14394313? ago

Also remember that those various assholes act (decisions) upon 3 values only : instant gratification, image, and applying a power (destructively the better). They are basically unable to really feel something else, though they can mimic (and will). Depending on their level they will priorize those 3 differently.

Which means that the worst thing for them, is denying them those : refusing power (see how mad the swamp gets), refusing satisfaction (antifa, hollyweird, Maxine), and refusing the image they crave for or any image at all (like letting shills do their thing without reaction, like they are not here, or conveying they look the contrary of what they try to appear).

Letting they know they have no impact (like in not even a reaction / micro reaction) is the only thing that drives away a narcissistic pervert (like an harasser) 100% of time. Also make all those assholes mad.

If you wann have fun... deny them power, image and satisfcation, and enjoy !

PS : As I read those Q boards, I still love the funny answers the good guys amgonst us sometimes do to the retarded shills, so please go on making fun of them, I guess a lot of them like this, and from now on let's just ensure they know it's for us we reply, not for them ;D

14394469? ago

Yes exactly!

You are describing what has been named the "grey rock method" of not giving them the attention they crave.


14393233? ago

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14392705? ago

Heal??? Did you mean heel?

14392672? ago

Just like that eh? I like your optimism, its idiotic but its positive.

14392696? ago

Then present your solution you arrogant shill!

14986498? ago

It would be very arrogant of me to say I was the solution to any problem, can you say the same?

14392780? ago