15000633? ago

This is playing out to be the most important midterm election in U.S. history.

14997683? ago

I really think this whole 'QAnons are peaceful' Bullshit needs to be eradicated. Its time to put foot to ass and deal with a runaway DS/Left/DNC takeover of our electoral process and FLAGRANT corruption. Citizens need to march on their respective capitols and DEMAND change. Frankly, as violent and aggressive as the Left has been, I think a strong, forceful, in the face, march on the capitols of each state affected by this criminal activity would send a STRONG message. These new DNC politicians are not 'true' Democrats. They are deep state pawns that have intelligence backgrounds, agency backgrounds, and have been exposed to all the agenda that we have been fighting against as Patriots. They are the enemy of Liberty and Freedom. They are being PUSHED into office for one thing: DESTROY TRUMP AGENDA, PUSH GLOBALISM, PUSH CULTURAL MARXISM, and DESTROY CONSERVATIVE IDEOLOGY FOREVER. (This kind of thinking did not go well for those that suffered under Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc)

14997499? ago

Wow, Spot on, Anon! You are a GENIUS! MAGA! WWG1WGA!

14995061? ago

I agree that this is the perfect storm to expose the Democrats as cheaters, however, not concern trolling here, but what about AZ? Didnt they call the race? We lost our seat? When is it going to happen, after their sworn in? Idk I’ll believe it when I see it

14993716? ago

mcsally just conceded i am so disgusted when she won

14992872? ago

midterms are not over, folks... they got enough rope to hang themselves and slapped voter fraud into everbodys face. redignations, FISA declas, and a few thousand indictments unsealed will clean up the house so many states will need new elections. majorities in the house may change from month to month, curious...

14992476? ago

Deep State realizes, Oh Shit, we gotta get the senate too!

Um, they're stupid but not that stupid.

14992395? ago

I truly pray that this was the plan! I live in Florida and this election is such a shitshow. The ballots are so contaminated, a recount is worthless.

14992266? ago

So, does this mean that somebody can be arrested now?

14991861? ago

One thing to consider is that :

We do not know how many elections volunteers or officials are actually FBI and/or Federal elections agents or informants I'm sure that there are a few

Also, the New Congress does not swear in until 2019. There is plenty of time to expose the culprits and even hold special elections if necessary.

14991519? ago

I am just clueless. I hope the Q side is correct, but I am just lost in the complexity of these discussions. Go GOP for the win.

14991469? ago

Another STING?

Mueller is needing the doc's sealed for just a little more time so he can tie everything down before he releases the indictments on the swamp creatures he has been secretly investigating for the last year or so. Yes these are the big nasty swamp creatures (Hillary and Barry and the gang). This movie we have been watching is the Sting movie on steroids. One STING operation after another. Think about it--The "17 Angry Democrats" on the Mueller team are a bunch of patriots that are pissed as hell at the democratic party's treasonous activities (not all democrats are evil swamp creatures). Trump has been telling us all along that Mueller's team are white hats -they are Q's "Angry Democrats"-working their part of the plan. 17 = Q. Be patient my friends.

14991422? ago

yeah but seriously WHAT can they do about it? We can accuse them, maybe even find hard evidence, but then what? If they're an elected official in FL then they just get removed from office and fined money. At least that's what I read HERE

14991217? ago

Well I'll be God damned. Set the trap, let them snare themselves, and then walk away like a faggot monkey caught butt fucking his best friend Clyde at the zoo exhibit. It's fucking GENIUS!!!

14991028? ago

At some point in all this our election laws will become front and center and these criminals will finally be held to account. President Trump warned about election fraud!

14990856? ago

My popcorn is old and stale and still uneaten. Any day now. . .

14991259? ago

Ssshhhh, be quiet or some concernfag will call you a shill and hurt your feelings.

14990623? ago

Dave Janda who has multiple inside sources said that Monday night before the election that many, many electronic voting machines had to be impounded and replaced with machines that were tallied to zero. In. All. 50. States.

14990512? ago

"DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.Β "

Does this mean DECLAS overrides House BEFORE Jan 19 OR AFTER Jan 19 ? Big question. Is Trump going to wait until AFTER the House is full of Democrats? Or BEFORE the House is full of democrats?

14990457? ago

The state of boomers in 2018.

Q is a larp. A fucking larp

14990356? ago

I'm sitting here reading all these comments and I'm wondering when are you fuckin faggets going to realize Q hasn't led us wrong yet

14989959? ago

Some will call me defeatist or a shill, but rest assured, I'm just an old fart cynical, tired keyboard warrior, and I call vaporware until proven otherwise. Dems are gonna get away with this-they always do-, no one will get arrested and repubs will roll over like my dog does when he wants a belly rub. Sorry, that's how I see it, but I'm not perzactly a positive kinda guy so take it with a big grain of salt. I really, truly wanna believe otherwise but I don't know...

14991515? ago

3 months ago I would have %100 agreed with you. But because of the Donald and after Justice K have renewed my faith that something will be done.

14993571? ago

Good point, I felt the same way 'til this thing with the election fraud... now I doubt again.

14989907? ago

Ok. Let's say you're right about this. What was all that 11.11 bs about uniting the country?

14989775? ago

I don't see any evidence of a sting operation; most definitely not a nationwide one. It would be wonderful to learn that Broward County was under heavily documented scrutiny, but if it ever was, then the Q-team seems to have lost control of the public narrative: it looks like a local Florida problem.

I don't understand the big hoopla about rental trucks. There are generally only two elections per year, a primary and a general, so rentals for 2/365 days has some financial merits.

14989105? ago

Sting is right

14988960? ago

"sting operation" ?

Just like Sessions was a silent assassin who never attacked?

14988794? ago

The only people who got stung were the Republican Senate candidates in FL and AZ - their elections are being stolen from them. Throw Montana in there as well along with the Wisconsin Governorship.

14988494? ago

Or it wasn't a planned sting and too many of us just sat on our asses " trusting the plan and sessions" while left just stole an election and neutered Trumps admin.

14988336? ago

It better have been a sting. Dems can't help it, cheating is an addiction (I know this well). Prez Trump couldn't have not seen it coming.

14988273? ago

I sensed it was a sting operation from the very beginning. They played along beautifully, business as usual. Let's have the ballots checked for fingerprints or absence of. Same fingerprints on many ballots, caught. No fingerprints ? Yep, people always vote with their gloves on. They are done. Jail time.

14988241? ago

Florida gets all the attention - because Broward county is such a freak show circus of blatant corruption. But many other elections have been stolen as well.

If, say, this OP is correct, and multiple instances of election stealing are brought forth with evidence to nail the perps, that means the Democrat Party conspired on a national level of their entire party apparatus to steal elections.

What do you do then with an entire political party that is guilty of conspiratorial treason to steal elections?

In any other context RICO laws would be applied and major assets of said organization seized.

But as things stand there is no evidence of anything happening In law enforcement sense to address any of this.

It will have to be some sort of federal response because quite obviously all the local jurisdictions of law enforcement are sitting back and letting it all go on with no intravention whatsoever. The county and state level systems are clearly all just as corrupt as everything else in this country now is.

14987931? ago

Oh shit. I thought this was a given. Don't all Anons know that? That was the reason for the delay in Declassifying. They wanted enough evidence not only to convict but to bury them. So concrete, no appeals court would even consider hearing the case. Also THIS is why the Military is involved. Stop all enemies, foreign or domestic. Domestic...I never thought our own government would be the very Terrorists we are fighting against. Guess that's why they did it.

14988999? ago

how many evidence do you need?

14990243? ago

To the point even helen Keller would find them guilty.

14990477? ago

Not an American to get the reference but I googled :)

14988090? ago

But the DECLAS was a whole nother issue. Lying to obtain FISA. Collusion. Leaking to the press and using the press articles as source for the veracity of the claims. Uranium 1. China. That kinda shit. Wasn't about election fraud. So, what "case" are you talking about. A general treason charge with all of the above as evidence?

14988182? ago

Yes. Military courts. They never anticipated Military Courts. Treason is very bad in a military court of law.

So they let the charade go on, and got everything on audio and video. Had the Declas happened, they would have backed off and hid their activities. Nothing to see here.

14988390? ago

Got it. Thanks. Looks like I'm a little slow to the party. But it's okay cause it looks like others needed to hear this message too.

14988692? ago

Pray. If you do anything today, simply pray for evil to be driven from this earth. God is pretty cool sometimes.

14987869? ago

Pres. Trump is now tweeting that the cheating in Florida is so bad that is hopeless to straighten out and that the results of election night should be used instead to call the outcome.

He know's full well that the Democrats are not going to nicely accept that and go along with it.

So he puts that tweet out to stage set. He'd have to know that there's something that will put teeth into his tweet.

He's issued many a tweet before stating things that he absolutely got lambasted for and then later was proved to be absolutely right.

So am thinking this will go the same way (I sincerely hope)

14987662? ago

Mr. POTUS, It's time to make the donuts. No more we gotcha. No more we're gonna kick some ass. No more we got sealed indictments. No more showboat. No more promises. IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS!

14987452? ago

You all are fucking morons. Listen, if DHS was given authority to oversee and safeguard elections, which I believe they have been. Then they would need to be securing evidence, like the ballots. Which they have not seized. How are you going to prove a criminal offense without evidence? I believe it is Milligan that precludes the use of Military Tribunals when civilian courts are available. The only other argument is that the acts were on behalf of a foreign actor as part of an act of war. I doubt election fraud is going to rise to that level. So, by not securing any evidence and letting these shits continue to get away with all this crap benefits no one. The only other reality is that Q is a LARP and this is all a bunch of bullshit.

14987353? ago

If it was, why are they not in handcuffs? Surely, there is enough evidence to arrest SOMEONE! There are signed affidavits of wittnesses, there's a past history. I think if we had penetrated the corruption here, we wouldn't be pussy footing around anymore

14987338? ago

Makes sense.

Q: Why would democrats concede Florida only to later withdraw and start cheating even more?

A: Because they thought they won (the House) but then realize they didn't (after Q posted that Senate was the real prize).

14991199? ago

They would already know that strategy. They wouldn't need Trump to tell them.

14998454? ago

Are you sure? They haven't been free-thinkers in ages....

14987308? ago

yep, best thing we can all do is tune out the fear porn news and maintain POSITIVE DRAGON ENERGY in our thoughts and emotions and CRUSH THEM. We outnumber them. Trump & Mil leave nothing to chance - Patriots IN CONTROL. They just need us to do what I said. BLOCK FEAR OUT!

14987172? ago

Yeah, but why aren't they swooping in and serving justice? How long does everything have to play out.....a sting is a sting, the stakeout is over. STING ALREADY.

14987076? ago

Of course they were...next time it'll be serious right? 2020? That's when we'll get the *real *cheaters right? Always putting it off...

14987058? ago

Q team told us (or whoever Al_Anon is) back in Dec that the Roy Moore vs Doug Jones special Senate election was being stolen by Dems & the fraud was being recorded.

"Y'all are soon to find out the true reason Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III was installed as the U.S. Attorney General."


I do believe Q team have been allowing alot of fraud to go on and we are about to see DHS in action soon.

14987024? ago

Let's take a page from the left and start organizing protests in FL, AZ, and GA to hold some attention to these thefts.

14988259? ago

Those protesters are paid and the people that organize them are typically trained to manage social movement activities. Special participants perform keynote activity in a coordinated manner - there is nothing spontaneous about it.

It's not as easy as it looks.

14986862? ago

Well Duh. Now if he would hurry up and spring the trap we can get on with this fucking show.

14986732? ago

If true, doing shit by manipulation and secrecy is what they do. While leaving hundreds of millions of YOUR people in the dark. Who are you doing this for? Because you know we have to jump. This can't stand in a country that's supposed to respect the rule of law . If it truly is wwg1wga or whatever..... Were twisting in the wind here. And good people will die. But you'll be safe so thats okay, right?

14986684? ago

I've been saying this since Wednesday of last week. I'm glad others are seeing it too πŸ‘

14986525? ago

Facebook news room - also the day before the election:


By Nathaniel Gleicher, Head of Cybersecurity Policy

As part of our efforts to prevent interference on Facebook during elections, we are in regular contact with law enforcement, outside experts and other companies around the world. These partnerships, and our own investigations, have helped us find and remove bad actors from Facebook on many occasions in the last year β€” most recently 82 Pages, Groups and accounts linked to Iran on October 26.

On Sunday evening, US law enforcement contacted us about online activity that they recently discovered and which they believe may be linked to foreign entities.

Our very early-stage investigation has so far identified around 30 Facebook accounts and 85 Instagram accounts that may be engaged in coordinated inauthentic behavior. We immediately blocked these accounts and are now investigating them in more detail. Almost all the Facebook Pages associated with these accounts appear to be in the French or Russian languages, while the Instagram accounts seem to have mostly been in English β€” some were focused on celebrities, others political debate.

Typically, we would be further along with our analysis before announcing anything publicly. But given that we are only one day away from important elections in the US, we wanted to let people know about the action we’ve taken and the facts as we know them today.

Once we know more β€” including whether these accounts are linked to the Russia-based Internet Research Agency or other foreign entities β€” we will update this post.

This has to play out - Facebook going down today? Was it to hide or gather evidence?

Still can't forget that one of the members of Facebook is indeed Russian and implicating France is odd too. Those are two of Trump's supporters in the war against globalized government.

14986521? ago

Wishful thinking. This is a significant issue. And if these people aren’t swinging from gallows in the next month, all justice is dead.

14986463? ago

Proven factual election fraud = a failed state... Who comes in when a failes state is declared??

14986372? ago


14986265? ago

Are ppl wondering why Q let this happen when they said midterms secure? Because BHO secretly pardoned all these crooks before leaving the WH. Q+ and Q team had to have fresh new evidence hence the sting. POTUS is a genius surrounded by like minded Patriots

14986238? ago

But how does anything even resembling truth get past the MSM to the American people? The election fraud being committed right under our noses is not even getting air time. Yes, it's all over alternative media. But the majority of Americans are fed, and believe, the narrative of the MSM.

14986199? ago

Bullshit. No one will ever pay for this. Prove me wrong, or STFU.

14986194? ago

Something needs to happen sooner than later, so far the Dems are going to steal the Senate right now unless something is done to nullify these results.

14986105? ago

My vote in AZ was not counted among others. Did not do a mail in

14986082? ago

PDJT: As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD! 9:52 AM - 9 Nov 2018 Notice how he capatilized FRAUD? He knows

14985941? ago

Dems Stole Elections for Decades With Help From Courts! For 35 YEARS the courts legally restricted the RNC in stopping voter fraud ... till now! The decree barring the RNC from pursuing ballot security measures was lifted Dec 2017. We NEVER had a chance. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/the-gop-just-received-another-tool-for-suppressing-votes/550052/

14985839? ago

YES clearly a sting operation. For the concern trolls, the Dems vote stealing has to be exposed at a National level. Already we are aware of graveyard vote stealing & other manipulation (the concept) in general. But this exposes the actual mechanisms applied, plus signed affidavits by employees who witnessed in person SOE heads filling out blank ballots. What if those ballots are found to contain names of other noncitizens? The media focus is FL, but what if some other sting operations went on in other states that aren't exposed yet?

14985747? ago

God I hope you are right!!! Thank you!!

14985711? ago

delete this sting is not over yet ;)

14985679? ago

Still not one person has been arrested, not one person is in jail. Your shit is just hot air till that happens.

14991105? ago

Most likely am. That happens often! I don't mean to be a mud puddle. I just love my country very much. and can hear her screaming for help, and am becoming impatient for action.

There is so much at stake, freedom or slavery, an America were the constitution stands as the law of the land, or the realization that it's all lost. Thanks

14995944? ago

Keep it together.

14985714? ago

are they paying you per post or by the hour?

14985605? ago

I want to be optimistic but Im not buying into this shit anymore until I SEE MOTHER FUCKERS DOING THE PERP WALK

14987023? ago

Absolutely, until there are prosecutions & jail time all this is speculation. Their support base will only see their crimes when they're eating prison food.

14986115? ago

Be careful, the believers will call you a shill because you actually are thinking for yourself.

14988194? ago

Be careful, the operators on here affiliated with National Security will KNOW you're a shill. Like I do.

14986068? ago

I hate to sound like a doubtfag, but i'm not either.

14985519? ago

Uh oh, they are starting be hopeful again. Quick! Send more concern fags.

14985517? ago


The real question is: "When are the cheaters going to be arrested?"

Do we wait until next January when Congress comes back to session and the Dems all sit down and start passing laws? Why not declare this election invalid and hold a new election before Jan. 1st? We got them red-handed. Now, let's arrest them and take them to jail.

14986029? ago

Glad to see some people know better than MI

14986286? ago

Glad to see that MI likes to allow crimes to continue in this country without actually stopping them.

14988179? ago

They won't fuck up their entire op to appease people in a hurry. I promise you that.

14985516? ago

I can’t believe the dems will get away with this. There’s absolutely nothing going on. They are stealing AZ, FL and have stolen MT and will take the GA gubernatorial election when all is said and done. There is no sting operation. It’s over.

14985742? ago

Alright, bye!

14985550? ago

Then leave.

14986211? ago


14985466? ago

Seems eerily quiet for the likes of Trump and Q and other democrat talking heads...(Comey, HRC, BO, JB, JC... etc...) considering the gravity of whats at stake! a trap? I guess we'll see shortly...

14985416? ago

One of the major steps of a sting is arrests. Until that happens, this is just more bullshit hollow words.

14986934? ago


14985404? ago

Wait for it short and sweet. https://youtu.be/4WA3yhqP9mo

14985382? ago

Hahahaha!! "Qtard." "shut up." That's just funny.

14985359? ago

Your moms butthole was a sting operation, q tard.

14985286? ago

The dems have taken AZ Senate seat now. If there were traps set they sure as shit haven’t affected the dems to this point. I bet the Dems take FL senate seat too and nothing happens.

14985113? ago

Ive been posting Q had spies at all the corrupt polling stations for days. They have photos and other intelligence on election fraud. They are waiting for the right time to drop the info. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA

14985056? ago


People need to use their brains more if they thought this fraud would go unchecked.

14997487? ago

True Anon!

14995882? ago

I guarantee you it goes unchecked. It always goes unchecked.

14993109? ago

It was a sting operation, but only the right is getting stung so far.

14991574? ago

And in a few weeks when no one gets arrested, the democrats steal a few more elections, and the GOP sits on their hands what is the new line going to be?

by letting the Democrats steal all those elections the setup was actually working as planned, soon Clinton and Obama and their cohorts will be arrested, we are just waiting until just before the next election so Clinton feels comfortable running for president again and we drop the bombshells that guarantee a Trump win. Trust the plan we are serious this time :>)

14990051? ago

Seemed pretty obvious given #2479.

14989459? ago

Once voter fraud is established in the courts, there will be re-elections & guess who'll win ???

14988068? ago

It IS going unchecked. I'll eat my hat if something actually happens to these criminal traitors, but so far, I'm just seeing them calling election results with no pushback.

14991679? ago

I hope it happens my wife will be eating her hat!! kek

14987963? ago

It’s going unchecked.

14987069? ago

This is great! But... physical reality doesn't match up. When are they going to spring the trap? After the dem Senators are sworn in??

We are letting it become obvious...it's been obvious since the 9th. At this point, the dems are in clean-up--not commit. At this point, POTUS and party are giving them time to hide the evidence.

Actually, ya know what, not even...that happened while POTUS told us how terrible WW1 was. Now they're just laughing.

He sent lawyers when he should have sent FBI, National Guard, SWAT teams. Matt Gaetz was on top of it while POTUS was in Paris. Unfortunately, Matt can't commandeer Seal Teams and National Guard to tell those Sheriffs to stand down OR ELSE.

This won't get solved with lawyers but with guns. It's too late for lawyers.

14987900? ago

This is part of the plan. The Democrats have been ordered to destroy themselves. That seems to be exactly what they're doing.
We don't know exactly what is happening. We are an army behind keyboards. Translation being that we are called on to share information. We are not going to be privy to the machinations going on behind the scenes. We may not get blaring headlines right away on everything that's been happening. This is to be expected. It would seem very similar to a military operation. Let's all calm down, trust the plan.

14995549? ago

"It would seem very similar to a military operation. Let's all calm down and trust the plan."

Thank you for your calm and reasoned response. I am getting really tired of people jumping ship at the first sign of adversity. Or because it's not happening the way they think it ought. Or because (fill in the blank). After all this time...all the things that have happened with Q. How much we have learned...about a zillion things that we never knew before (mostly awful). How the sleepy public is awakening and a digital army is fighting and winning (per General. Flynn). How much evil HAS BEEN TORN DOWN or is in the process of being torn down.

Like Q said, (my paraphrase) if you can't hang then go do something else. If you can't support what WE ALL are trying to do here, then take your doubts, tears, whiney butts and go home. Either sit down, shut up and start rowing with the rest of us or get out of the boat. There are no other choices at this point.

FYI: Sinema just stole my state. I am NOT happy about it. But I'm still trusting the plan because I believe in it...and because there is no other choice.

14990693? ago

That's a lot of trust when right in front of your eyes, crimes are being committed while laws are NOT being enforced. You're asking me to let my country burn.

14992017? ago

We have time. Seats aren't being handed over tomorrow. This is painful for all involved. Your frustration is valid. We all want the same thing here. Justice. It is coming. Let's allow events to unfold. It's been pointed out that most Q followers are boomers. Are we to have our senior citizens taking to the streets and engaging in warfare?

14995135? ago


14986924? ago

Ok, so when does shit go down?

14988913? ago

when Trump flushes the SWAMP!

14986101? ago

So how does this play out? Do we completely scrap the election and vote again after all of the fraud comes out? They probably tampered with 99% of the races, both Senate and House.

14988908? ago

Multiple Counts!

14988506? ago

So how does this play out?

Q said watch the water. We're going to raise sea levels and drown them into republican states where we funnel them into the walmart detention centers with the sign "work will set you free" and only keep those willing to contribute. Fuck qtards, we're now waiting until 2020 to see if anything is left

14996669? ago

what are you talking about??😜

14986518? ago

Keep in mind there was already an investigation into the 2016 election. (Trump has tweeted about it a number of times.)

Think about this logically: They knew the Dems where going to cheat. They were ready for it. Doing soemthing about the rigged voting System is one of Trumps promises. I don't think they are about to let this opertunity slip away. Especially if it will have a direct impact on Trumps 2020 chances by crippling the Voter fraud.

With that said, do you really think nothing is happening? That people are whistling and sitting on their hands? I mean... a lot people sure are paniced right now, aren't they? Hell, look at the absurd about of shilling that has slammed this board since midterms. It's been just ridiculous.

When do you receive the most flack?


14997527? ago

True Anon WWG1WGA! MAGA!

14989839? ago

Most of us aren't what you think are shills. We are just logically noting that the mid-terms are indeed being stolen when Q told us they were safe.

14988851? ago

Yeah, there was an investigation and nothing came of it. It's why Kobach lost the governor race in KS to a democrat.

14986071? ago

It's easy to understand the frustration though. We have all known this shit has been going on for decades, and even as of now it looks like it'll just continue to slide and go unpunished. It's reported on for a day or two then buried by the next manufactured MSM crisis. I pray that I am sorely wrong, however.

14987318? ago

The difference now is the gop 1982 decree has been allowed to expire. are you familiar with this?

14989118? ago

http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/end-of-1982-consent-decree-gop-finally-can-contest-vote-fraud-after-36-years/ I Didn't know what this was so I searched it and added it here Did you know that since 1982, the Republican Party had been legally prohibited from contesting elections due to suspected vote fraud, because of a legal agreement called the Consent Decree the GOP made with the Democrat Party?

Finally, 36 years later, a judge has ended the agreement, freeing the Republican Party to ensure electoral integrity by investigating and pursuing suspected vote fraud.

Betcha you never heard or seen this truly momentous news in the Left-infested mainstream nedia. Why’s that?

THE 1982 CONSENT DECREE As I explained in my post of November 15, 2012, β€œWhy the GOP won’t challenge vote fraud,” in 1981, during the gubernatorial election in New Jersey (NJ), a lawsuit was brought against the Republican National Committee (RNC), the NJ Republican State Committee (RSC), and three individuals (John A. Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado), accusing them of violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The lawsuit was brought by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the NJ Democratic State Committee (DSC), and two individuals (Virginia L. Peggins and Lynette Monroe).

The lawsuit alleged that:

The RNC and RSC targeted minority voters in New Jersey in an effort to intimidate them. The RNC created a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority registered voters. Then the RNC put the names of individuals whose postcards were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge at the polls. The RNC enlisted the help of off-duty sheriffs and police officers with β€œNational Ballot Security Task Force” armbands, to intimidate voters by standing at polling places in minority precincts during voting. Some of the officers allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner. To settle the lawsuit, in 1982 β€” while Ronald Reagan was President (1981-1989) β€” the RNC and RSC entered into an agreement or Consent Decree, which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance.

The two parties agreed that β€œin the future, in all states and territories of the United States,” they would:

(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or tointerrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;

(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose;

(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.

The RNC also agreed that the RNC, its agents, servants, and employees would be bound by the Decree, β€œwhether acting directly or indirectly through other party committees.”

To put it bluntly, the Consent Decree in effect gave a carte blanche to the Democrat Party to commit vote fraud in every voting district across America that has, in the language of the Consent Decree, β€œa substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations.” The term β€œsubstantial proportion” is not defined.

In 1987, the Consent Decree was modified to define β€œballot security activities” as β€œballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.”

Since 1982, the Consent Decree had been renewed every year by the original judge, Carter appointee District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, who, even after he retired, returned every year for the sole purpose of renewing his 1982 order for another year. Debevoise died in August 2015.

U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise

In 2010, the RNC appealed β€œto vacate or modify” the Consent Decreein β€œDemocratic National Committee v Republican National Committee,” Case No. 09-4615 (C.A. 3, Mar. 8, 2012). But an appeals judge at the New Jersey District Court, Obama appointee Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., declined to vacate the decree.

Judge Joseph Greenaway, Jr., U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit

Flash forward to December 1, 2017, when the Consent Decree was due to expire.

According to NJ.com, the Democrat Party tried to extend the Consent Decree, claiming that the 2016 Trump presidential campaign had colluded with the RNC in voter intimidation efforts, and that Trump’s commission to examine suspected Democratic voter fraud was, in the words of Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), β€œa thinly veiled voter suppression effort”.

But Sean Spicer, who had been a top RNC official before entering the Trump White House as spokesman, testified there was no collusion of the Trump campaign with the RNC, and that the RNC had stayed away from all 2016 election day activities, including any voter-intimidation, voter-suppression or ballot-security efforts. Nor did any party officials discuss voter fraud allegations with the Trump campaign. Spicer said:

β€œIt had been abundantly clear for the six years that I worked at the RNC that the RNC and its employees were prohibited from engaging in Election Day activities, including poll watching, so I intentionally stayed away from all of that.

The [RNC] counsel’s office had been vigilant in informing both senior staff and subordinates on the importance of the consent decree and the activities that we were clearly should not be engaged at or be even perceived as engaging in. And so we had grown accustomed to not even coming too close to a line that would in any way, shape, or form lead one to believe that we were engaged in those activities.”

RNC lawyer Bobby Burchfield said Spicer’s testimony proved there was no collusion and asked the presiding judge, U.S. District Court Judge John Michael Vazquez, to allow the 1982 Consent Decree to expire.

As reported by NJ.com on January 9, 2018, Judge Vazquez ruled that the Democratic National Committee did not prove that the RNC violated the Consent Decree prior to its Dec. 1, 2017, expiration date.

And with that, Judge Vazquez, an Obama appointee, ended that noxious 1982 Consent Decree legal agreement between the RNC and DNC which had tied the Republican Party’s hands from contesting elections and investigating vote fraud for 36 years.

RNC spokesman Michael Ahrens said β€œWe are gratified that the judge recognized our full compliance with the consent decree and rejected the DNC’s baseless claims” and that Judge Vazquez’s ruling β€œwill allow the RNC to work more closely with state parties and campaigns to do what we do best, ensure that more people vote through our unmatched field program.” As a result, the GOP will be able to boost its Election Day turnout operations, including targeting potential voters and get them to the polls, which the Democrats have been able to do but the Republicans have not for 36 years.

Nominated by Obama to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey in March 2015, John Michael Vazquez, 47-48, who received his J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law, was confirmed by the Senate on January 27, 2016, by a vote of 84 to 2.

Thank you, Judge Vazquez, for your fair and judicious ruling.

14996469? ago

Well, time will tell if we actually do something about it this time. What happens in January when the new reps/sens are seated? I imagine it’s too late to do anything by then. Tick tock, they better get their asses in gear!

14993560? ago

Thank you very much...learn something knew everyday.

14990695? ago

Yes I know about this. It blew my mind away.

14987832? ago

Great point.

14985043? ago

Agree it is a takedown. Would help explain why the FLL "bomb threat" literally turned out to be a Broward Democrat election official (buddy of Andrew Gillum) leaving a box of ballots and other election material in the back of his rental car at Avis.

14999439? ago

Maybe they called it a bomb threat so the MSM would cover it. Then, they would have to update that it was ANOTHER ballot box found out-of-bounds. I think I'm starting to see the bigger picture. Look at how many ballot boxes have been found, or caught by citizen witnesses being loaded or moved outside of polling centers. To me, this proves there was a corrupt operation going on. This was happening widespread. They had teams of people moving ballots (likely pre-filled) between polling centers. I'm thinking the one at the airport got spooked, and left their cargo.

Ballots should NEVER be in a personal vehicle, or rental car. It breaks the chain of custody, and is a HUGE indicator of fraud.They are supposed to be supervised by election officials at all times.

I would like to see a list of the tallies on the night of the election, and the following days. Do they seriously expect us to believe the democrat candidate gained tens of thousands of votes, while there were ZERO republican votes gained? Q was right, these people are STUPID!

14994973? ago

That sounds like a "BOOM!" to me. A real boom.

14985034? ago

No they weren't. You got cheated. Nothing will happen.

14984893? ago

This is exactly what I've been trying to say to people here for the past few days.

People really need to pay closer attention instead of going all concernfag and being sucked into the shills. It's pretty damn obvious this was a sting.

14988177? ago

Most people on VOAT don't browse the Chans, and have no idea this concern fagging is a tactic the shills use. They always start with "CALL ME A SHILL IF YOU WANT, I'M JUST A PISSED OFF PATRIOT!". It's all hogwash. It's meant to lower morale of normies who are borderline red-pilled. This shit means nothing. NOTHING stops the plan.

14988868? ago

Not always I'm not a shill and I guess at times I concernfag as you call it because well I'm concerned and frustrated that our side appears to be losing.

14989708? ago

We are winning bigly, and it IS clear for 'those with eyes to see, and ears to hear'... D5. WWG1WGA!

14987145? ago

It's wishful thinking that it's a sting. I'm hoping as much as anyone but so far it's looking pretty limp. When they get away with all the cheating how many people here will rattle on about that being part of the magical plan?

14989099? ago

And it's also wishful thinking that you will eventually find a brain inside that thick skull of yours.

14990273? ago

I keep hearing about "The Plan". Trust "The Plan". Well, I damn sure want to, even though I have not actually seen "The Plan"...

14985568? ago

How so? Why is it obvious? What has happened in the last 72 hours that makes you believe a sting operation is going? Don’t get me wrong I absolutely would love to see it be true but the dems are in control and the Republicans are bending over and taking it again.

14986304? ago

Maybe it's the Autism, but this all makes perfect sense to me and is very obvious. Then again, I've been following closely for some time now.

As far as what shows this is a sting? A lot actually: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2847495/14978091

14985862? ago

Wait...you didn’t see the placeholders? They are victory! They are PAIN! They are...empty.

14985815? ago


14985303? ago

Oxactomundo- I have been saying it all along as well. We still have folks who aren't getting it

14985381? ago

Dude the people on here who don't get, won't ever get it because they are only here to demoralize and subvert.

14986865? ago

Exactly. Take a minute to think about what type of person would continue going to an internet forum, dedicated to a topic that they claim to not believe, yet continue to doubt and demoralize those that do? Why would anybody waste time doing that if there weren't ulterior motives?

14988484? ago

The type of person that you described is someone like me who is a free thinker that looks at all sides of the issue and then makes a decision. It's ok for people to be frustrated or have doubts. We aren't on your timeline. If you say you haven't had doubts, then you are not human. I think you demoralize people like me more than know. Q says "Where we go one we go all." Your language isn't inclusive at all. Your the one separating folks. People on the fence should be encouraged and taught. Not ridiculed. If you meet someone who isn't a Christian, you don't push them away because they don't believe. I'd hope you'd continue to encourage and teach, in hopes that they see the light. Just my opinion.

14990841? ago

I agree with this person. I have doubts . I come here and other places to try and get more information. At the same time, I am here with other Q believers. But, it's okay for me to have doubts. I pride myself on asking questions on all sides. That way, I'm not a robot. It's SMART to question. I really will be worried if something isn't done BEFORE 2019. When I ask others this question I mostly hear silence.

14987109? ago

Let me know when the arrests start. Let me know when the Republican Senators who won these elections get SWORN IN. PLACEHOLDER PLACEHOLDER PLACEHOLDER means they have no idea what the fuck they're going to do.

14987314? ago

Let you know? Those three little words in a row show you've haven't a clue what this movement is all about.

14987633? ago

Yeah that's me saying it won't happen. Trying to make it about me when it's about the whole future of the country is akin to complicity.

All it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to listen to people telling us to do nothing.

14987211? ago

Possibly, that could be the outcome of this. Why are you so fervent about convincing me of that?

14987323? ago

...because if enough people start making noise, maybe we can change it.

Or you can sit back and hope Q's placeholders do it for you.

14987511? ago

Fair enough, though those aren't mutually exclusive. I would consider making noise and drawing attention to the corruption our role in the plan, while one can still "trust the plan."

14986768? ago

Cautious optimism.

14984877? ago


14984765? ago

Shut up...

14985380? ago



14984719? ago

Are you saying the Deep State wasn't aware that the Senate controls judges and cabinet positions, until Q told them?


14984941? ago

Of course not. DS was FOCUSING on the House, because that's where the investigation was initiated. They thought if they had the house they could just do their normal trick and shut it all down. They probably weren't expecting to lose so much in the senate but they weren't concentrating their efforts there. This was why, in order for the plan to work, POTUS and Q were urging us to vote. Q was waving a red flag right in their faces. Pun intended. Q even TOLD them he was baiting them. "How do you catch a fish?" They seem to fall for it every time which is why Q keeps calling them stupid.

14985535? ago

They're not sending their best. Very poor multitaskers.

14985200? ago

Sociopaths have no idea how to play defense, they're too accustomed to being the charismatic predator.

14984670? ago

It better be, for OUR sakes or we are totally screwed...

14987979? ago

If the election stealing of 2018 stands, then 2020 is already lost for MAGA movement

14988141? ago

Couldn’t agree more.

14984583? ago

I was wondering why Q would put that out there so quick regarding the Senate. I like how you presented it.

14987942? ago

But Trump spent most of his time with the election, promoting GOP senators. It still caught me by surprise, but the deep state had to have seen this. Either way, looks like the shit is about to hit the fan.

14987009? ago

It was a major move to mention the importance of the Senate so quick after the elections! The Dems had to communicate in panic mode about how to change their strategy after the regular election time had expired. This explains why they took so much time to produce additional ballots. The communication has been recorded and so they are trapped now. .

14990949? ago

But surely they already knew about the "importance of the senate" beforehand. They would have already planned for this.

14984798? ago

So was I. Seemed dangerous to crow about winning before it was 100% a done deal.

14988205? ago

In wrestling this occurrence is called "Being worked into a shoot".

14984481? ago

Sessions? -checkmate Qtards

14985499? ago

63K sealed indictments, libtard.

14985545? ago

You've been saying that for months. I call bullshit. Nothing is going to happen.

14985673? ago

then why are you here? why aren't you celebrating with your criminal cronies?

14985820? ago

I just point out that Qboomers are incredibly naive. You're dumber than libs, actually.

14993285? ago


14984814? ago

Everyone knew Sessions was leaving months ago. Trump said he'd be gone in Nov after the elections like 3 months ago. Sessions played his part by bringing on Huber and starting the OIG investigation and the Grand Jury ; )

14984930? ago

"Trust sessions" Q. The incompetent MF had to be fired.

14985914? ago

He wasn't incompetent he was compromised because he had to recuse himself. Now that the FISA warrants and bad actors involved have been removed/cooperating the next stage is being set. Which can't include Sessions because he's recused. Hopefully the next AG will be Gowdy.

14985977? ago

Q said trust sessions. You Qtards rewrite history when the shit doesn't pan out.

14988900? ago

What does being able to trust Sessions have anything to do with him not being relevant to the next phase? His recusal is a hindrance to actually being able to use the position of AG to oversee the investigation. What. You don't think there's s conflict of interests having the Deputy AG (Rod Rosenstein) oversee the investigation that he initiated by signing off on the very warrants that prompted it? Hahaha. Fuck off troll.

14988940? ago

Q is a LARP

14990175? ago

We shall see but at the least he's rallied Americans against you Socialists. The people following Q are much more informed with what's going on than the over emotional liberals and eventually your only card of identity politics will fail

14990278? ago

No, the stock market and economy are going to reverse. Recession forthcoming. Record $21T debt. The Fed can't print out of it without collapsing USDollar. Time's up.

14995127? ago

Just like the market was going to crash when he won the presidency? Anything's possible but you honestly think putting a bunch of socialists in power is the answer?

14995202? ago

It's just what's going to happen.

14996102? ago

The debt does bother me. I really wish they'd get it under control.... As far as a recession? I don't know about all that

14996141? ago

I do. It all cycles. We're at a top.

14998569? ago

Not all recessions are equal tho. There's always a correction which is different than a recession. At least we're actually paying interest now instead of 8 years of quantitative easing.

14984902? ago

Sauce? i call bullshit.

14984324? ago

https://archive.fo/FXdHR :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all!"

https://archive.fo/BqGWd :

Twitter / ?

This has been an automated message.

14984139? ago

Et voila! out come more votes in the places Q and POTUS ALREADY KNEW WERE CHEATING.

oof didn't think they trolled the dems that hard.

impatiently waiting for the show here now

14984944? ago

Keep in mind they have already been doing an investigation into the 2016 election 2 years ago. (Trump tweeted about it a few times during 2017) They got all kinds of dirt on some counties already.

All they had to do is bait some traps for 2018 and watch and wait for them to bite to catch them in the act this time.

14986808? ago

38:00 timestamp https://youtu.be/kUL2g1FUqH8

Corsi & Lionel discuss Q780 https://imgur.com/gallery/IzQ8Pza the DHS intial report on voter fraud all the way back in Feb. Q team has been investigating & recording this shit the entire time through to midterms.

14987985? ago

Corsi said Q was fake ay back. He is at it again? Be careful, though I trust Lionel.

14995491? ago

This video was from before Corsi outed himself as a clown. He used to give good info (like they always do to suck you in) and then they start mixing disinfo in. I believe George Webb has done that too so I don't trust anything Corsi or GW puts out currently.

14985541? ago

So WHEN DO THEY SERVE JUSTICE?!?!!? When do they start arresting people?!?!?!

We're always investigating shit. But, nobody ever gets arrested.

14988123? ago

Likely between now and early January when the new Congress is convened. I think that it will be a slow reveal to damage the credibility of the media and the Dems. Florida will end up going to the SC for a decision and then they will start rolling back all the other elections that have been effected. I could be wrong. this is just one possible scenario.

14986254? ago

Consider the SCOPE of what is going on. The people involved. The number of people involved. Imagine the logistics, man power, and resources to carry out justice against all of these people. The communication in methods as not to alert those you move against.

There is a reason why Q has said a number of times: ""This is bigger than people can possibly imagine." and "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)."

I mean, stop and think about it. Just how corrupt is our government and the people in it? Are those people just going to lay down and take it, are those around the globe going to just let it happen? What about the people, the population? How are they going to take the news of:

"Hey, by the way. 9/11 was carried out by our government as an excuse to go to an unnecessary war that got your friends, family, and loved ones killed needlessly killed. Our bad, sorry about that."

"You know the food we eat? The water we drink? Yeeaahh... it's all kind of poisoned for population control, nothing personal. Speaking of population control, you know all this drought and fires that burned your homes down? Yeah... that was kinda of us, too. Sorry about that."

"You know all those actors and singers you love? More than half of them are pedophiles and Satanists that take part of children sex trafficking and child sacrifice. Movies might not exactly be the same after this, sorry about that."

"Remember Obama, your favorite president that was so Perfect? How he was the first black preident. He was also kinda sorta the single biggest traitor in our countries history. He continued the pointless war to weaken our military, it's resurces, and kill off more of your friends, family, and loved ones. He also racked up more debt than the rest of our president combined and used it to fund terrorists and give them nukes they planned to use on us if Hilary won."

"You know the news you watch? It's sorta all propaganda to keep you in the dark to all of this stuff going on. I guess you could say it isn't even news at all. It's sort of brainwashing and mind control in a way."

...isn't that kind of a lot to drop on everyone all at once? In close proximity to each other? It's easy for us because we already know about all of this. But think about the average person. Those who are completely clueless to any of these things. We are so far ahead of the rest of the sheep that sometimes, we forget to look back. To see just how far we left everyone else behind.

Trust me. As much as I'd love for everything to happen all at once, right this moment, it's simply unrealistic. This isn't even mentioning the enemies of america, what they might do during the chaos of people panicking about this MOAB red pill that is dropped on them.

Logic and reason is needed when considering the scope of all of this. It's HUGE, and many, many people aren't going to take it very well: "The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital." Q This isn't that big of an exageration. Cognitive dissonence is a bitch. It can be crippling encounting a single thing that challenges your world view. Now imagine everything you know about the world crashing down all around you.

As Q has said time and time again, and They, nor I, can stress this enough: "This is not a game" Q

14986706? ago

πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ AGREED!

14986276? ago

Nothing is going happen. Those people will never wake up. You and I will end up in FEMA camps. That's the end of the story.

14986385? ago

Nah. People will wake up, it just cannot be all dropped at once.

Only about 8-10% are lost and hopeless. But oh well. Can't save them all, right?

14986566? ago

FUCK THEM ALL. Take that red pill and cram it down their throat like a fucking horse pill. Use a stick if you have to. I don't care. They have to wake up one way or another. Waking them up slowly and gently while the rest of us take it up the ass is not going to work. We need a civil war to sort this mess out. If they won't take the red pill then I'm more than happy to shoot them.

14991055? ago


14991135? ago

At this point, I want it too. You can't reason with these Democrats. They need to be physically removed.

Bring it on! It's open season on Commies, Liberals and Democrats!

14986718? ago

lol I'm not entirely against that, but damn would it be messy and change the face of our country, of the world forever.

We have to ask ourselves, would the results be worth it? What could we potentially lose?

14986838? ago

The longer we wait, the worse it gets. We need the "Red Pill Bomb" that hits and wakes everyone up instantly. Some will wake up and be shocked. Some will never believe. Either way, it must be done.

14985944? ago

Still doesn't get it

14986296? ago

And, until I see arrests, I won't "get it". So, prove me wrong! Start arresting people.

14988195? ago

When the time is right you will be proven wrong. No sooner.

14988244? ago

We'll see. I doubt it.

14985764? ago

The best way to arrest someone, and certainly not the easiest, is to do so only after you have enough dirt on them that they cannot possibly hire enough attorneys to get out of it. This is usually the point when the guilty party wants to cut a deal by squealing on others. That's the ideal situation and it takes time.

14986387? ago

So, if someone is molesting kids but, you don't really have enough evidence to lock him up for life, you let him keep raping kids until you gather the evidence? Because that's what the cabal is doing. They are raping the shit out of us every single day. But, all we seem to be worried about is "gathering evidence". Forget the kids! Focus on the evidence!

14987238? ago

If I had my way, justice would be swift, violent, and final for these fucks, but we have laws and those laws require evidence to be produced in order to bring a formal charge. You do not want the law to work any other way than that because whomever is given the power of Judge Dredd will certainly abuse it.

14987276? ago

That's the way the law works when you commit embezzlement. But, when you commit TREASON the law goes to a whole different level. There is no get out of jail free card. You go before a military tribunal and then are executed for your crimes. Let's quit pretending these guys are just getting busted for petty larceny.

14987616? ago

That's above your paygrade, junior. But if it makes you happy, you head on down there and "arrest them today" and see how far you get.

14987719? ago

Keep on trusting the plan. Someday, you'll discover this whole thing has been a lie. There is no plan. Nobody is doing anything. The criminals will get away with their crimes and you will be very sad and confused.

14987836? ago

I don't get sad or confused. Nice try, though. Can you elaborate further on your statement that "nobody is doing anything"? What exactly should be done that isn't being done?

14984205? ago

How do you catch a fish?


14985425? ago


14984918? ago

In Mexico, we used seal bombs.

14984055? ago

It sucks I dont know everything they are up to

14984543? ago

For over a year, anons have been doing two things: analysing Q's drops and proving their veracity; and connecting the dots of the deep state many of us have known about for decades.

To catch a very cunning and widespread criminal cartel that includes the whole of government and media takes guile, baiting and catching red-handed. This is exactly what Trump has done by allowing the Dems openly to rig the elections. He has set them a trap and they walked right into it.

Republicans now control the Senate and the SC. Nothing can now stop justice being dealt out to the whole cabal. Stand by!

14985759? ago

Very exciting times indeed! As the 'Plan To Save The World' video stated, this will be the greatest story ever told

14984926? ago

Sure Timmy

14983962? ago
