15015208? ago

They should not begin counting until all the votes they are going to count are locked down.

15013595? ago

Oil Market and Nelson Losing is no coincidence.

15013243? ago

I love how Trump sits back and pretends he some small guy watching this along with the rest of us. He could stop this in an instant if he wanted to. But, he won't. It's his shit show and he's running it.

15024620? ago

The Director of National Intelligence Report must make his report on election interference to the POTUS by 21 December.

Trump's Executive Order to this effect (September 12) can be found here:


Trump has a plan.

15025649? ago

I'll believe it when I see it.

15012626? ago

Fucking president fake news.

15011886? ago

Who are those characters? DWS and ???

15011592? ago

He has continually warned the fraudulent poll workers and they are still attempting to cheat... “THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID”, Q

15011347? ago

lol I love our POTUS.

He's our Troller in Chief

15011089? ago

Wanna bet? Get ready to lose another election, cucks.

15011080? ago

The democrats twist this to mean the republicans were stealing the election by hiding the votes, I'm not kidding.

15012981? ago

and it works because they know the average voting american only gets their "news" from the TV box

15010879? ago

And Brenda Snipes sez; "Hold my beer...whoa dude, moar votes right here in the septic tank! Who knew??!!"

15010686? ago

Nelson will never admit defeat. It’s a trick question. Although it won’t pay off - Nelson doesn’t care about looking desperate as long as he wins. They will do whatever needs to be done to win.

15010923? ago

That picture looks like a faggot and his beard.

15011394? ago

At least they share plastic surgeons

15010215? ago

The republican candidate should have some kinder gardeners draw some "votes" in crayon and "find" them in his opponents attic. Along with the kinder gardeners that are probably already in his attic.

15010023? ago

I’m not sure if anything will be done about Arizona. We still have enough votes and McSally is a never trumper

15015530? ago

McSally isn't a never trumper.

15012468? ago


Boomerang suicide

470 Horowitz investigators watching

These people are stupid

15010704? ago

She was a never Trumper? M

15009884? ago

That freak of nature needs to ride off into the sunset. Adios!!!

15010041? ago


15013363? ago


15013400? ago

Was just checking. Lots of trolls running around here lately. I was looking for a fight.


15022325? ago

Not me, I don't even live close to a bridge, let alone under one!!!

15009439? ago

BREAKING NEWS - Ballots found where Bruce Jenners penis once was

15010164? ago

So, in his own ass

15011622? ago

No, his head is in her ass, might wanna check Creepy Uncle Joes Ass...

15009421? ago

He's totally trolling them. Awesomeness. It's like he's daring them to let Nelson win!

15017219? ago

So if he was Q and all that, why doesn't he just issue one of those executive orders everyone keeps talking about on here?

I just don't understand- why not actually DO SOMETHING rather than tweeting?

Can you answer me that? When is he actually going to DO something. Actual, tangible, verifiable, done something.

15038024? ago

How do you catch fish?

15046877? ago

Certainly you have to actually get your ass up early in the morning, get the fucking fishing tackle and gear into the car, drive your ass to the fishing spot and go the fuck fishing. Talking about it the night before when you're drunk "Aww yeah son I'mma catch me some FISHES tomorrow , motherfuckin fishes gonna be CAUGHT!!!" and then not actually going in the morning because you're too tired/lazy/was never actually going to fish ..... that's not how you catch the fish.

15024592? ago

Maybe this Trump EO will cheer you up a little.

On September 12 POTUS issued an EO that instructs that a report on the election be made within 45 days (i.e., by 21 December) by "the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies)" on any shenanigans in the election.

So Trump apparently has some little plan for his enemies. He often does.

The penalties for any shenigands are severe. The text of the EO can be found here:


15015339? ago

Nope. 1990

15012399? ago

Corrupt election officials Exposed!!

Election Fraud in Florida!

15009135? ago

When will we arrest the criminals who have done this in AZ, etc?

15010148? ago

Never, shit is a larp, they will get away scot free, like most corrupt fucks do

15010307? ago


15010346? ago


15010372? ago

Wow, you NPCs are so clever.

15010468? ago

Says the guy who just says "shill" like it's a mic drop moment. Everyone is a shill or a russian or a bot or a troll or a soros minion or something right? Your a fucking NPC the term is perfect because it fits so many people so perfectly. I love it.

15010490? ago

Yeah, sure, whatever you say kid.

I truly am wondering if you receive 2 cents for these posts, or if Soros' money dried up a while ago.

15010590? ago

You see what I'm saying? You are a discredit to your own. You just fit the stereotype so perfectly. Idiots like you are the reason humanity has become so easily herded. Just buzzword machines in an echo chamber. This might as well be reddit at this point.

15011128? ago

The Q forums are reddit in every sense of the word, thats what makes them so much fun to troll.

15011352? ago

All of voat is reddit, just mirror version where all the opinions and political alliances are reversed. It's the same site. An echo chamber. A petri dish of repetition circle jerks. Just like the rest of the fucking internet

15009195? ago

Ask Barron, my time machine's broken atm.

15008891? ago

https://archive.fo/gNuXw :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "When will Bill Nelson concede in Florida? The characters running Broward and Palm Beach voting will not be able to “find” enough votes, too much spotlight on them now!"

This has been an automated message.