14592172? ago

Do the same for HAL the computer in Kubrick's movie 2001.

14592575? ago

The configuration of silicon crystals, very interesting!

14592563? ago

Pretty telling!

They love signaling one another while calling us Goyim!

14589858? ago

Yeah sorry also saw this a few days ago... It was a Yawn then and is a Yawn now.

14588700? ago

Id tell you to stop regurgitating shit you read on the internet you fucking NPC.

We have all seen this, you aren't clever.

14588820? ago

You do realize people are just sharing these out. . . . Right?

The people who initially got banned over them on twitter, were not necessarily the creators.

These memes anons and patriots created Are Clever!

That's why I made a list of them!

They are spot on!

They seem to be hitting their target on this post!

Thanks for demonstrating their effectiveness.

NCP angry. Not inciting reciprocal anger. NCP keep trying insults, Why no work. ..reboot

14588901? ago




14588554? ago

Start with IDV and you shall find the true answer

14587904? ago

Yeh, but you don't even need to go that far from NPC to get to the absolute truth of the matter.

NPC (Change the last letter to the next in alphabet)

NPD Narcissistic Personality Disorder!

Now you have their entire playbook!! https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

Now you can identify them. https://scienceleadership.org/thumbnail/38918/1920x1920

Now you can understand why they are robotic, scripted, lacking empathy, social manipulators and shamers.

These memes are hilariously close to their Achilles heel. Psychopaths, narcissists and pedophiles are terrified of being exposed.

14587059? ago

awesome work .

14587375? ago

I didn't make the meme, but these creators who did, really did do an Awesome Job!

Love them!

I did a list of them I found on twitter here.


14586868? ago

You win the internet.

14586523? ago

I’d say you missed this line last week when it was posted.

14586694? ago

I would have.

I'm on, then off.

Will search next time first.

Didn't see it on twitter until today, but impossible to stay working and busy and see it all.

Whoever created it did a great job!

14589452? ago

“Didn't see it on twitter until today, but impossible to stay working and busy and see it all.” Lol. Give the kid a little time to realize the inference in your reply.

14587931? ago

Don't apologise to these shills. They're just terrified of how effective the NPC meme is. Thanks for making this thread and good job Patriot.

14588065? ago


Sounds about right. Godspeed!

14588202? ago

Godspeed right back to you, you big dicked, fat-balled American honey badger. Fuck these traitors!

14587718? ago

And you're the dumbass who shows up a week late and laughs at the joke everyone else no longer cares about. This is why this sub is turning into a shithole, because of stupid old boomer fucks like you.

14588599? ago

I bet the guy that gets it a week late has a higher income and more responsibility than the cool guy with his finger on the pulse of memes n such....

14588633? ago

That's how you old boomer fucks measure everything: who has the most money? That's why you're boring old fucks. We'll be glad when you're gone. Please die.

14587682? ago

Fuck you and your apology faggot.

14586368? ago


14586084? ago

MOB=LNA ...some bitch!

14586047? ago

... and?

14587957? ago

Annnd it's the most brilliant, effective meme to hit the internet in ages. It is wreaking havoc on your kind. Eat shit and get used to losing.

14585838? ago


14585723? ago

14585695? ago

Use the search function before submitting:


Sidebar also provides recommended image hosting alternatives to Imgur.

14587371? ago

All the alternatives provided by old goats eventually go offline and you end up losing everything. It happened in pizzagate.

14585834? ago

Got it.

14585566? ago

Way to stay on top of things..... /s

14585683? ago


Not the only patriot who makes sure we are reaching people not just in our own hub.

They are All Doing an Excellent Job.

Very kind of you to give them credit.

Though they clearly Don't do so for acknowledgement, I'm sure they appreciate the encouragement.

Just all part of The Plan.

Always good to have more on board! /t

14585554? ago

Nice! Had to think about it a moment.

14587644? ago

You fucking boomers are retarded.

14585461? ago

Mind Blown!

14587692? ago

If this is all it takes to blow your mind then you are lost. You stupid boomer fucks. Time to die and leave the rest of the world in peace.

14585272? ago

old news http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2686.htm you got from this article oct 17th

14585409? ago

Kind of odd it would matter on QRV.

Sounds like rules from a certain subverse where they are controlling and many posters now steer clear of.

Logic states not all would have seen the meme on the article link you gave. Was it linked here on QRV?

And is there a rule if it was?

14586851? ago

yeah it was posted here no there is no rule against it that im aware of. just a heads up is all, if your thread dont get much traffic its not because they dont like it. likely its because they already know

14587336? ago

No problem.

I usually don't get a lot of ups.

Pretty hated on voat or not submitting to certain mods and their share blue buddies and always been okay with that ;)

There are some good people here and I know they're not here for ups either.

Thanks for the heads up.

14587943? ago

yeah no problem, i get the negetive feedback aswell.

“Rationality belongs to the cool observer, but because of the stupidity of the average man, he follows not reason, but faith, and the naive faith requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent oversimplifications which are provided by the myth-maker to keep ordinary person on course.”

― Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society: Study in Ethics and Politics

14588086? ago

That really is apt!

Emotion bypasses reason it's mind control!

I like it. Well said. Have a good night!

14588461? ago

yeah they figured it out in the 50's when TV was becoming widely adopted,

they even call it programming, i noticed that TV shows often mirror current events more and more while leading you to the final opinion youre supposed to have in the end.

the days of shows like full house and whose the boss are over they addressed deep issues and ended on a positive moral direction and message.

notice how the most emotional part of the show cuts to commercials, buy drugs, ask your doctor, then the next 2 commercials are law firms suing drug companies for making people sick and dead.

14588726? ago

You're right!

That is why I now call it a Tell a Vision Box, but I allowed my children to watch for years.

We no longer use it as much, but now they are already indoctrinated.

I wish I would have woke up sooner.

When I try to tell them about the bands and singers they like, likely being part of the system, they think I'm crazy.

I think my oldest is waking up though, so there Is hope!

14585756? ago

  1. Yes: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2789605
  2. It's called common sense.

Grow the fuck up.

14585358? ago

No, I got it from twitter.

Usually I'm on a variety of social media platforms so info makes it's rounds in various places.

No doubt it came from one of the many censored accounts on twitter prior to being suspended.

Some of us are getting through now without them locking us out.


14587752? ago

Herrrrrrr derrrrrrr I'm a dumb boomer fuck who tunes in a week late and still thinks that shit is hilarious herrrr dderrrrrrrrr

14588958? ago

herrrrr derrrrrr

beep boop beep

dumb boomer fuck

14588967? ago

NPC = dumb boomer fucks

14589023? ago


herrrr derrrrr

beep boop beep

NPC = dumb boomer fucks

herrrrr derrrrr

boop boooop beeep beeeeep boooop

system malfunction

14589034? ago

Keep repeating those NPC jokes. They only get funnier the more you do it.

14589054? ago

Good deal. If you can't laugh at yourself, then you might be an NPC.

14585179? ago

Wow. You're a fucking genius! I saw this here a week ago. But, you're a fucking genius! And timely too. I bet you're a boomer fuck.

14593240? ago

Wow! Like it's last week. Extra retard points for using imgur. Did you just get this hot off of reddit?

14593393? ago

Probably Facebook.... the cutting edge of social media.... for boomers.

14587623? ago

I can confirm. Definitely a boomer fuck.

14587662? ago

What's worse is all the dumbfuck boomers in the replies who think this is new.

"Herrrr derrrrr I had to think about that one."

FUCK! I hope they die soon.

14591462? ago

You need Jesus

14592313? ago

.... like a hole in the head.

14585145? ago

Excellent 😂

14585079? ago

LOL good one!