14720637? ago

Dear Lord. Why doesn't this sort of thing surprise us anymore?

14719644? ago

The reports said New River Pizza denie he was ever employed by them!

14718379? ago

From his verbal rant before he entered the synagogue, he may have been triggered early. I can hear his handler talking to him. Did he hear voices in his head before the rant began or was he being triggered for something bigger?

14717042? ago

There is a very extensive dig on this place and the owner Randy Wilcox and associates over in v/pizzagate. Mind blown - these people are stupid, and they are tranny child molesters.

14716972? ago

And in turn, from Comet Ping Pong to the Rothschilds?

14716760? ago

New River Pizza website home page: "Great food is like great sex. The more you have it the more you want it. - Gael Greene"

So, I guess it's also no surprise the New River Pizza logo mimics skull and bones symbolism. Which of course is death/danger and memento mori for tombstones - isn't the place a former funeral home? Hire a failure of a man to be a scapegoat for the left - mail bombs to Dems and take one for the team???

14715448? ago

Was boomer going to be cover for deep state to fake deaths to get away?and blame supporters?

14714364? ago

Good dig. He's what 56? Wouldn't that suck!

" I used to be a male stripper" " I used to be a bodybuilder" " I used to be in MMA" What do you do now? " I toss pizzas" Man what a loser.

14712378? ago

Have we gone full circle so soon?

14712319? ago

I don't know if Big Cheese is the same one down in South Miami, but most people don't know back in the early 80's it was a funeral home converted to restaurant. When I lived in the area. Strange.

14718987? ago

AYFKM? I took my parents there once, dammit. It was really good.

14712347? ago

Interesting. Did it include a crematorium ?

14712632? ago

Can't remember if it did back then I was only about 14 years old at the time. Most of the cremations were/are done in Opa Locka at the time, but I'm pretty sure they did embalming in the back section.

14712261? ago

Worked in the New River area back in the late 90's. A lot of money in yachts. Also known as the Venice of the USA if I'm correct.

14715117? ago

There is lots of history to be found in New River.. Before the New River tunnel on Federal Highway was built as kids we would swim, fish, crab in blue (combo of salt & fresh) water. The river holds many secrets now in its dark black murky waters.. you are right about Venice, but not the one I remember. SAD!

14712160? ago

I used to live in ft. Lauderdale and new River pizza was pretty good. Too bad it's tied up in all this bullshit.

14712128? ago

Time to make the doughnuts, Bakers

14716554? ago

Pizza shop + pig farm = trafficking cover up. Who close to this guy owns a pig farm? If it's an ex-funeral home, there is probably a kill room nearby. Alefantis is probably in there somewhere too. You have to destroy the evidence of the killing. What about a stake in the art world? Galleries, sponsors, fund raising?

14716954? ago

And who do we suppose eats the pork from that pig farm that feeds human remains to pigs? Us, the goyim.

14712101? ago

FBI should investigate or perhaps a domestic investigation arm with more competency and integrity.

14713607? ago

Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. Let's have the same FBI that creates all the false flag terror events and protects the child molesters run an investigation.

14713153? ago

So that would be the Anons.

14712056? ago

Sayok looks like a faggot, good catch patriot!

14712205? ago

You should make this a separate post lots of good information.

14711862? ago


14711531? ago

This is certainly our friends throwing us another sign/crumb.

It also happened in Mister Rogers Neighborhood. Tom Hanks WAS going to be Mister Rogers in a movie.

Look up Sarah Ashcroft on Twitter. Hanks was her abuser. That was another message to those looking.