14820150? ago

Nothing happening? Are you blind, not paying attention, impatient, shill?? Anon (not Q) made the chart that, while not the strongest proof, highlights the "return power to the people theme". Q does not assert in any way this is a proof. Q simply points out this theme is part of The Plan.

14820307? ago

Reeeeeeeeeeeee (instead of discussing the content and implications of post 2385 they will bring up something else to argue about because its easier for them)

You have selected NPC response #2.

Q does not assert in any way this is a proof. Q simply points out this theme is part of The Plan.

Hummm 2385

Mathematically impossible or every detail planned? Today. 1 Year Ago. WWG1WGA! Q

Yeah he did

Nothing happening?

NPC response #2 is inherently a strawman but mainly due to the fault of the nigger responsible being incredibly dumb and unaware. Of course someone like myself would be well aware of every single public domain "proof" of the current overthrow of the long guard that they just recently found out about. The issue isn't with that childs play but real indication that there is a real effort and actual plan for a PERMANENT AND FINAL SOLUTION. This is what is promised and so far i have yet to see the masters held to justice for the PUBLIC. Where is HRC today? Where are the people who eat children and worship satan today? Where are the people who poison your mind and food and air?

Where is the objective proof that they will see this to the very end? You have no objective proof, there isn't one. You have faith in a plan. A plan that seems to be underway and obviously trump and co is responsible for this change. The question for those with eyes open and the ability to THINK FOR THEMSELVES> know what i'm on about here. Does Trump and co have the balls to finish it? We have been here long before Q and the masses showed up. Trying to help the rest of you dumb thankless niggers.


We are enslaved you poor sad fool. Please try to wake up.

14819837? ago

Hmm... I'm not so sure about the "Jews created the Nazi's" narrative, but that aside, I am totally fucking with you man. Literally on the same page.

14819863? ago


Here you go, you shouldn't get stuck if you read it. If you do however i can help explain

14820240? ago

OHHHH yes. Those posts that pop up here and there.

It nails a lot on the head except for the Nazism thing. There is a FUCKLOAD of disinfo and I really don't blame people for falling into it. I mean, Nazi's went up directly against the (((Cabal))). You damn well know they're going to try to twist them into being the ultimate James Bond eeeeevillll guys for normies, and "Oh, they actually worked for us GOYIM! HAHAAHA!" narrative for those that might consider supporting their ideals.

It's kinda like the people who accuse Antifa of being a fascist group/the REAL fascists and all that.

In reality, Antifa is the resurrected body of the German Communist Party that almost started a civil war in Germany after WWI. The Nazi's directly opposed these groups.

Then, you have those that aren't as informed speaking about how Nazi meant National SOCIALIST! SOCIALISM! While their heart is in the right place, it's more disinfo... Funny enough, this was actually created by the Nazi's themselves to draw in those from the left and convert them to /ourguys/ (Sounds interesting... Like... Like what Q is attempting.). Even the red, white, and black was considered on the Nazi party flag. The red was debated for awhile, but they eventually went with it to draw in the misinformed and lost Marxist German citizens, thinking they were headed to a friendly Marxist rally. Hitler and the rest were so confident of the Truth they brought forward, they believed it would convert them.

Apparently, it worked damn well.

So, I understand your sentiment about how our (((enemies))) created the Nazi party.

That is merely disinfo.

It seems rude to simply just dismiss it as such, but that's really what the bottom line is. It's like these Aryan Brotherhood faggots and degenerates all tatted up using SS runes and the Swastika, they have no clue what it means to be a Nazi. They are fools and fools only. The Reich wanted a majority white Europe, yes, but I'd like to point you to the 1936 Olympics and Jessie Owens to see how "racist" Germany was....

Many, MANY, people here don't know the full story on the Reich. These narratives being pushed that Merkel was Hitler's daughter, or Hitler was a Rothschild, etc.... It's used to divide and conquer. That's all they have left in their playbook really, very "out-there" statements that sound appealing to the recently awakened who still hold that the Nazi's were bad guys and our good and honorable men didn't die in Europe and the Pacific for nothing but further enslavement to the (((Bankers))).

I also feel it is important to mention Hitler never wanted a war in the slightest, and prevented Spain from going Communist which most assuredly would've spilled over into France where Communists were preparing to launch a civil war there as well. All the strong nations of Europe except Britain would've been communist had Hitler not stepped into German politics and helped Spain in their Civil war. This alone dispels the narrative Nazi's were controlled, as many assume "(((Hitler)))" wanted the war to give Nationalism and embracing heritage a bad name. Hitler asked for peace many times from Britain. Strategic Bombing (You know, those clips of Flying Fortresses just dropping shitloads of bombs on cities?) wasn't a tactic that was employed by Nazi Germany (unlike WWI Germany with Zeppelins and heavier biplanes that could go the distance) UNTIL Britain began bombing German cities. Civilian targets, I might add. The German people asked Hitler to rain Hell on the Brits for doing this, and he was still reluctant. However, he gave in. That's essentially what started the Battle of Britain.

So, the idea a Jewish controlled Hitler and Nazi party wanted war so they could purposely lose and give nationalism a bad name, or even wanted a war in the first place (Poland and Nazi Germany got along extremely well until the Polish King died, and their Prime Minister... Or some title of high rank, I forget... Began to act very hostile to Germany and German citizens in Danzig.)... No. Germany never wanted a war. Hell, Europe just got OUT of a war, in the grand scheme of things.

So, hopefully I've clarified a lot on this notion that Jews created Nazi Germany and whatnot. It's just disinfo my guy, I don't mean to come across as flippant, or going after you. We're on the same side my man.

Gott mit uns!

14820581? ago

You've missed the greater point. its not your fault but many do. Its not disinfo, you are just wrong.

Expand your thinking. Zoom out on the time scale and go through the history and mindset.

You need to understand the level of power and control exerted over us and come to terms with our unknown histories. I even explained this for people like you in the post but you still missed it.

Cults exist because its natural for those seeking power to establish such an environment. With knowledge comes power and if knowledge can be passed down so too can that power, the logarithmic growth of tech has opened a window for us but soon it will close forever. If you were in such a position of power to control the affairs of the world, you wouldn't need to raise an army to fight against those who oppose you for their forces would already be under your control. Create the chaos so that the only possible solution of order is the one you desire. Whenever mankind has had a thought for themselves to focus their energy, the energy has ALWAYS been redirected by their methods of infiltration and subversion. Cycles. Great year. Black Sun

What do you know about the great year and the black sun?

What do you know about real jewish history?

The jews are the gardener and the world is its garden. They took tender care of the land of germany so that its soil would be perfect for nazism to rise up naturally. Of course the german people rose up. They planned on it. They created the chaos so that the only possible solution of order was one that they found desirable.

Honestly you need think bigger than you normally do. You can't understand population control if you can't think big.



You are not paying attention here. This isn't disinfo. This is logic and easily proved. What was accomplished in the garden with events during ww1? What events were accomplished in the garden with ww2? Who benefited?

Creation of isreal. Injection of jew into world governments. White genocide of ~50 Million by the Bolsheviks. German and Russian white men slaughtered each other another ~30 million. Who benefited? What team stood united while other teams were destroyed from within?

The jews created the nazis. The jews are the gardener. The destroyer of the family. They think bigger than you do goy. Much bigger.

14820751? ago

I hear what you're saying, and it makes sense.

The Jew fermented genuine hate against the Jew. They thought they could keep it under control.

The Reich was totally independent, and everything was pre-nurtured, and Hitler was a genuine man, I do understand that. I do. I entirely hear what you're saying. The Jew merely planted a seed, and walked away.

HOWEVER, the thing is, the Jews overestimated themselves. Hubris. That is what is causing the (((Cabal))) to be disassembled today. The Jews didn't expect such a fury and once the Truth was out, they thought they would easily crush Germany and then suppress this Truth forever and all would be well, the world would be their playground. Problem is, as I said, they were arrogant and it was dangerously dangerously DANGEROUSLY close to losing the entire war for them. They had to resort to extreme measures to simply halt the Reich, let alone push it back.

That is why the Reich is so villified by them even now. They hate the Reich almost as much as they hate Christ himself.


Because Christ and the Reich went off script. They challenged the Jew. They knocked them down a notch. Christ and the Reich challenged their arrogance and pride. The Reich was never meant to grow as much as it did.

THAT is why I support the Reich. Despite all this, despite the game being rigged from the start and violence really being the only option left, they still gave it their all. They still almost won and eliminated this bullshit game.

Israel was formed after the war by the Rothschild's, this was intended to happen regardless of how large the Reich grew, so long as they WON. As I said though, they almost lost due to sheer arrogance. Much like today.

14820834? ago

I hear what you're saying, and it makes sense.

The Jew fermented genuine hate against the Jew. They thought they could keep it under control.

The Reich was totally independent, and everything was pre-nurtured, and Hitler was a genuine man, I do understand that. I do. I entirely hear what you're saying. The Jew merely planted a seed, and walked away.

Okay i just wanted to make sure my point wasn't misunderstood. I said this and insinuated nothing more by intention.

Israel was formed after the war by the Rothschild's, this was intended to happen regardless of how large the Reich grew, so long as they WON. As I said though, they almost lost due to sheer arrogance. Much like today.

I can agree with this statement. I think 1947 proves that. Roswell, cia, Byrd. We are seeing this eye to eye my apologies for applying filtration protocols as you can see I've entered the NPC den and informed them of their niggerdom.

THAT is why I support the Reich.

Me too and for the same reasons. The only thing the Reich did wrong was they DIDNT do the holocaust.

14820944? ago

Absolutely! We're more on the same page than I thought.

Originally, even on your earlier posts (I'm assuming you're the OP of the one that you linked me to earlier), I assumed you were one of those Boomer idiots still holding onto the "muh notsees bad hurr durr" type logic.

Anyone that does enough digging on the Reich and supports them, an actual NatSoc, Nazi, etc.... Of course they recognize what the Jew did. They controlled us, they rigged the game. They forced us to violence. Yet our people STILL almost beat them at their own game.

As I said a second ago, I though you were pushing the whole angle of Nazi's were controlled by Jews as in Hitler was a crypto-kike, along with Himmler, Goebbels, etc....

Yeah, I entirely get what you're saying guy.

I don't think the normies will get the same message though. They'll see it as "Oh... So Hitler was actually George Soros' step-dad. Okay!".

Holy shit I'm glad I finally get what you've been trying to get across. I really get sick of the boomer-tier idiocy and it initially seemed like you were feeding into them.

Gott mit uns, friend. Have a good one.

14821013? ago

As I said a second ago, I though you were pushing the whole angle of Nazi's were controlled by Jews as in Hitler was a crypto-kike, along with Himmler, Goebbels, etc....

yeah no worries we are on the same page and yeah its me the same dude. My numbers in a thread as the OP should be a different color by default than comments that are not the OP of the thread.

I don't think the normies will get the same message though. They'll see it as "Oh... So Hitler was actually George Soros' step-dad. Okay!".

You are correct. Normies are they way they are because they don't get nuance.

Can i get your opinion on post 2385? Everything i do is to filter out the wheat form the chaff since reason is so rare these days.

14821342? ago

yeah no worries we are on the same page and yeah its me the same dude. My numbers in a thread as the OP should be a different color by default than comments that are not the OP of the thread.

Yeah, your colors are good here on this post. I was talking about the link you sent me to the other post when you replied to my initial comment. Should've clarified.

ANYHOW, 2385... I'm unsure how to feel about it to be quite honest. On one hand, it has some credibility. I mean, a similar phrase from two significant figures popping up at a particular time is.... Noteworthy.

However, I also see it as a somewhat weak proof if that is the intention. There are better ones (That huge pdf with Q proofs has some good ones).

Honestly, I'm unsure how to feel about Q at the moment. I've been around since CBTS 1, and was on /pol/ well before that (Yes anon, I passed by mandatory 2 year lurk-limit).... Personally, and this is just a 19yo dude you've been talking to, I, as a raging hormonal sonofabitch with a short temper, advise observation and patience.

Reason being, these midterms... The other side is fighting like Hell. You can see it. Obama is going downhill. Hell, after that Kavanugh confirmation and when (((Schumer))) was speaking you can see (((Feinsteingoldberg))) holding back tears. That isn't normal. At all. All these Hollywood people getting outed? That isn't normal. Hell, there's so many more people naming the Kike now just in random places like on the vidya gayms (Rising Storm, Squad, etc.) you can almost feel shit picking up. I'm no psychic or whatever, but it's like there's this underlying tension just building and building. Everyone can feel it, per se, but not everyone knows it is there. Put simply, you can feel things heating up.

My advice, and what I'm doing as well, is waiting this year out. If nothing happens this year, then I'll consider Q a LARP just for marketing movie sales, popcorn, and Republicans. If big shit happens like Q said would next year, then okay. Back on the train.

That's the thing about this Q thing that I really am not all too concerned about like some people. What do we really lose in keeping an eye on this? Now, there's Qtards and Q followers. You and I, we're followers. The Qtards are the ones making a fucking cult out of Q (something the team never even wanted, they've (or Q) has been humble throughout), REEEEEEing to high Hell about shills, you know the drill. Even now, your post is being downvoted for even slightly differing from the narrative by these Qtards.

Q followers though... They welcome criticism. It's fine to criticize, how else would one grow if a problem isn't known to exist?!?!?

SO, TO SUM IT UP, 2385 has some credibility, yet doesn't at the same time. I advise waiting out this year. Nothing happens? We can move on. Something happens later in 2020 for example that Q predicted? Well... Okay then.

14821499? ago

Yeah, your colors are good here on this post. I was talking about the link you sent me to the other post when you replied to my initial comment. Should've clarified.

Its okay i also just could have misunderstood. Yes that thread and copy pasta is myself also.

My advice, and what I'm doing as well, is waiting this year out. If nothing happens this year, then I'll consider Q a LARP just for marketing movie sales, popcorn, and Republicans. If big shit happens like Q said would next year, then okay. Back on the train.

Same page.

However 2385 is more revealing than just really piss poor proof. I wont' concede that it shows anything of value and i insist it actually does the opposite. They said mathematically impossible or every detail planned. Do you feel that this phrase is realistic for the "proof" offered? Its not even the exact phrase, so the odds of trump using those words during a rally or in a tweet are really high. Super high actually. The odds of predicting something in hindsight and acting like you knew it was going to happen all along? Even higher.

So why the exaggeration? I held off to see if the 11.3 marker would come true and it didn't. So what about this give you an indication of its asserted amazement and wonder.

If you can concede that it is piss, we then have to ask why is Q (super holy jesus) team behaving like teenage girls at a rockshow?

14821607? ago


I was hoping for 11.3 very much, yet at the same time I almost knew it wouldn't happen. They keep moving goalposts, but the goalposts being moved after midterms at least make some sense. Some. Anything post-2018 though... Questionable.

It's quite funny how on the same page we are actually. I dare say we may also be on the same letter of the same sentence on that same page.

Unfortunately, our questions can't be answered for now at least. We must live up to the Q motto: "Hurry up and wait some more, don't forget to vote Red and make sure they aren't the reeeeeeeal racists!"

14821775? ago

EO for Military Tribunals is effective Jan 2019 however that doesn't dismiss the possibility of previous ones and that this is all catch and release theater.

I don't really care for timelines or prophecy. I want arrests. Justice delayed is justice denied. OY VEY THE GOY KNOW!

14821810? ago


14819422? ago

Soros bonus earned! Well done.

14819816? ago

Hey NPC, JIDF doesn't include links exposing their belief system FYI. Please update.

14819133? ago

You can go to https://factba.se, click on the Trump section and search on a phrase, or word to see where POTUS used it during any of his tweets, announcements, pressers, campaign rally etc. It's helpful site.

14819026? ago


14819004? ago

Fuck off already. We don't need your 9988766554 word diatribes. Doors over there.

14818997? ago

Q is officially a LARP or something. Podesta is still raping kids.

14818992? ago

"PS. Jews control the world and no matter how much you wish every color of the rainbow would hands this isn't a liberal fantasy. " - Another mod or shill from /GreatAwakening trying to do their dirty work here under the guise of "critical thinking". This smells of psyops

14818708? ago

Great analysis. Your comment about the Jews is spot on. That is why Q said they are saving Israel for last. The only way to bring down the top is to weaken the foundation. Can't wait to see how this ends. I do remember Q posting that timelines have to change because of unplanned responses by opposition. Happens all the time in life. With so many moving parts, and the time I've invested in following, I will be patient.

14818685? ago

The 11.3 and 11.4 dates were disinformation to rattle the Deep State.

14818650? ago

I don’t think you’re wrong for your independent and critical thinking. That’s what this whole thing is supposed to be about. I agree that the post you’re referencing isn’t as big a deal as some have made it out to be. There are already much more significant proofs than this.

However, I disagree that there isn’t enough proof that things are happening. There is evidence everywhere. We can discuss this further and I can provide sources, if you’d like.

I do agree that I wish there was more proof of more being done. “Those who know cannot sleep.” Every minute living with the knowledge that the things that are happening are, in fact, happening, is too much. But I do not personally have a plan to “legally” accomplish as much/more than has already been accomplished, and because of that I am pleased with the results thus far, in a relatively short timeframe.

I appreciate your skepticism and hope you know that this is much more welcome in this movement than what some might think from this post.

Take it easy, Patriot.

14818486? ago

Wouldn’t one assume that if (((enemies))) we’re watching it as well you would also need to also post misinformation? Could Q have just been a plan to remove the Deep State by seeing who spreads what information? Probably needed it to help remove firewalls.

14818379? ago

Wow, what a pathetic shill post. Low energy.

14818410? ago

You have selected NPC response #1

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

14818593? ago

Boomers rock.

You will LICK boomer BOOTS.

14818342? ago

Yeah is called "misinformation" as Q said that misinformation is necessary several times,... is necessary. What kind of strategist will you be if you gave all information to the enemy ? Cmo'n..... I am a mom/housewife with no military background and I understand the coms and strategy better than some of you. Stop bashing Q! Open your eyes and see all the lures and traps Q has set. Trust the plan, and stop watching the pot boil....Things have to be done this way for a reason.

14818403? ago

I am a mom/housewife with no military background and I understand the coms and strategy better than some of you


Stop bashing Q! Open your eyes and see all the lures and traps Q has set. Trust the plan, and stop watching the pot boil....Things have to be done this way for a reason.

You have selected NPC response #1

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

I know this is hard for you guys but lets try real hard okay?

Thoughts on the moving goal posts?

Explanation for how 2385 isn't tranny logic and piss?

14818767? ago

Doubtful that I am a mom/housewife? Haha , I don't lie ...but you revealed yourself as the big shill that you are. Go ahead and keep posting shit, red pilled can't be undone.

14819826? ago

wow is this bitch really as dumb as she appears to be?

14820402? ago

I am smarter than you mom you nasty mofo, I would have raised you better.

14820869? ago

I would have raised you better.

Truth. I would have loved you as a mother. My mother is an opioid addict and allowed men to abuse me as a child. My father died of a heroin overdose. So the bar is pretty low.

14820966? ago

Because you had bad parents and abused you does not mean you have to be like them and be a total asshole. Learn from that and be a better parent to your progeny, you will live a better life.

14821108? ago

I have 4 wonderful children and several grandchildren who i am very proud of.

The language is both the canary in the coal mine and the filter. It ensures the environment it suitable for free thinking and processes out those who would eventually succumb to mind control on their path to truth.

You must realize your ignorance before you can leave the cave.

14821170? ago

After you, I am not the female type that needs a man to hold the cave door open.

14821190? ago

The fact that you feel inclined to mention your gender shows you do.

How are you swallowing the jew pill young lady?

14821243? ago

Shill go the F away. The end.

14821289? ago

Sad! The NPC has run into a fatal logic error! What will she do! Will she confront challenging information with critical thinking or succumb to denial and cognitive dissonance? Will she recognize the vast wealth of irrefutable information or will she remain as a sheep being unable to make a thought of her own?

14827101? ago

I like you, you’re awesome, faggot.

14818252? ago

You are correct. All we can all do is wait and see.

14818307? ago

Correct in the moving goal posts?

Correct in 2385 being a shitpost below the level we deserve?

14845396? ago

No.. nothing happened.. can't argue that. Does not mean it won't, just means we just have to wait and see. shit posting will make no difference and neither will arguing with them. Yes it appears we move the goal posts because we don't know when this will happen. I think most of us realize that this is a huge undertaking and it will happen when it happens. I'm just trying to help this poor person feel a little better about themselves.

14818584? ago

It is below the level we deserve. And reading the recent posts from Q, I immediately thought....someone that usually writes Q posts has someone else writing a few...Q Team. Maybe.

14818582? ago

faggot, gay faggot

14818249? ago

Awful long post for a skeptic. Get bent shill.

14818282? ago

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

Reeeeeeeeeeeee (instead of discussing the content and implications of post 2385 they will bring up something else to argue about because its easier for them)

Thats racist (various assortment of dumb comments regarding nazi fags when anyone with a brain knows the jews created the nazis https://voat.co/v/QRV/2816654)

PRAISE JESUS THE LORD CHRIST ALMIGHTY ( resorting to mindless religious dribble instead of framing thoughts and arguments they came up with themselves)

See how easy NPCS are to predict? you selected option one

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

Whats sad is that you don't even know you are an NPC, you are just a dumb nigger normie who thinks its woke.

14818203? ago

If you want something substantial then look at the child trafficking rings taken down since Trump has been in power, connect those with the EO Trump issued on the matter, connect that with the amount of sealed indictments that are waiting to be unsealed. BTW no one here really takes anything a blatant racist says with any grains of salt, most just move on from your idiotic and outdated views, this movement ain’t for you, there’s no place in it for your intolerant views

14818227? ago

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

Reeeeeeeeeeeee (instead of discussing the content and implications of post 2385 they will bring up something else to argue about because its easier for them)

Thats racist (various assortment of dumb comments regarding nazi fags when anyone with a brain knows the jews created the nazis https://voat.co/v/QRV/2816654)

PRAISE JESUS THE LORD CHRIST ALMIGHTY ( resorting to mindless religious dribble instead of framing thoughts and arguments they came up with themselves)

NPC's are so predictable. SAD!

Thinking for yourself must be simply too much for your pea baby brain to handle!

14818268? ago

And now the troll in you comes out, enjoy this morsel, it’s the last you’ll get from me

14818295? ago

If you question Q why are you here? (Because boomers are retarded enough to think that questioning an authority equates to lack of support)

14818253? ago

Those damn BOOMERS again!

14818514? ago

I am so sick of everyone slamming boomers. I was awake long before many of you were born. Your own President and a good part of those surrounding him are fucking boomers moron. What is a boomer. Someone when the world shuts down and there is n o internet no cell phones no technology running can put you to shame.

14818562? ago

My statement dissing boomers was sarcasm. I agree with you. Lots of children round here apparently.

14819095? ago

If I may interject?

People similar to those people in the Q movement have been online since before it was a "world wide web." They were some of the first users of computers, and to take advantage of the networking features they afforded.

They are, at their root, a movement based on conspiracy. That is absolutely nothing new.

I've never been a member of one, nor am I now. However, I'll chime in to point out that the kids believe they are the first to think or voice these things. That just shows how dumb they are. The almost universal trait among them is that they think they are smarter than they really are, but I'm not really here to make them feel bad. I just think it's funnier than hell that they think they're first and that they can just categorize people as 'boomers' and assign fault. It shows they are a simpleton that is incapable of understanding things more complicated than binary.

14819780? ago

Here is the solution for the riddle, unfortunately you fell for the bait. The reason behind the boomer mention is to elicit an emotional response out of people who we would consider as "normies". The comments about niggers and faggots (other than scientific founding) is a canary in the coal mine and has served us well over generations. Free speech and free thought is a special thing and its time shouldn't be wasted on conversation with those not ready for harvest.

Separation of wheat and chaff. The concepts are difficult to internalize and truth even more so. Red pilling has been over a long period of time and yet we have had the most success with the younger generation. Its a truth. This in my opinion is largely due to the advancements of technology coinciding with forum access popularization in the more tech adept (by design) generations. The selection pool for the age range is simply larger, while others take the boomer bait more to hear than myself you cannot fault facts.

So why waste time with sensitive bleeding baby dick sucking kikes and dumb niggers? If you are a triggered cuck bitch fuck boi who can't entertain concepts that challenge your false sense of morality how could you possibly learn to think for yourselves and join us? If you can't think when you are insulted, you will never understand that your social norms are designed limitations of thought to enslave your mind. Blinders on the sheep and you don't even know it.

It starts with accepting that you are a dumb nigger. Once accepted you can leave the cave and start to use your own eyes.

14820194? ago

If by emotional response you mean 'found it funny' then do carry on.

14820335? ago

yeah it got you

14819180? ago

Exactly, and well said.

"Hire a teenager while they know everything."

14819322? ago

The problem with binary thinkers is there's a lot of them and they often think they should be in charge. They exist in all generations. At the end of the day, we're still just humans and we still rely heavily on our lizard brain.