14405281? ago

It's not just Cointelpro t's gang stalking, targeted individuals, gas lighting, mocking bird media, agent provocateurs in social media and forums, etc.

14396930? ago

Is this available as a text instead of a graphic?

14406667? ago

14417166? ago

Thank you!!

14396728? ago

What a valuable post, thank you, Patriot.

14395391? ago

The most dangerous shills on voat are the philosemitic ones.

14395040? ago

These are really old lists. Useful, but old. You also have to remember that people from 6-106 are on the internet and that because of that there are going to be varying ranges of maturity levels and abilities to engage in rational dialogue without resorting to tactics described on the list.

This "handbook for forum spies and trolls", like anything old has been updated, revised, and adapted as people and times change. Sure, these things are still useful, but keep everything in perspective.

14394091? ago

Thank you for this. I'm one of the people advocating more action from the military against known enemies of the Republic.

I am angry. I do not move from that anger, but from calming down and thinking. I have been attacked using the same tactics that you are saying that I'm using, in fact, you use some in the title of this post. I assure you that Kris Paronto is ANGRY. Has every right to be. Doesn't mean he wouldn't fight intelligently. We just know there is something very rotten in Denmark.

I've been called names (shillfag, concerfag). You can include that in inciting anger (we call that trolling).

I served in the Military. I know first hand what our capabilities are--and that's going back 30 years. We have the capability to identify, locate, and if needs be, destroy certain enemies of the Republic who will not be protected by law. Our enemies use similar but illegal tactics against us and get away with it.

I fully support POTUS. I know Q is legit, believe she is a White House insider, and has been the greatest informal source of information to the public in history. Use of 4/8chan and anon is brilliant, and has worked.

I also know that there are cultists who think that any criticism of the plan, no matter how constructive, is somehow a slight against their cult god. They say things like, shut up and go vote.... or you have no influence over the plan even though we know that is patently not true. We anons DO have influence, experience, intelligence, and abilities that have been and will continue to be tapped.

I subscribe to and really like Blessed to Teach--does a great job. Was just listening to him in hopes of finding out more about why Sally Yates was in a kill box, here's what he said. Hey if you don't like the plan, if you think it's too slow, go find another plan to take down years of deep state abuse!

Dear Blessed, no, this plan is a start but needs improvement. By your very words, you admit that this deep state conspiracy has taken years and years to build up. You love the plan--GOOD FOR YOU...why dont you go start a religion since you see no possibility for improvement.

I'm not into cult figures, when I see things moving too slowly, like saying we should just shut up and worship even though there are flaws and missed opportunities, even when our opponents use the time and opportunities given to them, I say something.

Dude, I see the problem and have seen it for a long time--about... one billion times better than you do. I know that if we go too slowly, that global behemoth will take every opportunity to take back what it has lost. We've got a lot of the minions--yes WE, but if you're all excited without actively thinking about the REST of the work that needs doing...you are part of the problem and your ignorance may result in an eventual loss. You aren't "blessed to teach" if you're that much of a dumbass that you can't take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

So all you worshipfags and cultfags, you all go check those things the OP posted and see whether or not YOU are guilty of a few of them. Being on the right side doesn't mean that your tactics are right--that's liberalthink.

I realize this is a very tangled knot that will take a lot longer than 8 years to unravel. But there are places where we can cut little knots right out of the mess. We've done good work, but I KNOW that in some circumstances we are wasting time or being too optimistic. I've watched it happen multiple times now, like in the Justice K fiasco...delay, delay, delay, won by 1 vote (one of OUR guys decided to attend his daughter's wedding--WHAT?--and didn't vote, and his libtard constituent withheld her vote because it wouldn't change the outcome. Total? 51-49 The other side is vicious and devious.

14393813? ago

The number of shills providing practical examples on this thread deserve a hearty fuck you handshake for proving exactly what the OP states. You can go back to your handlers and tell them how well you screwed up. I've known many of these tactics for years and expose them when I see them, so great job OP.

14393221? ago

These tactics are explained on this post!


14392907? ago

Also read Mien Kampf

14392823? ago

What screen shoot program does this?

14392719? ago

GCHQ, Mark Mollach Brown & Soros must have transferred some shill cash to sweat shops

14392090? ago

Q said its BOOM week. Why shouldn't I expect a BOOM. Call me a concern troll I don't care. Why should we trust Q if he lies to us? It's Wednesday of BOOM week in Red October, still waiting.

14392065? ago

Nice post, very useful. I see the shills are providing us with a demonstration of the various techniques from your post.

14391730? ago

Hey OP, this is @Womb_Raider speaking. I just want to make the point that I'm not concern trolling when I blow the whistle on SBBH and similar trolling personalities. I think these people legitimately have malevolent goals and I spend an exhorbitant amount of my time and energy trying to expose that to other users of the site.

I'm sure you're not referencing me but I feel I should make my case anyway, as I've been a bit of a broken record lately.

14391697? ago

So we are back at elementary reading comprehension class. Your fucking fault, Qtards.

14391690? ago

SoapBox who?

14391425? ago

Your post is like reading a footnote out of Saul's "Rules for Radicals." Thank you!

14391351? ago

Comments are much easier to identify now thanks to your post. And some of the comments even on this thread underscore your point perfectly.

14391059? ago

I returned to college in 1992 and eventually got my bachelor of Computer Science. I experimented briefly with hacking and stumbled inadvertently into the account of an agent who did what came to be called, astroturfing. This is when I first read this information on how to control and manipulate social media, forums, etc. This same info is given here in this Cointelpro article. This is real, authentic, and it's how they do it. This is not BS. It's the real McCoy. It's how agents do today what was once propaganda. They can't really censor the internet but this is how they prevent people from seeing the things they want removed from the public. There's more of course but these are some of the techniques. Ohter techniques might be to use erasebots to remove images and documents from the web.

14394563? ago

Ask yourself...has anyone stopped Q?

Constructive criticism is good. I don't see any real threats to the Q phenomenon here. At best, some sense of urgency will get through to POTUS. At worst, things go on as they are which is a whole lot better than any administration before.

I've seen NO evidence of shills. The worst thing I've seen on this board are guys acting like true believers shunning anyone who criticizes as unbelievers. Shunnnnn shunnnnnnnnnn....

Anyone going so far as to say Q isn't real or is ALWAYS wrong has already compromised himself.

14391027? ago

Excellent! Good idea to just state the rule number when detected as the top comment. As Sun Tzu would say, "know the enemy."

14391001? ago

And just like that! There's shills flooding in here giving us plenty of comments to practice identifying these very tactics on! Stay vigilant folks.

14391469? ago

I'm many of the negative posts in this thread. I am not a shill and would be willing to fully prove that to anyone who privately messages me in this thread. Now, respond to the point I am making without resorting to coping mechanisms like covering your ears and whispering "shill". It's unbecoming and is not in line with the characteristics of any group who has ever changed their country for the better.

14393592? ago

Everybody here gets a random anonymous number on every post stupid. Nobody can PM a random number so you are pissing in an ocean.

14397523? ago

le pissing in an ocean of piss. go back to b faggot

14391268? ago

Identifying the tactics will be a fun game for me since I'm a rather naive newbie and really need the practice. Someday my skills maybe similar to Q being five steps ahead and knowing the Dems' playbook, move and countermove.

14390777? ago


14390370? ago

Q is a LARP... they post fucking screenshots from 8chan with the vaguest of credibility as 'proof' of being real... that's the actions of a LARP. How many times till it's not coincidence... ask any clairvoyance and they'll tell you.

We however from this mass LARP have gathered a redpill army... we need to fuck Q off and lets take this movement somewhere... the time for them to actually prove they were legit passed ages ago... time hasn't been wasted though because we have researched and redpilled many people... Q is now a fanboy cult now... anyone with a brain is moving on from this. Don't be a fucking cult member and keep following this shit when they can't prove shit... wasting time and making 'redpills' look like the crazy farm again..

14394606? ago

Uhhhh, she's been right OVER AND OVER. POTUS confirms her posts OVER AND OVER.

There are some who go full cult support and attack the slightest criticism, but at least they are still on the right side of things. Calling Q a larp means you're just not paying attention.

14394866? ago

Show me the proof!!! There is no proof... we spend our time digging for the fucking truth you moron you the truth says Q is a LARP. I've paid plenty of fucking attention... being tricked by Q is the same as those who've been tricked by the MSM... it's just the echo chamber you want to fucking hear... that's what you attack people like me who just point out the fucking obvious.... acting like Q cultists blind to sensible critism you're as bad as the fucking lefties!!!

14392093? ago

How comped is this forum when demoralizing posts such as yours are disseminated without protest. All these Q sceptics are shills. This whole thread is hijacked.

14392130? ago

You're more than welcome to protest the posts, unless you are incapable and waiting for someone else to tell you the approved narrative for being strung along.

14390731? ago

It is amazing seeing people here say there are undeniable proofs. No such proofs exist, believing in Q is a pure gut instinct, but that instinct should have long shifted into this is clearly bullshit. "Arrests coming, imminent" for a year with not shit is truly the undeniable proof that Q is a LARP that takes credit for anything Trump does. Trump is great, no question, but attributing his successes to some anonymous, no proof 8chan fag, is utterly ridiculous.

What you said is true though. Q is obviously a LARP, but he did gather a large group of people and shared long known chan redpills with them, which is definitely valuable. I actually think Q coming out and stating that he LARPed to share information with people would be a positive thing, then at least these newly redpilled people (q followers) would be able to take actions themselves instead of waiting on a nebulous group of non-existent "government patriots" to do it for them.

Also, while I'm on my soapbox, Q has never divulged original information. I know many here think that the info Q has shared is new or original, but it's not. He has never brought to light anything that hasn't already been discussed ad nauseum on 4chan. Just because you're late to the party doesn't mean this info wasn't already out there, it was. It's time to take this movement away from LARPers and into proactive hands of people who will share their identity and actually try to make real changes.

14394732? ago

I thought exactly the same thing... they need to come out and say I LARP'd you all to spread knowledge but look at the difference 1 man can make.... you too can make that difference etc etc... it would motivate people so much!!!

Q's probably got an ego the size of a small planet after this and won't be able to quit people hanging on his every single fucking word... doing fuck all as they wait for the Q post.

You reading this Q? You did this for good? Then fucking admit it's a LARP and stop suppressing the movement... the numbers aren't growing anymore only going down from here... time to set these new redpilled morons from their Q slumber free... you did good

14392919? ago


14391391? ago

SS reformation when?

14390038? ago

Rest asure we'll see the tactics being used in this thread

14394619? ago

Heck, you can see them in the title...

14391569? ago

Forum Slide for sure! Great info.

14390848? ago

You're correct. Reread the comments now. 2-3 blatantly obvious comments. CTRL+F "cult"

14391011? ago

More like qult.

14390010? ago

Wonderful catch, thank you. To make the post shorter you can devide it in sections you post wt subjecttitle.

14389980? ago

Read this 2 weeks ago. Excellent information. This is a must read for anyone who wants to expose shills.

14389921? ago

I'm catching on quick, I've had a lot of theories of my own and this community has filled in a lot of the gaps on questions I had. I suspect I'll get more answers to other questions and probably even more new questions. Shills disgust me, I know all about paid message board/social media posters for advertising, but for political propaganda against Americans? Shameful!

14389718? ago

Great post! You can see to the topic dillution first hand these past few days

14390758? ago

This happened back at GA on reddit, and people (in hindsight, possibly shills to create doubt) were suspicious of the number/percentage of deleted posts, but when you went and looked at all the deleted posts, they were such low quality content it was clear it was likely done on purpose to dilute important content.

14389606? ago

Thank you!!

14389601? ago

Funny how it's considered shill behavior or concerntrolling to be...genuinely concerned that nothing is happening outside of Q fanfiction land.

14390794? ago

Q fanfiction land, AKA reality. If you're still questioning whether this is all real, simply leave. It will happen with or without you.

14390902? ago

Are you ready to see arrests? Are you ready to see PAIN? Are you ready to be part of history? ^fanfic

14390974? ago

Legend has it, if you keep commenting fast enough with enough anger, you can make each and every single one of the nearly 60k sealed indictments disappear!

If this is all fanfiction to you, the only thing worse than wasting time in life on this "Q fanfiction" is sitting around on this forum constantly trying to convince everyone that it's simply fiction. "No, I do this because you guys are (select one of the following terms - 'cult' 'unhinged' 'nostradamus' 'schizophrenic' 'before you shoot up a place' 'pizzagate on bathsalts')

Fuck. Off.

14391781? ago

You are the largest group of people alive who actually know the redpilled information, are patriots, and want to change this country for the better. The fact you've been co-opted and strung along is disheartening to me. We fight for the same cause, if only you'd want to fight with me instead of being strung along and waiting for someone else to do your patriotic duty for you I wouldn't be so "angry". Wake up.

14389539? ago

I think the point mentioned under CONCLUSION is the big takeaway. It's all about tracking and control.

14389444? ago

This will take time for it all to unravel. Just ask the most intelligent anti-trump person you know. The cloud of deception is thick enough that even intelligent people have a hard time breathing in this situation.

14394184? ago

Dude, couldn't agree more. I have libtard friends who are very intelligent outside of politics. What bugs me most is their either unwillingness to or inability to see the massive attacks of the MSM and pop culture against a sitting President.

Did you libtards not see that celebration by a writer for the Late Show that at least she's glad they DESTROYED Kavanaugh's LIFE???

The problem is, in the case of rabid progressives, that you're challenging their religion. The Clintons are their gods and the TV is their preacher. They can't be wrong. We are challenging their entire paradigm of reality.

14398159? ago

The answer always is well trump does this or that so it’s fair. Even if you condemn the poor rhetoric or the poor choices they can’t seem to break away it’s scary.

14391714? ago

Trump is a zionist kike. There, let me ping that

The cloud of deception is thick enough that even intelligent people have a hard time breathing in this situation.

back to you.

14393047? ago

Poor, poor faggot. Did mean old Mister Trump cut off you SNAP so you can't trade 8t for meth and tell you to get off your butt and get a job?

14394766? ago

You're literally using the same tactics described in the linked screenshot.

Zionist: pro-Israel, a record $30bn in free money, which makes it ironic you'd mention any US CITIZEN being upset about Trump cutting off their SNAP benefits, surrounded by Jews and Zionists, family of Zionist Jews, continues to advance the Zionist agenda, refuses to do anything at the UN that would be considered "against" Israel.

As far as him being an actual Jew.. ehh. If you serve the Jews, wear a Kippa, and do all of the above, you might as well be one. Not literally one though, to my knowledge.

14392324? ago

Pres Trump saved America you moron. Take your hate somewhere else cunto. God bless Pres Trump and all the patriots fighting to rid the world of this evil. We are #Q

14392682? ago

Poe's law, huh?

14391358? ago

I wish I could but I don't know any intelligent anti-Trump people.

14392170? ago

I know of a few...but they are saddled with a character flaw: They are very NAIVE.

14392271? ago

That's true. I know some of those. The ones I know are naive by choice, and I can't think of anything dumber or more irresponsible. Ironic they also pride themselves for responsibility and virtue signaling behavior. The type that always knows what's best for everyone. Just because.

14389970? ago

Well I for one am not tired of winning, been grinding this since the DNC leaks. Dont lose hope just enjoy each victory and keep marching.

Clinton & Clinton foundation IG report - crimes against children. I waoted a long time for that day. Be patient these people have had a two + millinea head start on us

14389925? ago

Here's the issue: to an outside observer difference between patience for justice and killing time to wait out a movement is indistinguishable.

So the question is: What, if anything, can your average joe do to ensure that what we're seeing is the former and not the latter? If the answer is nothing, then how can we ensure the movement never dies?

14407123? ago

The movement is about the way the country should be functioning. Just because there is now is figurehead, does not extinguish your personal civic duty to restore the Republic. The goals of the movement are beyond any person leading the charge. What you share with other people, how you teach your children, what you buy, your personal decisions, will further that goal or not. Remember, even the framers knew it was an experiment. No certainty, only opportunity.

14390988? ago

Average Joe? Not a whole lot. But Q has given us pretty terrible intel. Vague hints and nothing really substantial. Q says he has evidence that could spark public outrage that would make the Kavanaugh circus look tame and once such evidence is public, nothing short of seeing that person hanging at the end of the robe would sate the outrage. If he really was on our side, he would make a few such offerings of high profile but low value targets by releasing this evidence.

Instead we get "Be patient. Trust the plan. We're saving Israel for last."

14392243? ago

Bullshit, he's tweeted about happenings months in advance. For example the DNC lawyer spilling his guts. Fuck off shill, you fucking nigger faggot.

14393789? ago

That's the difference between "building confidence" and "giving intel to empower patriots". Q is only doing the former. Q has insider information, but there's no evidence that he's not part of an old or new deep state himself.

14394001? ago

There’s also no evidence that he is part of an old or new deep state. It’s all speculative and we have no power to affect it either way, so thusly, it is not worth worrying about.

What there is evidence of is that Q has access to the president and of going on in the behind the scenes fight with the deep state. I’ve been following Q since its inception, but only in the last month or so have I gone from “interesting but could be larp” to “this is legit.”

14394908? ago

we have no power to affect it either way, so thusly, it is not worth worrying about.

You've realized Q is government. You know some things are out of your control and those things you shouldn't worry about. Is not everything Q talks about and the President does out of your control? What is the point in paying attention to Q at all? It's a government (Deep State) PsyOp.

14390268? ago

It's already dying. If nothing happens before midterms it will be effectively dead. Now, around here, you'll see "January 2019!". I mean, how many stall attempts can people deal with. It was summer, then October, then midterms, now January. I thought "2018 will be glorious!". After midterms pass, dems take some seats, January passes, it will be "RR WILL be fired in Feb, Q's killbox (which never means shit) says so! Get the fuck outta here and arrest some fucking people or this is a kike psy-op. Period.

14393475? ago

We have a Deep State that has been entrenching itself since Woodrow Wilson. You don't disarm bombs by beating them with baseball bats. The dismantling is going to take time. Over 13,000 pedos and their rings have been shut down, the bleeding of money to Iran, terrorist countries and bullshit like the Paris Accord is being stopped. No Name the terrorist and Rothschild's bagman was executed. Diane Feinstein and her China corruption is being exposed, and thousands of other details are being fixed.

He can't get too gung ho before the midterms or they will start Arkansuiciding Conservstive candidates and Congresspersons. Better to publicly out and arrest them after the elections when they're vulnerable. He can't fire RR & BM or Dems scream Obstruction of Justice.

These thinks take time.

14389361? ago

Anyone who is succumbing to impatience: think of how the DS feels. Scared. Paranoid. Not sure what to believe. Confused. That's the goal. Q can't speak to you without also speaking to them.

14394407? ago

Nobody is succumbing to anything. We see the DS squirming. We see Eric Holder calling for rage against the Republicans. We see Hillary and Bill going on tour to raise money--lol.

What we're saying is, the other team is fighting with gloves off. We have big 20-ounce gloves on. We have weapons at our disposal that have been underused--like, say, Seal Teams or Predator Drones. We have a CIC who knows he's in a fight, but still uses primarily legal tactics, and at least seemingly falls for leftist bluffs (like--ohhhh firing RR is a RED LINE). Like Obama's Red Line in Israel? How much was that worth? We should start drawing red lines....WE HAVE IT ALL. If you dem Senators refuse to censure DF for her collaboration with China, that's a RED LINE and we will consider you co-collaborators. We now have all that evidence of spy chips from ZTE? We have evidence the Dems were colluding and lying about Justice K...

14398840? ago

contempt of congress eric holder that nothing happened to? yeah, i bet he's shaking in his boots.

14391113? ago

If the DS really were in a panic, we'd be in the thick of a civil war right now. The DS is going through a little turbulence as people are pushing back against demographic change and SJW nonsense, but they're not making any big plays to flip the table in protest because they're still doing just fine.

14399875? ago

The DS in panic don't mean there are running down the streets and crying. The DS in panic is nothing we could see, but is something we could feel. It's a big game, and we saw it during the Ford hearing. Like chess. We know that Q and POTUS are 12 steps ahead. They are stupid. They think they can do it like in the old days, but they failed.

14393806? ago

They're wishing to win the midterm, and that's why we are not seeing that "civil war" yet. Wait till Nov.
I fully trust POTUS and Q, no doubt. Just spread the word, let people know, convince everyone to vote for Republicans. POTUS and Q are working so hard. We need to do our part.

14389587? ago

They seem fine to me. Hillary, Podesta, Bill Clinton, etc. They all seem happy and comfortable anytime they're in public. The only uncomfortable people are hardcore Q believers who expect booms and never get shit.

14394496? ago

That's an act--part of their tactic. She laughs whenever serious questions get too close.

And, yes, we've had promises of booms that haven't come through, but that's just Q being Q. She's a little premature sometimes. We have had TONS of wins--saying we haven't gotten shit is just wrong. Think Lauer, Weinstein, Franken, Weiner. There are others on the ropes. What Holder just said this week...that guy is squirming. He knows his time is short. Please dems get angry and save me before they lock me up. He's got nobody else to ask for help. Think all those CEOs gone...Google/China exposed.

It's not perfect, but what we have is the greatest Presidential Administration in History.

14390912? ago

I'm a Q believer and I'm completely comfortable and confident. Go reread Q's most recent drop. And no, I don't need you to respond trying to convince me that this is a cult blindly following "screenshots" and that sealed indictments are actually below the normal amount.

14391018? ago

I don't know about any of that shit, but I know bullshit when I've seen it for a year. Keep getting strung along and waiting for someone else to take back your country for you. Don't worry, all they need from you is memes, LMFAO

14389237? ago

Wow thank you!

14389123? ago

What am I Nostradamus?