15142928? ago

I knew the people who Made the voting machines! Absolute alcoholic idiots.

Very easy to breech that Non-security.

How did they get the contract?


14962012? ago

Constitutional crises is the term **if ** Treason still holds its own.

National Security is above the LAW for powerful Spooks.

14961548? ago

And New York changed their laws so illegal aliens can become lawyers in their state.... Cesar Vargas from this Project Veritas video. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2016/02/04/nyregion/immigrants-4-year-legal-fight-to-become-a-lawyer-ends-in-celebration.amp.html

14960013? ago

[SWAMP] contains red & blue
satan's m.o. steal, kill and destroy
Create FF murder = kill to remove 2nd amendment.
Fire starters black op = req Fed aide, divert $ to sanctuary cities, criminals, drug cartels, MS-13/terrorists antifa
Bomb makers = chaos, lawlessness projection
Voter fraud snakes = steal elections traitors
MSM Fake News #1 propaganda arm of global satanists c_a/mos balaams = lie, smear campaign.
Divide the people,
destroy nations,
steal, kill and sacrifice children to molech,
rule the world.
These people are sick with evil,
dark to LIGHT
This evil will be Destroyed and Thrown back into hell.
Evil Be Gone!!!

14959693? ago

I wonder? James O'Keefe = Q ???

14959190? ago

When is Q or Trump going to get involved and arrest these criminals?

14959130? ago

I am only mildly familiar with block chain technology, but I think there could be a way to use it to eliminate voter fraud, I just don't know how we would implement it. I know that with BC Tech you can have a unique ID for every person and be able to track every transaction, that seems like it could work, but how would we be able to ensure that only the person issued the ID would be able to use it to vote? Any idea out there? Maybe somebody could post this question as a new post?

14960296? ago

Unique voter id, used only for voting and given only to citizens. Without it, you can't vote. Take good care of it because if you "lose it" within 30 days of an election, you can't vote. We need enough time to deactivate the old one out of all systems, and activate the new one, there can be no overlap or multiple cards out there for one user.

14959042? ago


14958591? ago

And once again not a single Democrat is going to get in trouble for it. Stupid peasants.

14958507? ago

Americans... Do not let this slide down the memory hole, go protest! Send emails! Put up posters! Make memes! Do something! Don't let this go.

14959197? ago

go protest!

lol. Good one.

14958657? ago

I hope Q picks up on it, it needs to go viral again.

14961073? ago


Rebuttals needed there otherwise it's about to redpill a shitload of people.

14961447? ago

Wow, someone's desperate. Why go to all that effort for a false larp? Whoever is doing that must have something big to lose.

14961539? ago

We need more of a rebuttal than "wow you went to a lot of time to make this troll post. You must be a desperate glow in the dark fag".

14958185? ago

He mentions used car auctions in this video implying that he would prefer to use cars than busses to transport out of state voters. I noticed that 1-877-cars for kids radio commercial played on repeat in the months leading up to the election. Anyone else notice this?

14970234? ago

(((Kars 4 Yids)))

14958624? ago

A lot of those migrants were videoed being bussed to the border.

It makes me wonder if there is a connection to what these people do and the migrant 'caravan'. Perhaps they thought vehicles wouldn't be affective enough and were trying something new and bigger. Migrants successfully entered Europe from North Africa in the run up to UK, French and German elections a couple of years ago via boats, maybe they thought they would be able to achieve the same thing on the US border.

14958303? ago

Must be. We all know kids can’t drive. Not old enough.

14958177? ago

That Foley guy is working out of my state of Wisconsin. The 2018 midterms here went to the dems, hmmmmm, so did Michigan. This makes me sick that they can do this!!

14957992? ago

I have wondered just recently, how easy is it to MKultra the masses via MSM?. After I watched them hypnotize people to kill, with very little effort, it seems the insanity on the left when "Trump" is mentioned, could easily be the trigger word.

14960300? ago

Very easy. Think about not only symbolism that is constantly shoved in front of our eyes but also the waves coming off of the TVs and phones.

Here's a duckduckgo search with some good results you can read. Also check out Vigilantcitizen.com for more examples of mass mind control.


14957879? ago

that's exactly how (democrat hero) jfk was elected. his zillionaire criminal father conspired with chicago mob boss sam giancana to rig the vote and win illinois. if not for this, nixon would have won the 1960 presidential election. a lot of people believe that the reason he was assassinated is because his administration, and his brother bobby, were being tough on the mob instead of paying them back for getting him elected.

14958093? ago

My neighbor used to have friends of this mob in NY. We talk about this all the time. According to him, the Kennedy's turned on the mafia after they helped him win. I still think LBJ helped personally.

14963765? ago

the kennedys definitely turned on the mob after they got him elected. weather this had anything to do with his assassination, i don't know, but of all the many conspiracy theories, this one seems plausible to me mainly because of the involvement of mob associate jack ruby.

14957756? ago

Jews Democrats Satanist and Muslims all need to be verified enemies of the state. None of them obey our laws and motion to subvert them. America is for Americans, that's the end of it. Love it or leave it. We should not have to change our country to appease foreigners and degenerates.

14958369? ago

You sound like the left. Lurk more if you’re not just a shill. All humans are imperfect. Our actions/character is all that matters.

14971105? ago

Me a leftist? Your whack. I was on this patriot train at least a decade before it was renamed the trump train. Shill located.

14971084? ago

Jews are a nasty group of people that should never be trusted because they always undermine the societies that host them. Is real last.

14958345? ago

Stop generalizing! But if you do, then generalize properly! It’s Good vs evil! Judge each individual based on their character. Why is this so hard for you Low IQ apes to understand?! Being Jewish does not make someone evil.

Shills stick out so well nowadays. We know who our enemy is...no need to lob innocent humans in with them. Lazy and unamerican.

14971154? ago

They ain't innocent, they worship the same Satan as hill dog and company. Fuckin boomers.

14957957? ago

Know this, when you include Jews in your rants you out yourself. Jared Kushner is a Jew as is Ivanka. Being Jewish is NOT a crime, being a criminal who is Jewish IS. This is True prejudice and Anti- Trump.

14958273? ago

Why are Jews the only protected class?

14958581? ago

Oh please, EVERYONE is a protected class except strait, white (European background) males and females.

14958901? ago

Well no fucking duh shitlord, but why are Jews an espescially protected class? Everyone knows wypeepo bad.

14960152? ago

Not OP- I agree. Being an "antisemite" is worse than being a racist, misogynist, bigot, etc. You want to ruin someone? Convict them in the court of public opinion as an antisemite.

Why is it against the LAW in several countries to even question the official narrative of WWII? That should tell you everything right there

14958261? ago

Well -- per your logic -- simply being a D or Muslim is a crime then? Not all of them are criminals, either.

14990757? ago

I would suggest you use logic.

Anyone can be a Dem or Muslim.

People are born Jewish.

Your Racism against Jews is stunning.

I realize there there are wicked Jews, but so there is wicked in every race.

Jews happen to be quite intelligent therefore when they go to the dark side, its very Dark indeed.

However the massive intelligence of Jared Kushner is Solving massive problems in our government.

You should read a little...

14991560? ago

Oh, and the original commenter was 1457975. I am 1490757. You should read a little...

14991417? ago

People can convert to Judaism, i.e., a choice. Try again. Oh, and I am not an anti-Semite.

14971192? ago

Yupp. Some one get this Fucker a chicken dinner!!!

14971225? ago

I'm vegan, jerk!

14971337? ago

Oh that explains your lack of critical thinking.

14971423? ago

Makes total sense. Thank you for producing a fallacious statement with absolutely no counter-argument. You eat the chicken.

14971537? ago

The brain requires meat, vegans lack brain power. Should be obvious to you always low energy n shit not wanting to think about things NPC lifestyle. Pass that chicken over here.

14971663? ago

NPC? Wrong, again. My monthly VA disability check states otherwise. And the vegan thing was a joke, pal. My logic was solid but you had to be a bitch about it.

14971754? ago

Welcome to Voat. .... Win stupid prizes.

14971772? ago

Thank you, patriot. God bless.

14958252? ago

Thank you 14957957
It's getting easier to spot and ignore soro's pesky anti-semitic racists balaam.trolls/shills.

14971213? ago

Jews not bad, jews be good some times, lol.

14957624? ago

LBJ was the grand master at voting fraud and everyone knew it. He was the go to guy to steal elections

14957874? ago

I was going to mention him! My mother used to tell a story that a recount was being done on an LBJ election in Texas, before he was ever VP. There was a car carrying ballot boxes with two guards. It blew up and killed everyone inside, and of course it destroyed the ballots. I have been trying to find info about it online, but I can't find anything.