14585763? ago

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14585736? ago

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14477879? ago

make thousands more https://ibb.co/ieDwFf

14477798? ago


14476577? ago

14476574? ago

The memes write themselves at this point

14476541? ago

that reminds me of HAL = IBM / A Space Odyssey

14473474? ago

God, so damn true. They truly have no brains. I've encountered their level of crazy before; they just seek to exert an opinion over others, not further their own understanding of the world through study and open discussion. The truth of the matter is just this, they're irrelevant. They just haven't figured it out. Sometimes, the future moves so fast, the people who are unable to catch up just sit in place and go insane. It's just natural selection, it's going to happen. Eventually, when they realize that they have no friends left, and no reason to fight against rampant prosperity brought on by law and order, they'll seclude themselves to their own personal caves and just wait the rest of their time out. Among the most frustrating things you can deal with in life is the realization that you're the reason that everyone else around you keeps getting worse. They'll catch on eventually.

14473288? ago


14473179? ago

It's particularly brilliant, because AI can't flag it, not being able to decipher it, and the NPC meme is being heavily censored, as controlled people don't like the truth, and it trivializes their pain.

14473097? ago

Wouldnt believe it any more than your last lie and vote for hope and change

14473072? ago

I feel like this meme escaped my mind and became a reality this week somehow, though I wasn’t the one who actually created it.

14473136? ago

Everything is you. The "world" is just a title you've ascribed to "not me". "Not me" is an illusion. It's all you.

14472969? ago

NPC 🍻😂

14472806? ago

literal laugh out loud. - OP is above average; not that they need my commendation.

14472716? ago

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14472643? ago

Its a lot like westworld

14473203? ago

Doesn’t look like anything to me.

14472531? ago

My God, it’s full of stars.

14472260? ago

duh that is why they named it ncp

14472226? ago

Okie Dokie - as our community gets larger, and filled with people who are NOT gamers, let's make sure we have definitions clear and front and center. (Male a definitions thread could be stickied to the top?)

To my newbie friends on here, here is the Urban Dictionary definition for NPC. (note: there will be some who add some finesse to this, but this should suffice so you understand the inference above and elsewhere.)

Top definition -- URBAN DICTIONARY NPC A play on video games "non-player character" mixed with a play on The Simulation Hypothesis.

An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting "opinions" they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner. Liberal: (Yelling) Fuck Trump! Ban guns! Conservative: (Yelling) Fuck Hillary! Ban immigrants!

Friend: Bro, I'm sick of all these people just repeating shit... Me: Its hard to move forward with all these NPCs.


by shimokuma July 03, 2018

14490148? ago

Yeah, thanks. Been wondering what that meant

14474442? ago

Soooo... NPC is the new term for sheeple for all of us oldfags. Right? Preciate it, cause I sure have been wondering why the sudden rise in the term recently. I knew what NPC meant in gaming, but didn't connect those dots. NPC is the term for sheeple in the game world? Or am I just grasping at straws here with my old ass? Fuck you young punks anyway!

14476592? ago

NPC is not the term for sheeple playing in a computer game world per say. But I suppose there is no strict rule to exclude that if your creative expression so desires.

It's definition is just being expanded to include the individuals of libtard mobs in real life (as an example).

This is due to the parallels between procedurally generated NPC dialogue in computer games and the misguided rhetoric of left wing mob chants, as well as the fact that that the word 'Mob' is literally the +1 alphabet (Caesar shift) cipher of 'NPC'.

14473851? ago

Not a gamer myself, though I have played a limited bit and do know what an NPC is. Your post cleared up for me why those people are referred to as NPC's though. No matter what you tell them, they repeat the same pre-programmed line like the NPC's do in the games.

14473087? ago

The shit comes with an ass load of fucking children thinking they are adults with a voice.MOVE OUT OF MOMS HOUSE AND PAY TAXS FOR A DECADE then we'll talk

14472865? ago

Ha I wouldn't waste 5 seconds on a game of any kind. It is planned distraction from reality. That is what happened to the Millenials. Time for everyone to grow up and get over your game delusion. That is where the globalist elite want you. In a trance, outside of reality. People are throwing away their marraiges over playing video games. They are stealling our country under cover of sports and video games. Time for this generation to wake up, grow up and suit up.

14474526? ago

Great, so because you wouldn't do something, you want to enforce it on the whole world. Can't you see the problem with that?

Moderation, not elimination.

Politics is a game btw, and yes it should have moderation. Politicians routinely have holidays and should be subjected to term limits for example.

A lot of games carry heavy control narratives and subliminally keep you under the thumb of (((them))) and in a compartmentalized box of thinking. Most games with great potential end up being squashed in various ways.

It's like (((they))) don't want to give anyone access to ANY kind of platform where you can expand your horizons and let your imagination run wild.

I don't want a fucking suit, I've seen that movie and it didn't end well.

14478312? ago

Politics: a show deciding who gets what. Definition from Political Science Professor. 🍿🍿🍿🍿

14475242? ago

I don't want to enforce anything on anyone. Enforce means to use force to make someone do something. I am merely pointing out the obvious. Games that distract you from your responsibilities in life are not good for anyone to become a slave to. Games are designed to addict the player so they keep on playing. Just as FB uses the likes and comments to addict everyone to checking in on it every few minutes. We need to be addicted to reality. Eyes wide open! That is my only word of advice. Bad things happen in everyone's life when they are not in control of their decisions or time. Being a slave to anything trival like entertainment is partially why America is in the shape it is in. IF I lock myself in my basement, turn up the music and ignore the rest of my life then if someone was to break in and steal my furniture and take my kids and wife, it would be my fault for ignoring my responsibilities. America has been in the basement with the music turned up. They thieves have all but taken everything in the rest of the house.

14476405? ago

I agree with you largely. I think the only thing I have a problem with is the semantics of apparent blanket statements which it seems like you do not necessarily intend.

Games, like music as you point out, can be the crutch that people use to support their addictive/escapism behavior, just like alcohol, food, sex and drugs.

I look at it like guns though. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, guns are just a tool that makes it easy.

Yes, computer games are designed like you say and a lot of morons support the industry by continuing to buy into what is largely a devolving industry, but you can't blame the concept of a computer game any more than an inanimate object that requires participation in order to function.

14476443? ago

It is definitely not the games fault that someone is playing it for sure. I am merely pointing out behavior because behavior is the root of all human misery.

14476702? ago

And behavior is directly influenced by environment, the same environment (((they))) have been controlling and degrading for so long that young people started to loose the plot in the first place before subsequently taking up these escapism addictions without ever understanding the nature of the underlying problem they are self medicating for.

I was not raised in a rich enough system where I was able to lock myself away to figure out the problem, at least not for very long. I have had to work my ass off and that in turn made me even more motivated (angry) to figure this shit out.

14474249? ago

I suppose you think Social Media is a better use of your time?? Maybe instead of blathering about video games, you may need to learn some other way to relax.

14474435? ago

Communication is always good... Especially between human beings. Ha. If the shoe fits then just own it. I used to play way too much golf years ago. The Lord asked me in my spirit one day.... "Have I called you to be a professional golfer'? the answer was obviously no so I laid off the golf. We all go over board with things in our lives. There is no question that young people are addicted to them like a drug. God help our lazy, entertainment oriented Nation. This is why everyone is just waking up and saying hey! What is going on in this nation? It has been going on since the Federal Reserve was created 100 yrs ago but no one has been paying much attention. JFK did, they shot him. Reagan got in their way, they shot him. Now Trump is burning their house down and it is definitely time for a great Awakening.

14475753? ago

Ah, brainwashed Christ nigger. That explains why you appear to be mentally handicapped. Carry on sheeple.

14473999? ago

Bitches are crazy. As soon as divorce doesn't include cash and prizes maybe I'd consider it.

14475620? ago

Not denying how stupid I am... some of us actually believed in love and family.

14474574? ago

Amen brother.

Scarcity be the problem here.

14474466? ago

I feel real sorry for the newer generations. The entertainment and education systems have destroyed much of our Judea Christian moral underpinnings. It is hard to find a good woman. The way to find a good woman is to be a good man and they will find you.

14472852? ago

When you consider the vastness of Operating Mockingbird, "Simulated Reality" is actually pretty applicable to this context as well. Even without the Simulation Hypothesis.

14472834? ago

Kind of exhausting spelling shit out - would like people to do their own research.

14484483? ago

Agreed, and yet, we still have to realize how completely out of this train of thought some of our newest people are. And some don't have the time to do the research -- working 2 jobs, raising a family, etc etc. So, let's help them as much as we can. Researchers or not, their One Vote counts!!

14472824? ago

Robust definition and context: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2789698

14484519? ago

Ahhh thank you. LOL, I didn't see that..... Sorry!!!

14472761? ago

I was lost until this post, ha

14472675? ago

Thank you for thinking of us non-gamers, because I had no idea what NPC was about.

14472582? ago

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting "opinions" they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner


14472149? ago

Hahaha. That's clever as fuck!

14472172? ago

It really fucking is!

14472142? ago

NPC? like a video game? Non playable character?

14472221? ago

Where have you been all week?

14472299? ago

Lol here, but those posts must have escaped me XD... I'll take that as a yes btw..

14472141? ago

NPC? Non-player character? Are we living in the matrix?

14472385? ago

  1. Yes.
  2. Possibly.

Context: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2789605/14472361

14472687? ago

  1. No

14472082? ago


14472039? ago

Sometimes I feel like the universe is speaking to us.

14472071? ago

Synchronicity is the universe's tongue.

14472238? ago

There is no true "randomness" in the universe, there is always a pattern. This is just one of those patterns.

14472115? ago

14472082 here:

Fuckin' too right it is!

Best "What if I told you" meme ever!

My reaction...


Lold again!

14471906? ago

Whoa... mind blown!

14473103? ago

wasnt much there to blow clearly

14473805? ago

Not really, no. Pretty spacious up there, really.

14472002? ago

14471899? ago

^^^^ This