15018923? ago

If you heard what they say about McSally on the Radio here, you'd really be surprised!

She took a bribe from backpage.com to keep quiet about the sex trafficking (pervs were paying to fuck kids on backpage.com)

15010000? ago

Read this post, not all is lost. Be patient and enjoy the show. I've got my popcorn ready https://voat.co/v/QRV/2850253

15010431? ago

Thanks for the encouraging reminder.

15009338? ago

I would be #urprised if lawsuits arent being filed already!

15006820? ago

Let's go back to the polls before the election, assume every race that was too close to call was probably messed with. I think that would be a good place to start looking for election fraud.

15006466? ago

ESPECIALLY SINCE I'M ALMOST 10000% PERCENT THAT EVERYONE VOTED ON PARTY LINES. This is too huge of a discrepancy to fuck up, especially since AZ hasn't voted blue in 91 years. since 1927

15016632? ago

Fuckery pure and simple.

15005694? ago

Maybe they let her "in" because she's an idiot and will be easily manipulated. Meanwhile McSally can be appointed to take "No Name's" place so she'll end up in the Senate anyway.

15005799? ago

I wish it were that easy. Jon Kyle is there now being appointed by Ducey but made it abundantly clear he is not running for the position in the future election. McSally will have to run again. If she were to win the total of Senators would not change. R keeps R seat. We needed her to beat Sinema. I think that was won on fraudulent activities.

15005642? ago

I would join such a lawsuit. I am in M.C.

15011175? ago

I'm in Pinal.

15012502? ago

Well hello neighbor patriot!

15014128? ago

Hi there fellow neighbor Patriot! What do we do about this?

15005802? ago

Things just don't add up.

15008567? ago

kyrsten the code pink, pro transgenderism, athiest, and pro witchcraft. Extreme minority ideals.

We will not rest until the light shines on this darkness.

Check project veritas on sinerma.

15005409? ago

If Democrats are stuffing ballots, why wouldn't they have granted themselves the governorship as well?

15005818? ago

It's hard enough to stuff ballots for a single candidate, which they are being busted for now... why would they give a shit about stuffing a local office too? They dont care who is gov here, they just want Senate and house.

If you shoplifting, do you try and sneak a big screen TV out past security, or do you get greedy and try and shoplift a big screen AND a dishwasher at the same time?...

15010179? ago

But pay attention to what Bongino said yesterday. The FL deal is really about getting the Agriculture head in as a dem. The Rep. was up like 40K votes and then lost. The reason is the the Dem Agri person is totally anti gun. It was an interesting take on thing. Kind of like look over here while we do this. No one is paying attention to all the candidates, just the big ones..

15005711? ago

Their candidate had absolutely no chance. Seriously. It would have been too obvious. This Sinema seat was a must to shut down the wall, grab the guns, and fast track illegals to citizenship. Maricopa county is the largest in Arizona (4.3 million) and the Republican Governor got 325,000 more votes than the challenger. Now, knowing the history of the vote I find it hard to believe that 295,000 of them changed party vote for Senator or left it blank. Sinema has 32,000 more votes than McSally which on the surface should raise serious questions.

15004890? ago

That was my exact point yesterday before this Q drop, a Republican governor winning by 13 points and a democrat senator winning by sooo much...not in the real world, the twilight zone perhaps...DS fuckery.

15005079? ago

And fuckery it is. I, personally want to touch and count all of the Maricopa county ballots.

15011524? ago

No need to, all the ballots are democrats cuz they’ve already shredded ALL the Republican ballots. However, somebody better be able to account for the leftover ballots, my 77 yr old mom always volunteers at our local voting station (NC) and she says they have to account for EVERY single ballot, NO EXCEPTIONS... Fuckery turned to ass fucked butt hurt otw to prison folks from all over these United States & it’s possible that ALL their assets will belong to WE THE PEOPLE before it’s all said & done, POTUS’ EO will take care Of doubters. (Sept ‘18)

15004885? ago

Sorry to say this, but the Republicans have already threw in the towel without a fight... I am Arizonan and I no longer recognize it... The Republican party is dead to me... We need a new Patriot party

15005556? ago

Be glad you're not in Minnesota. We just elected a woman beating black Muslim for AG!

15005793? ago

Arizona has been red my entire life, and now it's dark purple if not full blue... Parts of Arizona now look like little Mexico and everything is in Spanish...

15005641? ago

My Condolences. I USED to be from Minnesota.

15005041? ago

Gillam in Florida conceeded then withdrew, due to "found" ballots. Fraud changes the game pal. In the words of the great American philosopher, John Belushi, "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!"

15005339? ago

Not making light of the point.. But that's fuckin Funny! LMAO

15005877? ago

If we don't laugh, we go crazy. I'd rather laugh too.

15005948? ago

Referancing the John Belushi quote...lol

15006068? ago

One of my favs. "Wait. He's on a role."