14911541? ago

Roger that patriot. WWG1WGA!

14906280? ago

It is a coincidence, A LOT of OC residents attend that festival.

14903347? ago

Of interest apropos of the OP - This is an interesting take and commentary on the Sheep, Sheepdog, and Wolves piece written by Grossman - https://www.policeone.com/police-heroes/articles/1709289-Book-Excerpt-On-Sheep-Wolves-and-Sheepdogs/ Worth the time.

And - as a former LEO family member, let me remind you -- Some cops are Sheepdogs and some are Wolves. One has to pay attention to know which is which. Just like the National Guard, the cops are our own homegrown Sheepdogs. The majority of them are really good people, white hats if you will.

I believe we on here are the Sheepdogs. That's what brings us together. Most of the anons would protect the sheep within their own fold. Our Red Pill job is to help others understand as quickly and as expediently as possible. Because things are about to get really interesting. The MoveOn thing today is a shot over the bow. They are testing. Just as the caravan is a test.

How much will be put up with? How much will we take? How far can they push us? Make no mistake, Obummer put a lot of things in place to make the DS's job that much easier. The way he called out the Caravan as a fake op is telling. Either 1) he was sending a message for them to turn around and make Trump look bad, or 2) he was calling attention to the caravan for those who hadn't paid it much attention.

(On that note, I have another off the wall question for you anons --- I've heard Obummer say this before and I'm not sure if it's code or what the F it means, "Don't pay attention to the Okey Doke." HUH? That's not in our vernacular in any part of the country. Or is he just trying to be folksy? hell, who cares... he'll be in Gitmo soon and he can get okey doked by all the prisoners there.... (LMAO - when I typed Okey Doked, the autocorrect made it Okey POKED... haahahahahaaaaaahahaha)

14902692? ago

Thank You

14901053? ago

The origins of the American Military Coup of 2012 interesting read.

14899688? ago

Self congratulation. It's the only thing you people are good at. Rather than looking for kudos from your "patriot hero" buddies, turn to your family and friends. Make them proud of you. Realize that you are not a hero or secret agent, just a person who needs love. I started watching the Q drama for laughs on Reddit. I'm still laughing, but I feel sorry for you guys as well. You all believed fervently, and were let down at every turn(tarmac tapes etc). Your numbers are dwindling. "The Cabal"didn't make you a loser, you did. This Q fraud is playing on your persecution complex and your insecurities. You come here to feel like you're on the inside of a giant secret, a patriot saving humanity. Don't be manipulated by this stupid shit. Have the courage to do something worthwhile in the REAL world. Let go of all the bitterness and anger. I can't wait for the day I come here to laugh at angry dummies and the page is tumbleweeds.

14901026? ago

u r sad

14898142? ago

Their was no red wave the plan has cost the GOP the house no DECLAS no arrest's and failure to fix health care has given the rats back control of the house. Now get ready for the shit storm of attacks against POTUS and supporters by the Democrats and their liberal backed MSM on a daily basis we warned this would happen. And DECLAS will not give control of the house back to the Republicans. I said months ago i don't like the fucking plan now the house Democrats could ignite a civil war. And to all the Q nutswingers who will call me a shill because i dare to question the plan go fuck yourselves the Q plan fucked up now the inmates are running the asylum. Declass arrests and the health care fix would have fueled a red wave. Trump is losing a percentage of his base look at the Republicans who won almost all by razor thin margins. It's fucking time for POTUS and admin and the QTeam to take the gloves off and go on the offensive NOW or Trump is a one and done POTUS the base is pissed off.

14905840? ago

Pretty sure if Mueller was a white hat, there would have been no need to murder Whitey Bulger.

14905084? ago

November 8, 2018

Voat.co QRV Post 14898142?

RE: 14898142? post (which post was responding to Anon QRV post #2838922? "This is the best time as any to say a few words before the obvious . . .")

Dear Sir or Madam,

We here at the Q-Tard Board would like to take a few moments to respond to your QRV Post #14898142?, untitled.

First, Thank you so much for "personally asking DJT to run for POTUS in 2011" and for "supporting him all the way", despite all the "big mistakes" which have since been made. Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude, somewhat due to the limited vocabulary of us Q-Tards, but mostly due to the vagueness of your claims.

Your ideas, opinions, criticisms and suggestions have been noted. We are most appreciative for your pearls of wisdom, and your golden filigree of criticisms (unfortunately, we do not know your name; may we call you "Solomon"?) Rest assured, Mr./Ms. "Solomon", we will get back to you in a timely fashion, as soon as we find our rear ends. But first, we must find our hands and our flashlights. Please be advised, that may, of course, take awhile.

Again, thank you "Solomon" for all you have done for your nation, your President, and your fellow patriots. Your sacrifice will never be known, and our gratitude to you will never be expressed.

Most respectfully, Cutie Ard, Senior Secretarial Advisory Executive Administrative Assistant Keyboard Volunteer Voat.co QRV QTard Board

14901061? ago

u r so sad

14896899? ago

Well said Patriot. See something Say something. Prepare to hunker if necessary. If anyone out there hasn't gotten the necessary supplies....you had better make that priority one today. Best case scenario - you are over-prepared. All kinds of nasty plans have most likely been just activated by the cabal in its death rattle. Pleasure to serve with you - WWG1WGA.

14910297? ago

Very wise words, PATRIOT!

14896894? ago

Patriot, the only thing I would change about what you said would be that I don't believe in Q, I believe in God. I follow Q, but that will also be through the filter of God's leading and direction through His Word. Always trust and prove human agencies. That Q seems to honor God is a good thing and reassuring from my perspective. That said, “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Romans 13:1 NASB).

Everything else you said, I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for sharing your wise words.

14898077? ago

those which exist are established by God

FUCK THAT! It these are the types of "authorities" that God establishes, then we have a very fucked-up God who is unworthy of worship. I refuse to believe that God put Dianne Feinstein or Hillary in charge. The Jews put them in charge, not God. What kind of fucked up twisted logic is that? I will never be subject to people like that. FUCK THEM! Destroy the system. Burn it to the ground.

14896546? ago

except Alex Baldwin, if he starts it obviously its OK to defend oneself.

14898101? ago

We should start a pool for his head on a stick.

14899288? ago

I just want ONE NY'r with some balls to knock his block off the next time he goes apeshit in public. Are NY'rs all bark and no bite?

14896087? ago


14895895? ago

Actually, I think that is all Q is really asking people to do. "Think logically". I guess by "believing in Q", you are stating you are not yet ready to accept the implications of the whole "Q-Theory". That is a lot to take on. I am leaning toward acceptance of Q-Theory because I am finding that it better explains the observations I make about the world than traditional Left v Right explanations.

14895874? ago

Lovers of liberty who want martial law imposed. I guess nobody sees the logic fail. Orangeman better not try imposing martial law in flyover country, the armed citizenry won't stand for it.

14896677? ago

You're not too bright Sunshine, not too bright at all.

14896796? ago

Logic fails are the reason Qanon followers are known the internet over as Qtards. But sure, you are the intelligent one.

14897167? ago

Nope, I'm the biggest idiot on the planet, trust me. Unlike you, I tremble in excitement, anticipation and joy. You tremble in fear. You have nothing to be scared of but yourself. If you don't trust yourself, how can you ever trust anything good?

14897247? ago

If you are the biggest idiot on the planet, you definitely shouldn't be trusting yourself or anything you might imagine. And when I read your submission all I see is imagination. Why should I trust you? And your submission probably isn't your own thoughts, just something you read on a website where the scholars capitalize random words.

14897465? ago

I'd don't much care for indoctrinates. I always follow my gut instincts and my heart, then I let my brain decide. I know, I are dumb. Imagine this, if it wasn't for imagination, you wouldn't be here.

14899914? ago

Your brain could use another brain to consult with. Might help.

14897748? ago

What you don't mention is applying logical reasoning to your suppositions. And BTW, science has shown that the only thing in existence is human consciousness, so I (my consciousness) would be here no matter what you might imagine.

14898174? ago

Oh really? You must be looking in a mirror. Stay in your box, you can leave it anytime you wish.

14895361? ago

And what have they learned by anyone keeping the peace? How long exactly should this "peace" be kept? As far as I can see they are bullies, and in my time there was only one way to stop bullying, and was with violence. Personally I'm sick of all this keep the peace crap. You honestly think these lunatics are going to back off? Tell me how exactly this is going to happen by keeping the peace? Should we have "kept the peace" with the British? Should we have "kept the peace" with the NAZIS? What about the Communists? Let me tell you all something straight. All those enemies mentioned were foreign threats. This is much MUCH worse as they are DOMESTIC THREATS! Not some overseas enemy, but right here at home. And you advise to keep the peace?

Sorry but this is always interpreted as cowardly behavior by bullies. When are you going to understand this? When are people going to stand up and fight back? Certainly not when this well intended drivel emboldens Americas enemies. Great courage is what is needed today. Courage and conviction. If our government and authorities won't do something about it, then it is our duty to do it as citizens. We have that right. And its about time we execute that right before its too late.

I know the OP was written with good intentions. But until there is consequence there will be no peace. Do you all understand this? THERE IS NO PEACE. Look at the left today, do they act like they are at peace with Americans who do not share their collective insanity? Did you see the way President Trump was attacked by "journalists" today at the White House? Does that look like peace to you? Do you see the illegals they are trying to invade the nation with? Does that look like peace to you? Please please PLEASE understand they will NEVER stop until there is consequences. And the longer you call for peace, the more they organize for war. Do you truly understand this?

Now the hot smack of truth ...if they get back into power, I swear to you, you will be wishing you had of done something earlier, when we had the chance to do so. They want our guns like we want oxygen. They will never ever stop until they have them. Still calling for peace? What would you do if Russia or China demanded we give up our guns? Sounds bad huh? No its worse, these domestic terrorists to our republic are right under our noses living among us. We fight back or we will lose. That's the cold hard truth. You fight or you lose.

Next is the internet. Our last chance to organize in large numbers. And they are hard at work right now. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me they are not targeting the internet. See? They are busy at WAR and we are calling for peace? Are you fkn kidding me? Look I'll be honest, besides President Trump and the so called Q Team Military operation, I don't see much hope for the future of the republic.

"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From great courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage"

I see where we are heading. If we don't show courage we will lose our liberty (what's left of it) and end up under the boot-heel of tyranny. Those are the facts and calling for peace when we are at war is cowardly and foolish. Pray and pray hard. From spiritual faith comes great courage and from courage comes liberty. I am well past peace and am preparing for what comes next. I sincerely suggest you all do the same.

14910092? ago

Amen. How many leftists though could be reprogrammed, if the fake news was taken away, and truth was fed to them instead? It is my hope and prayer that many WILL be AMQKEN after the DECLAS-DECLAS-DECLAS.

14901001? ago

As for me, Im trusting the plan. Military Intelligence. Clockwork.

14897579? ago

So very well said. The price of peace is often war and bloodshed. None of us wants conflict! But if we do nothing, we might sacrifice everything. We cannot be complacent. That said, no one is calling for active war - yet. Just that we can't preach "peace" because that leads to complacency. We have to be courageous and vigilant. And realize that saving our country might cost the sacrifice of our very own lives.

14897934? ago

It's not that we want war and conflict, we NEED it. The tree of liberty is not refreshed with bottled fertilizer purchased from Home Depot. It requires the blood of patriots and tyrants.

14896324? ago

I largely agree. Biggest thing is we need to be shown the enemy. We need nationwide carry ASAP! We can protect ourselves from this. We need Supreme Court cases pronto now that we have the numbers.

14896060? ago

Damn dude, so much truth in one comment. I agree, these extremist liberals need a bitch slap or worse. They have gone so far off the left deep end, they want a completely different country than the one they're living in. They don't want freedom, they want their favorite character Obama or HRC to be their slave masters. The brainwashing is so deep, the only way to undo it is a boot straight up their ass.

While Bush was in, the cabal progressed their plan quite a bit, but when Obama was in, he took it to a whole new level, yet they rejoice in it. I don't get it....

14895822? ago

Semper Fi my fellow Patriot!! There’s much fact and wisdom in your post. We all should be preparing. The only thing I disagree with you on is organizing over the Internet. While it can be helpful, it’s much better to organize in ones immediate community first and then branch out from there. Just like the VC knew their “backyard”, we too should know everyone in our immediate neighborhood and the basic layout of your County, then connect with others in neighboring counties etc. I will encourage EVERYONE to vett people they network with. Being in the Patriot movement I can tell you there are many unstable “patriots”(notice capitalization) out there, people I wouldn’t trust much less bring near my/your family, some real shitbirds. You are absolutely right that we must fight back, I cannot speak for the OP, but maybe they meant not to look for trouble or look to harm anyone unless absolutely necessary. We definitely are in dark times again, we must be a beacon of hope and an example while at the same time fighting back. This country was the last best hope for humanity and evil knew it, evil used our constitution and love for peace against us. We now have to destroy evil without destroying ourselves, quite a balancing act but it must be done. Because you are absolutely correct; evil will not stop. They will keep coming and coming. We must change hearts and minds. I hope we don’t revisit days like Antietam or Gettysburg as war is very hurtful and destructive to everyone. If we do revisit those days, there will be millions of casualties on day one, and you can bet our outside enemies will be watching and waiting for an opportunity to take over. I myself am not past peace, preservation and peace are the reason we must take a war footing as it’s the only way now to achieve peace. How I wish there was another way. If “they” come to your neighborhood with bad intention they need to be put down just as one would put down a rabid dog that came into your neighborhood. I am assuming you’ve seen some shitt so this post is mostly for the youth; Prepare mentally and spiritually as well because if you truly want peace it hurts your soul to take another’s life, killing someone will never leave you so you have to prepare yourself for that. It is sad but the truth is “The tree of Liberty......(Patriots will know the rest) Semper Fi! May God protect your souls and give you comfort throughout the coming dark times.

14910158? ago


14897647? ago

Your post should have the most upvoats. I am with the patriots that our seeing our options narrow down to few choices outside of war. With that I would ask the rest who are shouting for conflict and reciting the history of fighting the “redcoats”. Ask them, “how will you identify the enemy?” They are not wearing uniforms that say I am the liberal that wants to suppress you into communism and take away your god given rights. Do we kill them all and let god sort them out? NO! However, like you stated, you had better start finding out who are your like minded friends and who are the communists.

14897878? ago

how will you identify the enemy?

Anyone with facial piercings, thick glasses, facial tattoos, talks like a metrosexual faggot, wears boots that aren't dirty, has soft-girly hands, has weird beard/mustache hair, whining about Trump.

Just say stuff like this to out them:

  • "I could really go for a Starbucks right now!"
  • "Orange man bad!"
  • "I really miss seeing the Daily Show"
  • "Kapernick was right!"

As soon as they agree with you, or out themselves, shoot them.

14910251? ago

While mostly accurate and true, your "solution" is not helpful here. Which makes me think you are a shill. A leftist shill with the goal of causing harm to this military operation.

14910315? ago

LOLOLOL. You're not a part of this "military operation". Neither am I. You place too great of a value on your importance here. This is Voat. This is an anonymous forum. You're not fighting Krauts or Gooks. Get over yourself.

14916754? ago

A shill. Just as I suspected. Thank you for the verify.

14894952? ago

These nutcases will no doubt try and provoke a reaction of some kind but if no one is around to provoke, there won't be any reaction for them to claim victim against.

14894972? ago

Thats what the FF are for...to try to trigger anger

14895084? ago

Agreed. And, by some coincidence, there's a shooting in California at this very moment.. Of course CNN all over it, changing the narrative again..

Will this turn into another gun control argument?

14897259? ago

The 'Red Line' months old 4am narrative should be updated.

It seems the 4am news story went through.

14896718? ago

News says shooter was using a pistol w/extended magazines. In California. Committed multiple homicide. So he already broke laws on the books.

14894869? ago

Looks like we got us another false flag mass shooter in CA. Right on time.

14894915? ago


14895007? ago

It just hit the news about 1am PST. Check the usual MSM sources, it's down below all the politics headlines at this time. Looks like a dude went into a bar, popped a few smoke grenades, and shot the place up, including at least one deputy. Location: Thousand Oaks, CA.

14894807? ago

I don't have thread starting priviledges so someone who does needs to share this on the forum. The Austrailian media is preparing their population for the FISA fallout. This was posted two hours ago:

Docs Declassification 'will expose Downer' https://www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/docs-declassification-will-expose-downer/news-story/baaaf5ab8c93a099e38228246bdeaaef

14894834? ago

I don’t either. Some one please post active shooter in CA bar and grill. Many deaths and injuries. Fox reports 1:00am PST

14896810? ago

This is typical of every weekend in Chicago. Who was the perp? Who were the victims. We can pretty figure it out from there. Everything else is probably made up by MSM and the polizei.

14897753? ago

Yes. When niggers kill each other en masse, nobody cares. This is a false flag.

14894799? ago


14894724? ago

I will be back this time tomorrow night to laugh hardily at tonights melodrama. I bet spoonfull of gold that nothing but protesting occurs, with maybe a bit of counter protests and a bit if conflict. no military, no civil war, nothing near the shit you guys think. Those ldipshits wont do shit but make a mess

14896536? ago

LOL you're likely correct ... the streets will be littered with glitter, unicorn poop, and starbucks cups.

14916666? ago

LMFAO right now. You alarmist moron. Told your dumb ass. Q is a fucking carrot you donkeys.Wrong again.

14894683? ago

Yea Verily

14894645? ago

Here is a oldy but a goody video. If the people knew this the world would erupt https://youtu.be/eMSF8mCR6M0

14896889? ago

‘Bigger than you can imagine.’ This is what I think of.

14894899? ago

I've just posted your link to the main board so more people can look into this. Very good post. Thanks !

14894622? ago

There will be no mass riot. It’s cold out, and dark by 5pm those kids have curfews and school the next day. We are not dealing with men or anything akin to a woman on their side. Patriots have and will make any sacrifice in any climate for God family and country. They will stay home due to a chance of rain.

14894582? ago

Great post, WWG!WGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14894410? ago

The left can use violence to good effect because they have the media, the intellectuals, the rich, the famous, the deep state and the shadow government behind them. And we do not. Never forget that.

14898487? ago

We have Mother-God and Mi-ka-el's legion of angels, not to mention an Omniversal "Eyes on" situation here. I may be a kook, but I know that when the sun shines a fat circular corona around itself, and then adds a little cloud to make a perfect Q, we are NOT ALONE! Q said that, too.

14898153? ago

What do we have though? Guns. SHITLOADS and SHITLOADS of guns. We'll be alright.

14894248? ago

Lastly, I don't believe in Q. I follow Q. I believe in myself as you should too.

Shill busting sanity. Couldn't have said it better myself.

14896328? ago

Lastly, I don't believe in Q. I follow Q. I believe in myself as you should too.

I wish "I" had said that

14902418? ago

Someone with those valuable 'points' should make a new thread with that as the title, then we can all upvote and make it go to the TOP😇

14905820? ago

Post in GA for a while if you need voats. I'd post it but don't want to plagiarize the OP

14894218? ago

We all have a job to do once this happens/ We can be the voice to explain to those who will be completely lost. The left is not our enemy, they are brainwashed and lost. In the end they will awaken to the truth one way or another. Pray for everyone!

14909907? ago

Amen! So very well said, brother! or sister!

14900961? ago

The Left leadership Are the enemy, the left populace are brainwashed sheep. I was one year and half ago.

14909875? ago

That is one reason we have "THE GREAT AWAKENING".

14897722? ago

Nope. The left is my enemy. You do what you want.

14909848? ago

Not helpful

14909868? ago

Don't care. I hate them. If they fuck with me, I'll kill them without hesitation.

14902199? ago

I think there's a big difference between a "leftist" and a "liberal". A leftist is of the socialist/Marxist ideology, which is the enemy of a free Republic! A liberal is an uninformed lost soul, looking to "feel good" causes.

14902446? ago

If either one of them supports Communism ==> shoot them.

14909832? ago

No.... Help them.... Educate them...

14894161? ago

The world is flat and they're giving out free beer, but on the other hand, I do believe in Q.

14894228? ago

Hey nigger you're glowing.

14894237? ago

How'd you know I was a radioactive jigaboo? Yer a f'n chenius.

14898167? ago

Radioactive Jigaboo is the name of my new band.

14903135? ago

I kind of like Ch... That's good. I like the yard ape, especially.

14894045? ago

Well said Patriot. Bravo.

14894038? ago

defend home, utilize community even neighbors you never met. stay informed on your area. intel is worth lives! read your bible. no violence. but remember to forgive those that trespass against us :)

14893876? ago

God bless and protect the righteous and innocent in the coming times. WWG1WGA!

14916669? ago

Aaaaannndddd nothing happened you fucking moron.

14919213? ago

No one said it was going to happen yesterday dipshit.

14897714? ago

Praise Jeebus!

14895097? ago

Orange man good.

Trust in Q.

Q has plan

Stick to plan.

Israel is our ally.

14898703? ago

Israel is our ally.


14895843? ago

its miller timeb any day nao!

14895500? ago

Npc failing at NPCing. The irony

14895729? ago

The shilling here use to annoy be but it has gotten so lame it's starting to make me laugh.

14902387? ago

Yeah these must be the bottom of the barrel, low IQ temps because they're EXTREMELY OBVIOUS😆

14894729? ago

none are righteous, only children are innocent,

14893780? ago

Stay safe! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

14893761? ago

And, if you have a chance to kick the ever-lovin' shit out of some Antifa faggots, and not get caught, go to town! Have fun doling out some much-needed justice and teach them a good lesson. Just wail on them and cave their skulls in. Remember: people dissappear in big riots all the time.

14895926? ago

Hitler and the Nazis came to power because the Antifascists were attacking people in the streets, calling them fascists, whether they really were or not. They were so out of control and scary, they made the Nazis look sane. People got tired of that. So they voted for the guys fighting back against those nut cases. We want to avoid that. Fortunately, we aren't going through a depression like they were.

14929237? ago

Hitler was right. More people should have listened to him.

14894422? ago

We are not violent. Leave that to authorities to apply force as necessary.

14929247? ago

I'm extremely violent.

14894404? ago

Those faggots will have packed up and cried their way home before I’m even awake. Nobody is gonna play that shit around here.

14893824? ago

We do NOT advocate violence..

14929261? ago

I do.

14895277? ago

We do NOT advocate violence..

Indeed https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

14894592? ago

Kicking the shit out of a Antifa fag, however emotionally satisfying as it sounds. There is no glory in beating up basement dwelling pasty skinned twelve year olds.

14894434? ago

I agree with this faggot. Nobody do anything crazy.

14894034? ago

Watching ANTIFA be arrested in thrown in jail will be wonderful. I'll smile just as wide watching foolish patriots be thrown in jail for being just as violent as ANTIFA. Self-defense is one thing, but seeking out opportunities to be violent makes you as bad as our enemy.

14893864? ago

Some people do. Those Antifa faggots really deserve it.

14893713? ago

Q and Potus and the American system of Government is a psyop. Along with outer space.

14893947? ago


14898729? ago

Galatians 4:16