14966474? ago

You're mad at Q because you're the one who doesn't understand what's happening. Interesting.

14966605? ago

Yes. I came here for help I got it. Dont be a dick.

14966703? ago

There are perhaps a hundred recent posts, all discussing this. Do you think that perhaps we're tired of explaining, and when we do, we discover the OP is nothing more than a shill. It helps if people start thinking for themselves and checking to see if something has been discussed before, rather than logging in and clicking "discuss."

14960511? ago

You need a tissue?

14960310? ago

Why are you mad at Q team? Not following you.

Is there not a huge spotlight on the fraud at the moment and this stuff being exposed? What's the problem?

14963557? ago

IDK, I just want arrests. I want "our vote protected"

14964476? ago

I know, I do too. But just think of it this way... Our vote is being protected by way of exposure of fraud. If there is no exposure of fraud, there is no protecting the vote. The fraud must come to light first. Dark to Light. It always has to be exposed before it can be dealt with. Trust that our side knows what it's doing. This is precision stuff and everything must be done properly. That's the most important thing. Precision and the rule of law are our strengths. No worries, anon... Everything is going well. peace, bro.

14960085? ago

Remember the last time people were bitching about the appearance of inaction? Q had to remind people that the wheels of justice are slow. Q2381 (https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#373)

14959908? ago

POTUS and Q are in control.

14959966? ago

Fuck, I know. Doesnt FEEL that way, ya know? BTFO these commies. I need a hit of winning.

14959750? ago

Consider the following:

This shenanigans we are currently watching is a "movie." We are currently watching a movie with actors to expose the hell out of dems voter fraud. I mean, stop and really think about it for a moment. Just how absurdly over the top is this all this Broward county shenanigans?

Clinton was there just days before the election... Clinton's known "fixer" was just there... They are clearly caught red handed and "nothing" is being done about it, despite a judges court order... They had that "Shredding" thing that is happening today...

This is all very pronounced and exaggerated. it's unrealistic and suspiciously has so much press coverage. This is not how these sorts of things work. Laughably so lol

Plus look at what someone just pointed out here earlier today: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2843998

Now. Remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show" And what did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? https://qmap.pub/read/2417 Q is telegraphing at the time of that drop that we are "In the theaters and about to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate." https://qmap.pub/read/1929

The next movie is "panic in DC" which will start after the Fisa is dropped. So going by the Movie board, Fisa Gate is theater 6, Panic in DC is movie 5, Guardians of the Pedophile is after that (hollywood maybe?) We are counting backwards. Which begs some important questions:

What are movies 3-2-1 and just how many people are playing "roles" in these movies? How many people have already been indicted in this "grand scheme" to wake the population up? To take part in these "movies" to reduce their sentences? To avoid being publicly hanged at the end?

Food for thought.

14959883? ago

Thank you. I understand all these things. Say a prayer for me and others who are helplessly watching our country be stolen from under them.
Im sitting here with my young children and all I can think about is their future.

14960246? ago

No problem. We are all worried about our future, our children's future. So it's hard not to be concerned from time to time.

However keep in mind, just how long have these people been planning this? years? Decades? They only got one shot at this and everything is on the line. They fuck this up and it's game over. The cabal will never let something like this happen ever again. Just imagine what that would mean for us.

Slow and study wins this race. Think Tortoise and the Hare. The cabal got lazy and complacent, so we took that moment to grab them by the balls. From here it's do or die. So whatever it takes to not lose our grip.

14959679? ago

Trap has been sprung

14959651? ago

Diligent downvoters needed.

14959492? ago

The fraud was expected, I bet this whole thing was a sting operation. Let's just wait and see what happens next.

14959479? ago

Do you even bother reading the drops?


10 Nov 2018 - 12:56:59 PM


We knew then.

We know now.

This time - we have Gov't control.

Boomerang Suicide.


Now, quit your whining.

14959401? ago

Relax man it was trap to expose. Let it happen

14960399? ago

11/11 is the big day! Always has been, hold tight!

14959468? ago

And in the event that it isnt? Will it be too late to act?

14959570? ago

It's called a gambit. Remember "learn chess?"

14959611? ago

Combat vet. Keeper of the faith.

I fully understand.

Doesnt help my nerves right now.
Thank you.

14959633? ago

Combat Vet too.

Patriots are in control, enjoy the show.

Relax bro, take a puff of giggle bush and happy Veterans Day

14959372? ago

Try decaf..... New Congress doesn't get sworn in until January. Plenty of time to figure out who did what, with who in the closet and for how many cookies.

14959317? ago

The biggest issue to me is how do we get the “left” side to see that there’s an issue? We can shout about it all day long. We can post memes on Twatter all day long. We can sit in this forum and preach to the choir all day long. At the end of all these long days though, the media ignores or deflects the issues and the rest of the “left” just screams that the “right” is making all this up.

This optics issue is one that runs through every Q related topic for me and I think may be a source of the frustration for many. They’re stating it differently and jumping to conclusions like “ no arrests by 11.11.18 = Q is a fraud”. I don’t believe this but can empathize with the frustration. For me it’s more about how is Q team (that’s us too) going to truly red pill the “normies” and work towards unity.

14959446? ago

Damn, among all my friends and family I have been the one keeping the faith for 3 years. 3 YEARS. I have been the one they call to set them strait, calm them down and give them a clear picture. Now for the first time I feel helpless and hopeless. Seriously, very de-motivated. And as a combat vet, I know that this feeling is the feeling you get before you die. You just give up.

Im gonna need some BTFO soon or else.

14959540? ago

It’s all there. We have to solve the problem of people not wanting to see it. I don’t have the answer to this “optics” and am hopeful we can come up with something.

14959248? ago

Me too. Q seems more like a psyop to keep Patriots passive and calm. To keep them from taking action. Everyone in America should be outraged at this and melting down the phone lines of the White House. We should be on Trump 24/7 like flies on shit until he does something to stop this fraud! These people need to be rounded up and arrested and face justice for their crimes! No more delays!!!! Get mad!!!! It's time to start DOING stuff and stop talking about doing stuff. At least start writing and calling Trump. He exists.

14959416? ago

I think q is tying to get us ready to do that but we've been so stupid for so long we have to be taught first

14959223? ago

Are you fuming and stomping your feet? Anyone who can’t wait for this shit to end is no better than a five year old who has been denied a candy bar at the checkout, listen bro, no one cares how mad you are, most of us are accepting of the fact that a sting is taking place, if you can’t be patient enough to wait, or that you are a shill, you’re gonna get no love here, don’t bother responding I done chided you and that’s all a tantrum throwing baby needs

14959272? ago

Ok, I can see that, but in the event that it isnt a sting, what then?

14959732? ago

If you were in a foxhole with twelve other guys, and you hear the screams coming from a nearby town as people are getting killed, and you “know” air support is on the way - and you’ve been ordered/asked to stay in place so you’re there as backup when the real offensive arrives - and it’s sure death for you (and the guys you expose) if you hop out of that foxhole and run to the rescue - what are you gonna do? Can you sit tight and deal? Can you trust the plan? Can you function in your role?

I now the metaphor is a little extreme, but get some perspective. It’s an election, for crissakes, not a village. They’ve been stealing these for decades. tamany Hall took over the Democratic Party for good after the JFK assassination. Get a grip. Don’t feed the shills (who get paid when you respond, so if you respond, red pill a normie In the process!!)

If you want to know the rationale go read the q drops. It’s all there. You clearly haven’t read them if you’re still handwringing at this stage WHEN WE ARE WINNING A MAJOR BATTLE.

So, relax. Air support is coming. And, really, in THIS particular skirmish, no one is dying. The screams you hear in your foxhole coming from the village may even be audio recordings designed to flush you out.

Think logically. Use your mind. You’ve got this. 🖖

14960354? ago

You clearly haven’t read them if you’re still handwringing at this stage WHEN WE ARE WINNING A MAJOR BATTLE.

Winning a major battle? HRC/BO are touring the country and making money, R's lost the house in the election, Mueller buzz is huge, MSM is in full swing rocking and rolling, no FISA declas, no mass arrests. Your definition of 'winning' and mine, are totally different.

14960742? ago

Yep they are. 🖖

14959995? ago


14960895? ago

I get the angst. And I know you want to act. So, keep your shit together locally. (I mean really, what are you gonna do that’s different?) take care of business at home - kids, house, finances, work, life. If you’re in a contested election county your body’s Probably needed in a picket line or something - check in. If you’re in an area where there are fires, you may be useful. Likewise with any normal disaster. And there are casualties of the deep state’s BS all around us, so drop some blankets and sweaters and new socks off at a warming shelter, sign up to cook at a charity thanksgiving dinner for vets, go to your church and hang out with your fellow citizens.... stuff like that is where it’s at. And always will be. ✌️

14962862? ago

Thank you.
I don't like the "just relax and be complacent."
But we might be in that phase right now. Ugh. What happened to "fight fight fight!"

14959323? ago

There’s too much talk from the administration about voter fraud, then we get an absolute proof of blatant voter fraud for nothing to happen, be patient and watch what happens.