14958062? ago

I wonder if Barry organised the assassination attempt.

14957316? ago

Fingers crossed this is the end of Trudeau.

14956891? ago

He’s just repeating what he heard Michelle Obama day about him in her new book. You guys are pathetic.

14956812? ago

Talk. Let's get it done. WE NEED ACTION.

14956357? ago

It is probably about Obama wiretapping white house

14956858? ago

I thought something was left in the White House that could have injured Trump when Obama left, but it was detected and intercepted.

14956338? ago

You have to repent BEFORE you are forgiven. Otherwise you are just FORGOTTEN.

14955962? ago

Trump is the master at playing Stupid. It's so funny to watch how hard he baits people and the media to talk about the things he wants them to talk about. lol

14955903? ago

omg... how hilarious would it be if Russia "hacked the election" to protect it from the dems? lol

Think about it. They said that they found IP's originating from Russia. However they ultimately said that it had no impact on the election. Wouldn't stopping voter fraud technically not have an impact on the election, as it would be as if nothing ever happened?

14958783? ago

"What would the dems even say? Russia stopped us from CHEATING!"

They've done it before and it's worked for them. The whole "Russia collusion" thing is just that! Dnc, hrc campaign, media all cheating to win the 2016 election. It gets exposed and they start screaming, " Trump colluded with Russia to expose our cheating!!! They can't do that!" And it's still being investigated. See they do it all the time and it works for them.

14959062? ago

But have they done in with Sheriff Trump on watch?

You are quick to forget things are a little different right now.

14960307? ago

I'm not quick to forget anything. So far it's all just talk. Talk, talk, talk. Show me how anything is different! It's always " I will address this in the future." While the dems keep doing whatever they want to do. I'm not believing anything from anyone as long as it's just talk. Past time for talk and it IS time for walk! Perp walk that is. I'm not from Missouri but I'm thinking like I am. Show me!

14960425? ago

Think about the scope of this. How big it is. What is at risk. If they fuck up, it's game over. Do you think the Cabal would ever let something like this happen again?

They got complacent and patriots took that moment to grab them by the balls. This is a delicate process. Also, as far the the dems keep doing whatever they want? Consider this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2845650/14957129

14960719? ago

Yep. I know all that. But part of that is what's bothering me. According to Q fisa was going to drop before the elections. After that the dems and rinos wouldn't be elected dog catchers. Then nothing but excuses. According to Q a red Tsunami was coming, don't believe msm, they are not telling you the truth,( which we all know they don't). But then no red wave, we loose the house. More excuses. "We were after the senate". Yeah, BS. Now the dems are openly stealing elections all over the country and what do we hear? More wait! Let me put it this way. If you or I defy court orders or we tell a Senate committee to stick it in your ear, how long would we be walking around free? Answer that honestly then tell me everything is fine.

14955802? ago


14957752? ago

I was in during the Obama era and i saw so many great Marines not being able to reenlist because of a massive cuts to our military

14957449? ago

He fucking destroyed our Economy.

14955561? ago

Just wait some more goyim.

Sit on your ass for one more week why we steal the election.

Trust the plan.

14955552? ago

You are all mentally dellusional.

Do you really think Trump will arrest people after loosing n election and the world wouldn't loose it's shit?

Christ, leftists are a bastion of reason compared to all of you nut jobs.

14955701? ago

Actually everything is waiting on the mueller probe “findings” If he clears trump the left will lose their shit blame trumps firings call him s dictator and easily convince the moron snowflake masses headed by antifa to riot every major city...marshall law... mass arrests etc. If he says they have “evidence” (which is false) trump releases all texts/emails/ FISA to start arrests to prove the truth. Which still leads to left calling him a dictator... riots...marshall law... etc. Either way the tipping point for EVERYTHING will be mueller findings and reports/recommendations. And just thus week they announced it was “winding down” and would be over “soon”

14970041? ago

Yes soon.

Still soon.

Sit on your hands more goyim.

Trust the nothing.

14955539? ago

A rather perfunctory, though absolutely astonishing new Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Russian military expert Vladimir Neyelov has been arrested on high treason charges and is now imprisoned at Moscow’s Lefortovo pre-trial facility—and whose “evidence for charge” section contains the jaw-dropping statements “United States sealed indictment/reference USNSC J. Bolton” and “advanced Luciferian computer crimes”—thus obliquely confirming why United States National Security Advisor John Bolton requested an urgent meeting with President Putin last week, and what is possibly the true purpose of the over 61,000 sealed indictments that have been revealed over the past year being secretly issued in the US by the mysterious American military intelligence organization called QAnon—with further confirmation of this being so revealed in a Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) appendix to this FSB report stating that upon their receiving this sealed indictment information on the treason charges against Neyelov, they contacted their counterparts in the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)—Russia and Spain maintain benevolent relations—who were then able to smash a “Black Magic” sex cult who were trafficking young transgender boys from South America. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] According to this report, now arrested for treason Vladimir Neyelov is a journalist who wrote about Russian private military companies for an organization named the Center for Strategic Estimates and Forecasts, and one of whose American contacts was University of Iowa doctoral candidate Joshua Tschantret—with Tschantret being a student of international military relations, studied extensively in China, and who received his undergraduate degree from the SUNY Center for International Development located in Albany-New York where he conducted background research on global governance topics.

Most critical to know about Joshua Tschantret, however, this report notes, is that he’s the son of Erin Rutnik Tschantret, who is the younger sister of Democrat Party US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—with both Erin’s and Kirsten’s father Doug Rutnik being one of the top advisors to the mysterious Albany-New York sex cult called NXIVM—whose founder Keith Raniere has already been arrested by one of the tens-of-thousands of sealed indictments QAnon had documented President Trump had ordered his loyal forces to issue. In the correspondences documented by the FSB occurring between Vladimir Neyelov and Joshua Tschantret, this report says, their “main/central” point of focus centered on how to create an artificial intelligence (AI) entity that would be able to govern entire nations—that many experts are now claiming will be “the end of God” as “humans begin worshiping their new AI Messiah”—with MIT Professor of Physics Max Tegmark warning that once this new superintelligence is vastly greater than that of a human, the fate of mankind will depend on it and his saying that the real risk with artificial general intelligence isn’t malice but competence—“A superintelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours, we’re in trouble”—and that echoes President Putin further warning that the nation that leads in AI “will be the ruler of the world”. Using the international governance information supplied to him by Joshua Tschantret, this report continues, the traitorous journalist Vladimir Neyelov, shortly before his capture and arrest, collaborated on writing an article for his Center for Strategic Estimates and Forecasts organization titled “Human, All Too Human: Is Not Whether We Will Become Hostages Of Our Mind, Implementing Universal AI?”—wherein the “competence” failure of AI was explained as being due to the fact that “our entire civilization has been built by crazy people”—that refers to the true and unmistakable fact that our world’s greatest achievements were all accomplished by people who by today’s standards would, most certainly, be placed into lunatic asylums for believing and acting upon things that couldn’t possibly be true—such as the US Navy, in 1901, declaring that anyone thinking they could make a machine that flew was mad.

In order to achieve the introduction into AI of a “crazy component” to give it lifelike human characteristics, this report details, Joshua Tschantret introduced Vladimir Neyelov to an invention patented by imprisoned NXIVM sex cult leader Keith Raniere in 2013—and now under the control of his grandfather Doug Rutnik and aunt US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand—called “Determination Of Whether A Luciferian Can Be Rehabilitated”—and whose sole purpose provides a now patented process (United States Patent Number: 20130281879A1) to enslave human minds for whatever purposes its users determine.

http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2703.htm There are sure some interesting articles in this site.

14956387? ago

There are rumors about this site to be some heavy disinfo operation. The revelations there are too magical imho.

14955488? ago

Oh, he's really promising to [next weak] this time, goys.

14955218? ago

For those not familiar with the Uranium One (U1) controversy, it is about alleged compromised national-security interests and racketeering. It allegedly involved Bill Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, high level officials in Russia, the State Department, and Uranium One a Russian state-owned uranium mining company. All the parties denied those allegations.

Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_One_controversy

Archived at http://archivecaslytosk.onion/Xcgkv

14954656? ago

He didn’t say soon. He said in the future.

14954549? ago

Never underestimate Putin, he's smart and shrewd, he dosen't do anything unless he gets something in return...................HE GETS SOROS.

He supplies the U1 docs, we get BHO, HRC, RM, and all the black hats in exchange for Soros and his accounts...he has nice accommodations ready for him. One less for his paid Antifa scum to riot over...they have to wait on Putin to pay them....

14955950? ago

Oh man. Wouldn't that be the deal of a life time.

"I'll trade you all the dirt on the I got on the Clintons for all your Dirt on Soros."

14954361? ago

Arrest him first. Accuse him of terrorism. That way the lawyers can't do shit. Keep him in jail until we sort the evidence out.

14954294? ago

Potus is returning tomorrow night. I believe the shit is about to hit the fan. Popcorn time coming this week. I think the storm is here. Enjoy the show.

14954370? ago

If the show would start, then we could enjoy it.

14956489? ago

We’re 30 minutes into the two hour movie. Try not to bother anyone already in the theater.

14958583? ago

All I've seen so far are lots of trailers promising a great movie. But, the movie never begins.

14956871? ago

Lol. “Hey kid. Turn off your damn phone. “

14956815? ago

Movie's almost over and boring as fuck.

14954124? ago

It’ll be a firing squad for Hussein. Right shills?

14954368? ago

We're waiting. Any day now......