14997725? ago

I just turned off QRV and the shills disappeared.

14994102? ago

Who else expected fireworks on 11/11 and didn't even get bottle rockets?

This mental midget parade is coming to a close.

15001745? ago

That was my red line. Why am I still here? Amusement.

14993179? ago

2 years of taking it up the ass without one single fucking shred of proof. You all are some FUCK. TARDS!

14993352? ago

we've got 2 years worth of research that you can't ignore.

and we got our boy brett in the supreme court ready to shit on your shill face.

14993421? ago

Promises promises.

14991005? ago

United You Are Stronger ♥

By remaining united you are stronger ♥. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

You can be united, while both staying unique and NOT interfering with each other :) Thank you for being you. With infinite love ♥.

Uplifting Video

Uplifting 6 minutes video are the Qanon suggested resolutions, including unite at https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU?t=380

"Divide & Control" Strategy

For those not familiar with the "Divide & Control" strategy. It means someone with immature behaviors is trying to weaken and isolate you. In turn, if you are fooled into being divide, it would be easier for the divider to manipulate, dominate, and control you. In other words, the "Divide & Control" strategy means someone with immature behaviors is trying to gain and or maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people.

Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

Archived source at http://archive.fo/SqQml

14990987? ago

One thing is for sure, Q is running out of time. These Dimms got a whole lot of subpoenas ready to go beginning January. Think this country is divided now, just wait and see what 2019 has to offer.

14990653? ago

Half the people in Florida don't care about voter fraud because it's "their side", half of what's left don't even know what planet they live on and the last little bit are normal people who just want to see some fucking justice. And it ain't coming. Are you tired of winning?

14989622? ago

Yes, exactly.

There are tons of evidence of Q etc.

But the legitimacy of Q is irrelevant. Nothing is happening and nobody is being punished for election fraud. Actions speak louder than proofs and Q posting Trump rally pics

14990021? ago

Yes, plenty of evidence like misspelling on a tweet.

14990297? ago

How can it be denied, how many coincidences until it's FACT. Haven't you seen the Qclock? It's undeniable.

14990346? ago

Maybe you guys should have a sticky with "undeniable" facts.

Meanwhile here's a list of facts: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858

14993094? ago


14993170? ago

Reeeeeeeeeeee shill reeeeeeee

14989285? ago

If we add all the Info from pol we can properly red pill all these fuckers. It's just a steep climb as many of them are "muh israel is greatest ally" propaganda. It's facepalming-ly ironic that they all accept that the msm lies about so many things, but think they tell the truth about the kikes, and buy into the civnat bullshit of the controlled opposition so readily.

14990370? ago

You realize Trump's daughter who he has said he would love to date is jewish?

14991031? ago

No, she's a convert. Jews are a race

14993077? ago

Do some research fool

14994928? ago

That's like saying you can convert to Black. It doesn't work that way dumbass. You can practice their religion, (I'm sure you do daily). But you can't just pick another race and be it.

15001371? ago

You are clearly ignorant. I'd be careful and stretch before doing any mental gymnastics like that.

15060951? ago

Try getting Israeli citizenship by telling them "you converted" and see how far it gets you

15064197? ago

If you're married into a family, you can.

14990054? ago

Well the msm and UN wants us to feel bad for the palestinians and support Hamas a known muslim brotherhood terrorist.

14989069? ago

The "shills" are former Q supporters who are fed up with this "do nothing" bullshit. When arrests start happening all these disgruntled Q followers might come back on board. But, most of them have checked out already and are just pissed off and angry at all the lies, bullshit, and delays.

14989649? ago

Exactly again dude. I am trying to be neutral but all these Q blind believers are a joke.

Movement is TOTALLY demoralized, but at this point it will be hard to win me back.

At this point, I expect nothing

14991357? ago

Then why are you still here. Back to soros's basement for you... and leave the key board behind ,you failed as a Trojan troll...

14991474? ago

Instead of calling everyone a shill you should communicate normally

14989722? ago

If mass arrests started RIGHT NOW and they locked up Hillary Clinton and Obama for treason and all these snakes in Florida for stealing the election, I'd think: "Whoa! Maybe there is something to this Q thing! Maybe his is telling the truth". But, without arrests, it's just a bunch of word on the Internet.

14994141? ago


14989871? ago

I don't see mass arrests when so many people in Merica still believe that Trump is Hitler. I feel like my assumption is pretty correct, right? Republicans had to have insanely high turnout, but the dems still win the house. That means they still believe the media bullcrap.

Good luck starting the arrests. Lefties gonna riot like crazy, regardless if they are paid protestors or not.

Q made our expectations too high. Trump is a mild reformer, according to Styx youtube guy. I agree with that.

14994122? ago


14990218? ago

There aren't going to be any arrests. Dems cheated and STOLE the election. They didn't "win". They stole. But, nothing will be done. America is a doomed nation. Eventually, our $22 Trillion in debt will the economy and will turn into a 3rd world country. There will be a civil war and rioting in the streets anyway.... so nothing was "avoided" by not being the strong man. We'll look back at this point it time in the future and think -- "If only we had done something when we had the chance". But, until then, enjoy the rest of your journey on the USS Titanic America.

14990458? ago

Well, in regards of FL I still believe something might be done about it.

But each day it looks more depressing.

I agree about other stuff u said

14990336? ago

It doesn't help that Trump is spending like a drunken sailor at a brothel.

14990382? ago

He knows the end is near. If you know you're going to die soon, you might as well run up your credit card bill and live it up while you can. Treat everyone to the life of luxury.

14989195? ago

be as angry as you want little jew, we will not give up.

14989697? ago

Give up what? What exactly are you doing besides nothing?

14990169? ago

why dont you check out qresearch over on at 8chan, we've got plenty of stuff there to do.

14991468? ago

Isn't funny how they keep saying how we're not doing anything...while knowing nothing about us....loser shillfags... What's that? You have to go now to take you're mandatory nap time?? Kek

14989418? ago

Give up what? You arent doing anything anyway. Cool memes, while the treasonous traitors laugh at ur silly ass

14989444? ago

we're slowly destroying your deep state friends, enjoy getting arrested.