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14874505? ago

It's blatantly obvious to anyone capable of critical thinking. These Q tards are all insignificant people who do nothing in real life yet to desperately want to feel important. This whole Q LARP caters to this mentality and takes advantage of it. They are indoctrinated using the same methods that any other cult uses. "Trust the plan" = blind trust, do not question. The whole thing is so ridiculous I cannot believe that people fall for it.

14874602? ago

yeah still not a single peep out of q about anything that matters. Yeah. After this long and months of research, I can say I believe wholeheartedly that q is an op. Its not really debatable at this point.

14874784? ago

I knew it the second he tried to fool people with the tippity top thing. The best way to put it is it's classic cult indoctrination. These people should be ashamed of themselves for falling for this.

14875180? ago

Everyone, take note

These people should be ashamed of themselves.

This right here is classic conditioning language. You introduce poison into the well and reinforce it using shame. Shaming tactics are most effective among the weakest minded. If you've done your research, you don't need me reminding you. If you haven't done your research, here's your tip. Go fucking do your own god damn digging so these shill tactics don't work on you. You'll know the Truth then and be able to tell for yourself.

As for you, you fucking faggot. Fuck off on out of here

Should be ashamed

Oh as if I'd allow myself to feel ashamed, I know the game. I know we're in an illusion. I know the trickery. Go fuck a duck with love <3

14875296? ago

I do love ducks

14875136? ago

I started thinking of Q as fake when he used a stock photo of the office inside AF1, reflected in an iPhone, and tried to pass it off as a photo he had taken.