14746899? ago

Bring the troops home.

14740815? ago

Let's only hope that the UN tries. They don't have a big enough set of nuts to go face to face with the U.S. Military and they'll not chance losing 1/4 of their funds paid with U.S.$$$. By the time their diplomats get their heads out of their asses it'll all be over.

14740842? ago

They are hoping that we will have our heads in their asses, too.

14740481? ago

You rarely hear anything about the John Birch Society anymore due to leftwing censorship. The Birchers have been warning us to get out of the UN and to do away with the Trilateral Commission for mamy, many years! If you aren’t familiar with the perils of UN involvement please read up on the John Birch Society

14740818? ago

When I became a Christian, my world view was changed from liberal to conservative. I believed the JBS was true conservative stronghold. Neon Revolt pointed out that the CIA had made Fritz Springmeyer's book, "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" available for free download in PDF. I read the entire book, and he says this about the JBS:

"The Mormon president Ezra Taft Benson (considered a prophet by Mormons) was a fan of the John Birch Society. Most people who have not read my exposes on both the Mormon Church and the John Birch Society will not be able to protect themselves from the Illuminati."

"The John Birch Society was part of the process of the Hegelian dialectics of the cold war. They pretend to be the defenders of the people against the New World Order, but they are fake opposition. "

Is Fritz correct? I don't know. I do know the Hegalian dialectic is used all the time. A few months ago, Q pointed out that there are Paytriots who are different from patriots. As the Anons analyzed it they realized he was talking about Alex Jones. Alex Jones has been called a Mossad agent. He played the part of a patriot, but was really giving slightly disinformation to mislead near the truth but away from the truth. This is what Fritz Springmeyer is saying about the John Birch Society. The Satanic Families want to control both sides of the narrative, so JBS is used in this way.

14740179? ago

The UN has jumped up and said the US MUST let migrants in. The Pope is pushing this also. A lot of money is being thrown around also to grease the skids. And don't forget China who is trying to use every means to weaken the US. We stand in the way of a globalist take over of the planet. All the political infrastructure is in place and a system to control the money. Block chain. With all it's niceties, it is a powerful tool to enforce, obey or starve. Our president and the MAGA movement is all that stands in the way of a total world enslavement scheme bowing to evil. Do not think it is anything less. The things we have heard about our entire lives concerning the beast is upon us. We either stand and fight this or surrender.

14740611? ago

I am in full agreement. Very well said, patriot.

14739856? ago

Watching our military kill off an invading UN army would be wonderful entertainment.

14740591? ago

Dark humor.

14739817? ago

Someone elsewhere has said that their blue helmets make good targets.

14740584? ago

Let us hope it does not come to that.

14739376? ago

If the U.N. tries the Texas border we will stop them, Trump would want to do that before we did I am sure.

The Enemy will do whatever they can do to survive, the alleged 'leaders' know they face the most serious of threats to their very existence, many others know they face ruin and jail. So, IF the Enemy has the ability to manage a war on our borders or any other war/disturbances/riots they will most certainly do so.

Remember, the destruction of America is their goal, they don't actually care how they manage that really. The U.N. is 'a' face of the Enemy, if hillary/satan can manage that they will. We have hundreds of millions of long arms and ammo, we have logistic resources, we have the moral backbone to stand against any U.N. or other attacks, this IS worth dying over. My bad, you asked about U.N. intentions....not good, never good, almost always twisted.


14740557? ago

But very well said. I would up vote you, but on QRV we are all anonymous, so nothing is gained.

14739293? ago

Well, I would have no problem with the UN creating refugee camps on the Mexico side of the border.

14740488? ago

Trump has already said he is bringing in tent cities to house the caravan until they are processed and deported.

14741125? ago

Right. But that would be on our side.

14739171? ago

If USA leaves and defunds the UN it will dissolve.It can't sustain itself without USA funds and forces

14740478? ago

And I hope that is also part of the plan.

14738994? ago

The UN will get slaughtered.

14740469? ago

The UN is not stupid. They would not intervene militarily. They would diplomatically, bringing up treaties signed by former presidents who sold out our country. The strategy of the UN has always been to entrap nations by a multitude of treaties. WW I began because so many European nations had signed treaties with one another promising to come to a member country's aid if needed.

Personally, I believe many of our founding fathers were also globalists of their day and intended the USA to be part of a larger global government. Consider this:

Article 6 US Constitution says:

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

This means that international treaties have the same authority over us as the US Constitution. Frankly, we need a constitutional amendment that says that all treaties shall be subordinate to the US Constitution.

14740769? ago

name the treaty you are discussing.

14741228? ago

That would be difficult since we have signed many. I will have to research to get a list, but rest assured, we have had nothing but globalist presidents from Kennedy to Trump and those traitors signed quite a few. But did you notice the quote from the Constitution that makes treaties equal to the Constitution?

14746779? ago

If it isn't ratified "advice and concent" then it isn't valid. Pres can sign anything, not valid until Ratified.

14738851? ago

I hope those UN asshats try something that bold so we can kick them out of NY for good and cut off our money going to the UN. Kill two birds with one stone.

14740291? ago

Along with the Rockefellers who own the UN building.

14740375? ago

Yes that too. thank you

14741156? ago

It seems, according to Q, that the Rockefellers have been disabled. Another Anon directed me to an article which explained that the Rockefellers merged with the Rothschilds. They are around, but are now considered Rothschilds.

14738840? ago

The UN is powerless to do anything. So ultimately, it doesn't matter how much they piss and moan.

14740268? ago

The power of lies is found in the faith of those who believe the lies. Praise God, Trump has been pointing out the main mouthpiece of those lies: the fake news media. More and more are seeing through those lies. The UN needs Macron, May and Merkel to support their lies. Now they are losing both Theresa May in England and Angela Merkel in Germany. How long before Emmanuel Macron resigns from France?

14738743? ago

The UN is a destructive farce, a front for the globalist cabal

14740187? ago

Succinctly said, patriot.

14738719? ago

The UN I thought, was in place to keep peace and help 3rd world countries be better to their own citizens. Guess not. Now their intentions are to turn civilized countries into 3rd world shit holes. The UN has outlived its usefulness. I think Texas alone could defeat the UN in a battle. The only way that the UN can accomplish their goals for the US would be to kill off our 1st and 2nd Amendments. Then the UN could have it's way with us(like Europe).

14740177? ago

The UN has NEVER been about world peace and ALWAYS has been a duplicitous means to establish a world government. They have no military might since they rely on the US, but they are devious. The psalmist said this:

Psa_94:20  Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?

This is the way of the Satanic families behind the global government. They try to entrap honorable people by the law knowing they will obey the law, while they themselves honor nothing and see themselves above the law. Rule of law, to them, means "we rule you by our laws."

14738632? ago

Definitely a plausible theory and may well be accurate.

14738547? ago

UN wont stop them the UN says we need 400 million refugees

14738603? ago

Good to know. Thank you. However, I wasn't suggesting the UN would try to stop them, but rather use the caravan as an excuse to intervene in our domestic affairs.

14740297? ago

For over a decade they have been pre-positioning personnel and equipment throughout the country. But what they forget is our military is the best in the world AND we the people will be there behind every blade of grass. The largest populist army to ever exist.

14738767? ago

they cant, they aren't sovereign for one point. Also they dont have jurisdiction, United Nations is a United States corporation forcing all registered nations to become incorporated into the company


14741085? ago

You are right. However, a little wrong. The United States is both the government of the people and a corporation. It is true that Washington incorporated in the (something) Organic Act (it was a long time ago when I researched this) using the US Constitution as their corporate charter. So every elected official obtains dual functions: servants of the people and agents of the corporation.

It has been said that Woodrow Wilson was the last constitutionally elected president because when the 17th amendment changed the appointment of US Senators by the governor and congress of each state as their representatives to popular vote, every succeeding president has been unconstitutional since no representative of the state confirmed their presidency. I might have this mixed up, since it was so long ago when I looked into this. Nonetheless, the point being that every president after Wilson served only as CEO's of corporate USA. That would include Trump, by the way, if this is correct.

My memory is foggy, but one thing is certain, the USA did incorporate and is a corporation as well as the people's government.

14741236? ago


They can only govern you by adhesion contracts. imagine walmart trying to apply the employee handbook to you just for being in the parking lot. this is what congress is doing.


I dont see any evidence in the world those people represent us.

in the laws of agency if you have a representative you are liable for his acts, and you are liable for his paycheck. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2820661/14733761

we are not liable for their acts (congress) AND we have no control over them. when you have an agent you have control of them while he is acting on your behalf.

this is all theater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RScc2jH3jM