14966159? ago

Ex-naval communicator....No headers, preamble, recipients. NATO standard for encryption is blocks of 5 characters...something like that...been 20 years since I seen a legitimate military comm. Bullshit. Definately. Sounds like a fucking Call Of Duty warrior.

14965745? ago


14963894? ago

Do you have the direct links to the Chans?

14962936? ago


14962387? ago

maybe "operation roundup" is to activate the dems to go out and get the rest of tuesday's ballots lol?

14962207? ago

I don't think we would be using public comms channels for operations

14962175? ago

Silly shilly

14962139? ago

This is bologna. Military would NEVER telegraph like this. Q also said as much.

14961906? ago

Where is (1)?

14961703? ago

No. Nope. Nyet. Nuh-uh. Naw. Nein.

14961697? ago

Dont buy it... no military message traffic nor anything else looks like this. Fake and gay.

14961527? ago

I don't know, this would be much more than the standard Q code, these are orders to move in. Whose house is in Atlanta? Might have dinner guests tonight.

14961512? ago

Operation Roundup.

What the fuck... It's starting.

Detain high level, approved by highest authority.

14961311? ago

Not "interesting". WHY? Purported to be "binary data encoded as ASCII". Approximately if not exactly 1156 characters. ZERO "+" characters; ZERO "/" characters. Statistically only 1 chance in 10,000,000,000,000,000 [(62/64)^1156) of ZERO "+" and ZERO "/" characters in a string of 1156 Base64 characters; thus only 1 chance in ten quadrillion of this being "binary data encoded as ASCII". You're welcome.


14961218? ago

I thought thos was supposed to be interesring.

14961049? ago

"Initiate Operation Roundup" - SECRET operations are never in lowercase. Additionally... you don't give an operation a code name if the code name gives away the operation.

"All OPORDS Go" - Nobody says this.

"Procedural Norms Approved" - The 'procedures' and 'norms' would have been outlined in the OPORD(s), so this is rather redundant and, by the way, nonsensical.

"Detain High Level Target RE: Tasko" - Why not just issue the TASKO? Oh wait, a TASKO isn't a thing... Why not issue the OPORD or the FRAGORD to one of the many "all" OPORD's aforementioned?

"Highest Level Approval" - No signature block. Can't verify. Return for corrections, please...

"SIGINT Priority Alpha" - I assume this means to watch priority alpha. Which is probably outlined in the OPORD... so why say it again?

Alright, I get the point. I'm beating a dead horse now. I'm sure the rest of the message is fairly clearly someone LARPing a military operation to try to trick us.

14961807? ago

I suspected as much. Thanks.

14961243? ago

this comment seems to decode your message accurately OPORD

14960953? ago

Definitely possibly interesting.

14960948? ago

Ah fuck it's larpy, they're making all kinds of other shit posts.

14960932? ago

Hmmm if it looks like bullshit, and smells like bullshit....

14961836? ago

...don't step in it.

14961062? ago

Then its a perfect cover....

This is why cloak and dagger shit is risky, no one knows wtf....

...unless they do...

14960902? ago

C'mon! Why would any genuine mil op comms be posted anywhere, let alone 8chan?! If a paid shill has been following Q for enough time, he could probably do a convincing enough drop. Qui Bono - who benefits? Not us; they do, if only to demoralize, embarrass and mock us. So we gain nothing by believing this. More importantly, we lose nothing by ignoring it. When and if something big really happens, we'll know and I know this much -- this "drop" ain't it. "Johnny Utah". Yeah. Right. Everything is 17 characters long OMG! OK: kUFKCx5Dru6Ny8mtV. I have no idea what I just said. But it looks authentic!

14960885? ago


b. Friendly Forces.

(1) Theater Army attack 120500 June through elements of the 1st and 2nd Threat Corps with

two corps abreast. 1st Corps on the left (east) conducts main attack; 2nd Corps on the right (west) conducts

supporting attack. 3rd Corps follows in zone of 1st Corps secures FREISING (QU0364) and MOOSBURG

(QU1773) and prepares to continue attack on to S and SW.

(2) Provide hospitalization support to TA units on area basis. Defend the hospital area

within the base cluster defense when attacked.

c. Attachments and Detachments.

d. Assumptions.

(1) The GH with assigned and attached elements will be in place and prepared to support


(2) There will be air parity.

(3) Both threat and friendly forces possess the capability to initiate nuclear or chemical

warfare, limited or full scale, in any combination.

(4) Med Cmd/Med Bde OPLAN 2987 has been implemented.

  1. MISSION. Provide hospitalization support to the TA.


a. General Hospital. Provide hospitalization support for TA tactical operations. Render

resuscitative care and medical treatment of critically injured or ill patients requiring highly specialized care

and surgical and medical services for patients held for definitive treatment. Patients identified as NRTD

will be prepared for evacuation to CONUS.

b. Boundaries. Annex B (Operations Overlay), TA OPLAN 222.

c. Coordinating Instructions.



FM 8-10-15


OPLAN 1234 _ GH

(1) This OPLAN is effective for planning upon receipt; executing on order.

(2) All elements provide closing notification upon arrival at designated operating locations

with projected operational capability attainment until fully mission capable.

(3) Units located in TAACOM will comply with defense and area damage control procedures

established by the TAACOM commander.

(4) Chemical MOPP 1 is in effect. Be prepared to increase MOPP on short notice.

(5) Operation Security. Annex K, Med Cmd/Med Bde OPLAN 2987 and Annex L, TA

OPLAN 222.

(6) Movement Annex for TAACOM units to be prepared separately.

  1. SERVICE SUPPORT. See Annex B (Service Support).


a. Command. General Hospital located at VIC MA779705.

b. Signal.

(1) Current SOI in effect.

(2) Minimize is in effect for FM radio traffic until lifted by GH commander.







A. Operational Overlay

B. Road Mo

14960957? ago

This is one REALLY well thought out "prank" if you ask me...

This "could" be legit. But dun get your hopes up.

14961266? ago

He's making all sorts of other gay posts out of theme of the orders and codes.

14960847? ago

OP it's still going.

14960828? ago

Which board?

14960822? ago


Dumbfucks gonna dumbfuck

14960795? ago

I really don’t think that the orders will come down through 8chan. This is a larp.

14961202? ago

I agree, I really do....

However, I'd also have to entertain the idea of "what to do if secure comms were secured (by the enemy) and no longer secure"

If the story we follow is true (big IF), then this wont be a MilOp even if Trump leads it personally. Even then, its still a coup if he's not really 'in power' at the highest. IF there is ANYONE above him, then he can't really call the shots via their lines can he?

I've used, studied and taken tests(technical) and clearances(usage) re: SIPRNet, so I KNOW better methods exist, but thats only when the enemy is not the next man in the chain. IF office of POTUS is compromised in his ability to act in our interests, then any such acts would have to operate remarkably like a revolution or coup, despite him actually being our elected leader.

14960725? ago

Fake and gay.

14960688? ago


14960632? ago

yeah that aint Q

14960582? ago

LOL @ "Detain High Level Targets"

14960564? ago

Didn’t Q give us the impression that POTUS would not be stateside when the shit hit the fan? But for us not to worry because he would be protected while going down? We can only hope this actually means something.

14960925? ago

Could be. Best not get our hopes up those.

hope for the best, but expect the worst, as they say.

14960522? ago

That is startling.

14960504? ago

Hey, I just noticed, the codes are all 17 characters long....NO Shit....count them?????? Wowza, I don't think this is a coincidence!

14961031? ago

You mean like somebody put it in to trick you into thinking it's real?

14960839? ago

There is also 17 lines of code in each post.

14960817? ago

And there are 17 codes in each drop...

14960640? ago

Well spotted anon!

14961155? ago


We need rebuttals or this redpill will be posted all over 4chan and twitter

14960859? ago

There is also 17 lines of code in each post.

14961524? ago

omg, i just got a chill!

14960749? ago

I think he may be mocking you. :P

14960491? ago

That’s not binary data encoded as ascii. It’s hashes. This is just more shill bait.

14960469? ago

Johnny Utah = Huber ?

14960540? ago

Explosion yesterday in MOAB Utah...

14962365? ago

Reports are saying two guys were electrocuted. Ouch.

14960899? ago

Okay, now that is just an absurd coincidence. lol

Far too absurd, considering what we know.

14961090? ago

Q is sending those of us paying attention, plenty of signs via Project MOCKINGBIRD.

They are inserting tidbits into the news.

14961290? ago

Yep. Those of us who have been here a while know just how real this all is.

14961409? ago

I know I'm not the only one. Cheers friend.

14960380? ago

If they are Larping... they are very good.

Johnny UTAH

Speed was mentioned in the drops. Keanu movies make repeated appearances. We practically live in the Matrix.

All the Military comms fit.

The hashkeys could be to open operational orders.

14961145? ago

But Muh 100% proof! I'm entitled to no thinking, I need special sauce, I need a graphic, and I need you to come hold my hand because I see Q people! Your just LARPing, nothing is real if its not on CNN. ... :Runs away: (((safe space)))

LOL the shills don't like anons spitballing for whatever reason. Hell I don't blame them I wouldn't want an army of autists brainstorming how to end my evil agendas either, if I had any. Lucky for the Patriots though! I don't see the harm in considering the possibilities, but the shills sure do! I LOVE to see the wildest of ideas we have available, its OUR strength! We've almost seen it all by now, new ideas no longer scare us, but to those who DON'T want anything to change, new ideas are too scary. We're well inside their safe spaces! Keep up the good work anons! REDPILLS for everyone!

14961393? ago

This is one of the reasons being anon is critical.

None of the spitballing can be weaponized against an individual.

14960356? ago

Holy Guacamole! Might this be what I think it is??? Utah go.. Godspeed Patriots!!!!

14960521? ago

No. This is just shills trying to create disappointment by pumping 11/11 and co-validating with mysterious things best explained by their shill dates being a thing.

14962472? ago

thanks.... waiting... and waiting ...for someone to be arrested... good grief....

14960554? ago

Could be... but it's compelling.

14960569? ago

Ok shill. Compel your self off a cliff.

14960659? ago

Not a shill friend. I know they are heavy today... but I'm quite the opposite.

...and it's "yourself".

Don't discount my life experiences because you don't understand.

Those comms ARE compelling.

14960709? ago

Attack a typo not the argument. Shill tactics detected. Orange man bad?

Also when did strawman attack your life experiences?

14961001? ago

Not everyone you disagree is a shill, you fucktard. God, I am so sick of tards like you. You are a fucking embarrassment.

Now go ahead and call me a "shill" too like a good little NPC, or are you going to drop the simple-minded shit?

14960778? ago

You didn't have an argument. You merely assumed I was a shill. I didn't attack you, I corrected you.

Life experience comments were for you to reframe your position in context to my statement.

You are letting your ego be bruised.

14960809? ago

Strawman argument was to create a strawman to change the subject. Gotcha.

My argument is clear, you are pushing shillbait. Your response is “but my life experiences!”

Good luck bruising my ego with that ;)

14960986? ago

Observer here, real or not, you're the shill, he just made a comment.

14961059? ago

It's his ego. I'm not offended. I've done similar in the past, before I knew better.

14960286? ago

Interesting but there are shills everywhere today.

14960623? ago

Im taking everything with a large pinch of salt today

14960776? ago

This could be just a bunch of gibberish. Who knows. Likely is, imo. "Operation roundup" is too obvious and too good to be true.

When something is too good to be true, it usually is.

14963303? ago

The messages don't seem secure unlike Q's with a space and !!. Not buying it. It's fake.

14960250? ago

I could have posted it myself.


14960376? ago

Jesus you haven't even cleared 10th level alliance ranger yet.