14978346? ago

It's clear Q is a psyop, but what kind? The following comes from FM 3-05.30 "Psychological Operations"

However, commanders may use PSYOP forces to provide public information to U.S. audiences during times of disaster or crisis. The precedent for the limited use of PSYOP forces to present public information to a U.S. audience was set during the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

Q is most definitely disseminating information to the public in a time of crisis (if true). I think also of note here is that this precedent was set in 1992 under George HW Bush.

But yeah, definitely SOME sort of psyop.

14875999? ago

Q is irrevocably connected to Trump at this point and anyone who doesn't see that is fucking blind.Too many coincidences to be coincidences with the greatest being that Trump would have long since publicly disowned it on Twitter if he wasn't part of it.Likewise the greatest Q proof of all is that the Democrats can see this clearly and refuse to say a damn word about Trump and Q being one and the same.So basically if this was all just a reelection scam the Democrats would have blown the whistle a year ago.

My problems with all of this are these =

1.Too many times Q has made a promise of something happening and then it all gets delayed.If you can't 100% deliver exactly when you say you can then don't make the promise, just say it will happen as soon as you can manage it.Missed dates discourage people.

2."We have it all" indicates everything you need for prosecution is in hand, not that you need to still gather enough evidence to pull it off.Since the Democrats weren't immediately arrested they already knew it wasn't true so why say it?

3.Getting everyone to a fever pitch and then leaving them blueballed for a year CREATES the very posts you're seeing now.Not everyone currently shitposting is a shill or a concernfag, many are simply disappointed and frustrated at how things have been handled regarding what they've been told.

P.S. Why the Hell is everyone a fag on this board anyway?

14875638? ago

Excellent Post

14875451? ago

Q has said nothing about the gangstalking victims!

That has convinced you all to leave us in this horrific abuse rather than helping expose this.

We are trapped in perpetual abuse and none of you give a fuck! That's what Q has done for my family!

You are all helping the pedo cabal keep their abuse slaves rather than free them.

I'm so fucking disgusted by this movement that has taken part in the abuse of my family.

Why have t you believed us? Why haven't you tried to expose this and end our suffering?

Because Q didn't tell you to do anything about it. Never mentioned a thing about millions of us being tortured!

Q has you all sleeping while these programs are expanding and Facebook has many more targets identified.

Speak up and end gangstalking or we are all fucking dead you dumb fucks.

14875437? ago

OP Here:

What are the major reactions here?

  1. False binaries (Violence Bad - Trust Good).
  2. Name calling (Russian Bot!)
  3. Airing MSM talking points (conspiracy, shill, etc)

I'm only reaching out an olive branch but /Politics is more woke to reality...

14875256? ago

It's funny how many times proofs need to be shown. You're an idiot. Look at all the human trafficking charges. CHANGE HAS HAPPENED. Trump arresting these people does not HELP the cabal. Stopping the caravan doesn't HELP the cabal.

14877255? ago

Is Hillary in Guantanamo Bay too? Fucking retard.

14883400? ago

That's your bar. No one has ever promised that to happen by now. Why don't you go start a citizen's class action. Put your own neck on the line? Haha, stupid cuck. You shills are a laugh.

14884168? ago

Fuck off soyboy. Remember when Q said Hillary was indicted? That she was under arrest?

Qtips will believe anything.

14875236? ago

If "Trusting a Plan" is horrible what if Q had said "Burn it down"? Is that a better choice?

That is why I tend to lean in Q's camp. Trust is something an honest person says. Being Uncivil is what someone desperate says/does.

14875167? ago

Well said! My feelings exactly! Anyone can see it is not working without established timely enforcement of law and order. Instead we have chaos and anarchy in our streets and nothing being done about it!

14874762? ago

Great post - yes you likely will get flamed to oblivion here. BB "Q" ing sacred cows comes with a price. Luckily most here just chew their cud (they call it popcorn) and are harmless keyboard cowgirls intent on destroying anybody that questions the narrative that Q is infallible.

Now if POTUS didn't do an "Air Q" the other night at a rally then I would agree 100% and upvote you.

14874673? ago

I couldn't agree more. We just wait and wait. Nothing every happens here.

14874575? ago

Nah- its good to air it out, get it off your chest.

Expressing respectful dissent is part of trying to find balance.

14874692? ago

FUCK Q! This is a fucking LARP.

14874711? ago

move along little bot

14874574? ago

What harm is done by simply considering information that’s available? Has Q asked us to take action on anything that we wouldn’t have done anyway? Should you believe 100% of anything that you hear or read, or should you think about it logically and critically before you decide what is truth? Fuck off

14874541? ago

9 out of 10 doctors agree that anyone who claims not to be a shill is probably a shill.

14877247? ago

Fuckoff shill

14874509? ago

Wall of meandering shite.

Keep trying.

14874535? ago

Yup, only read the first sentence. TL;DR

14874619? ago

Oh I read it, and it's meandering shite lol.

With a side-dose of consensus manufacturing.

14874569? ago

Oh I read it, and it's meandering shite lol.

14874505? ago

It's blatantly obvious to anyone capable of critical thinking. These Q tards are all insignificant people who do nothing in real life yet to desperately want to feel important. This whole Q LARP caters to this mentality and takes advantage of it. They are indoctrinated using the same methods that any other cult uses. "Trust the plan" = blind trust, do not question. The whole thing is so ridiculous I cannot believe that people fall for it.

14874602? ago

yeah still not a single peep out of q about anything that matters. Yeah. After this long and months of research, I can say I believe wholeheartedly that q is an op. Its not really debatable at this point.

14874784? ago

I knew it the second he tried to fool people with the tippity top thing. The best way to put it is it's classic cult indoctrination. These people should be ashamed of themselves for falling for this.

14875180? ago

Everyone, take note

These people should be ashamed of themselves.

This right here is classic conditioning language. You introduce poison into the well and reinforce it using shame. Shaming tactics are most effective among the weakest minded. If you've done your research, you don't need me reminding you. If you haven't done your research, here's your tip. Go fucking do your own god damn digging so these shill tactics don't work on you. You'll know the Truth then and be able to tell for yourself.

As for you, you fucking faggot. Fuck off on out of here

Should be ashamed

Oh as if I'd allow myself to feel ashamed, I know the game. I know we're in an illusion. I know the trickery. Go fuck a duck with love <3

14875296? ago

I do love ducks

14875136? ago

I started thinking of Q as fake when he used a stock photo of the office inside AF1, reflected in an iPhone, and tried to pass it off as a photo he had taken.

14874474? ago

These are some good points. Worth reading.

14874607? ago

They're awful points that boil down to

I don't like trust the plan


I believe conjecture somehow miraculously removes the reality that has been brought to light.

Firstly. The first point is irrelevant. Trust the plan because otherwise, we have to take up arms and go to a boots on the ground war for our very existence. period. Second point is equally pointless. "It's coincidence" fucking really? It's all coincidental that we keep finding all these connections? It's pure coincidence that there are links to secret societies around the world? It's all one big fucking whiff of smoke? Fuck off.

14874727? ago

otherwise, we have to take up arms and go to a boots on the ground war for our very existence

Imagine George Washington saying this. God forbid we fight for our freedom. Fucking pussies! Nothing but faggots & pussies here.

14875176? ago

because they're completely the exact same situations.

14875205? ago

Yeah, but, George Washington wasn't a pussy who said "Wait longer". He grabbed his fucking gun, put on his boots, and went and started shooting the British.

14875251? ago


Technique #5 - 'ANGER TROLLING'

Statistically, there is always a percentage of the forum posters who are more inclined to violence. In order to determine who these individuals are, it is a requirement to present a image to the forum to deliberately incite a strong psychological reaction. From this the most violent in the group can be effectively singled out for reverse IP location and possibly local enforcement tracking. To accomplish this only requires posting a link to a video depicting a local police officer massively abusing his power against a very innocent individual. Statistically of the million or so police officers in America there is always one or two being caught abusing there powers and the taping of the activity can be then used for intelligence gathering purposes - without the requirement to 'stage' a fake abuse video. This method is extremely effective, and the more so the more abusive the video can be made to look. Sometimes it is useful to 'lead' the forum by replying to your own posting with your own statement of violent intent, and that you 'do not care what the authorities think!!' inflammation. By doing this and showing no fear it may be more effective in getting the more silent and self-disciplined violent intent members of the forum to slip and post their real intentions. This can be used later in a court of law during prosecution.

14875265? ago

Nice copy-pasta faggot!

14874666? ago

OP here:

  1. What's the first step of any tyranny? (remove free speech)
  2. What's the second step? (remove weapons)

14875216? ago

Do you see either of those in Q?

And those aren't the steps, those are the requirements for tyranny. The first step is accepting the backward notion of a legitimate government.