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14472226? ago

Okie Dokie - as our community gets larger, and filled with people who are NOT gamers, let's make sure we have definitions clear and front and center. (Male a definitions thread could be stickied to the top?)

To my newbie friends on here, here is the Urban Dictionary definition for NPC. (note: there will be some who add some finesse to this, but this should suffice so you understand the inference above and elsewhere.)

Top definition -- URBAN DICTIONARY NPC A play on video games "non-player character" mixed with a play on The Simulation Hypothesis.

An NPC is seemingly a human that is unable to think objectively.

We exist in a simulated reality and some humans take on the role of NPCs, spouting "opinions" they are programmed to spout and repeating in a cult-like manner. Liberal: (Yelling) Fuck Trump! Ban guns! Conservative: (Yelling) Fuck Hillary! Ban immigrants!

Friend: Bro, I'm sick of all these people just repeating shit... Me: Its hard to move forward with all these NPCs.


by shimokuma July 03, 2018

14472824? ago

Robust definition and context:

14484519? ago

Ahhh thank you. LOL, I didn't see that..... Sorry!!!