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14966118? ago

Shills B shillin

14966173? ago

you avoiding the question bro.

what are you going to do? ... nothing... your going to sit there in front of the tv and say WOW thats fucked up, how can they get away with that... and then tomorrow youll just sit there waiting for someone else to do something about it.

14966327? ago

Interesting.... I see what you are doing, seeding doubt, just remember there are so many still "asleep" they are going to need a MOAB to wake up. Can't your narrow view see beyond what we, anons, are a part of? What we have is information that is in small parts of a bigger picture. More "woke" Patriots are going to be needed to take back what we have lost? I have no problem with you blowing a nut over something not working fast enough, just know that I've been on this ride for over 30 years and this is the closest I've ever seen it to something, anything, being exposed to the light. If you can't handle it, go back to being asleep, I'm sure they will be happy using you as fodder.

14966429? ago

i have information... tons of it... no one gives a shit

this was my post, ive made dozens of them, no one cares about information, no one is interested in knowing they lived a lie their entire lives.

14966696? ago

I do understand, you are just a pessimist. If you keep fighting something that is not changing would it not be smart to tackle it another way? Again 30+ years being "woke" and a number of times I just wanted to end it. I've not been this "hopeful" in a very long time. I know what you will say, "Hope does not fix a damn thing" and I will say it does. With out it you can't trust in anything. Your frustration is showing. I saw your post before and know most of the details you listed. The issue with it is that those that can do something (rule of law) are so corrupt all this is ignored. If we don't clean up our mess are you suggesting that the only other option is Civil War?

14967160? ago

We have to do it. We can make our own laws, our own declarations, if we have debt we can make our own constitutions. The record keeping on this continent is some of the best in the world. We don't need permission to declare we are no slaves.

Im not saying abolish government even though its possible and i have seen people do it. Im saying Trump can't make you free because you were already born free. All this drama and secret codes is for the normies, not the patriots who have been fighting back for generations. i know people in their 70's who are still in the fight for freedom.

stop volunteering for slavery and ask to see the contract, no contract, no obligation.