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14671909? ago

It makes me think about how to red pill people. How to teach, how to train. How did Q train? Here’s a puzzle. Figure it out. No spoon feeding. Figure it out. He made us curious.

People often come here wanting to know what to think about this or that, to trust this or that person. But that’s the wrong question.

Some wonder what’s the best way to red pill someone. I say you cannot spoon feed.

Q proofs are not red pills. They’re spoon feeding.

Don’t try to prove Q. Prove the cabal. When you do that, people will WISH for Q to be real. They’ll WANT to believe.

“Those who are convinced against their will are of the same opinion still.”

“They won’t believe - even if someone is raised from the dead.” - Jesus

Expectations shape perceptions.

Why is it hard to red pill someone? “I don’t want to be one of those crazy tinfoil hat people.”

What makes someone want to believe that Q is true? Outrage at the evil, their heart crying out for justice.

Make them thirst for justice, and they will red pill themselves.

14672692? ago

You just detailed a very important skill that is not taught in school. Critical thinking. Well said