14740206? ago

Details, links, articles please???

PLEASE BE SKEPTICAL about the report of Mueller rape, because the documentation simply isn’t there at this point. First, the “article” from Gateway Pundit isn’t really an article, just a sentence or two that says very little.

Second, one article indicates it may be a hoax, indicating that a memo by someone making the rape claim doesn’t look very convincing (although it doesn’t include the actual memo):

“The heavily-redacted “documents” describe an alleged rape at a New York City hotel in 2010. Styled as a dossier of sorts, the documents bear a header ‘International Private Intelligence.’ “ https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/deciphering-the-weirdest-episode-yet-from-the-mueller-russia-probe-saga

Third, the "document" could have been cooked up by anyone. It's on 8chan, posted in QResearch in the last 24 hours; see Notables #4655.

14741052? ago

I understand what you are saying. After all the Avenatti claims of the gang rapes with his witness. It was a great read in all of the MSM. I wonder how many of the MSM outlets will be carrying g this story. All of the MSM carried these stories with no verification and withheld exculpatory information. I also find it interesting how quickly the rebuttals and FBI referral came out. To me that looks like someone leaked the information to Mueller. I have read enough of the anonymous reporters on all the MSM fake news stories. Link this story with the murder of Whitey Bulger . He was in the federal prison system for years without incident. So now we are lead to believe that this is just a coincidence. I wonder ....one ..is he realy dead. Two ...was this a mafia hit in the penitentiary system or three... he was Suposedly wheeled out of the surveylance area and then murdered. Then we should look at who managed the transfers to a prison that just happened to house a former Accomplis. Given the dirty cop Comey and his friendship with Mueller , the access to the penal system was he murdered by the guards. I’m waiting for facts and the truth but that is clearly missing today. Just look at the political adds.

14739903? ago

I have a niggly feeling that the D's smell a rat in the Mueller Investigation. . Only the D's use this tactic. We don't play by this book...... They might be getting the hint that they have been played.

14738385? ago

Weren't we told to "believe all survivors? ".......

14739490? ago

Yes that true but it only applies to socialist/communist “survivors”

14738595? ago

Only those who accuse Republicans are to be believed.

14738065? ago

What does not appear does not exist. (evidence/witness)

Sacrifice is the measure of credibility. (swear under perjury/pains)

Unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth.

14743090? ago

That is some serious truth in the eyes of the court. And why you should object to ANYTHING that the opposing party doesn't have in the list of exhibits...been there done that, learned that lesson.

14743136? ago

keep the burden on them to continue to prove everything, even your identitysince the government stole it to create a "person" 10 days after your birth, make sure theyre acting on you and not IT,

14743236? ago

Yep, the strawman. Most of us are oblivious.

You probably know more than me, so keep on red-pilling Patriot!

14743314? ago

14743333? ago


14743313? ago

Quicky FYI - If you ever sign a legal document and your name is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, you are NOT signing it as an individual person, and are probably not bound to it...research.

14743292? ago

yeah i thought these Q people wanted to wake up, they act like its repulsive even down voting. i know its cognitive dissonance. i just keep posting though.

they dont understand how much power they actually have they give it away instantly at first chance without a single question.

14738303? ago

the Gateway Pundit has the declaration from the accuser and it is attached. It’s there for everyone to read. My post just points out relevant detail to counter the MSM spin that is already coming out. Just because Mueller did a FBI referral does not negate the facts sworn to. The Lawyer who represents the accuser sad she does not know who the woman was who supposedly was offered money. The money woman story reported by an anonymous reporter.. LOL been there before.

14738425? ago

we need to educate Americans about fundamental and foundational principals of law

there called "MAXIMS OF LAW" and they are very ancient and accepted by all sides

14739583? ago

I agree but lots of luck with that one. They get violent anytime they don’t like the conversation. They get realy violent when they think they are going to loose the argument. They finally when they loose the argument they sit down cry and yell I want my safe space. Followed by Daddy that man was mean to me.

14739677? ago

I dont know what youre talking about sorry
