@oh_well_ian raped and murdered a white infant in 1990 (1990)
submitted 6.1 years ago by zyklon_b
SearchVoatBot 6.1 years ago
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KILLtheRATS 6.1 years ago
1990 was live as fuck
zyklon_b 6.1 years ago
1990 was a rough year on white infant population
Monteblanc 6.1 years ago
@oh_well_ian is a v/PizzaGate reject.
Oh_Well_ian 6.1 years ago
that's why my latest post sits at the top of PG and QRV
@oh_well_ian can not even make it in the Q crowd....
He is a sperg, in the same vein as Sane, but not near as smart.
its sad that even being called sgis aint an insult to that kike
clamhurt_legbeard 6.1 years ago
sad but true
hes like an anti q shill
except hes pro q
and doesnt get paid to ruin the movement
SearchVoatBot ago
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1990 was live as fuck
zyklon_b ago
1990 was a rough year on white infant population
Monteblanc ago
@oh_well_ian is a v/PizzaGate reject.
Oh_Well_ian ago
that's why my latest post sits at the top of PG and QRV
zyklon_b ago
@oh_well_ian can not even make it in the Q crowd....
Monteblanc ago
He is a sperg, in the same vein as Sane, but not near as smart.
zyklon_b ago
its sad that even being called sgis aint an insult to that kike
clamhurt_legbeard ago
sad but true
hes like an anti q shill
except hes pro q
and doesnt get paid to ruin the movement