14484465? ago

Someone has to drop something because otherwise we could have a situation where elected officials get arrested, I'd rather we vote them out first

14483304? ago

nope it has to happen in the year 2037, because 37-20 = 17, (or was it 1928, because 28+17=45? but I digress...) and on the 17th day, 17th hour, 17th minute, and 17th second = Jan 17, 2037 at 5:17:17 p.m. Thus, that's four 17's = D>>>>D5 = 45

14482841? ago

Somethings gonna happen. Proof being the shilling going up since Hillary lost her clearance.

14483383? ago

lol u shill durpa trust plan, wehavitall boom!

14484494? ago

You're the faggiest faggot shill I ever did see. I bet you typed that up while eating the pizza rolls mom brought downstairs for you.


14487660? ago

Fucking nigger!! Shill!! Nazi!!

14487848? ago


14482872? ago

I totally agree with you, Anon.

14482715? ago

Or October 17 cuz 17=Q, just like with the September 17th declassification order.

14482789? ago

Maybe. Also could be October 20 = 33 days away (Illuminati Number). "Symbolism will be their DOWNFALL" FISA "Brings Down" The House

14483376? ago


14482714? ago

It's ALL pure speculation. Then if something seems to match, it's a BOOM! Qtards are the funniest tards.

14482752? ago

We're not retarded. Here is the link to the Rico Lawsuit filed in June outlining all the main narrative points Q gave us a year ago... this was filed in June 2018.


14482847? ago

Lullz it is actually funny. This is a brilliant shitpost.

14482829? ago

That is as fake-ass as they come. You do realize that if you just post https://ia802900.us.archive.org/ you are loading from an archive site? One that can archive anything one would wish to fake? Do you have an actual government site to show us? Have you ever seen a genuine court document? That is not what they look like.

14482889? ago

Nope not a lawfag, just passing a crumb. If it's a bad crumb, don't put it in the bread.

14482932? ago

I really think you guys are being taken for a ride. I'm glad you're all going to go vote and like that, but seriously, the Q stuff is so silly.

14482958? ago

Why do you think we care about what you think? We have a years worth of research and evidence.

You folks should really pay more attention.

14482823? ago

Pay thr dipshit no mind dude, they can't help but project. Like their masters.

14482858? ago

Thanks friend.

14482491? ago

Potus can't drop anything before the election.

Julian Assange can though.

14483071? ago

That kind of defeats the point of red October

14482644? ago

Yes, I was also thinking about the Article that stated Julian Assange will exposed HRC if she is not Indicted by October 21, 2018.

14482632? ago

How long has he been in the back pocket?

14482450? ago

yes! Q will drop yet another giant load in his pants! Similar to this post that trolled over a thousand of you idiots!


14482503? ago

What R u 12?

14482575? ago

No, I'm the author that fooled over a thousand of you q-tards.

14482431? ago

Depends on what you mean by big, you know? This fucking circus is an endless bad joke.

14482428? ago

I agree. Pure speculation.

14483291? ago

Future proves past.