14986993? ago

Watch out for “paytriots” real patriots would be more inclined to do it for free

14985521? ago

If you ever bought Q merchandise I believe you are the definition of a sheep.

14985335? ago

I believe Q is real, but this whole idea of "buy my merchandise" or "donate to my patreaon" bullshit needs to stop. You can't even take a shit anymore without someone asking for a donation. Go get a fucking job you lazy fucks. Plenty of jobs in Trumps America.

14985260? ago

NEW Q DECODES & BOGO ON TEE SHIRTS...SHOW THE WORLD HOW YOU SUPPORT, MEEEE... they make me sick... I’m a true patriot and believer & know everyone has to make a living, but damn...

14984721? ago

Hey, don't knock it. I plan to sell Q pretzels and donuts!

14984620? ago

Listen to the message. Form your own opinion. Don't buy the shirt if you don't want to. It's a free country with free speech hater-fag.

14984531? ago


14984293? ago

There's a reason this sub is anon.

No claims to fame here.

14984316? ago

I see NR here shilling and suspect he is part of the Q and has tricked us all?

14984342? ago

NR is just a random paytriot, not associated with Q in any official capacity.

14984378? ago

I am beginning to suspect something far more nefarious but have no REAL evidence to prove it yet.

14984432? ago

Q was designed to keep everyone from rioting in the streets as our country is being destroyed in front of our very eyes. They have neutralized a huge group of Patriots by making them believe Q is magically saving the world behind the scenes while they all chant "trust the plan". This is why Q preaches non violence, because the thing they fear most is pissed off Patriots in the streets. They know we are heavily armed and could easily take this country back, but they have subdued so many. Q has been so effective that he has gotten this movement to viscously attack anyone who dares even ask a question. Now these "Patriots" will sit back as the cabal steals elections in the open. Q is the deepstate. Time for you to really wake up

14984727? ago

Thanks for the comment patriot.

14985391? ago

Think about this logically. Trump would have long denounced Q if he seen Q as a threat. MSM would have also asked Trump about it to force him to answer about it.

If Q is Deepstate, Trump is deepstate.

However those paying close attention (autists) pick up on things and have a pretty good idea of what is going on right now. Take a look at this for example: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2847495/14978091

14985772? ago

You're a traitor to your country.

14986354? ago

If I am a traitor, I could only imagine what that would make you.