I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented and tortured me. The tapes will be made public soon.
Ok so after my twitter got taken down https://twitter.com/watkins_2 a few days ago I've decided to shift to videos - here's the newest one. https://youtu.be/S01G9Og6ai8 https://www.bitchute.com/video/5bHUfAMcxg1l/
I'm just trying to get the word out about the filmed experiment victims, I was not made aware that I was a cult victim until this year and so this video is the beginning of me explaining how that's possible and why so many people are confused about the nature of sacrifice. Not the absurd but the literal truth of it from someone who was sacrificed and just happen to live through it each time. Each attempt to kill us is done on film and there's always a chance of life and death and I believe they take bets on which victim will survive.
anyway, feel free to ask questions and give advice last one I posted there was so much hate in the thread that I felt an urge to upload asap, here is where I've written more in depth about my life as a cult victim https://acchat40.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=132667
and here are the Voat's I was asked to start https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2737704 https://voat.co/v/QRV/2753870 I answer questions all week long and here is some of the history digs I did which were also deleted with the GA being taken down https://pastebin.com/2v5VPXWw
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14321336? ago
Field McConnell from Abel Danger talks about Junkert Rooms and this is exactly what appears to be you are describing. In any deviant behavior success breeds confidence and arrogance. So a thief will be caught with patience minding this example. Field talks about how rooms are live streamed around the world. Here people who seek this kind of action enter and wager on the outcome. Some events are false flag events, some are snuff, and the range includes sacrifice and other perversions. Facial recognition technology was used here with the intention of capturing the participants. They are then blackmailed. So you and I know our politicians and others are blackmailed, now you know to what extent. Field outlines 9/11 as another example. Wagers were made on the number deaths, and other variables. HIs research outlines the players. The ones with the online network, the place where bodies were disposed of and a lot of documention. Its extensive and will make you ill.
Alan my question is regarding the cult and my learning of the babies harvested to raise. They like to raise boys as girls in HOLLYWOOD and turn them into beautiful film stars and music Icons. Role models and leaders. They also send them into political arenas and positions of power. Do you have any experience with this facet of the cult? Bless you and your bravery and my condolences for your abuse and misfortune, you are in my prayers. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
14321537? ago
I think most of all victims including any celeb ones are used as sex dolls while sleeping, sedated on "pizza night" and they film people raping which works as blackmail - but they also film some throughout our entire lives and like the Truman show (and I think it's a romanticization of Jim Carrey's past as a victim) - they basically grow to like some of the victims and if those victims aspire to be celebrities then they are given helping hands... Most victims I don't think ever try for it. I think most just die on the sacrifice days. - as for the raising boys as girls.... at the facility I met a MTF and FTM - so yea... that's something they experiment on and I also wanted to be a girl for much of my young life and was dressed up as such as a small child. but well, there's a lot of chapters to my life that will make people cringe I think when they realize the psyops being employed to make little boys want to be girls.
14322092? ago
Alan, you are one of the most important disclosures of our time. Your response is so riveting and real. I know from my countless hours of research and shock involved in finding this truth. Stay strong and understand the world awaits to embrace you and this disclosure. I so feel for you and the difficulty, but know I stand with you and very much confirm all of your experiences through solid research. The world is waking up and situations are being stopped from happening because of awareness like you are offering and through awareness of surroundings that solid research offers. We can be proud together lifting up the floor and raising the roof. More work is to be done and through work like you are now embarked within and my own small awareness work matters. We move forward and save as many as we can, wow you lift my spirits and bring encouragement to my doorstep and these things I can share and sow seeds of love and understanding , Thank YOU!!!
14322202? ago
thank you : ) my last thread with my first video after my twitter got shut down look at how much hate I got https://voat.co/v/QRV/2770201 30+ comments of accusations and like 5 of support... this one makes me much happier - tho I'm sure I'lll get 30+ comments from one guy with 10 accounts (or 10 guys with one account) as soon as they realize I posted again - well all it did was make me want to post quicker XD
14322441? ago
The topic is SO hard to digest its a literal brain changer. If you watch magic, and you watch Copperfield or Chris Angel, you are watching humans use the supernatural to support the affinity of the occult. People insist its just magic. No, its a massive lineage of conjuring and practice passed down. Your in the usage category reporting back. we have never had that, in the public before. You would be killed in the past. The Cartels make great usage of that tact. Squeaky wheel? eliminate it. Done. That's how it works. The global connect NOW is awake as a huge force together. WE know what is up. LIke my research, I did skeletal forensic. I watch the HOLLYWOOD awards ceremonies and I see it all. The shows are on or before satanic holidays, victims are selected in advance, careers are launched on those days, the world is THE stage. Madonna was the last blatent mess. You are the new survivor, many have come before and I think we should band together. The group is massive and the entire group is undisputed. Together soon will be a siren of truth for the serenity of the survivors. Trust me on that one. They used the fake Survivor thing this week to lessen as they always do. times up.
14322599? ago
well, i'm certainly always available to answer questions but when it comes to joining groups I think it's best for me to wait for the good guys to finish rescuing me and just do as they suggest/tell me to. I trust the plan, atm they have put me in hiding and protect me 24/7 but they also implied in the QMAP through the Welcome Aboard title which they repeated three times that I would get a ride on AF1 and I won't consider myself completely rescued until I get it :P - haha anyway, I had to read your post a few times to wrapy my brain around it. I wish I could link to you my Madonna decode as she was sending messages for the cult and I spent hours decoding it for folks and like all my other decodes changes the context of everything when one just pays attention to the symbolism.