14969123? ago

Im going to meme the fuck out of it like everyone else should. Im going to tag conservatives that have large platforms.

14969399? ago

I don't believe anything will happen until Trump judges are seated, since having kavanaugh didn't trigger it.

The third branch should actually be the third branch but we let them get away with destroying our system of government, so Trump is playing by the new unconstitutional rules, appointing judges etc. the judicial branch has been under the executive branch for a long time and no one notices it.

14968932? ago

They're going to sit on their fat asses and take it, like they always do.

14968683? ago

Yeah, I don't understand the public drama around it either. It's there whether we see it or not. The citizens aren't the ones who prosecute criminals. It should make zero difference in the outcome whether or not info is released to the public.

14968772? ago

Yeah that's pretty much the point I'm trying to make. The reason for my question "what are you going to do about it?"

It's becoming a Soap Opera

14966957? ago

Go back to sleep. If you are not with us you are against us. Shill

14966745? ago

hahahahahahahahahah ..... ha!

14966243? ago

FISA activates the indictments. FISA is proof of the corruption. Undeniable. Indictments justified.

14966593? ago

ok so, why didnt they just arrest them and tell us they signed the FISA application, tricked the judge, why make it into the long path all the suspense and the drama, why not just arrest them first then show us the evidence of their crimes.

14966919? ago

I've often wondered the same. Just do it already. However, I see the logic of getting the proper judges in place, letting Huber get all the indictments done, letting <<<them>>> squirm and run around like madmen, possibly uncovering more and more corruption. In other words, doing the job right the first time and not running around half cocked and willy nilly arresting people. They say to trust the plan and I'm trying hard to do that but it is frustrating to see rampant corruption, voter fraud and all the other things we who have been awakened can see.

14966185? ago

I'm a gunna tell my dad. That's what. What do you care shill.

14966276? ago

i dont care, i want to know what you people are going to do?

i already know what im going to do, im going to read it, and im going to say to myself

"yeah thats just regular procedure for every one of us plebs in court" no defense is allowed, guilty until proven innocent, straight railroad judge tampering with the jury the whole 9 yards.

and then im just going to sit there like nothing is going to happen, because nothing is going to happen, we are still slaves and knowing the names of people who shafted another guy isnt going to change that.

14966310? ago

You need a hobby. Leave reality to the adults.

14966126? ago

Not that FISA...

The active FISA.

14966213? ago

ok so there is some new FISA, still... what are you going to do. your going to wait for someone to do something about it. why even bother following the soap opera

14966255? ago

You clearly don’t understand this movement. We aren’t waiting around. We are busy building the apperatus of civilian journalism. If it happens it happens if not it doesn’t matter. It’s not the purpose or cause that compels us.

14966252? ago

Cause some of us care about our country

14966325? ago

are you sure its not another distraction

14966418? ago

Look at this shit the deep state is pulling over here, and over here, and over there, look at the rigging they’re doing in this state, and this one and that one over there, here’s a bunch of stuff that no “investigative journalist” wants to investigate...yeah I’m sure we are not being distracted from something else, not Q’s ploy

14966118? ago

Shills B shillin

14966173? ago

you avoiding the question bro.

what are you going to do? ... nothing... your going to sit there in front of the tv and say WOW thats fucked up, how can they get away with that... and then tomorrow youll just sit there waiting for someone else to do something about it.

14966327? ago

Interesting.... I see what you are doing, seeding doubt, just remember there are so many still "asleep" they are going to need a MOAB to wake up. Can't your narrow view see beyond what we, anons, are a part of? What we have is information that is in small parts of a bigger picture. More "woke" Patriots are going to be needed to take back what we have lost? I have no problem with you blowing a nut over something not working fast enough, just know that I've been on this ride for over 30 years and this is the closest I've ever seen it to something, anything, being exposed to the light. If you can't handle it, go back to being asleep, I'm sure they will be happy using you as fodder.

14966429? ago

i have information... tons of it... no one gives a shit

this was my post, https://voat.co/v/QRV/2839581 ive made dozens of them, no one cares about information, no one is interested in knowing they lived a lie their entire lives.

14966696? ago

I do understand, you are just a pessimist. If you keep fighting something that is not changing would it not be smart to tackle it another way? Again 30+ years being "woke" and a number of times I just wanted to end it. I've not been this "hopeful" in a very long time. I know what you will say, "Hope does not fix a damn thing" and I will say it does. With out it you can't trust in anything. Your frustration is showing. I saw your post before and know most of the details you listed. The issue with it is that those that can do something (rule of law) are so corrupt all this is ignored. If we don't clean up our mess are you suggesting that the only other option is Civil War?

14967160? ago

We have to do it. We can make our own laws, our own declarations, if we have debt we can make our own constitutions. The record keeping on this continent is some of the best in the world. We don't need permission to declare we are no slaves.

Im not saying abolish government even though its possible and i have seen people do it. Im saying Trump can't make you free because you were already born free. All this drama and secret codes is for the normies, not the patriots who have been fighting back for generations. i know people in their 70's who are still in the fight for freedom.

stop volunteering for slavery and ask to see the contract, no contract, no obligation.

14966283? ago

If you are serious and not a shill, read all the drops regarding FISA to get the full picture.

14966281? ago

I am going to relax knowing that the USA has the best damn POTUS ever to serve who is righteously kicking ass, taking names, and sending shitbags off to Gitmo or the gallows.

14966300? ago

i pray you are correct

14966223? ago

What are you doing?

14966504? ago

I know what I'm doing. I've been sitting back and gathering hard "facts" and dropping them to those that are not part of this. Once everything drops and all those sheep are scrambling, I can stay calm. Calm and level heads are going to be needed for those that finally are exposed to what is going on. The only area I'm really worried about is the release, how will it be spinned and can the MSM contain. That is going to really be the battle for the minds of those "asleep". Do they know it to be true or are they programed to accept the lie.

14966664? ago

The MSM is nearly entirely Project MOCKINGBIRD. Q will simply stop giving them their feeds.

They will be left to actually report on whatever they want... it's going to be interesting.

14966787? ago

I was thinking the EBS, you know the one that is accessed like the "football"?? Go around all new sources and straight to the people. All those progressive heads will explode, clean up on aisle 9!!!

14966800? ago

Do both... that would wake up the dead.

14966343? ago

same thing i always do, study the law looking for the one that says im free

14966393? ago

Lack of capitalization again l see. Your speach patterns are prominent.

14966526? ago

i like how you spell speech

14966702? ago

Thank you. Word choice can be a dead giveaway to whom you really are. Just like consistent lack of capitalization.

Noted. There's 3 accounts that do that thus far.

14967022? ago

this isnt work dude its internet

14967045? ago

For you. I take this seriously.

14967271? ago

im going to call bullshit on that,

read title 28 1746 (a)

real law?

14967365? ago

I don't do bird law Charlie.

14967387? ago

and you wonder why youre a slave

14967435? ago

I'm not. You're not a slave to good grammar either.

See you in the Soapbox. You're never gonna guess who I am.

14967651? ago

what makes you think i care who you are

14967706? ago

Yes we are.

14968388? ago

yes we are

14969568? ago

Thank you for the added datapoints.