14970957? ago

Maybe stop acting like the left?

14969112? ago

I dont think there is any saving those zio-boomers.

14967944? ago

I know what your thinking, why didn't we just take the blue pill?

14967852? ago

I really, honestly, hope these shills are Americans living in America and they get outed. Lynchings of traitors can be a good thing.

"But I just just paid to destroy my country...don't lynch me..."

14967762? ago

We take them to your mother and let her suck it out I hear she's been doing itfor decades.

14969134? ago

So you're saying qtards are all incels who will grow a pair once they get their dicks sucked? I dont think that'll help but its worth a try.

14967642? ago

Hey OP, before you call other people brainwashed retards, just remember that you still think white men walked on the moon, and are too stupid to understand why that's impossible

14969157? ago

Wrong, im woke. I know that all them astronauts were actually sassy black wimmenz. I love niggers and jews, go antifa!!!!

14968061? ago

White men could never do something like that. It was all a scam to steal welfare money from blacks.

14968414? ago

Yeah.....that's what it was all about....fuckin retard

14967609? ago

calm down lol

14967503? ago


14967467? ago

It's good they're on the right.

It's good they have hope.

It's good they're loyal.

It's bad they're stubborn.

I say don't try and turn them off Q; try to red-pill them on other righty stuff.

They're good folks. They mean well.

14967463? ago

You cant these losers are fucking hopeless

14967750? ago

Great! That means you can stop trolling QRV now.

14968078? ago

got em

14967456? ago


14967440? ago

Mooing shill

14967391? ago

Better return to the Soapbox crew and ponder it harder.

14968091? ago

based backtracer

14967375? ago

Why do you care?

14967369? ago

You can start by sucking my dick.

14967454? ago

She already has two dicks in her mouth. Wait your turn.

14967448? ago

Whip it out faggot

14967927? ago

WTF are you talking about, mines always out.

14967554? ago


14968123? ago

I resent that I'm not a shill, just a troll who thinks you are a retarded faggot