fool or a psyop. I'm done ignoring fools who blow sunshine up our asses to paralyze us.

15026819? ago

prepare to be profoundly disappointed

15026866? ago

Why do you say that?

Are you a Jew or a Muslim?

15026939? ago

Im a patriotic veteran that is sick of the Q larpers saying any minute now.

15027458? ago

Just quit listening to "q larpers". Easy. YOU do something Mr patriotic veteran. Organize a group of like-minded vets and go protest the Dems or something.

15029727? ago

I do something. I could tell you but then Id have to kill you

15026980? ago

I died in seven world wars and I say you aren't patriotic enough!

15027031? ago

video games in your moms basement don't count

15026811? ago

Im not holding my breath until arrests are made.

15027468? ago

Cool story bro.

15026791? ago

The more time that goes by, the less likely anything will happen.

If DHS were gonna act they'd be doing it now. The crickets are deafening.

It's been over a week and all we have is more disappointment.

Q is real but the DHS "sting" is disinfo like the "stage is set" HRC vid or JA/SR eta June. Too many hollow promises.

I want to trust the plan but am not feeling the love today.


15028921? ago

Just because they say it, wish it , hope and dream it, does not make it so.

15026825? ago

The more time that goes by, the less likely anything will happ

That is untrue because this will take as long as is necessary - as long as the Dems continue to stall with their recount bullshit.

15035091? ago

As the first of the caravan is jumping over the border fences. How long will that take?

15026716? ago

Sure hope so. Otherwise...

15026711? ago

I love how many REEEEEEEEE comments there are in this post.

The shill tears sustain us.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

15026648? ago

Bullshit.. if that were the case they'd have nailed Arizona as well.

15026585? ago

Except you're dismissing some other facts that make your rant less believeable.

NSA 'has everything' and "these people are stupid". There's no more safe communication between party members and they could have easily arrested people for conspiring to meddle with the election.

15034245? ago

Unfortunately, I did not see Broward County, Florida on the list. Hopefully, that was an oversight or they purposely left it off but were watching.

15026753? ago

The second link on the 2018 election security fact sheet has phone numbers and email address or even the website to report complaints, so why don't we get this out on Twitter and FB, and all the boards here for everyone to call or email or overload their website and start raising hell!!

Civil Rights Division staff will be available to receive complaints related to voting by telephone (1-800-253-393 or 202-307-2767) or by TTY (202-305-0082), by fax (202-307-3961), by email ([email protected]), and by complaint form on the Department of Justice’s website at https://www.justice.gov/crt/voting-section.

15035747? ago

That's on Fecesbook, now!!! It's just on my timeline with 4,953 people, but I'll share it to groups, later, after I tell some more of the shills on here to go sleep with their mommies, like they've been doing all along!!! All of those luciferian globalist rich white trash pedovores do that!!!

15026551? ago

I do hope you're right. I'm beginning to lose my patience. It may never happen if we have to wait for all the corrupt judges to be removed. They're all corrupt. smh

15026538? ago

Here's the only part you got right:
"I hope this was a trap because if it wasn't then we the people will have some hard decisions to make about civil war / marching on congress to fight domestic enemies."

15026518? ago

"I'll be profoundly disappointed if we didn't just witness the biggest election fraud sting in human history." You're going to be profoundly disappointed.

15035517? ago

I'll be profoundly disappointed if you live until 2019, Hillary!!!

15026492? ago

we the people will have some hard decisions to make about civil war / marching on congress to fight domestic enemies.

Notice how gun control seems to be a serious priority for them.

15032618? ago

The Dims are making the Case for US that we must always protect the 2A!

15027209? ago

Ding Ding Ding Ding. I'm waiting for "q" to tell them to hand over their guns to their friends when Martial Law is declared. LOL the "Patriots" being confronted by their friends and fellow patriots, all smiles at each other while they hand over their guns because 'we did it' will be fucking awful to watch.

15040298? ago

STOOPID comment

15035471? ago

You're not supposed to smoke the Tide Pods, Bozo!!! It'll make you glow in the dark!!!

15027565? ago

Not gonna happen.

15028893? ago

Except that it is. It is happening. You're looking at the groundwork being laid for it right now. Put it all together Qtards, do that thing Q has told you to do, but only where he tells you to look. THINK. And I mean for real. Donald Trump is just a part of the shitshow. He is a jew now like any other, with loyalty to jew before America. You are being programmed to be a soldier for the war of 2020.

15028826? ago

It is more likely than you think


15026390? ago

I was all WTF? When Trumpattacked Syria until they showed the results. So maybe you are right. I like instant results and am frustrated with the Q teases but will wait and see. In the meantime I will make as much noise as possible about fraud.

15038214? ago

The same think happened with the omnibus spending bill.

Concern-shills were screaming and crying and peeing their diapers and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were laughing for about 24 hours until they realized the omnibus spending bill was completely discretionary and President Trump has no intention of granting them any of the funds for their projects. Instead President Trump just granted the budget to rebuild our military...

...and once again, President Trump got everything he wanted.

I believe that's where we are now - in that window after the Dems think they finally outsmarted President Trump but before they realize they've been savagely pink-socket yet again.

15031656? ago

What were the results? I've been MIA on that part of the equation.

15026943? ago

I'm a seasoned patriot of decades... what you mention here about Syria is what brought me into alignment with Q. I'm doing my best to be patient, but I've run out of nails to chew on...

15027658? ago

give them enough rope to hang themselves...forgot who said it first but it fits.

15027026? ago

Cabal has been spinning it's web for thousands of years...it will take another 4 or 5 years before anything tangible can be witnessed. If you cannot wait 4 years...get off the train.

15029553? ago

I see action by Feb. 1 or it's clear to even a moron that Q and Trump are toothless. Wait till midterms, wait till Jan 1, wait till congress is seated. OK, fine. By Feb 1, there are people in orange jumpsuits or we realize that this whole thing has been a zionist psyop.

15029471? ago

Oh, fuck that. Now you're moving the goal post 4 years? I guarantee you I will be off the train and out of the country. You're an idiot.

15027555? ago

I say 8 years.

2024 we should be free.

15027128? ago

As someone who has been observing the Cabal for decades, I frankly never imagined anything resisting it. So for me, this all has been a treat of a sort. I NEVER imagined any pushback of any sort... For better or worse.

15041658? ago

Exactly. There is "Q" on the internet, and there is a worldwide spread of accurate information in real life. Nothing ever like it in known history.

15026368? ago

I get nervous about this because this voter fraud is being monitored by DHS and the Secretary is rumored to be weak and about to be fired.

15026345? ago

Do you suppose Pres. Trump (and cabinet members that have served loyally in his administration) think about the consequences for themselves if they just allow election stealing to go on to where the Democrats just take the 2020 election the same way they seized the 2018 midterm elections?

Pres. Trump has himself and all of his family to be concerned about. Considering how completely fascist the Democrats have been on bringing politics to the level of individual attacks and our right attempts to murder - that's just the stuff that's been out in public.

Pres. Trump would have to contemplate what would happen to himself and his family if the Democrats get back in control and resume their destroy America agenda, but only this time they've taken off the gloves to fully reveal themselves and the MSM has been their to give them propaganda protection at every step. No matter how vicious they have become the MSM has spun and/or ignored it. The public, the Normies, just carry on as though all is completely normal.

But for Pres. Trump and his family - they would have to consider that these vicious globalist may seek to come after them to get revenge - and to make a full example out of him. Only this time they would have the full power of govt and Deep State to engineer what they do and the MSM to present it any way as necessary to the sheeple public.

From the way I'm seeing this, by throwing the gauntlet down against the globalist and taking them on these past 2 years, Trump has made them a mortal enemy. Either he succeeds now in defeating them or they will come back and destroy him and his family (through one means or another).

So guys, I don't think we're in a world like in the past where the president that leaves office can just think he goes off into sunset and has a peaceful retirement.

Does anyone that frequents this board and has ever had any sympathy for Q movement and has been on MAGA train think that Pres. Trump is too gullible to have overlooked this scenario - given the nature of the enemy?

15044683? ago

Great observations. I agree. He has a plan and will put it in place at the appropriate time.

15041800? ago

Donald Trump gets to fly in his private jet back to one of his many mansions when he's done. He doesn't give a fuck about you peasants. If he loses in 2020 he still gets to live large while you Q tards are still trusting the plan.

15041741? ago

This makes sense.

15039155? ago

No I dont but Trump may have been taken over by a coup. That is what some people are suggesting now they are going to arrest Corsi and Don Jr. If they arrest Don Jr I guarantee you Trump will give in and concede to them.

15035370? ago

Those who constantly criticize and spew out the idiocy, learned it from hours per day watching the brainsucker tuned to CNN!!! They need to tell their mommies to give them some of the blue pills before they go to bed, tonight, so their mommies can relieve some of their sexual tension!!!

15026854? ago

Totally agree, he has to go all the way through the Cabals destruction if he or his family are to survive Democrats taking power in 2020. He simply cannot risk letting these corrupt practices continue. If not for America's sake, but for his own.

15028468? ago

Trump is the real deal.

15028902? ago


15026309? ago

Yes! Don’t do anything while they steal the election. You call that a plan?

15026196? ago

NONE of this conspiracy 4d chess BS is going to happen...when are you idiots gonna admit to yourselves that the war was over LONG AGO and the good guys lost.

15027545? ago

I guess when they round us up, take our guns, and throw us in camps. They haven't though. You name-calling idiot. Bet my ironic statement there makes you mad. You mad?

15027075? ago

So says the sheep dog, sent by his shepard master, to tell strays to get back to the sleeping herd that are being taken to get fleeced. ("They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE") Bad bad doggie, why don't you leave us alone and go watch your master hump the sheep staying in his flock and hope he gives you a bone for your efforts.

15026192? ago

No sitting back and enjoying 'the show' now! We best be ready to fight! We are close now to the breaking out of civil war! The Left has been caught red handed and are cooking up a way to escape the inevitable!

15026182? ago

what you smoking?

15026181? ago

Yeah, there is a lot going on behind the scenes regarding election fraud. We can only guess what will be done and when it will be done to bring criminals to justice. It's hard to be patient and hopeful when experiencing such lawlessness...but I will. "Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin. Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH. We, the PEOPLE. JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. Q"

15026167? ago

Let me guess...wait 45 days until after everything is counted? Yet, the dems keep moving the count dates further back. Guess what happens next, its Jan and they are in office and nothing can be done. Problem is no repubs are fighting this except lil marco and JW. Who else is going to do anything? I feel like Potus' cabinet has led him down the wrong path.

15026102? ago

Trust the plan. Stay strong oh ye of little faith. Enjoy the show.


15034920? ago

Just answer one question; do you go to a church service weekly or more often?

15027295? ago

I'll believe it when I see it, man. A lot of big talk and a lot of obvious fuckery going on. I gotta believe that something is being done to counteract, because if not this country is fucked.

15028888? ago

Does it make sense to gather and rally people and then screw em? Especially when we all know if this doesn't work we will have a civil war? Wouldn't that mean that the troops were gathered and motivated just to go after the gov? What has happened over the last 2 years? Is the progress important and how fast has it happened?

15029642? ago

Yes, of course it does. It's how you completely demoralize so they'll never vote again. It's the coup de grace to the remaining patriots that were left.

15038720? ago

The corruption is deep and in every state. If we give up so easily, well, isn't that how we got here in the first place? Giving up is not an option. You can check out if you like but WE are NOT giving up. You are not alone in your frustration or anger or sadness. We all feel it. This is war. Remember Fellow Patriot, Trust the Plan, WWG1WGA!!!

15026089? ago

Trust Sessions. Oops, sorry. Wrong thread.

15030086? ago

Yes, trust Sessions. The very first sentence of his resignation letter proved he was Trump's enemy. If it was all part of a plan, he would not have needed to be asked to resign, he would have just done it. Even if he was asked, he would not have broadcast that fact in the first sentence of his resignation letter. Therefore, Sessions is an enemy. Therefore Q is bullshit. QED

15035610? ago

If you were really an anon, you would have researched, and found out what makes Jeff Sessions stand out from all the rest of them!!! You would then understand that he had a part in this war, and it was time for him ton move on to something else we don't see, yet!!! His resignation has been on Trump's desk for months!!! Go sleep with your momnie, shill!!!

15074839? ago

So why don't you tell us. Don't keep us in suspense. What did Jeffy actually do?

15026051? ago

Everytime we suffer a defeat, someone on this sub posts that it's all part of the plan and they're just falling for Trump's trap.

15028905? ago

needless drama or shills?

15034030? ago

Definitely shills based on the volume

15029169? ago

Probably just needless drama.

15026806? ago





15026972? ago

Wow, you make the guy you are responding to, make a lot of sense. The caps lock. The KKK. The profanity. Are we sure you're not the same guy responding to himself to make himself look more reasonable and level headed by comparisson?

15027067? ago

^ ^ ^



15027237? ago

Bud, we are on the same team. Please calm down. Clean up your mouth too and honor God. Our President is a modern-day Cyrus and we are blessed to have him.

15028274? ago


15027178? ago

You can't just take what you hear us say on Voat and spit it back at us. That's not being an effective rhetorical works, sorry.

15028284? ago

^ ^ ^


15028419? ago

IF a$ = "spit it back at us"

Two of us can play that game.

15028534? ago



15028701? ago


Gon'na need a quote on that one, chief.

15028790? ago

^ ^ ^






15029157? ago

Bot? Or homeless at a WiFi zone? I'm outtie

15026087? ago

Every time we've been defeated?

You mean like how we've de necularized NK, ended isis, made the biggest trade agreement ever, reduced taxes...

Oh man we just keep losing!

15032664? ago

Feels > Reals

Only one of those statements is accurate; taxes have in fact been reduced. And spending wasn't decreased along with it, so the deficits are now soaring to new highs. Oh yeah, and the personal tax breaks expire after a few years, but the corporate tax cuts are permanent. There's a reason the Republican's didn't run on their greatest 'acheivement'

15043970? ago

Don't forget health care! The dems got some mileage out of that

15027621? ago

frack, if thats losin, I'll take it every time. #MAGA

15026787? ago

None of those things do anything to fix the rampant corruption in our government, or remove sick people from power. Which is what most of us here seem to want.

15038154? ago

We don't even know what President Trump and the DoJ next move will be.

It seems reasonable President Trump was prepared for the Dems to cheat and have taken measures to collect evidence in preparation for mass-arrests.

One of President Trump's campaign promises was to clean-up our voting system and I suspect he will use this to justify federal voter id laws.

This will be the first midterms in 36 years when the Republicans can contest an election .because of a lifted Consent Decree.

We are watching this play out at the moment and we'll need to wait for the Dems to finishing rigging the various House and Senate seats and then watch for President Trump's reaction before we know what he has planned for them.

15043980? ago

we have it all

FISA declas...uh, later...

no, seriously, we're gathering evidence! Lock them up, amirite?

15044038? ago

What specifically are you complaining about.

The midterm elections aren't even over yet.

15026297? ago

I know it's hard to stay on topic without getting distracted.

Yes, President Trump will allow the Arizona Senate seat to be stolen.

15026264? ago

Trump could cure cancer and the critics would still be unsatisfied

15034978? ago

Well, somebody cured Ruth Ginsberg of cancer twice. Pancreatic cancer being one of them. Amazing.

15028379? ago

He could walk on water and they would still crucify him.

15026906? ago

I think we will see cancer cures declassified and released in the end.

15027422? ago

Prepare to see concern trolling about how it's the nwo plan to kill us all with a time release virus aka I am legend style

15026047? ago

Or nothing will happen.

15027556? ago

Or something will happen.

15026022? ago

Buy stock in Preparation-H... Butthurt incoming!

15027070? ago

Says everybody...every month. And nothing happens. I cannot wait 4 or 5 more years.

15032846? ago

Do you think you would have preferred 8 years of Hillary followed by 8 years of Michael Obama and then 8 more of Chelsea. Quit yer Bitchin'

15026019? ago

So, it's a safe bet to go ahead and print tickets??

15025949? ago

Any day that Trump wants to start making arrests would be great! Because the arrests are the most important part. Without the arrests, we got nothing.

15037991? ago

Any day that Trump wants to start making arrests would be great!

People have been saying this and throwing fits since the first day of Donald Trump's inauguration...

...but consider for a moment what would have happened if you people got what you wanted - Deep State operatives like Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page etc would have destroyed evidence, falsified documents, performed interview fuckery and handed out deals and immunity like candy.

Every criminal would have walked free, laughing.

Instead Huber has quietly been creating 61,000 sealed indictments while Sessions cleaned house in the FBI.

This process is complex and you have two options - to watch the chess game being played and learn and appreciate the moves or not.

Being impatient achieves nothing.

I want it NOW!

All sting operation need to "sprint the trap" after the crimes have been committed.

We are still waiting for the Dems to finish rigging Florida and they have a few House seats left too.

Never interrupt your enemy while they are destroying themselves.

15043955? ago


Lol no.

wait until AFTER that enemy platoon has moved out of your ambush, THEN go in

At some point, the opportunity passes. At some point, "they" get away with it.

15043983? ago

At some point, the opportunity passes. At some point, "they" get away with it.

Your melodrama is sounding forced, like those shills to start screaming and crying about "there were no BOOMS this week" when it's only Tuesday morning.

We won't know what President Trump is planning until the counting and cheating is finished - this is true no matter how much you throw a fit.

This may need a civil war to resolve, but we won't know until the midterm elections is over.

15044158? ago


Ok, sure.

no booms this week

No booms...ever.

I'd like to believe that Trump is planning something good. When is enough, enough? Is this for optics? The optics were never going to be on his side. Do something beforehand, and it's voter suppression. Do something afterwards, and it's overturning fair and democratic elections.

Yes, the deepstate/illuminati/rothschilds/jews/reptilians/whatever are a hydra, and you kill a hydra by cutting off all of its heads.

How did Hercules kill the hydra (yeah, I know, it's a myth)? Did he wait until the perfect moment where he could cut off all the heads at once?

15044226? ago

No booms...ever.

Ha ha ha - yeah, that's what I thought.

I suspect the only BOOM you'd consider important is something insignificant like Hillary Clinton being arrested, whereas you are too stupid to appreciate the chess game which is being played for the survival of western civilizaion.

You're not interested in the important events like the Deep State being purged from the FBI or and North Korea being freed from their stranglehold or 61,000 sealed indictments or the destruction of the Democrat Globalist Party or the greatest election fraud string operation in human history.

I can't tell if you are a concern troll or a retard, but know I'm only writing this for other people to read.

15044278? ago

ad hominems

Ah, the mark of a truly cogent, well-formed response.

Please, learned Master, allow me to learn at your feet. Teach me the ways of mighty Q, so that by your unerring grace I may someday be illuminated as you are.

Is that better? Can we now have a conversation without insults? Believe it or not, I'm on your side.

15033919? ago

We have resignations

15034047? ago

The best part about resigning? You get to keep your full pension and benefits and the taxpayers pick up the tab.

15033536? ago

If he does anything without solid evidence in the form of a point power presentation, they will vilify him. Surely, you know this you immature child. Or maybe you're a shill. Or a childish shill?

15030438? ago

And that is not going to happen, there will be no arrests.

I see zero evidence that Trump has crack team of people on this ready to prosecute this.

15031390? ago

Even worse... he's on THEIR team... helping to implement the NWO.

15036682? ago

He really is starting to look like controlled opposition. If it wasn't for Q I would've bailed on his ass long ago.

15029687? ago

It's not a sting if nobody is getting stung!!

15028653? ago

Literally nothing.

15028554? ago

"Without the arrests, we got nothing."

Without CONVICTIONS (and commensurate punishment), we got nothing.

If any of these people are arrested, only to get off in court, it will serve to hinder the patriot movement and embolden the NWO.

15028655? ago

You don't understand how a gallows operates, do you? You stick the rope around their neck... the trap door opens.... and they fall.... breaking their neck instantly. Gravity does all the work. It doesn't care if you have a piece of paper saying that you're innocent. It doesn't care if you've been convicted or not. It just breaks your neck. Problem solved.

15029283? ago

Do we live in a country with a functional judical system or don't we?

You want to punish people for violating a legal vote, but you don't want to use the legal system to convict them?

Seems counterproductive.

Violent retribution is coming; of that I have no doubt. But it must be performed at the right place, and the right time to be effective.

15036733? ago

Functional judicial system!?! You obviously haven't been paying attention. It's only functional if you or me commit a crime. They are above our laws.

15031194? ago

Our judicial system stopped functioning for American citizens decades ago. Justice within the legal system is a rarity.

15034272? ago

That's my point. Are we fighting to restore a properly functioning judicial system (which was the basis for our country), or are we simply looking for a chaotic, winner-take-all, warlord-run style of government?

15029308? ago

Violent retribution is coming; of that I have no doubt

That is all that matters. Anything else is just words on the Internet.

15029368? ago

Thought > Word > Deed.

Was the Enlightenment an act of violence?

Did not the entire world change because of it?

15029383? ago

Blah blah blah blah words words words words

Nothing happening in the real world.

Q is a LARP and nothing is ever going to happen. Ever.

15029763? ago

You win; all the prepping I've done (mentally & physically) for the 30+ years before Q arrived is all for nought.

Your insightful, and well-reasoned arguments have me questioning everything—even my sexuality.

I think I'm now going to cut my dick off, dye my hair purple, join the Communist party, and fight with ANTIFA.

Skilfully played, Master Obi-Wan; skillfully played....

15028404? ago


15027172? ago

Realax goy, you just have to be patient for another 2 years while the dnc steals the presidential election, then q will have compiled enough evidence to make some posts on 4chan.

15041769? ago

He already posted all of the placeholders.

15027207? ago

NO ACTION NEEDED. Donald trump is working 5D chess it looks like he's part of the system be his actions but he's really on the people side just wait and see trust plan

15029704? ago

OK, I'm waiting. Do you think Q and Trump will be ready to spring their trap when President Warren ends her 8 year term, or will they need to wait until President Ocasio-Cortez ends her 8 years. I'm with you buddy. I'll just sit here and learn spanish and wait for our time to strike!

15028692? ago

If theres been no noticable difference made in the two years since Q+ has had power, what the fuck do you think the next two years is going to bring? Its going to be more excuses and changes in the timeline up to the 2020 election. By then, its too late.

15026381? ago

Arrests won't mean anything unless the corrupt judges are removed; otherwise they'll all get off. This is where patience comes in.

15037603? ago

This is the absolute truth - the senate has been dragging their feet on the judges, probably because they know their days are numbered once the Trump judges are in play.

15043141? ago

Q has admonished us to Use Logic, think critically. Set aside your feelings, lest you become the enemy.

15033539? ago

Surely there won’t be any arrests until January, when the military tribunals can take effect!

15045301? ago

I thought the new rules for tribunals only covered new crimes committed after this year. Either way, they better hurry before insanity takes over the House in January.

15027286? ago

No, that is where "guns" come in. The problem is we have become a nation of pussies who are too afraid to stand up and take action when it is needed. We have 325 Million pussies saying: "Just wait longer guys". Our forefathers would have been shooting by now.

15028769? ago

And what exactly do you think it will accomplish? You don’t bring gun to a psychological war. That is the best way to loose. The Guns are there to discourage the deep state to send militias after its people

15029359? ago

Meh. It's all a losing proposition anyway. America is doomed. Fuck it.

15031087? ago

Move away, then, to the country you prefer. Go on.

15034729? ago

We prefer the country we used to have before it was invaded by every third world piece of shit that can climb a border fence or use the traitors in our government to gain entry. You're playing a psychological war with people that don't have a high enough IQ to be a contestant. We need to cut the head of the snake, but in the meantime we need to control it's babies.

15027429? ago

"Our forefathers would have been shooting by now."

The Whisky Rebellion... Our forefathers would have been shooting a LONG time ago and for FAR less than we put up with. This country would have burnt to the ground long ago...

15041737? ago

All the democrats would need to do is try and take away the redneck's beer. They would all be laying in a pool of blood by the end of the day on Tuesday. But when it comes to taking away our rights nobody gives a fuck about standing up for those.

15027473? ago

England tried taxing us at 3%. Our forefathers said: FUCK THAT! and started a revolution. Now, we pay 35% of our income in taxes and we roll over and take it up the ass. Then, we worship the Government and thank them for doing it to us. "Wow! Thanks for giving me a little bit of my own money back each year!" It's ridiculous.

15031057? ago

Yeah? And what's your plan for that revolution?

15036596? ago

"What's your plan for that revolution" he says in a country that is literally a fucking beacon of evidence in how and why you have a revolution, with the tools and rights provided for precisely that eventuality.

Fuck me son, you're dumb

15052224? ago

Was your plan somewhere in that rhetoric, fagtoy?

15052733? ago

  • is a retard

  • can't even understand the origins of the country his founding fathers left him

  • calls others fags

stay cucked soyboy. http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1542264572579.jpg pic related.

15052796? ago

That's cute.

15038210? ago

He's not dumb, he's fishing for information.

15034620? ago

You've got to be kidding. Do you actually think anyone will answer you?

15052251? ago

No, I wasn't kidding.

15026891? ago

We've shown patience. We've trusted. For 100 years or more. There's just nothing to maintain that trust anymore.

15041598? ago

Take heart, patriot. Trump was recruited to run for President - recruited by senior Military leadership. We're in a soft civil war, to restore the Republic, and return power to the Citizenry. We're going back to the rule of law, and the Constitution. Timing is everything.

15042078? ago

that is exactly what I would do if anyone were foolhardy enough to put me in charge. many of us have studied this for years and expect every scrap of truth. protect none of them. they resprout like weeds. they would do far worse to us. if you guys really are the federal government and get this mess fixed then youll have done your job. I cant believe you let it slip this far out of your control, but whatever. reright the boat. if this is all a messed up psyop, screw you guys. uncool.

15042978? ago

Dear sir, I'm not part of the government. I'm a mechanic by trade. I was relaying what is well reported, that Trump was asked to run against Hillary, by the Military. In Q Post 36, Q says the following: "If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud)."

It's clear that there is a Military takedown going on, but decades of corruption won't clean-out quickly. Take heart.

15040773? ago

Be patient Patriot. It took years to plan The Plan. They need to do this right or else it's all for nothing. WWG1WGA!

15033940? ago


15034171? ago

Further patience is foolhardy. We have remained patient waiting for the authorities to do their jobs. It's apparent they refuse to do what needs to be done. Were being overrun and it's getting worse by the minute. The enemy is now at the door.

15034584? ago

The enemy has been slowly creeping in over the years. Now they've upped their game and are moving faster. We have people running our government who are loyal to other countries and other cultures. We truly are the golden calf to pick clean. This is starting to look very grim.

15034885? ago

I've recently come to understand this truth. Further I've come to understand no one can fix it but us. No more time to be on the fence. Everyone needs to start training. Arming themselves. Connecting. Planning. We have an army in the millions. We need leaders. Uncompromised men who are above reproach who are firmly rooted in our culture. We must be minutemen. This WILL come to our doorsteps.

15026426? ago

Agreed. And I see arrests every day. Just not the ones people are looking for.

15027009? ago

^This. I remember people claiming they were cock teased by Q back on Oct 4 when he said "Are you ready to see ARRESTS?", but the day before, a democrat intern was arrested for doxxing Republican senators, and I remember a few others being arrested for things that if the media reported on, there would be outrage.

Some people here love to call out the media as fake news, but still listen for the fake news to say something that they want to hear, hoping it will prove Q right, kinda defeats the purpose of protesting fake news, ya know? The fake news is not going to give us any inch when it comes to Q, they will cover up news to prevent him from bring vindicated, but some are still glued to it to see if the media has suddenly changed their mind on Q.

15026137? ago

There is a term in jiu jitsu... position before submission. Without getting the position perfected, you have no submission. In military ops the same idea is used. You have to control the theater, before you strike, otherwise you could be defending when you don't know the risk.

15027607? ago

There’s also a saying that goes “better good today then perfect tomorrow.”

It’s time to drop the MF hammer before we pass the point of no return. I live in a democratic stronghold and it’s already incredibly difficult for me to see opinions swayed or changed no matter what evidence of fraud is brought forth. These people have turned into rabid zombies with nothing but hate and aggression towards Trump and his supporters.

15031791? ago

Sounds like the kind of emotional lack of logic that makes a solider jump out of the trench and start firing only to be mowed down by the enemy line for no reason. How about you let the greater military minds do what they do best?

15034773? ago

We are having trouble believing there are any great military minds at all.

15027360? ago

Please tell me what part of the theater that the US Military is NOT in control of? (Anywhere in the world) We own it. We own it ALL.

15052508? ago

The elections.

15034099? ago

The US military does not own any place where we tie their hands and limit them. The US has not fought to win in a long time. We have been fighting to manage, and usually to manage for the benefit of the cabal. It makes me sick to see so many of our young men, and women, die under those circumstances.

15031742? ago

The courts

15028349? ago

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Donbass, Crimea, Serbia, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba

15028778? ago

Why are we even in those places? Why aren't we here in America protecting our own borders?

15028320? ago

Russia, China?

15027484? ago


15027264? ago

please read this fantastic jfk.jr interview with General Giap . he touchs on this a couple of times. https://sangam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Giap-Interview-by-John-Kennedy-George-magazine-Nov-1998.pdf

15028231? ago

Thank-You so much for sharing this article. John Jr. I'm so frequently reminded daily. I ponder the unique possibility that he devised a way a plan to disappear and still fight the stranglehold our Nation has been under. Hope springs eternal.

15027021? ago

Awesome analogy. Anybody ever watch Royce Gracie fight? Dude would look like he was getting his butt kicked right up until the moment is opponent would have to tap out. All the while they were wailing on him, he would be making little subtle moves until he was in just the right position to break their arm. Love watching those fights, but not as much as when we get to watch the DS Cabal tap out. Gonna be epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15034834? ago

I think Q had it wrong, they said 99% of the people would be in the hospital if all the info was let out. It looks like 99% of the people will be in the hospital if nothing happens at all. You are so sure, how will you handle the let-down if nothing happens?

15031763? ago

He gets it 👆🏻 👌🏻

15029175? ago

Ahh the good old days of UFC, I remember him well.

15031847? ago

Did you watch the 25th anniversary? Main and comain were nuts! Very fitting for the anniversary.

15026011? ago

Well the convictions are even more important I think. But, yes, baby steps.

15026035? ago

Without convictions or arrests, we got nothing. But, right now, all we have is nothing. By the time Q and Trump get around to saving America, it's going to be nothing but a smoking heap of rubble.

15026249? ago

Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes. -Alexander Haig

15026799? ago

Yeah like any of the ones marching work or pay taxes. Kek.

15026210? ago

^ This

15025940? ago

Thanks for posting. I have some concerns 1) any evidence to support the sting theory? 2) after the 11.11 failure do you think we should be so specific about what we think will happen?

15026031? ago

Report due to DHS by 12/21 at latest...then should be very interesting....good stuff in this EO https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential.../executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions... Sep 12, 2018 - Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

15029015? ago

Wonder how that applies to the MANY dual-citizenship holders presently occupying Congress? Including and especially DWS? Technically just them serving in Congress is foreign interference, no? Should they not be loyal only to the country and people they are representing?

15026023? ago


POTUS EO signed September 12th. DNI has 45 days (21 Dec) to report on foreign interference in the elections. Severe penaties. That is one part of it.

15026251? ago

These are NOT foreign entities though...HERP

15036259? ago

Didn't you listen to Lindsey Graham and Justice Kavanaugh discuss citizens aiding and abetting foreign enemies? Any country that allows its citizens to come here to interfere in our elections is acting as a foreign enemy, but any foreigner who unlawfully votes here is an enemy of the state; Therefore, anyone who facilitates them is also an enemy of the state, and can be tried by the military!!!

15029048? ago

What about dual citizens? Technically they ARE foreigners if they hold citizenship in another country. Looking at you, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chucky Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, et. al......

15026817? ago

YES, they are. Not only did hundreds of thousands of citizens of foreign countries cast votes in our elections, the democratic party actively conspired to steal elections by means of these foreign voters. On top of that, there are entire foreign governments who were actively involved with the democrats in the conspiracy to influence and steal elections. ANY connection to foreign interference = military tribunal and the ability to immediately seize ALL assets of any individual or entity remotely associated with election interference. FACT.

15026570? ago

It is if the voter(s) is an illegal! Understand the difference between foreign entities vs domestic entities. Now go shill elsewhere or improve your reading comprehension skills.

15026066? ago

will re-read the links and search for something. thanks

15025984? ago

I read a report yesterday from that 160 document scribd page (Susan Dulcoes maybe) it was the official report on the 2016 elections. This is the some of evidence you seek.

15036303? ago

That is good!!! I shared that on Fecesbook, yesterday!!!

15026024? ago

No. I mean anything that actually even slightly hints that a sting operation could occur? Not speculations patriot. WWG1WGA

15026285? ago

Has occurred. Q posts indicate that blank ballot stashes are in [XX] locations. KEY is blank ballot printing. Critical thinking suggests that something about that process [methods / procedures / personnel involved / etc] will be used to prove which ballots are [fraudulent]. The 2 year focus on midterms in Q posts was the bait. If D party avoided fraud, result = fair elections = R wave. But since D party did not do that, swing states went all in on fraud to get Trump [optics] to maintain house an steal Senate. This would require use of the ballot caches [per ususal]. Follow the tagged fraudulent ballots [to airports] and focus on Broward [optics]. Meanwhile ALL ballots were monitored. Meanwhile sites like this reveal to ALL how that happens, and ... the ensuing panic reveals a whole new swath of corruption [also monitored]. Enjoy the show indeed.

15026075? ago

The report identified areas of concern, 45 never telegraphs his moves, you could put 2+2 together with the EO about DHS having to report not more than 45 days after the election and the set up for a sting is there. If I had committed fraud and then these pieces were shown to me; I'd be worried.

15026113? ago

No it has occurred to me that 45 has been telegraphing EVERY move. The entire Q movement for example.

15026232? ago

You are going off off topic. Address the evidence of a sting.

15025934? ago

Enjoying the show mightily OP. Cheers!