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15028939? ago

Can't list everyone as a shill. I was just feeling frustrated and disheartened after the 11th came and went with no JUSTICE. Posted a couple things out of depression and was called every name in the book. Went back to the beginning and started re-reading Q posts. It is easy to look at small skirmishes that we appear to be losing and get discouraged. Once I remembered the bigger picture with the puppet masters pulling the strings, it was much easier to digest this low period as the calm before the storm. Fishing is fun, well we want the biggest fish, not these little bait fish like Sipes. We want HRC, Soros, Pope and finally the Rothschilds. If all of this crap brings them down, then I can take these apparent defeats.

15029107? ago

You're a smart man! Thinking for yourself. Typing in all caps and yelling "TRUST THE PLAN" doesn't make it true. You are using logic and reason. You said: "I'll give this a try to see if it's legit". After multiple lies, you wised up and said: "Nope. It's not legit.". The problem is these brainwashed boomer fags who will go down with the ship believing any lie you tell them. No matter how many times you lie to them, they will never stop believing. Thanks for hanging out here and helping to upvote and post the truth about this Q LARP. Until we see arrests happening, this is all just bullshit games on the Internet.

15037120? ago

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15032413? ago

Trust is earned.

15032366? ago

Blah blah blah. Fake Nazis shilling for shekels.

15031593? ago

Gawd damn book learnin' ain't for everyone boy. Supporting your shill brother, probably sitting in the same room. You are another convernfag opposition who claims to be wise but doesn't have a fucking clue. You folks are so retarded, it makes me dumber trying to understand you, not the Q folks. Let me dumb it down for your intellect, or lack of .... Q doesn't post "the plan," he posts crumbs. Some are accurate, some are not. Some only prove to be accurate after the fact. Why the fuck would Q post POTUS plans to the likes of you? Why would he tell the enemy what he was doing in advance? This has been made clear since the start. Q posts false flags to keep the Dems in panic mode. If you claim they are lies ... you are a fucking moron, or a fucking shill, and I'm going with the latter. If you don't trust the plan, why the fuck are you even here? Normal people don't spend all their time on LARPs trying to convince others to leave .... unless they are being paid. Now go back to Soros, or Brock, or whatever Jew you report to, and tell them to go fuck themselves.

15033661? ago

Hear Hear! WWG1WGA

15033092? ago

starts with

gawd damn book learnin' ain't for everyone boy

proceeds to act like an illiterate retard

Well at least you were up front about your disability.

15033174? ago

Yep, fucking shill confirmed. Low effort reply, completely ignores the point that proves him a fucking moron and jumps straight onto "illiterate retard" with no obvious grasp of how ironic that statement is. Go bend over for Brock and try not to choke while you're gargling his balls.

15034077? ago


Since you seem to be pretending to be a logical person, allow me to break down the logical inconsistency in your post - you posit that Q is valid simply because he is obligated to merely provide crumbs, not provide full details, and that he provides false flags to keep them dems panicking.

These are not impossible

However, they are also not sufficient evidence in and of themselves. It could also be true Q has no plan, or that he is lying, or that he posts false dates not to "panick" people, but because he has no power, and thus no agency. There is no way to tell the difference between them, and by pretending you do, and that you're oh so wise because of your ability to blindly trust someone is just endearingly retarded.

As for your "people don't spend time on a larp convincing others to leave unless they're paid", that clearly fucking demonstrates your retardation. People will obviously spend time doing it for multiple reasons, such as good intentions, frustration borne of having been tricked, plenty of free time and nowhere better to spend it, etc, etc, etc

fun npc responses by presuming everyone who disagrees with you is a literal paid shill though :). Stay retarded fam.

15034398? ago

Here's an idea ... post some original photo's from inside AF1, or the oval office. Why don't you give us a nice close-up of POTUS twitter phone, or his pen, or his signature on an EO he's just signed. You shill fucks only seem to focus on the misinformation ... you ignore the definitive proofs. Does a LARP fly to China to get a photo of Feinstein's husband's car? Does a LARP have access to the CCTV footage in London?

You are a fucking embarrassment. Someone who bothered to look into Q would know it's not a LARP, but you haven't. You are here for no other reason than to derail and shit on real Patriots, because you aren't one. No area of POTUS support base would shit on another. They are on the same team regardless of whether or not they agree with each other. Yet, you are here, a shill, a plastic patriot, for no other reason that to shit on a base you claim to support. I think flat earthers are insane, but I've never spent a second trying to convince them of that. I read what they had to say, and I left ... but you can't do that, not out of concern, but because you are a shill or at the very least, an asshole who gets off on belittling others for their views. No one who has studied Q has been tricked or feels tricked. The only people who fit into that catagory are morons who don't understand the movement or couldn't be arsed researching it. These aren't fucking NPC responses ... that's what you voat and SBBH cunts do. Fucking cut and paste. For "trolls" you are using the Shill handbook tactics to the fucking letter ... it's a joke. Trying to come across as reasonable is also a tactic for when you are losing the argument.

15043851? ago

Someone who bothered to look into Q would know it's not a LARP,

Obviously, anyone with the ability to google word definitions would know it's a PSYOP.

15034951? ago

I actually agree with you here, somewhat. However, all those posts again merely prove acess to POTUS. Other ones such as knowing about the ethanol corn increase before it was announced also count. He's definitely got access to potus.

Still doesn't mean what he claims is true.

No area of POTUS support base would shit on another.

Funny because people having understandable doubts have been shat all over by a bunch of retards who think everyone who has a mildly different opinion is a literal shill

Could you morons just fucking stop with the hyperbole? Try and use your damn brains.

No one who has studied Q has been tricked or feels tricked.

Or feels tricked.... Oh look, you're a fucking cretin who believes exactly the same as what I just proved above suggests you, by your own words, are not a patriot. Good job! You just disproved your own patriotism. Magic.

15035896? ago

Still doesn't mean what he claims is true. ... are you going to use the "I won't believe until there are arrests" line next. You've just said he's real. Then take it one logical step further, how many proofs and coincidences until it's mathematically impossible? So many have been shown despite all the misinformation.

Are you blind ... are you seriously trying to straw man? QRV and Qanon has been under constant attack since the day we arrived because of cunts like you. Every second post is a shill, and it's exactly the same on 8chan ... with the same shilling and anti-Q statements almost word for word ... and you claim it's organic. You attack and attack us in our own subverse, claim you are Trump supporters ... and because we call you out for what you are ... I've disproved myself .... fuck me ... you can really wriggle around on that hook, can't you? "Q raped a boy in 1990" etc. etc. is not fucking freedom of speech, it's not a different opinion, it's you folks being cunts or paid opposition. "I used to follow Q but ....." is a shill tactic and as soon as you start to question the OP, they break into SBBH cunt behaviour ... so no, none of these assholes has been a genuine Qanon. No one who understands Qanon feels tricked. Those claiming otherwise either didn't understand in the first place, but every single one of them I've commented to has turned out to be opposition. I'm fucking tired of you and your kind. You have no intention of backing down. You are going to do your master's bidding and keep attacking. Nothing I or anyone else says will change your mind. You are either being paid, or it's in your nature.

15043867? ago

You attack and attack us in our own subverse,

You brought this psyop-worship to our website.

15044868? ago

Need a safe space?

15044986? ago

QRV and Qanon has been under constant attack since the day we arrived

Are you the same Qcumber whining above? Good luck with your Qewish psyop.

15036137? ago


No one who understands Qanon feels tricked

No true scotsman fallacy

But hey, why bother pointing this out?

You're clearly so fucking retarded you're beyond all help. Please follow this simple advice instead.

15036177? ago

As you've just proven ... this was a complete waste of time. You've made your mind up, and are a cunt.

15047549? ago

Word is these fuckin' cunt shills are getting paid per response. He got his hour wages. The goal isn't even to turn minds anymore, just aggravate to try to get Patriots disgusted and not want to comment. Your points were spot on and well written, but they don't give a shit. They really don't give a shit about anything or anybody but themselves and making their masters happy, that is the main requirement to be an alt-left piece of shit to the world. Just brainwashed sheep that enjoy their shepards fucking them.

15036285? ago

Happy I could assist by wasting your time. At this point, I regard the act as a public service more than anything - depriving a village somewhere of its idiot, however briefly.

Adios cletus

15032440? ago

Because we're the people who put him in a position to do something. That's fucking why.

15030592? ago

You don't read good

15031941? ago

He went to schools with participation trophies and E’s for effort.