14961394? ago

What a bunch of "nasty asses in the comments. I am not anything other than a true "Alabamian" The fucking header says """"""" IF >>>>for all you asshole's pissed off about "nothing happening" your so stupid, there is no way TO STOP this.

14960695? ago

If that's true, we owe Vlad a huge hug!

14960304? ago

A bunch of leaders sharing a podium and watching a parade does not constitute a summit. They shook hands. Putin made a thumbs up. That was the extent of their talks.

14960055? ago

Fuck off shill

14961279? ago

I am not a shill. You fuck off for not being able to tell the difference. Now kiss your mom good night for me and tell her I am not coming over tonight.

14959729? ago

How about an explanation instead of making us what a f****** video.

14959527? ago

We are waiting more than 1 year so shut up you Goy

14959409? ago

What happened this week? NOTHING. No arrests. No justice. No action. Just more words.

Still waiting on those arrests...... any day now.....soon.... maybe.... we hope.....

14966150? ago

It's Veteran's Day. A day of peace and remembrance, and you little bitches still won't stop the shilling and trolling. I hope God forgives you, because I won't.

14967656? ago

You should read this and realize that everything you believe is a lie and total bullshit. It's not heroic to die for an oil pipeline or poppy fields:


14967832? ago

I don't think you understand what I wrote. "The people who died" exactly ... the rest of what you said is perfectly understood. We need to remember their sacrifice ... because that's what they were. Those responsible and those making little of it (like the OP) have no respect.

14968182? ago

OP said he's tired of waiting and wants arrests. I don't blame him. I want action too. Recently, anyone who calls for action around here is called a "shill". I don't know why more people aren't demanding action?

14968809? ago

Yes, lets arrest them with non-admissible evidence obtained illegally. Then put try them in a court system that's still more than 60% controlled by people they themselves appointed. The problem isn't the evidence, the problem is that it needs to introduced legally, into a system that is being gutted and replaced. Most of the work has been done. We're seeing it happen everyday. There are three movies. We've just started the second. Do you think the arrests and prosecutions are going to happen before all the pieces are in place. There can be no escape. Those guilty will be punished. All you are being asked to do is witness and watch the destruction of 2000 years of evil being dismantled piece by piece. It's not the firing squad, it's death by a thousand cuts.

14968933? ago

You're massively overthinking it.

Guilty! BLAM!

Guilty! BLAM!

Guilty BLAM!

14967267? ago

Hey look! Below me!

14960440? ago

Learn to read documentation. January 2019 / MIL TRIBUNALS are a go.

14959647? ago

This is getting pathetic.

14959672? ago

I agree. We have evidence of RAMANT crime by the Democrats and nobody is doing a thing to stop them. These traitors need to all be arrested immediately and the election needs to be declared invalid. This is treason by the Dems. They should be locked up for being traitors!

14959739? ago

Yep! Otherwise it is all Jesuit theater.

14959449? ago

Go back in your hole Zyclon.

14960201? ago

A few trucks of Zyklon would fix this situation real quick 😂

14959478? ago

Action > Words

14959505? ago

You are typing words you faggot. You aren't doing shit but causing problems.

This is why your dad left.