14985051? ago

O- I keep in responding to this question and people aren't getting it. As the temp AG (temp- get it?) Whitaker is the placeholder who has 120 days to do what needs to do- review Q drops regarding placeholder

14984954? ago

I look at a placeholder as a marker, a set point, could be the beginning, an important point to start measuring data for comparison. Kind of like printing a voters ballot. You use ink that under black light turns indicates a glowing color. You send them out. Someone scans one, sends it to their printer friend unaware of the special ink, they make thousands of copies, they get filled out to favor one candidate and are processed and included in the cast ballot piles. The election is contested, ballots are confiscated, checked under the black light and the fraud is detected, ballots thrown out and election is over. The placeholder is the ink. There are several ways to use placeholders to pinpoint when, and with whom the changes were made. This will play out rather interesting.

14984573? ago

Not on Patriots Fight

14984279? ago

Q-related website admins are supposed to set up new categories for upcoming document releases.

14984656? ago

Categories? Like adding to all of the different threads I see on the 8chan Q board? Gives focus to new threads of research, I’m assuming? I don’t use 8chan, so just curious.

14984409? ago

how do you know this ?

14984776? ago

More than one person posts as "Q" and I iamgine not all of them have access to Q's board.

So think of it as a post-it-note as well as something for us to see that is going up there.

14984588? ago

I don't, and neither does anyone else other than Q personnel. It is a reasonable guess to an unanswerable question.

14984396? ago

who says?

14984237? ago

Do not question the plan.

14984298? ago


14984713? ago

Why are you here if Q is a LARP?

14984336? ago



14984434? ago

What is the whole 1990 thing about? Sincere question.

14985365? ago

The shills use it to slander Voat users who expose their honeypot. Like...



14984555? ago

its to remind us that a certain Voat user raped and murdered a child in 1990 but got away with it on a technicality. We watch him and his crew and are going to make him pay. never forget my friend.

14984856? ago

That's horrific! Thank you.

14988028? ago