14881059? ago

Shut your Starbucks hole, you shill...

14881049? ago

Jesus. Some people here has to relax. The world is watching the Q movement! Also the enemy! They can not spill the whole plan for the world to see. "Trust Sessions" was the message from Q. Did Sessions do anything to our knowledge as to not TRUST him. No? Should we trust him now? Probably. You should still TRUST Sessions!!! Trust the plan.

14881033? ago

Try harder

14880953? ago

Though it is rather unexpected, I don't see anything about his stepping down to signal Q's advice wasn't genuine. Sessions performed a job. We don't know exactly what he was told to do or what the timeline was for him to do it. We do know that Gowdy signaled very early on that he was not seeking reelection. This could very well have been the plan all along. . . His on-air theatrics aside, he'd make a great AG, don't ya think?

14881065? ago

Absolutely the best AG... lets just hope sessions did SOME fucking work while in office paving the way.

14880818? ago



14880791? ago

You reek of shill!

14880869? ago

Everyone that disagrees with me is a shill... really? Are you seriously as fucking retarded as the left?

14881041? ago

Fuck off , faggot .

14880786? ago

Shills are retards , and you are one of them ...

Its funny how desperately you are trying to sway the opinion of many here on QRV ... but thats what happens when everything is anonymized ( bad decision ) . TRUST SESSIONS - his work is done , mainly Huber related . His resignal means only one thing : his work is done . All the while idiots thought he did absolutely nothing - he did everything in background related to indictments .

14881071? ago

LOL , youre transparent , retard .

There were plenty of you yesterday , screaming on top of the lungs how Q is a shill ...

14887768? ago

No I didn't. This larp has gone on long enough .. they've strung a lot of people off .. they lost the house now the investigations will be held over Trumps head through 2020 .. good bye republic.

14880884? ago

That was my thought as well. He played his part. I bet that resignation letter was written a year ago...

14880774? ago

How, exactly, does Sessions resigning equate to him being untrustworthy and thus Q a LARP?

Your concern act is, as usual, more of a LARP than what you accuse Q of being.

14880757? ago

These weak shill posts get lower energy each post. Lol.

14880750? ago

You are a weak ass spook shill. KYS

14880708? ago

Why are you defending elites who rape and torture babies to death? Just for a paycheck?

14880745? ago

Of course I don't but where has Q said anything about going after "those" individuals and for "that" reason? Its mainly all rah rah drain the swamp etc FISA this and Hillary that but nothing about THAT.

14880794? ago

He mentioned it in the Tony Podesta post...


14880696? ago


Don't let the door hit ya.

14880679? ago

And the shills are back!

14880950? ago

They never went away. These are the SoapBoxBanHammer [SBBH] clowns that have been here all along.


14880752? ago

A shill for being told lies ???

14880665? ago


14880768? ago

I KNOW - why would we trust he was making sure the mid terms were a lock?