15100502? ago

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14708653? ago

Seminole Indians are native to FL.

14705517? ago

Cesar Sayoc = Kaiser Soce. Pretty close anagram.

14704610? ago

And Michael Moore conveniently has a video of him at a Trump rally.

14704923? ago

Holy shizz,

Is that where that footage came from?!?!

How in the fuck are the Far Left so frigging GULLIBLE?!

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

14703929? ago

Beranton Whisenant (federal prosecutor) was murdered in Broward County also 14 Months ago

14705508? ago

that's the same guy that's referenced in the post - he was called Bernie by those who knew him.

14702940? ago

Outstanding dig anon.

These are good crumbs here.

14702915? ago

So, he's Filipino instead of "native american"?

14705478? ago

He's Italian, he just trained at Sayoc. He also appropriated the Native American heritage from the fact that he's worked at an Indian Casino - I think it was Sioux, but not sure. I know the tribal name started with an "S". But I do know the casino has a "Hard Rock Cafe" and Cesar claims to belong to a group called "Hard Rock" with 400 members.

14705535? ago

Seminole. He was apparently have Filipino half Italian.

14705082? ago

He does not look Filipino. Sayoc Kali Global martial arts svhool denies any association with him and his claim of being the grandson of the grandmaster who founded the school. It is not a Filipino drug cartel.

14703031? ago

Did you just assume his ethnicity??? Nazi!!! He's ethnofluid!

14703742? ago

He's a Flippin' Redskin!

14718053? ago

He's no Redskin their 5-2 He's 0-12 HTTR!!

14705248? ago

No room for racial epithets here😣.

14705381? ago

No need for emoji either.