14985566? ago

Reading all the submissions today...seems there is dissension in the ranks of the Q faithful.

14987520? ago

people pretend to know everything.. yet know nothing.

14985301? ago

Can I put this to bed? AF1 was flying on a planned route. Think of the sky having highway markers, They use the same routes over and over again. Please do some research regarding this very issue. Planes take the same route time and time again. It's called a Leg, and then Base Leg into landing.

14985496? ago

Now now...common sense will not be tolerated by the Q enlightened. Be gone...evil shill...by the power of the lord, be gone.

14985651? ago

But it was the power of the Lord that put me here on Earth. Logic and reasoning seem far-fetched to some people.

14984458? ago

Okay pal, how did that JFK checkmate win back the house. How did it keep Sinema from stealing AZ Senate seat. How is that proof ensuring Fla election is not stolen. How many evil Cabal members did it defund, or who exactly has it put in jail. How exactly did that monumental event do a single to help us win our country back. Take you time, I'll wait for answer.

14983521? ago

I layman's terms?

14983496? ago

In english and/or layman's terms?

14984911? ago

More lines prove q is not a larp

14982667? ago

Wow I am amazed when ever I see that Q clock!! I would have never ever been able to make such a thing, it is totally AWESOME!! Thank you!!

14982527? ago

Well, that is all the proof that Q is really doing something important.

Honestly this is something people should print off and hand out to people as the ultimate Q proof, perfect for red pilling people.

What a useless load of horse shit!

14982403? ago

Jesus what a bunch of lame bullshit

14984173? ago

Good grief yes. Does anyone ask if JFK jr. (an idiot BTW) crash site along regular air travel route?

What are the chances that another plane would fly over it?

14987424? ago

Ya know in the busiest airspace in the world... I don't think that using logic and common sense is part of the plan

14984390? ago

The path AF1 flew didn't make any sense though.


There was no reason to fly over Gloucester and then fly around Boston. Potus schedule declared as pre-planned. Who would plan a route like that?

15008256? ago

Because Logan (Boston) is in the top 20 for traffic volume? Just a thought.

14985390? ago

Anyone who understands air traffic would plan a route like that.

Doubly so for VIPs who can get clearance to deviate.

Why? It keeps them out of congested routes and there's more room for intervention should they need it. There's also a bigger buffer in case a plane decides to deviate from their course and potentially cause harm.

It's actually pretty basic stuff.

14982380? ago

Wow...holy shit!!! That means JFK Jr. is Q!!! He will come back and will be VP with Trump for 2020..thank the lord in heaven for Trump and Kennedy. Glorious!!

14984339? ago

It doesn't mean that at all.

I do hope that JFK Jr. is alive, though. What a day that would be.

14991409? ago

I hope so Patriots, Justice for this family must happen.

14982372? ago

Yep its official. Q was a larp.

14982355? ago


14981959? ago

Shills BTFO!

14981835? ago

WE are UNITED!!!

14981547? ago

Arrests or shut the fuck up already.

14982226? ago

Ok go fix the Justice system by yourself big guy we'll wait here with Q

14982796? ago

It's been a year now. 11/11 was the fucking marker. How much longer??

14984174? ago

11.11 marked the start of the takedown. It's happening behind the scenes. The Executive Order starts on January 1, 2019. Is that too long to wait to see a century (or more) of corruption turned on its head?

14983059? ago

How much longer you got?

14983077? ago

What the fuck does that mean

14983210? ago

How much longer will you wait before doing something about it?

14996428? ago

You go out and take to the streets. We see through your b.s.

14997544? ago

I don't think you do

14997871? ago

Cool story bro

14981215? ago

We were all United in remembrance of Veterans Day and our fallen and past veterans!

14981023? ago

Q post #1234 11.11 America will be united. WRONG more divided than ever.

14982853? ago

11.11 Strategic marker. Did you notice the interaction between various world leaders yesterday? We heard Macron decry nationalism as the opposite of patriotism. It seems to me that alliances and animosity were on display yesterday. The lines are drawn. Nationalism vs Globalism.

14983839? ago

No that's not what Q said he said "America be united' stop changing shit to fit the narrative.

14986450? ago


14988047? ago

14984010? ago

"11.11 provided as strategic marker." is exactly what Q wrote. Q did not specify when America would be united. What Q wrote was: AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! <- statement. 11.11.18. <- strategic marker (the beginning of the end).

Honestly, this board is full of shillfags and people who can't think logically. Should have been limited to autists.

14984594? ago

Well that's what he said after fucking nothing happened. Wow that is magic. This is forecasting by the Harold Camping method.

1) World is going to end on this date 2) World does not end 3) Okay, world is going to end on this date 4) World still does not end 5) When I said date, I did not mean the actual calendar date

14985823? ago

And yet, still more reason to trust a LARP's opinion than yours. At least Q is a bit entertaining. If things are not going fast enough for you then get out there and get on with it. Keep us updated. We might even start paying attention to you instead then.

14991330? ago

Hey I want to believe more than anything that some benevolent force is active behind the scenes and all the stuff Q says will come to be. I also know the power of the cabal/deep state. It appears to me that if Q has the intel he reports to have, that someone would be in jail but we have essentially seen no proof by way of action, only words. I am on Q's side believe me. A knife is hanging over our throats, and one on side is death, the other is paradise, so the stakes are high. Would you agree that if Democrats are in fact allow to cheat and still Senate seats, that Q's credibility will be damaged?

14993231? ago

That is nice information, Thanks. However it only says why the RNC has not aggressively pursued voter fraud. As to why other independent superpacs, or organizations did noting, this consent decree had no effect.

14984069? ago

Wrong wrong wrong shill

14981284? ago

Too soon to tell. Patience.

14983429? ago

Umm... 11/11 has passed. Not too soon to tell

14981318? ago

We are sick of the failed operation and excuses. I mean we lost the house and no red wave!

14984456? ago

Begone jewshill

14984808? ago

No shill patriot just discouraged with all this.

14982958? ago

So whatcha gonna do? Just bitch and whine online?

14982432? ago

"too soon to tell", lol. "you can't fix stupid" - Ron White.

Qtards are delusional. Libtards are delusional. America was bought and sold many times over, none of us deserve a good or comfortable life.

This is hell and you've gotta die to see if you get out or come back

14986508? ago

If this is Hell, I couldn't imagine how awesome Heaven must be.

I mean, we don't age up there! Pretty girls everywhere!

14982447? ago


14982222? ago

Correction: You are. As are others who haven't been paying very close attention.

The Midterms was a sting. Q even telegraphed this, and that it was going to be a movie. (People acting out roles to expose the corruption.)

14983910? ago

it's all a cunning sting operation goys, now just sit back and let us plan for our even bigger sting operation in 2020!. We'll let the dems rig all of the elections - those fools won't know what hit them when we swing round and charge them for it then!! #trusttheplan #thesepeoplearestupid

14984313? ago

There's no need to be disingenuous.

14984403? ago

Who's being disingenuous? At the rate Q + Potus have currently been going, that seems about par for the course.

Sure, the 2016 elections were rigged, and they knew that, and they "have it all". Buuut obviously they needed to wait and observe the 2018 elections be rigged too - y'know, for reasons. Given that, how is it not a reasonable hypothesis to assume they plan on waiting yet another 2 years?

14982249? ago

How was it a sting?

14982537? ago

How many other times have we been certain it is happening and nothing???

14982755? ago

Depends on who you ask and who was certain.

A number autists didn't expect anything big until around November if you go off of the clues by the drops. (especially the clock, which ends on 11/22) Prior to that date, it would have been a "oh, things must be going better than planned."

For me personally? February is my hard red line. Because the last date in regards to stuff pertaining to Q is January 1st, when a bunch of stuff in EO's and bills signed sign in will with take effect (Some things cannot be immediately implemented due to legal reasons.) Namely, the tweaks to military court marshals, tribunals, and "Enenmy combatants."

So until then? I'm not concerned. I've seen enough to know this is legit. I'll start to question Trump when I start to question Q, because it's all but been been proven now that he is indeed involved with Q to those who follow close and are paying attention.

14982195? ago

Who's going to be the next President? How can we keep good people in government? If nothing happens by the end of his presidency, we still need to be prepared.

14982256? ago

We have corporate masters and presidents is all just fake

14982191? ago

Who is "we" ? YOU and your COrrectTheReccord commies? shill

14982224? ago

No patriots