15080482? ago

What a bunch of fuckers they are on QRV pretending to be patriots. Wonder if Q knows the parasitic, self-absorbed pieces of shit identifying as Q followers. Wonder if he knows he set up QRV for a bunch of blowhard hyenas who spend their time trying to bite heads off. QRV does not need shills, enough of you are using the platform to undermine everything Q is about. No wonder the rest of contributors in the other subverses on VOAT hate QRV with a passion.

No way any of you who are gnashing up other people are part of Q. Let people express themselves, they are doing it all over, not just on QRV, which means there is a problem. QRV is nothing special when it comes to people getting frustrated. So stop acting as if you are so special. For fuck sake, find something more positive to contribute than biting off other people's head. Show some leadership.

Oh, and do not expect me to respond to any of you or read your attempts to self-justify. Won't give any of you that satisfaction, seems it is what you live for, and probably will die for too.

15060235? ago

Please do go jump off a cliff and save the world the trouble of burying you.

15060222? ago

Dont fool your stupid self dimwit. Nobody wants you. You are passed over like stale vomit, so what divorce are you ready for. With your 60% IQ you definitely ain't Q, and you are too ignorant to realize you cant ask for a divorce where you never had a relationship. What a dumbfuck you are.

15041419? ago

People have real concerns, real fears. Q was set up to inform to help give reassurance and quell those fears. What is going on is just the opposite. Every time you idiots cut down someone make the feel small or stupid. The shills see that and know that and are using it against the movement. If instead of being stupid impatient dicks you guys continue to be helpful, they wont have any enjoyment out of it. Look at it another way. If 2 out of 10 are shills and you are fucking off all 10, then you are doing it to patriots and not just shills and many more patriots than shills. You honestly feel that it is worth it to be such insolent impatient mealy mouthed fuckers?

15036842? ago

To the POS fucktard hiding behind an anonymous number

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15024628? ago


15042495? ago

NPC needs CPR

15036763? ago

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15024052? ago

Well, fuck off then.

15036827? ago

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you faggots who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15081487? ago

Well, fuck off then.

15081759? ago

Take a bath skunk, wash off some of the redneck ignorance.

15081786? ago

Keep the change, ya filthy animal.

15083073? ago

Still smelling, guess that kinda stink just does not wash off. You been sitting in it too long. Bye Felicia.

15083163? ago

Well, fuck off th3n.

15023503? ago


Q is a LARP

15023494? ago

TLDR : "I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

15036795? ago

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you A-holes who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15037093? ago

Have you been here for the last week? Have you seen how many of these fucking concernfag posts have been made? Have you seen how many Qanon's have tried to address their concerns .... only for it to turn out to be a shilling tactic by the same SBBH scum leading the attack on the boards? ... I'll guess you haven't .... because almost every one of these assholes isn't a "Patriot." They are the enemy. That's the point of this type of attack. They aren't real. They are designed specifically to take advantage of your good nature, and then to waste your time and make you feel like a fool.

This is one from about 30mins ago .. I would advise you to read the thread and see how it turns out when a Qanon tried to speak to one of these concernfags and how it ended. Stop rushing to judgement, you are playing into their hands. This concerned "Patriot" ended the conversation with "Happy I could assist by wasting your time. At this point, I regard the act as a public service more than anything - depriving a village somewhere of its idiot, however briefly." ... So, you're understanding of the problem is misguided, with good intentions, but misguided.

15041031? ago

Did you see that a 72-year old man fought like hell ever single day on the campaign trail? Went back to same places time and time again. He's the president and gave 150%. So why do you think any of you have the right to be bitching and hostile. Cut the excuses. You do what you need to do. It is never wasted too many can learn.

15044832? ago

"KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS ABOUT INFORMING PEOPLE about Q. How the hell can Anons be complaining about that?"

So you ignored what I said. This is a war. It's being fought online. We are under attack. You obviously don't understand that. You seem to think this is a game. I have wasted days of my precious life trying to get through to concernfags only to find out they are the enemy, not Patriots. I suspect you are one of them with all the cut and pasting you are doing.

Here's a message for you. Everything you need is available. It's no ones fault but your own if you don't understand. We have set up resources, we have archived, we have answered questions, the same questions over and over and over. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. If you are genuine, and I doubt you are, you wouldn't be concernfagging, because you know what's going on. Yet, here you are.

Besides, you quit, remember? You served the papers, remember? You divorced Q, remember? Yet here you are, cutting and pasting, spreading doubt and division, just like the enemy. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.

"Stop squealing like bitches and man-up." .... that's all you do. It's highly ironic you can't see it. That phrase is the entire synopsis of your post and replies. So either man up, get off your ass and learn how this war is being fought, or go back to being disappointed because Q isn't telling you and the enemy what his plan is in advance. Either way, either go away like you promised, or stay and learn to read, but I suspect your answer is going to be neither, I suspect your answer is going to be .... I'm going to stay and keep concernfagging because that's what I'm being paid to do.

15078628? ago

I have wasted days of my precious life trying to get through to concernfags only to find out they are the enemy, not Patriots.

When you see how many hits Trump takes. When you consider how daily he is under attack not just from the media, but from treacherous people in congress and outside. When you see how much he is fighting even with Mueller hanging over his head. When you consider that he did not have to even bother with running for president or taking all the shit that is constantly thrown at him. You are doing nothing but bitching over a few people who troll. That's basically all you are asked to do, vote, and spread the word. Q continually tells the movement. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. He goes into detail of all the different aspects of how they want patriots divided.

You stay in your little bubble on QRV grudgingly moaning about wasting your time. There are plenty of patriots on Youtube for instance who go to a lot of trouble to make videos, do research and put out content who got blasted after the elections with people unsubscribing and bashing Q, personally attacking the content providers. They still keep putting out content and it takes a hell of a lot more effort than anything you have done on QRV.

I suspect you are one of them with all the cut and pasting you are doing. Besides, you quit, remember? You served the papers, remember? You divorced Q, remember? Yet here you are, cutting and pasting, spreading doubt and division, just like the enemy. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.

Serving divorce papers is not a divorce asshole. People like you are turning others away. You think you know, you think you understand what is going on, ( it is doubtful that you do) but you contribute to division by jumping on people's necks and screaming SHILL SHILL SHILL. What purpose does that really serve? Does it make you feel that you have done something important? Cause i can tell you, that is not worth shit. If you have information and explanations that would help others and strengthen them, then you do it.

You have no authority or authenticity to tell anyone go away. You break the cardinal and fundamental request of Q. STAY TOGETHER. That means taking the time to reach out to others who are flayling. Q is well aware that many were demoralized after the election and still are. Each time Trump gets a punch and looks like he is losing, people get hopeless. Each time puts out a date or predicts an event that does not occur people get very frustrated and demoralized. Who wouldn't? It is a fact that Q is using followers as a foil to the DS. Yes he warns that disinformation is necessary, but many struggle with it. There are some people will tell you there are the only member of their family who supports Trump, that they are isolated. The boards are the only place they can come to vent, get reassurance, and get information. So when stupid assholes with bloated egos like you start in on them, you are worse than the shills. Why, because you claim to be a partiot but are not acting like one. Your attitude and those like you turn more people away than shills do. And therefore, you cause the shills to win.

I have nothing more to say to you. YOu are too damn blockheaded and insular to self examine and see your own stupidity and errors. Keep attacking me, it won't stop you from being a dickhead. I won't say the movement does not need you. I will say however, that you need an attitude adjustment if you are going to be of any use to WWG1WGA. Dont bother me again as I will not read anything you right. You are far too self-absorb for me to give you anymore of my time.

15080222? ago

I repeat. "I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit." ... I stand by that. You are a fucking moron. Judging by the number of replies you've made and the amount of cut and paste you've done. You've shown you are the enemy, or just too stupid to understand. If you understood, you wouldn't be making these fucking low IQ posts. So, if you don't understand what's happening, stop fucking posting. Start reading. It's amazing how fucking dumb you are. "I quit" .... but I'll keep posting divisive comments .... That's not quitting cunt. That's working for the fucking enemy. So you can either get with the program or you can fuck off. You can concernfag all you like, but you'll get called out for it. You don't give a fuck about other Qanon's ... you just want to bitch. Someone who had any level of IQ would see what others are saying before expressing their concerns, which more than likely would have already been answered, but that's too much work for you. You have to spew your bullshit all over the forum and expect others to clean up your mess. You are too lazy to do any research or work, and then spit on those you do. The amount of work that went into explaining things to normies and to not worry .... and you come in with a raging erection, tell us all to go fuck ourselves, that you aren't going to bother to read or educate yourself, and start concernfagging. You disgust me. I sincerely hope you are the enemy, because I'm finding it hard to believe you are this dumb and can still use a computer. Your lies are the reason that the MSM are reporting and attacking Qanon again. I'm done with people like you. I stand with Patriots, not pussies.

15080290? ago


15023433? ago

i have no "relationship" with Q . . . . . just as I have no "relationship" with the Wall Street Journal. Find the truth wherever it exists . . . . and don't place all faith in any single cause or person what has Q encouraged me to do? vote . . . share info . . . and make some memes so where's the abuse?

15023060? ago

Trump is the greatest and I trust all will be taken care of at the proper time. Trump knows whats going on and so do all of us, have faith. All is not over it is just begun a new phase that requires patience, enjoy the show it will go on for longer than most can stand but it is what must be done. I trust in God and his blood upon this man and all who support him!

15022894? ago

'i got sucked and i'm upset and i will make my own decisions from now on'

15022489? ago

No fucking backbone! Trump is taking all the punches and keeps standing tall while you fucking deserters can't handle a nose bleed!

15023169? ago

How did we take a nose bleed? We just sit back and watch, maybe make some memes have a laugh. IF we believe or not means jack fucking shit. People question the obvious bullshit and you reply like a fucking democrat calling them names.

The reality is Q made us think that the election fraud would be dealt with before hand, they would be ready for it. Instead we got the piss poor knee jerk reactions we always get. Hell law enforcement didn't want to get involved in FL until they were ordered to by the States attorney general.

Instead of going all democrat and starting with the name calling and labeling. Do yourself a favor, step back and see how full of shit Q is. Hundreds of predictions some with time tables none of them come true.

And finally ask yourself. How many children have been raped since Q told us they have everything.

15036894? ago

You think you are helping Trump by being an obnoxious shithead?

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15036867? ago

You are the exception to what I wrote below.

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15026851? ago

Waa Waa Waa Waa! Q made us believe this and Q made us believe that! If you so called Q Patriots would stop whining and conceive an ounce of common sense. Q gives us crumbs to research and to get informed! How many times did Q tell us that he also gives us disinfo cause the DS is watching as well!

15036914? ago

You are as fake as fuck. Because you have no idea how to be part of a team.

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15034064? ago

the DS is watching as well!

Why even do it at all? The guilty party would know way more than we did and could change their behavior. That's what you morons don't get. You mean fucking nothing. You aren't a swat member that's going to be kicking down their doors. You are a fatass that sits around and pretends they know something everyone else doesn't. The were here to explain what happened to be people delusion. That could be taken care of with a 2 min speech by Trump after it happens. But, nothing is going happen because you have all been duped. The worst part about it is you dumbfucks are too dumb to see it even after people point it out.

Buy some more stickers and T-shirts fucking moron.

15023047? ago

Absolutely right!

15022383? ago

god bless you. now we watch. if you see any fuckery afoot, stop it. train yourself to identify it. i'm not talking about on the internet. above all go out and help people. be wise though because there are parasites. be FEARLESS. screw their anonymity. scared people hide. my name is Tim Ritter. challenge them and be prepared to DESTROY them if they come after you in a way that discourages further attacks. the arrangement between us and the government is that we pay the taxes and they secure the border, secure the elections, maintain the infrastructure, and protect the weak. they've failed in those and every other regard. the social contract is broken. the money you give them is used against you.

15022314? ago

Good on you. Enough is enough. There was some compelling Q arguments but, the time for the benefit of the doubt has passed. Q has been wrong too many times. I'm now convinced this sub-forum is anonymous not to protect us but, to protect those who seek to feed us disinformation.

"Working in the shadows" is code for placating the people until it's to late.

15022319? ago

Replying to my post, hey it looks like a different person..

15022334? ago

Totally the same person..

15022336? ago

How could this ever come in handy...

15022230? ago

Buh bye

15036952? ago

Buh Bye America ASSHOLE - you are too dumb and self important to even realize that you don't understand Q

ANONS DO IT EVERY TIME - They consider themselves some type of elite high IQ holier than thou individuals

Here is a great example that should make all you so-called patriots take a good look at how you behave. You know darn well that there are many among you feeling tired of the battle, some are confused some depressed. A lot of people are new, never heard of q, or do not have time to daily get updated about Q. There are still people working two jobs, others bogged down with family and finacial responsibilities who just cannot keep up with Q. In the meantime, the MSM is bombarding them everywhere. Even pulling into a gas station they are negative news snippets they run right at the pump.

So answer this all you blovitards who attack your fellow patriots. What the hell happened to WWG1WGA?? You are supposed to be the bridge that helps your fellow warrior get through the dark times. Here is what one shithead full of self importance and condemnation said.

"I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand how to read the comms. At the same time, I don't read or listen to those who do, and who lay it all out for me. Therefore, Q is bad. I quit."

He basically said the same thing as this fucktard Well, fuck off then

REALLY??? How many people have you turned away by this nasty snarling self-important asinine attitude? You should all be ashamed. You feel you have the luxury of discarding people, like a shot in the head of someone who is lagging or injured and leaving them behind. I see it time and time again. But not only me. Others who are searching, trying to wakeup also see it and they are turned off. Some who are lagging notice how you turn like rabid dogs on fellow patriots instead of helping to uplift them and they just quietly leave.

So you are trying to say you are strong, you believe in Q and you trust Q. If you do, it should be easy to be supportive, to take the time to explain Q, and show some support. Instead you resort to bullying and bashing. YEAH, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT Q NEEDS, WHAT TRUMP NEEDS, WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS. Fuck you, yes I am using caps.

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost

For want of a shoe the horse was lost

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost

For want of the battle the war was lost

And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

THAT IS WHAT WWG1WGA really means. So check yourselves.

15037030? ago

I'm not reading all your nonsense. You can return when you pull the stick out of your ass, or not.

The plan moves on. We aren't stopping for dead weight. On board or off, the truth train chugga chugga chugs on.

15041145? ago

You have a hand up your ass and figure that makes you special. You full of shit and you know it. You figure that it is acceptable for you to turn on people, But whether or not you admit it, your shit and the way you faggots troll people, and try to make them feel stupid and that their opinions or concerns do not count, make you the fucking shills. your stinking attitudes do more harm than any shill. Why? Because you assholes claim to understand Q Codes and claim to be loyal to the movement. But your loyalty is skin deep and not even that far. You turn on your own. What kind of unity is there in that you shithead? All of you get away with this fuckery because you are ' anonymous'. Makes you feel big and bad to compensate for your tiny dicks and bloated egos.

15041176? ago

This was a load of garbage. Not worth the time.

15041601? ago

You are not worth the time. Come out from behind that number you dimwit illiterate. Grow a pair

15041643? ago

Anon doesn't have ego. No need for emotional outbursts.

Serve no purpose.

This truly is like a divorce.

15042905? ago

Anons all have egos, they are people after all.

Many are scared and unsure themselves, but they act with bravado and bring out the fangs when anyone mentions they are losing hope because they are unwilling to face their own doubts. A good honest discussion is much better than festering insecurity inside. It is why they lash out so quickly. They can't stand the idea of someone else trying to deal with their doubt because it scares the crap out of them to think that they could have been suckered.

Look, any thinking person has doubts. Some are able to deal with it better. But when Trump starts to do U-turns on issues, or when after we are promised Rosenstien was going to be fired and Trump goes on the plane with him and elevates him publicly afterwards, doubts are reasonable. Some of us are loaded with information that Q dropped, and from research by anons and themselves. But we still have to face that we also being used by Q. Hopefully, Anons are being used as a foil to fuckup the DS. But even with if for a good cause there is an emotional price attached to that. The people who jump on you and pretend such feelings are not valid are the biggest cowards. However, they put up a persona that they are the toughtest. NOUGHT....

People twist themselves into pretzels to explain away everything Q does that seems fucked up. Sane thinking people suffer a price putting faith in an anonymous person(s). How much of their own logic, and expectation do you give up in the hope of a big reward in our favor? How many times can Q string followers along through the labyrinth of twists and turns where the goal posts appear and disappear?

How many times can people see a deadline or set event come and go and nothing happens? In any other context of trust it would be considered abusive. This is how men break down women to the battered woman syndrome. Some on here who shout you down the loudest are suffering from it,

Some people enjoy gambling, others are totally risk averse depending on age, education, emotional mental and financial stability. Some just are unable to have such a trusting nature.

15042938? ago

Again... not reading all this. Your honor, I'm ready for the divorce please.