14663881? ago

look all the stupid Democrats coming out against Neon Revolt. He has the best stuff, so if you don't like it move along. You trashing Neon just makes us dig in further. You paid stupid shills. You will lose!

14661017? ago

Lots of pushback on Neon. Because he sells shirts. Ridiculous. Rush, Hannity, Fox News. They all sell stuff in return for their work. It doesn't mean they should be demonized. Neon creates tons more original content per advertisement than most.

Everytime you shills post your derogatory comments, his stature rises.

Over the target.

14661946? ago

Neon hawking merchandise is just icing on the cake of why he's a terrible individual. You're engaging in a leftist tactic to ignore the other things he's done to paint the literal shilling as the point of contention.

14661394? ago

Exactly!!! I bought q stuff online from someone else. No big deal. It's not like he's getting rich on t shirts. But on the other hand, there is a TON of deep dives and red pilling to his credit. His presentation format is useful for sharing. Nobody is going to become awakened by logging into 8chan nor will they here without a strong desire. Hate if you want, but I appreciate the commitment neon has to the movement.

14660890? ago

NeonRevolt, you're hilarious.

I love that you only dare post your shirt ads in anon now.

No wonder you got so thoroughly thrashed here at voat. You're like a sickly little ogre limping around trying to call attention to yourself. That shit only works on reddit.

14667647? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

14667681? ago

Yes, I'm a leftist, so hilarious things often upset me greatly.

14660422? ago


Follow me

Follow my friends

Here are some 8chan screengrabs that other people posted.

I think 11/11 is going to be a big deal because other people are saying so.

Buy my made-in-china merch.

14660342? ago

Will people stop upvoating this Neon Revolt shit?

14667682? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

14660331? ago

Same shit we already know here.

14660848? ago

NeonMerchant just reads the posts on v/GreatAwakening and v/QRV then blogs about it between Chinese shirt advertisements.

14660184? ago

Hatch act excuse: Bullshit.

  1. Only applies while on duty or if it somehow influences govt contracts. Does not apply to pres., vice pres. or members of military.

  2. Q would have ALREADY violated it.

14660509? ago

Irrelevant. Some people simply wanted a little hand holding. Q's silence is normal. Doesn't matter if it was Hatch Act or not. Doesn't change anything one way or the other. Offering the Hatch Act to some (not that I'm endorsing it) provided comfort to others. Simply providing comfort as "Hatch Act" did no harm. The result is that it's entirely irrelevant if it's the cause or not.

14662795? ago

No critical thinking required here. Just follow NeonRevolt.

14659980? ago

Unlike AlQueda and ISIS, there isn't tremendous chatter increases from Q, right before a big event? Not that THE big event (aka mass arrests) has happened. That's just a myth, so far, but we wait, speculate, and hope. OK, Patriots, form a circle around the fire, join hands, and sing (to the tune of Kum Ba Yah): ""trust the plan, from Q. Trust the plan...."".(3x) ""Oh Lord, trust the plan...""

14659977? ago

Be careful who you follow

14659831? ago

I don't think we will hear from him until the election.

14660364? ago

I think Q is all bullshit anyway.

14660818? ago

So you're just in this sub shilling.. Got it.

14660896? ago

There are a lot more people here like me. But, they just don't have the CCP to go head-to-head with you guys like I do.

14659668? ago

Neonrevolt is a shilling faggot that has been caught engaging in D&C tactics in the Q community.

14667625? ago

u upset? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

14667845? ago

No, but I clearly triggered you.

14660861? ago

Came here to remind people of this as well. Fuck Neonrevolt. Shown their true colors time and time again. Paytriot and community divider. Neither of these things has any place in this critical movement. Find better sources.

14659899? ago

reference of where he has been caught please, thanks

14660468? ago

Let's not forget that him and the other mods discovered that their censorship would not be supported here to told everyone to leave Voat and to head to 8chan, contrary to Q's wishes. Q specifically wants people here for a variety of reasons.

Not to mention his hocking of pens and t-shirts to his captive audience.

He singularly fractured and almost destroyed the Q movement here on Voat.

Anyone who supports NeonRevolt is an idiot or a shill. If you want to consume his product, fine. But do not overtly support him. Personally I find his dishonesty, overt manipulation, attacks against the Q community, and shill tactics to be more than enough to justify ignoring him completely.

14661756? ago

hocking of pens and t-shirts

(giggles) If English is your second language, I apologize, but the difference between hocking and hawking is comical.

Seriously though, how am I held captive? Is there invisible embedded coding that prevents clicking?

14663317? ago

Pre-coffee. I know the difference. What can I say. Certainly not my first derp. Sure it won't be my last.

14660947? ago

wow thanks for the info

14660055? ago

And here's another one that kind of ties it all together.


14659981? ago

How about his entire attack on the Voat v/GreatAweakening community and the drama he caused, aligning himself with the v/theawakening mods, who were complicit in said attack?

https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2721205 for reference.

The shilling part is easy. He keeps telling you all that he's the only one capable of decoding and understanding this Q stuff, and if you can, pretty please buy his merchandise too.

And for further fun reading, Voat really

And here's a slew of links for you to dig through where we mercilessly mock him and shame him, while he continues to make a fool out of himself: https://searchvoat.co/?t=neonrevolt&p=1

14661615? ago

He keeps telling you all that he's the only one capable of decoding and understanding

Not hardly. Not even close. He was begging anons for help. So you have been caught in a lie. Not that it matters to me.

Why don't you do something novel and trust us to decide who's articles we want to read? His MAGABomber & Utter Implosion article 10/25 was the best comedy I have seen in months. Months, mind you! As in multiples of days and weeks best fun.

14661925? ago

Not hardly. Not even close. He was begging anons for help. So you have been caught in a lie. Not that it matters to me.

I'm not lying at all. At best you're just pointing out inconsistencies in his thoughts and actions. Calling me a liar for pointing out things he's said is you making a poor attempt at defaming the words of someone anonymous. It's a strange thing to do, but there you are, doing that very thing.

14660952? ago

thanks for the info !

14659741? ago

if you don't like it, then don't read it. Move along troll

14660872? ago

There is a reason this is the top comment. If you are sincere and think this is good content, it isn't. Find better sources.

14660250? ago

More Like SBBH are in this thread shilling. SBBH hate the Q team in all the default subs http://archive.is/kICMV. They got butthurt Q didn't recommend the SBBH shill subs they control like /v/greatawakeneing so they always try to sabotage and brigade any threats to their power user clique on voat. Neon called you shills out so you always brigade him. I always upvote when I see you brigading him. Heygeorge mods default system subs and other SBBH have been friends with the admin and voat dev time for a while and they let them get away with this shit.

14661411? ago

What is SBBH?

14661864? ago

Soap box Ban Hammer, it's another subverse

14661997? ago

Ugh...thanks for the info.

14659850? ago

I see you must be a leftist. You think facts are "trolling".

14663898? ago

you are a troll, if you didn't like the post you could of just moved along, but you had to comment about what you don't like, I could care less and will continue to post Neon Revolt. I hope it pisses you off more.

14664196? ago

Calling me a "troll" is a meaningless insult. Here on Voat, you dumb newfag, we like to downvoat and tell you why we don't like something. You can go back to Reddit if you'd like.

14719015? ago

and you inserting a comment is meaningless as well. No comment is necessary if you don't like a post, just move on.

14719077? ago

Shoah yourself back to Reddit.