The Ford accusations were filled with holes ..not so with the Mueller accuser.
Who What when where why...
Who Robert Mueller identified.
What Rape I was penetrated
When While Mueller was at a convention at the Hotel in NY. 2010.
Where in a Suite on the 19th Floor
Why Because he could. Threatened the victim. I am high ranking FBI official.
Corroborating witness.. she called a friend after the attack and the friend suggested she go to the police.
She said she did not go because he claimed to be a very powerful person.
The written testimony has details.. all those details that ford had problems with. Conversations that took place.
So they are lready accusing people of offering money. Ford just got close to the one million dollars. Avenatti offered money to Kavanaugh accusers.
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14738065? ago
What does not appear does not exist. (evidence/witness)
Sacrifice is the measure of credibility. (swear under perjury/pains)
Unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth.
14743090? ago
That is some serious truth in the eyes of the court. And why you should object to ANYTHING that the opposing party doesn't have in the list of exhibits...been there done that, learned that lesson.
14743136? ago
keep the burden on them to continue to prove everything, even your identitysince the government stole it to create a "person" 10 days after your birth, make sure theyre acting on you and not IT,
14743236? ago
Yep, the strawman. Most of us are oblivious.
You probably know more than me, so keep on red-pilling Patriot!
14743314? ago
here is a recent post
14743333? ago