14960922? ago

Don't worry Patriot we know they're easy to spot they just glazed right over when I'm reading post I don't even notice them anymore

14958991? ago

Just playing a game of "Peka-a-Boo" with the Deep State.

POTUS likes the way they they get surprised each time and Q likes how they poop their pants with anticipation.

14958335? ago

Divided the us the goal. Why engage them. Let the posts wither.

14958290? ago

What makes you say arrests are happening today, ass-clown?

14958070? ago

Who said there would be arrests today?

14957979? ago

Don't get too attached to dates. They come and go pretty regularly in the Qniverse. We have the plan, the pattern, but I don't think they'll happen when we assume they will. DS is watching too.

14957910? ago

No. Not today.

14957896? ago

Nothing will happen. Youre all brainwashed boomer christ cucks. Off yourselves asap.

14958111? ago

Nothing will happen except for a failed attempted assassination of the POTUS!!

14958616? ago

Do you have anything other than an unverified twitter account post to prove that? Only thing i can find of an assassination attempt on macron was from bastille day in 2017.

14957882? ago

Such low-energy shilling.

What happened to you shills?

It's like you've had the will to live drained from you.

14957722? ago

Shills are heavy and in full force today.

14957660? ago

Fuck off shill.

Q never said anything about world wide arrests.

This is what Q said about 11-11-2018.

14957769? ago

Screw you shill. Get out of my post please. This is serious!

14957816? ago

So when did Q promise you worldwide arrests?

That's the OP's claim and it's a simple question?

I only ask because Q never did.

14957869? ago

Fuck off SHILL.

14957887? ago

Then we are in agreement - a Q post promising worldwide arrests is pure bullshit.

14957927? ago

I researched this for almost a year. Fuck off shill.

14957968? ago

Then name the Q post that promises worldwide arrests please.

I'll wait...

14957999? ago

That's not how it works. He gives us clues and asks questions in a way to throw off the Hillary team.

14958038? ago

You have no theory or you'd present it.

You are such a silly shilly.

Shills have been pushing this misrepresentation constantly for the last 24 hours.

And close your mouth - your breath reeks of Jew penis.

14958118? ago

Ha you are the shill'

14957646? ago


Q never made such promises and this shill is trying to misrepresent Q in the hopes there won't be world-wide arrests... which Q never suggested there would be.

14957633? ago

When did Q say there would be world wide arrests?

14957627? ago

Don't get your hopes up. Hope for the best, expect the worse. This should be a given by now if you have been following Q for a while now.

I suspect something big will happen today. However we may not get to see it... yet. if this is the case, future drops over the next few days are likely to provide insight into what went down.

14958588? ago

We never fucking get to see anything. I undeestand Qs motivation to prevent war, but at some point you need to trust the people with the truth.

But just wait and trust the plan. The one we cannot see, know, or possibly underatand with all the cryptic bullshit Q posts. Everythings in control even though for all intents and purposes, its not.

14959321? ago

Take a step back and look at the big picture. At all of it. Just what is at stake right now? What is Trump, Q, and the rest of the gang up against right now? Who are they up against? These are all very important questions to be asked.

And things are far more in control than you realize. Also, Q's posts are not as Cryptic as you think, especially if you re-review them from time to time. Somene brought this up yesterday: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2843998

Now. Stop and consider what is going on in Florida right now. This Shenanigans with Broward County. Just how over the top is all of this? It's outrageous. Absurd even. then there is the suspcious amount of media coverage it is getting. This is pretty unrealistic. lol

Okay, now consider this: BS in that drop is Brenda snipes. Then we get "Agreement with Brenda snipes to expose voter fraud." Likely to reduce sentencing from her indictment from investigations into the 2016 election that Trump has tweeted about a number of times.

This ridiculous shenanigans is all to expose the corruption of democrat voter fraud corruption and force the issue of voter ID laws. At this point, wouldn't you say that opposing voter ID laws is quickly becomming indefensable at this point? Now, when it comes out and she is "busted" for this corruption and Trump calls "VOTER ID LAWS NOW!" It would be political suicide to oppose it. This will get passed.

...we are literally watching a movie right now. "Patriots are in control. Enjoy the show." Q

14957807? ago

A lot of comments in this post are mean spirited. It was OP's first post. Doubt she will post or comment anymore. She does not critique them. This is bullshit. WWG1WGA

14959433? ago

I'm not sure if you realized this yet, but this is a pretty rough and tumble place. I mean, I don't like mean spirited people, but you cannot let it get to you too much. Thick skin is require for this area of the internet. And if you think this is bad? You should see the chans. lol

Besides. I was just being blunt and realistic in my post here. I did not intend to be mean, so if she took it that way I do apologize.

14957586? ago

No one said Arrests would happen on 11/11.

Something big such as the declas might occur.

Keep in mind that the March 18, 2018 executive order in regards to military tribunals will not go into effect until January 1st. 2019.

This is the start of the PAIN.

14957937? ago

No one said Arrests would happen on 11/11.

A shitload of people have been saying that arrests will happen on 11/11 and that the military parade will be a perp walk. Maybe Q hasn't said it because he doesn't actually say anything, but many Q followers have.

14958245? ago

I never have and only stated it was an important date. I only learned about that particular executive order a few months back now. I was one to think the a big happening was today (such as Fisa declass) but when the military parade moved I knew something was up and that was when the Executive order info came into the picture.

If you have heard people going on about arrests today then you haven't been paying attention to Q. This isn't about following others, but thinking for yourself. I stopped watching youtube videos that explained it all and started to think for myself. Everything that has happened all points to that March 18, 2018 executive order.

14958236? ago

Yes a shit load of ppl have said it but that doesn’t mean Q team did. Remove your head from your ass.

14957555? ago


14958028? ago

Exactly. Just like October came and went with no RED October. BUT, on the anniversary of Red October Sessions resigned and we get Whitaker...possibly the Stealth Bomber. I believe there is so much going on behind the scenes and Future will prove Past.

14957759? ago

You seem to be the one shilling. WWG1WGA

14957800? ago

Are you fucking stupid

14957853? ago

Nah, all of these shills have at least two alts - one for posting and a second only to pretend to be a crowd that agrees with himself.

You can tell because these shill posts always immediately get at least two upvotes and all of the REEEEEEEEEing replies are almost immediate... and if you argue for more than a few minutes the shill will start to accuse you of being Neon Revolt.

These shills are stupid and they are also NPCs.

14957833? ago

OP maybe correct. Her predictions are just as likely as anybody's else to come true. I know she has researched it for a year.

14958295? ago

How do you know its a she? Sounds fishy...

14958360? ago

I know her online. This was her very 1st post. Its also her last due to the negativity she received. WWG1WGA

14958387? ago

You know an anonymous number? Interesting.

14958401? ago

No we collaborated in GA to make a post and thought she would be received well.

14957509? ago

i have my doubts, but we'll see what happens. i hope for the best at least.

14957790? ago

Look how OP was attacked for stating his predictions.

14957502? ago

Let's get this thing started!

14957779? ago

Look how many people are talking bad to OP. I feel sorry for him and I bet he does not critique their predictions!!