14571831? ago





14574651? ago

Cause Jews nice your just NPC for the otherside

14575389? ago

You stupid fucking joofags are nothing but NPCs

14568479? ago

Honduran vice-chancellor (deputy foreign minister) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxuiXpH1jAI&feature=youtu.be&t=45

14567288? ago

I don't see it. This is such a stretch to promote hatred towards the Jews. A truck is a truck......anyone can own it, rent it or borrow it, buy a second hand vehicle or you could be just wrong.......that's like saying Toyoto is promoting ISIS because of the vehicles they use. Your antisemitism and hatred is showing.

14567663? ago

NPC alert ^^^^^^^^^

14567371? ago


There's a Star of David literally on the damn truck! Open your eyes goy, else they'll be ripped out by your masters.

14573124? ago

I and others don't see it........and it's just a truck, it means nothing. Your hatred is obvious. You refuse to accept that it may be a second hand vehicle with a decal that had some company name removed but not related to Jews or a Jewish business.....a borrowed truck so no Jews are involved. Wow........you've lost common sense through your hatred. I know the minute I've won an argument is when someone tries to insult by name calling. By proper definition, you must be Jewish. You hate yourself. lol goy DEFINITIONS a nation, but not the Jewish nation "most often used among Jews to refer to someone who is not a Jew" (JPS)

14573990? ago

Open your eyes. It's right in front of you.

Goodbye, degenerate.

14567314? ago

Or my eyes are open and you cannot deprogram yourself. Jesus is Lord and Savior

14566734? ago

Why are we such pussies? Send a team of attack helicopters down there. Fire 2 or 3 missiles directly into the middle of the crowd. Kill thousands. The rest will scatter like cockroaches and never attempt to get to America again.

14566659? ago

"Star of David" > Remphan

"muh Jews" > Vatican / Nazi / Argentina


Those who will destroy you promise a kingdom that will never come and do not care what you believe or what you think you see. (((They))) are stupid enough to go along with the deal and will lead these "migrants" to believe the deal includes them too.

14567614? ago

Well fuck....marks Argentina off bug out location.

14565630? ago

There, so you don't have to mess with the video.


14565511? ago

Jews, in my Guatemala? It's more likely than you think.


14570219? ago

so all 16 millions jews are behind this? lollllllllllllllll what a bunch of morons

14565075? ago

Seen at approximately 0:29 seconds in. Rear part of the white cab on the truck.

14571058? ago


14566747? ago

thank you. I watch it repeatedly and missed it.

14564825? ago

Thank you, Jews!

I appreciate their help bringing me my parade!

14564725? ago

Do you maybe know from which video is this frame taken ? There should be a Fox News video of this which would undoubtedly confirm ...

14564754? ago

It was linked in the /pol/ thread I got this from, but I don't have it handy. I watched it to verify for myself. Thread was yesterday evening and titled something like, "IT'S FUCKING REAL." Video was pretty short.

14564145? ago

NOT a Star of david...Jews wouldnt mess with them, they have no money LOL

14565031? ago

It's not about money it's about undermining the US government

14564381? ago

You stupid fucking moron. Of course it is.

14564508? ago

aww, someone is triggered

14564979? ago

Shaddup, kike.

14565702? ago

Or what, nazifag?

14565751? ago

Ovens or showers. Your choice.

14565937? ago

The irony is that you claim the Holocaust didnt happen, but you lavish in the idea that ovens or showers were used...yeah, that makes sense...nazifag logic.

14567392? ago

No, we wish it happened.

There'd be a lot less (((issues))) like yourself.

14568211? ago

Ok. So if the Holocaust never happened, why reference killing Jews in ovens and showers? Do you not see how retarded you are by contradicting yourself?

14568232? ago

You didn't read a word of what I said did yo-


Hey guys! Hostile NPC spotted!

14568258? ago

Yeah, I didn't think you would be able to address that. No nazifag can.

You like to say the Holocaust DIDNT happen, and celebrate ovens and showers as your favorite appliances because.....reasons.

Dumb. Fucking. Full. Retard.

14568299? ago

NPC, why are you running your script? Nobody has engaged you. Must be a bug.

14565961? ago

You need to go back.

14566236? ago

Aint going nowhere....bitch

14565930? ago

Soooo lame. Empty threats. All you got....

14564327? ago

Yes it is. They're putting their symbol there to communicate to the world who's behind this whole mess.

14570213? ago

here we go with the jewish nonsense grow up

14564810? ago

Or it's shopped.

14565000? ago

Jew shill confirmed.

14564992? ago

It's a video you stupid dumb fuck. LMFAO!

14570171? ago

Could be a special video shop. Special Jew powers.

14564775? ago

Sure looks like the star of david...typical jews

14565037? ago

It is. Pay no heed to the Zionist shill.