14954710? ago

I suspect since MI has been paying attention since 2016 then the white hats may be allowing them the rope to hang themselves with

14951916? ago

No reasonable prosecutor would bring charges.

14948785? ago

Q says the midtems are safe and they have an affidavid frome a worker there that states they were in a room filling out ballots.

14948416? ago

Trap being set.

14948125? ago


14948054? ago

We found 1 Billion Democrat votes and they All Need to be counted and verified-please be patient

14947993? ago

The democRats are in the process of Destroying themselves, let them alone and enjoy the show!

14947379? ago

Leftists ignore the rules like the Cluster B trash they are.

They genuinely believe that the rules don't apply to them, and too many people will stand back and willingly let them stomp all over boundaries. It's time for people to say "No, fucker, you WILL do this, or you WILL go to jail."

14946547? ago

propaganda. I suspect someday we'll all have an "oooooooooh, that's why" moment.

14946276? ago

Apparently you are not a demoncrat or a useful tool to the cabal. How "deplorable."

14945861? ago

One word, police. Judges don't knock on your door and get you. They have "muscle". The whole system is a scam

14945834? ago

Not with a really good lawyer.

14945620? ago

You can't have anything like freedom when the law isn't applied equally to everyone. It's unfair and unjust. Consider this an attack on your freedom.

14945591? ago

they are called the chosen for a reason goy.

14945554? ago

Exactly so tired of dems getring away with bold-faced crimes

14945518? ago

Same with Treason. If I committed Treason, they would swoop in and arrest my ass INSTANTLY!

But, if you're Obama or Hillary you can commit treason all day, every day, forever, and nothing ever happens to you.

14945480? ago

Just 4D chess, am i right? We are winning right?

14945666? ago

No. I consider the midterm a net loss. This was just one "battle" in a much longer "war" (so to speak). 2020 won't be the end either. There's a great deal more to do if we want freedom.

14945281? ago

You mean like if you had an illegal server, deleted gov't emails, destroyed cell phones, shared classified information and walked away?

14945018? ago

Don't be silly, everyone knows the law does not apply to democrats. Those pesky laws are for the people who disagree.

Democrats cannot be racist nor can they abuse women... this is especially true for the democrats who are actually racist and abuse women.

14944919? ago

Guys... this is a movie... we are literally watching a movie unfold.

I mean, stop and really think about it for a moment. How absurdly over the top is this?

Clinton was there just before the election... Clinton's fixer was just there... They are clearly caught red handed and "nothing" is being done about it, despite a judges court order... "Shredding" thing that is happening today...

This is over the top exaggerated, it's unrealistic and has so much press coverage. This is not how things work. Laughably so lol

Plus look at what someone just pointed out here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2843998

Remember what Q keeps telling us? "Patriots are in control." "Enjoy the show" And what did Q just drop the other day, just before the midterm elections? https://qmap.pub/read/2417 Q is telegraphing that we are "going to see a movie" We are currently in movie 2 "Fisagate." https://qmap.pub/read/1929

The next movie is "panic in DC" which will start after the Fisa is dropped. So going by the Movie bard, Fisa Gate is theater 6, Panic in DC is movie 5, Guardians of the Pedophile is after that (hollywood maybe?) We are counting backwards. Which begs two important questions:

What is movies 3-2-1 and just how any people are playing "roles" in these movies? How many people have already been indicted in this "grand scheme" to wake the population up?

14950109? ago

One of them has to be the cult/satanism shit

14950210? ago

That probably comes after the pedo shit, as that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

14946558? ago

Movie 3: Goodbye Federal Reserve

14944529? ago

Deep State protection. Hopefully, with the world watching, they won't get away with it this time.

14944321? ago

Court not in session on Saturday. Pretty simple.

14944207? ago

Mos controls broward, but I guarantee they dont like being in the spotlight

14944180? ago

You Aren't a Black, female, Dem in charge of a countys election, in a Dem controlled county.

14944039? ago

Nothing happened. Broward county complied with the judge's order, Palm Beach did not.


14943852? ago


14943348? ago

Judges owe their allegiance not to the law but to their masters

14943324? ago

Qtards still cant comprehend that their laws dont apply to their jew masters.