14619840? ago

Watch it end up being Barron Trump as Q.....just sayin

14619826? ago

I think you're right he mentioned enjoying the show

14607575? ago

Heeeeeeeeere we go again! Q doesn’t post for a few days and the the “we don’t need Q anymore, he taught us well, we can take it from here” posts start appearing. C’mon!

14622231? ago

I think it is a true statement. Look at this board and see what is coming out. The threads are amazing some days.

14607094? ago

Read Q drop 34, it sounds like a message that will be broadcast after the mid terms and when things get rough (future proves past)

14606883? ago

This Drop inspired me to go in search of the Podesta brothers.

Didn't find much, not since early August, with the Manafort business linked to Tony. Both brothers silent since around then; last time I saw John P was on NBC around Aug. 3, 2018 (posted on his Twitter feed around then). Tony's Twitter is positively deserted, although the most recent entry seems fitting: https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=%40tonypodesta @tonypodesta the last post is rather satisfying.

Our brethren at the Great Awakening (VOAT edition) were apparently curious about their whereabouts, as well. Ten days ago, someone posted a rumor from Liz Crokin (still unconfirmed) that they were being held at a high-security prison (https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2786699) but no one in the discussion could confirm or deny.

14606800? ago

You need to also translate Trump's signals as you were trained. I need to learn how to.

14622201? ago

Usually misspelled words and strange capitalization. Often times edited to correct them.

14606684? ago

Q will be back. Guaranteed! They won't leave this unfinished!!! Their goal is to go directly to The People, so they'll keep giving info.

14606344? ago

So sad if it’s over.

14622239? ago

Nothing is over.

14606692? ago

You know, because we are here, it will never be over.

14608297? ago

Right. Goonies never say die.

14606115? ago

I believe all of Q's intel is actually the declas. It's right in front of us.

14607057? ago

But, where is the darkweb Hillary tape?

14607777? ago

Those are the fake vids.....real ones are not on the web yet. Thankyou huma and Weiner insurance files

14607776? ago

I would do some pretty nasty things to get my hands on that tape

14610073? ago

Everyone would, if it existed it would be out by now.

14606402? ago

Very good!

14606682? ago

Yes, while Q may not be visibly with us, the sealed indictments, FISA docs, and other damning evidence of corruption most certainly are. And all that stuff is slowly, slowly, leaking out in fits and starts. Gets people used to the idea that people are being called to testify, getting fired, and even getting arrested (low-level). Best scenario is Red Tsunami, House and Senate safe, THEN release of FISA and new "November surprises."

14622102? ago

Yes, stuff is slowly leaking out. We are posting these stories and links now. Some may be doing it on their social media too. Reaching even more people. Funny thing we all learned along the way is a little truth makes you look for more truth.

14606114? ago

10-9 means repeat

14622204? ago

Wow. Brilliant.

14605947? ago

I'm pretty sure Q will start doing drops again as soon as the Election is finished

14622166? ago

Yes, possibly even before. Look at this board now. New stories every day. We are exposing it ourselves. Q told us how many times to think logically?

14605895? ago

Odds are Q will be back after midterms, likely after 11.11 (What a wonderful day!)

Also I think that is one of the funniest things about Q. That it's a legit military intel op literally disguised as a conspiracy theory to use as camouflage against those it is an actual threat to. Because the fact that it looks exactly like "Conspiracy theory," nobody takes the thing seriously and simply dismisses it without much thought. However those who are paying close attention realize just how real it thing really is.

It also puts the media in a very compromising position where they look dumb for reporting on it seriously. not to mention if they report on it seriously, it only makes people more curious about it due to it's complex nature. Meanwhile those who realize what it really is stick around. (like us.) Q is literally that idea that is just so retarded, that it cannot fail. Simply because nobody would ever expect it. Now back that crazy idea up with some the greatest minds of military intelligence in the world; and you have now effectively weaponized the Streisand Effect.

If you really think about it... It's actually pretty fucking genius.

14607907? ago

Trinity: Neo… nobody has ever done this before.

Neo: I know. That’s why it’s going to work.

14610373? ago


14607747? ago

I think those that need to worry know if it's true or not.

14610432? ago

the higher ups know, of course. But it's those who are in the middle and the bottom that do not take it seriously. They are simply following marching orders.

However it is still a threat to all of them, but only those who truly understand what Q is, know how much of a threat it is to their established system and everything in it.

14606658? ago

Secret Service took it seriously, didn't they? Did they receive threats or did someone want Q fans to be not too conspicuous?

14610680? ago

USSS have some degree of awareness as to what Q is. So if they allow Q followers to openly display it during a rally and a plant were to intentionally makes a scene, or worse, an assassination attempt in front of all those cameras, that would greatly discredit the movement. The media would exploit the hell out of that opportunity to paint Q in a negative light.

So to avoid this, they simply don't allow it inside the actually rallies. It makes perfect sense if you think about it.

14612411? ago

That makes sense. Also the president wants to put forth a certain message and if there's too much Q, this might distract more mainstream types from his message.. Q is not for everyone as a big focus, similar to someone like Milo.

14606798? ago


14606316? ago

It was orchestrated masterfully, by the greatest conductor.

14605851? ago

An interesting theory and good to review he earliest Q posts. Qdrops were first signed as Q with 61 on Nov 2 2017. Many interesting intel posts were revealed on Nov 5, 2017 leading up to Nov 6. Will be interesting to see what intel (facts and truths) will be revealed leading up to Nov 6, 2018 election day.

from Qmap:

Q 1 (Oct 28 2017) thru Q 60 (Nov 2 2017) were unsigned and posted as Anonymous

Q 61 (Nov 2 2017) was the first post signed as Q but still posted as Anonymous

Q 128 (Nov 9 2017) was the first post as Q with trip code (think that was the move to 8chan)

14605633? ago

Fun-fact: President Trump Tweeted this a day before Q's first post and the first 1000 sealed indictments were registered the same day of Q's first post.

14605960? ago

Q is definitely trump shitposting on his phone.

Trump must be really damn busy right now.

14605717? ago

3.0 despite the hurricane hits.

30 days my friends.

14621830? ago

November 8th. Enough time for close elections to be counted and settled, then the MOAB. I like your thinking.

14605616? ago

Correct anon. We have more than we know. Read the drops again. What do we know know? Think logically. We have had it all since the beginning.

14608248? ago

What is really funny, is that all the Q drops are coded by logic. So we can read them and decode them. But the leftists can't because they never learned to think logically! Just look at the dems answers to POTUS tweets! They don't understand what he is talking about and send their senseless spam on and on again to show how stupid they are! They are cut off from reality because they destroyed language intentionally with their stupid methods.