14965882? ago

Therefore, the only security is decentralized security. The only possible justice is vigilante justice.

Arm yourself today.

Stick to principles, and individuals.

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

14965990? ago

Oh, don't worry, I'm armed to the teeth.

But, very well said. I couldn't agree more.

14964574? ago

I have been deciding on this post for some time. The quickest way to be called a shill is to provide a contrary opinion or not asking the right questions. You are not welcomed on this board or any board for raising your hand and challenging “The Plan”. Many of you are anti-religious and do the very same thing you accuse them of not doing. You blindly follow without ever challenging what you are being told is truth. At least the motivation of the churchgoers is they are afraid to challenge what they are being taught because that might be sin and they would burn in hell for eternity. Why do you blindly follow and never challenge? Are you afraid?

Would you ever throw out this question. What deliverable has Q provided? Was Q wrong on the election being safe? Are you afraid to ask those questions. If you are afraid to even ask those types of questions what does that say about you? How will you ever learn to be a free man?

The post is 100% correct. Very little truth resides on this planet. Everyone has a motive, want power over you, separate you from your Creator and separate you from your money. If I could get you to understand one principal of life it would be this one. What I want to happen is not necessarily what will happen. You are never in full control. Time is never on your side and the clock ticks and you can’t stop it. Never Never rely on anyone but yourself for your outcomes.

14966047? ago

I'm anti-religious, but not anti-spiritual. Organized religion is no better than the Government at this point.

Believe in God, ...not in the Church.

14969963? ago

Both religion and spirituality teach that there is more to the universe than what meets the eye, and more to our life than the physical body. Both agree that there are non-physical elements to the universe, and to our existence, and that unless we consciously connect with them, we will never be truly fulfilled in life. People often get confused about religion. The see religion in man-made dogma and church buildings. There are those that sit in pews every Sunday and never become spiritual. True Religion is a lifetime quest for truth. The bible is the greatest book that was ever written. From those pages I can answer any question that has ever crossed the mind of man. The biggest one is why we are here! Think of it as the instruction manual from your Creator.

14970204? ago

I read the Bible and believe in God. I just don't go to Church. I see no point. It's all just useless ritual and dogma.

I have the instruction manual and can communicate with God directly. The Church just likes to play 'middleman' between me and God.

14970516? ago

Amen to that and that was my point. Think of the bible in these terms. It is God's instruction manual that came with His creation. YOU!

14965933? ago

Troll harder Moshe.

14968884? ago

Hebrew word Moses Moshe? Impressed, and I am certainly am not Jewish or even circumcised.Not a troll either! I could go on but then again, I have little patience with people like you. My best guess you are lazy or just had a bad life and need to blame someone else for your troubles.

14963989? ago

The key is to send a fake check to the IRS at tax time.

14964006? ago

How does that work? Just draw up one yourself?

14963229? ago

We are watching elections being stolen and out in the open corruption. We have the ability to do something about it, and now that Mr. Magoo Sleepy Sessions is gone, it is possible to do something about it. History says we wont do anything and we will continue to lose liberty to the corrupt left. Im sick of tough talk and no action, but that is the norm. I will watch and see if something gets done to stop the bleeding, but I am not banking on it.

14963131? ago

Can't/Won't argue with that

14962985? ago

Everything is a big fat Lie. There is only one you can trust. The Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.

Q dropped the ball like how many times now? Too many to count. When Sessions got booted, that was it for this cat. Q was never about saving the world. Q cannot save the world. Only the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus can. It's in the Sacred Scripts.

Q isn't about what you folks think. It is about Uniting the Country. and getting people off their candy booties and do something about it, instead of just talk about it. It's about waking up the rest of the Sheep who have yet to be awakened. If yous want true freedom. We are going to have to take it back ourselves. We are Q. We as a whole. No war is won by peaceful means. It doesn't work like that.

We live in a world that is controlled by evil forces unseen, and those evil forces have to be taken out by men and women with guns. Who's gonna do it? People weep for Freedom and they curse the evil rulers running this planet.Yous don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, we know what we have to do to take our Freedom back. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending this nation. Most of yous use them as a punchline.

If we are ever to get back our Republic and Freedom then I suggest yous pick up a weapon and stand a post. Otherwise all this is, is a bunch of talk.

14962328? ago

Sad, but true! I am still trusting the Plan.

14962361? ago

What if "the plan" was to keep you passive and inactive? What if this was a psyop to keep Patriots busy while Democrats took over America again? I don't trust plans that are kept hidden from me. Always ask questions. Always be skeptical. Trust no one.

14962500? ago

I trust Q, I trust POTUS.

14962708? ago

I trusted them too... but, nothing ever happened. I'm beginning to wonder who's side they're really on?

14965362? ago

I believe they are building evidence. How do you catch fish? These people are stupid. Just doing their normal vote rigging. I have to believe Patriots have been watching and documenting.

14967371? ago

Like trying to catch a child molester: you just let him rape the kids first. That allows you to build evidence for your case so you can really lock him up! Do you see how stupid that sounds? In case you didn't realize, our Country is on fire and crumbling all around us.

14962188? ago

Jews gonna jew

14962195? ago

Yep. They are fucking over the goyim good.

14961783? ago

you see nothing they do not approve for viewing, regular people with cameras are harassed by police everywhere

14961873? ago

The police are just as guilty as the rest of them. They are part of the control structure of the NWO.

14962021? ago

I never realized the National Wankers Organizations was so powerful.

14962232? ago

Sure you do... you work for them, apparently.

14962859? ago

I'm Trish Pantscotti!!!

14962661? ago

stares at Bartiromo's red dress

14961580? ago

But, what did Neo do? He took down the Matrix anyway. That's what we need to do.

Neo didn't sit around and wait for Morpheus to give him the plan..... he just went and did what needed to be done.

14962881? ago

Not really true. He was forced into it.

14962911? ago

No he didn't. He could have taken the blue pill and gone back to sleep. He chose the red pill.

14965886? ago

There's a theory out there that the red pill is what really put him to sleep, and he merely dreamt of the shutdown.

14961464? ago

Reality is fake.

14961552? ago

That is the biggest red pill of all. Everything you know is a lie.

14962631? ago

I thought that was just the Cake.

14962676? ago

Reality is the Cake.

14965898? ago

And the cake is a lie

14961587? ago

Through the looking glass

14961459? ago

And there is nothing you can do about it.

14961607? ago

Not me personally. But, if there really is a Q, and POTUS really is on our side, then they control the US Military. They could stop it if they wanted to. But the question is: "Do they really want to stop it? Or are they part of it too?"

14961357? ago

That's not inaccurate.

14961236? ago

Well, he's not wrong, ya know.

14961303? ago

He's 100% right. It sure would be great if Q or POTUS got involved and actually did something about it.

14961647? ago


Rebuttals needed, this is being linked to outside boards. Either it's a deepstate push or people are getting impatient. DS push wouldn't make sense though because Q's suggestions aren't based on whether people believe in him.

14961714? ago

LMAO i love how you can't rebut any of the info yourself. Just another little follower. Wake the fuck up normie, you're being played

14962034? ago

LOL I love how you use typical rules for radical plays in just ridiculing people without any substance. Shill harder.

14964148? ago

thats a lot of words for you bud. try thinking about what i said and see if you can compute a better one.

14961188? ago

Trust the plan shill

14961258? ago

The plan = keep you passive and inactive. Have you sit around and chant the mantra "trust the plan" while actually doing nothing. Meanwhile the election is being rigged right in front of our eyes and nobody is doing a thing to stop it. The only people involved are lawyers (because they get paid by the hour) and news media (because they get ratings). The rest of the American people are getting fucked in the ass and we're suppose to just sit here and take it and "wait longer"? FUCK THAT! It's time for Q and POTUS to step up and do something.

14961723? ago

Let me hear your plan if you have something better to suggest? Information is what will save us. If you can’t see what potus and q already have done then you are either a shill or possibly not mentally capable of painting a bigger picture.

14961851? ago

My plan = get EVERYONE pissed off and DEMANDING that our President (and Q) do something about these traitors. The first step is to get POTUS to declare this election to be invalid. Then, the second part is to get POTUS to arrest these criminals. If people aren't angry about this then there is something wrong. Everyone should be standing on their chairs screaming by now! THIS WILL NOT STAND! The American taxpayers pay for all this shit. We have a right to demand justice! I am sick and tired of being told to wait longer while we implement some sketchy, non-existent plan that may (or may not) work. My plan is to go arrest these people NOW! That will definitely work. Arrest them as terrorists for interfering with an election. That way the lawyers can't get them off the hook. The people who are urging you to be passive and do nothing are starting to look like traitors to me.

14964024? ago

That is essentially the Q plan right there, only difference is you demand it NOW!!!!

14967510? ago

Give me one good reason for what we're waiting for? The Democrats to take Congress so they can fuck us more?

Let's strike while we still have the advantage!

14962075? ago

Only problem is that the law doesn't apply to the left. We've seen it multiple times with Hillary. The woman in charge of Broward county elections has a history of voter fraud and she recently defied a judges order. Rule of law no longer applies to half the country because they think they are on the right side of history.

14962169? ago

That is why we need MILITARY INTERVENTION NOW! Send in the Marines. Arrest them all (including the local police). What are they going to do? Fight the US Military? We need to take back this Country and establish rule-of-law again.

14961407? ago

You nailed it. This is a pacifist diversion to prevent citizens from taking matters into their own hands. If the Dems steal these midterm elections, especially FLA, then it is time to act. Time for the cryptic playhouse is over. It is time to act.

14961596? ago

Can it be? Are people FINALLY waking up? Hopefully people are using their Q teachings to plan with their neighbors for disaster preparedness. Hopefully people have ARMED themselves and got some training. Can you get a group of people together, in person, in a very short time? Do you have a water plan (watch the water and all)? This shill can. Can you?

14961891? ago

One more thing. Someone posted a Teddy Roosevelt quote last night ~~ The worst decision is not the right decision or the wrong decision, it is no decision at all. If the elections in question are stolen from us, and nothing is done to make that right, then we have lost our leadership and it is time to rectify the situation ourselves. If our country is invaded by illegals, and nothing is done to make that right, then we have lost out country and it is time to take it back.

14961762? ago

Make sure you have some leadership in your group. You cannot let individual ambitions disrupt the plan that is in the best interest of everyone. Just remember what your goals are when the shit hits the fan and communicate them clearly within your group - something that is no longer being done with Q and what he/she/it thinks what used to be its' following.

14962389? ago

Sound advice.