14998501? ago

"Nancy Pelosi also reported today that they have 85 “law suits”"

Just saw HA Goodman video about it


14996587? ago

Laughing out loud!!

You folks are so superficial. Clear your minds. Think without emotion.

What makes a great movie? GREAT ACTORS.

It’s proceeding to plan perfectly.


14996222? ago

The spouses will take over.

14995770? ago

It is looking more and more like the military take-over option was the better choice. At least then you could execute the commies in the streets.

14995618? ago

The mid-terms are safe. Safe for the cheaters to steal the elections and be seated in the positions? What the fuck? When is this shit going to get off the fucking internet and boots on the ground?

14995539? ago

We'll just succede to the Dems who know how to corrupt the electoral process. We don't need the Senate anyway I guess.

14995465? ago

DS winning bigly!!!!

14995237? ago

Well if we lose AZ and FL and these scumbags gets sworn in like nothing happened then we know there was no sting operation going on. Until then I’ll try and keep faith

14995323? ago

There is no sting operation going on.

14994839? ago

Law suits are great Nancy, POTUS can now prove it all ON PUBLIC RECORD!!

14994700? ago

Either way Arizona was going to get an anti-Trump stooge.

14994694? ago

And Q will say Trust the plan, and the sheep keep sheeping,

14994919? ago

As long as you shills are here there's hope given we're definitely over the target. ;)

14996065? ago

I would agree with you but I am not a shill. I am a very well informed pizzagate researcher, and I know about the tricks of the Cabal. They are professionals, and the Q movement is not. You don't understand the dangers we face.

14994713? ago

Are you just about done?

14996100? ago

No. Not even close.

14996132? ago

You're wasting everyone's time.

14996152? ago

The Jesuits thank you for trusting THEIR plan.

14996208? ago

Yeah, Jesuits are highly opposed to open borders and deportation of illegals like Q. ;)

14996333? ago

Not true! They are Marxists.

What is Trump's connection to Chabad?

Us woke Patriots look into this stuff. It does not make us shills. We are just not easy to mislead.

14996539? ago

I was being sarcastic... geez.

15004900? ago

Haha! Got me, faggot!

15001318? ago

"Disinformation is necessary"

E: and note that we have yet another Jesuit on SCOTUS. For those of you following along at home, that's 6 Jesuits and 3 "jews"

15007663? ago

Yeah, I'm sure the Dem picks would have been much better. ;)

15009024? ago

No. They would have picked a jew or a Jesuit also.

15004918? ago

I noticed that during the confirmation hearing. It is very strange that the Dems do not raise these issues.

14994489? ago

Is that a Dem? Arghh ...

14994281? ago

Q says the safety of the American public is paramount. That is why they are proceeding in the slow measured way that they have been going.

In the video "The Plan To Save The World", it is said that there was nearly a military coup against Obama because of his treasonous anti American actions, but it was decided against because of safety concerns of the American people took priority. That is when they came up with The Plan. Put Trump in the White House and destroy the Deep State from within civilian government and within the law while maintaining the safety of the American people.

In 1945 Harry S Truman made a monumental decision to kill tens of thousands to save millions. If this treason of the Democrat Party is allowed to stand, Donald J Trump will have to make the decision on whether to go nuclear with a self imposed military coup and removal of the entire government to save America. As bad as that would be, it will be a walk in the park next to the full blown civil war that would inevitably come from Democrats treasonous plan to illegally take over America and hand it to the Globalists.

14994157? ago

Midterms are safe! sqwaaaak midterms are safe! sqwaaaak

14994155? ago

I hate to say this but, We're fucked! Everybody got played. They are probably tracking these subs to see who is woke or not. Maybe the 60,000 indictments are for us. Just playing devils advocate here. None of this shit makes sense, it is so obvious the Dems are cheating but nothing is being done about it. I pray to God I'm wrong and just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

14994898? ago

Media announcing something makes it true?

14994091? ago

Good thing all those republicans went out and voted

14993975? ago

Why is the race over when a Dem gets 1 more vote than republican? But race never over if dems 10s of thousands of votes behind?

14993946? ago

Fox is compromised; they called the house early too. They have legitimized her stealing this seat. Fucking unbelievable.

14995314? ago

Networks/new outlets make ‘early’ calls when early results closely enough match polling data to extrapolate the outcome.

14993943? ago

"Trust the plan" lmao

14993925? ago

All proof the "shills" were right. I honestly feel devastated

14995410? ago

I do, too. I am losing faith. They are being allowed to get away with this. Our votes don't count, because they can be stolen. They are winning. Some red wave...😞

14994032? ago


14994887? ago

Aren't there actual commies you would harass somewhere rather than wasting everything's time?

14993913? ago

Senators are appointed by their respective state's governor. Reps need a special election.

14994144? ago

That’s great except for the possible rigged governor races...

14994215? ago

Thank you. Yes, I know that. Again, not my idea -- just how the process is outlined.

14994044? ago

Wont happen, reps are all kiked too. You got jewed again.

14994069? ago

That is the process. I surely didn't make it up.

14993907? ago

Excellent larp, goys. Israel thanks you.

14994239? ago

You are a genius, want a pat on the back for saying the same thing 10 times?

14993883? ago

The deep state is winning.

14994847? ago

They think they are. #2479 suggests pain is immanent.

14998520? ago

The pain was immanent half a year ago