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14818203? ago

If you want something substantial then look at the child trafficking rings taken down since Trump has been in power, connect those with the EO Trump issued on the matter, connect that with the amount of sealed indictments that are waiting to be unsealed. BTW no one here really takes anything a blatant racist says with any grains of salt, most just move on from your idiotic and outdated views, this movement ain’t for you, there’s no place in it for your intolerant views

14818227? ago

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

Reeeeeeeeeeeee (instead of discussing the content and implications of post 2385 they will bring up something else to argue about because its easier for them)

Thats racist (various assortment of dumb comments regarding nazi fags when anyone with a brain knows the jews created the nazis

PRAISE JESUS THE LORD CHRIST ALMIGHTY ( resorting to mindless religious dribble instead of framing thoughts and arguments they came up with themselves)

NPC's are so predictable. SAD!

Thinking for yourself must be simply too much for your pea baby brain to handle!

14818268? ago

And now the troll in you comes out, enjoy this morsel, it’s the last you’ll get from me

14818295? ago

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

14818253? ago

Those damn BOOMERS again!

14818514? ago

I am so sick of everyone slamming boomers. I was awake long before many of you were born. Your own President and a good part of those surrounding him are fucking boomers moron. What is a boomer. Someone when the world shuts down and there is n o internet no cell phones no technology running can put you to shame.

14818562? ago

My statement dissing boomers was sarcasm. I agree with you. Lots of children round here apparently.

14819095? ago

If I may interject?

People similar to those people in the Q movement have been online since before it was a "world wide web." They were some of the first users of computers, and to take advantage of the networking features they afforded.

They are, at their root, a movement based on conspiracy. That is absolutely nothing new.

I've never been a member of one, nor am I now. However, I'll chime in to point out that the kids believe they are the first to think or voice these things. That just shows how dumb they are. The almost universal trait among them is that they think they are smarter than they really are, but I'm not really here to make them feel bad. I just think it's funnier than hell that they think they're first and that they can just categorize people as 'boomers' and assign fault. It shows they are a simpleton that is incapable of understanding things more complicated than binary.

14819780? ago

Here is the solution for the riddle, unfortunately you fell for the bait. The reason behind the boomer mention is to elicit an emotional response out of people who we would consider as "normies". The comments about niggers and faggots (other than scientific founding) is a canary in the coal mine and has served us well over generations. Free speech and free thought is a special thing and its time shouldn't be wasted on conversation with those not ready for harvest.

Separation of wheat and chaff. The concepts are difficult to internalize and truth even more so. Red pilling has been over a long period of time and yet we have had the most success with the younger generation. Its a truth. This in my opinion is largely due to the advancements of technology coinciding with forum access popularization in the more tech adept (by design) generations. The selection pool for the age range is simply larger, while others take the boomer bait more to hear than myself you cannot fault facts.

So why waste time with sensitive bleeding baby dick sucking kikes and dumb niggers? If you are a triggered cuck bitch fuck boi who can't entertain concepts that challenge your false sense of morality how could you possibly learn to think for yourselves and join us? If you can't think when you are insulted, you will never understand that your social norms are designed limitations of thought to enslave your mind. Blinders on the sheep and you don't even know it.

It starts with accepting that you are a dumb nigger. Once accepted you can leave the cave and start to use your own eyes.

14820194? ago

If by emotional response you mean 'found it funny' then do carry on.

14820335? ago

yeah it got you

14819180? ago

Exactly, and well said.

"Hire a teenager while they know everything."

14819322? ago

The problem with binary thinkers is there's a lot of them and they often think they should be in charge. They exist in all generations. At the end of the day, we're still just humans and we still rely heavily on our lizard brain.