14589080? ago



14592656? ago

Shia "Useful idiot" LeBouf, got the concept right, he's just no understanding the big picture. https://imgoat.com/uploads/c4b761a28b/156364.jpg

14579545? ago

The Media along with the Federal Reserve.

14579979? ago

and both owned and controlled by the same group of people.

14571264? ago

Stay sheeple qiggers

14567623? ago

To the OP's title I'll add; And also Pray, Pray often. Pray for the protection of the children. Pray for our military, Pray for Potus, Q and those working with them to put this country, and the world back on the right path of freedom, truth, justice, patriotism, unity and love for each other. Pray for the awaking of those still asleep and let them see the light, Love and salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. WWG1WGA with the Lord at our side!

14567448? ago

Long-time reader, first-time poster. Been wanting to say for a long time. Pull the plug on media support by NOT planning your family's vacay to the abc/NBC CASH COWS - their theme parks! The theme parks are like Vegas for the parent company! They hold up the bottom line for production arms when movies and tv are tanking. I suggest a boycott, especially during holidays where they can make up for bad prior quarters in a matter of days. Tell your fellow conservatives. Also maybe do no attendance on 17th of the month (any month) for movies or theme parks, NO-Q DAY @ the movies. And DON'T do opening 2 weekends of movies! Those are key metrics! You also vote with your dollar, and this is where you can choose how many votes you give. Look at the graphics posted here a lot about media ownership. Cut off their $support from your (and your kids') pockets! Sorry no link (cuz newbie) but financial reports are public. Theme parks kept some sectors afloat during recession. WW investments in theme parks has increased. Expecting big ROI! Go to your national parks instead. ;) MAGA! WWG1WGA

14568795? ago

Exactly! Show your family the wonders of nature ie. Caves and National parks/monuments. So much beauty to be seen and Pride to be restored in our young people.

14660673? ago


14567625? ago

Good point, think about all the ways we support them and cut the cord.

14660683? ago

👍YES cut the cord!! Don't be their 🏧!

14568975? ago

Yes! Step away from the programming! They make thousands of hours of programming to rent YOUR eyes and we'll out your mind. It is all about ready and how they can get YOU to influence their ratings by access to your family and friends. It is going to get even more appealing to entice you to get upgraded and user customized-like experience. Go make your own real experience with people you love so you can talk about that and influence more people for real life! Break the hold and ties of the media over your social LIFE, your mind, and your heart! I am not a tweeter, so spread this as part of releasing the captives to the system! MAGA! Part of MAGA is connecting with what it is that has made America great! The MAGA message is bringing people together again, but there are more ways to get together than rallies and online! I hope the spirit of what I'm trying to say is evident! WWG1WGA ... OUT into our GREAT nation!😁

14567411? ago

From a European country here. The media is indeed the enemy of all mankind. Death penalty for the owners of the companies and long prison sentences for the complicit journalists.

14567613? ago

and those that control that media will need to meet justice, and we know who (((they))) are.

14565864? ago

5 companies run all the media!!

It’s prearranged talking points

14566235? ago

Prearranged by our Israeli "friends".

14565819? ago

The democrats (socialists / communists) are the biggest threat to our country. Their owned media propaganda machines are a close second.

14567360? ago

Yeah but they are all one.

14566260? ago

We're still talking about one and the same thing. Its all the same team.

14565731? ago

Fake News is project mockingbird CNN!

AC, Cuomo, Don Lemon, Acosta what do they have on you? You run with Garbage, your fake news.

14565679? ago

Independent media is the only real unfiltered news.

We are change, Corbett report, Blackstone intelligence, SGT report, IPOT please keep up the great work!

14566569? ago

We still have to be wary, even of these independent sources. Always take everything with a grain of salt. Disinfo is everywhere.

14565667? ago

It's not the media who are the biggest threat...

...It's who's running the media.

This is what President Trump tried to warn us about with his Fake News Award "winners".

14566591? ago

Indeed. All in good time. One step in front of the other. Trust the plan. There's a Bigger picture.

14566193? ago

That's true, but right now that's one and the same basically.

14565666? ago

Feminism is the biggest threat, it destroys societies from the base like no other ideology or influence.

Think about how many problems are related to Cultural Marxism with its most destructive branch Feminism and woundn't even exist without these ideologies.

14566178? ago

and they can't drive worth a shit either.

14565467? ago

The press is the enemy of the people

14565651? ago

No ...fake news is the enemy.

MSM is a laughing stock, bad ratings, biased reporting. It’s either hit jobs or fluff pieces with them.

What is project Mocking bird?

14572745? ago


Q has stated in a few drops like 113, 19, 6 that operation mocking bird did not end and it secretly continued.

14566599? ago

Look it up. o.O

14566059? ago
