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14738547? ago

UN wont stop them the UN says we need 400 million refugees

14738603? ago

Good to know. Thank you. However, I wasn't suggesting the UN would try to stop them, but rather use the caravan as an excuse to intervene in our domestic affairs.

14738767? ago

they cant, they aren't sovereign for one point. Also they dont have jurisdiction, United Nations is a United States corporation forcing all registered nations to become incorporated into the company

14741085? ago

You are right. However, a little wrong. The United States is both the government of the people and a corporation. It is true that Washington incorporated in the (something) Organic Act (it was a long time ago when I researched this) using the US Constitution as their corporate charter. So every elected official obtains dual functions: servants of the people and agents of the corporation.

It has been said that Woodrow Wilson was the last constitutionally elected president because when the 17th amendment changed the appointment of US Senators by the governor and congress of each state as their representatives to popular vote, every succeeding president has been unconstitutional since no representative of the state confirmed their presidency. I might have this mixed up, since it was so long ago when I looked into this. Nonetheless, the point being that every president after Wilson served only as CEO's of corporate USA. That would include Trump, by the way, if this is correct.

My memory is foggy, but one thing is certain, the USA did incorporate and is a corporation as well as the people's government.

14741236? ago

They can only govern you by adhesion contracts. imagine walmart trying to apply the employee handbook to you just for being in the parking lot. this is what congress is doing.

I dont see any evidence in the world those people represent us.

in the laws of agency if you have a representative you are liable for his acts, and you are liable for his paycheck.

we are not liable for their acts (congress) AND we have no control over them. when you have an agent you have control of them while he is acting on your behalf.

this is all theater