14238080? ago

To all Dem and independents that might have a hard time with this Post look at the action of the Dems. I can not think of one Dem who has broken with the party. They have in there entirety sided with the deep state. I believe that there are some 30 Dems running who have ties to the CIA. In case you have not figured it out the CIA as well as other countries intelligence services are the backbone and muscle of the elite worldwide fascist movement. Potus and the military has gain control over the republic party with the help of the many honorable members the were mostly put in place by the Tea party movement. It time to make a choice defend the Constitution or vote for a Dem. Its that simple

14237912? ago


14236546? ago


14234145? ago

Is the 53 votes secure for Judge K?

Do we need some of the 47 votes to ensure confirmation?

Remember the last minute no name thumbs down on healthcare

14233980? ago

Groans, whoo promised Q witty? Was it u 45, Yuge words, YUGE!

14232625? ago

Hi Patriots, Has anybody prepared themselves for a disaster? I was just watching the news about the earthquake and tsunami is Palu, and it got me thinking.

President Trump declared September as National Disaster Preparedness month.

With everything that's going on right now, maybe I should go shopping.

Any suggestions?

How long should I prepare for?

I've got plenty of guns and ammo....I think.

What are your thoughts?

14234345? ago

Man, I just watched Paranormal Central with Jeff Gonzales. He and others are saying Stock Up FOOD, WATER, GAS IN CAR...may declare Martial Law to keep us safe ... personally, I think we have til Jan 2019 when the EO takes effect for military

14230486? ago

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14228510? ago

Hillary Clinton refers to the "Conspiracy Theories" that concern her! From minute 09:00


14230809? ago

how about at 0:46? Where was she where she couldn't watch nor have her phone? The movies? The pool? Tribunals? I laughed out loud

14225934? ago

A guy who has DUIs and fled the scene and has been arrested for burglary - surely the people of Texas aren't stupid enough to vote him in. Cruz should win by a landslide.

14224658? ago

If the senate vote turns out 53-47, that'll be the biggest q proof yet

14231789? ago

That wouldn’t be proof of anything except a decent estimation. Using your logic if the vote turns out to be 52-48 then that would prove Q’s faQeness. The truth is that no one knows for sure how the votes will fall. All any of us can do at this point is surmise.

14248531? ago

False logic on your part.

If q called it, given what we know is that very few people would put money on more than a 51-49 spread, it would seem to indicate that q has the scoop on who is voting what way.

If it turns out different, that doesn't mean q is fake, just that q is fallible

14249446? ago

Duh! I was being facetious.

14269054? ago

No you weren't.

14276042? ago

Yes they were. Obviously.

14286898? ago

No they weren't. Obviously. And fuck you.

14287582? ago

You’re a faggot. But that’s okay. Society today celebrates your lifestyle.

14292565? ago

I don't even like to talk about such disgusting things

But you do

And that's ok

14300595? ago

Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are. Ever. Unless you’re a lib.

14287519? ago

Looked like sarcasm to me.....

14224125? ago

Q post 2317 53-47

I can only believe Q is indicating this will be the final vote tally to confirm Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS. Awesome! May the Deep State Cabal's destruction begins in earnest!

14234353? ago

Time travel. They know.

14226663? ago

Amen, Bros!

14224416? ago

Had the same thoughts as well, if this is the case it will be one of the biggest Q proofs to date.

14231875? ago

So therefore (following your reasoning) if the vote turns out different than 53-47 then that means Q is a Qon, right?

14224665? ago

I am hoping we are interperting this right!

14223047? ago

I'm registered

14222791? ago

Which sites does Q post screen grabs from? I haven't noticed any from voat?

14224693? ago

Is this what you are looking for? https://qanon.pub/

14225857? ago

No. I’m talking about how he screenshots our thoughts and reposts them with his own comments below. Hat sites does he watch?

14226917? ago

8 chan and Twitter.

14222372? ago

I hate to say I'm voting Republican because most of the Reps are RINO's. I'd rather say I'm voting conservative. If the Reps lose control of Congress, then I think they will cease to exist as a viable party. there will be splinter groups that take their place, or maybe a large party called Conservative. In any event, get out and vote

14234361? ago

Let's say we're voting as #Patriots

14229511? ago

A wise man once said ...”First we have to vote out the Dems. Then we can vote out the Rinos”

14234666? ago

Thanks for the truism/reminder!

14226420? ago

Vote Rep and trust Trump.

14225072? ago

I feel the same way. I would typically vote libertarian but the stakes have just been too high lately too throw my lot in for a < 3% win. The libertarians are at least on the map now but there is a long way to go before having any real chance. I am hoping someone will come along with Ron/Rand Paul's policy and Trump's ability to play the game.

14224827? ago

Think about it, we are caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment. If we don't vote R this mid term, then the Dems will take control. Is that something we can live with? Think of all the disasters that will cause regarding POTUS, SC, national debt, turning into Socialism, etc. I figure that for now we put the Republicans in this cycle. If they continue to be worthless, cucks, then next election they are up, we work to primary them out of the running. Put someone up that will back our Pres. and values. I am so very worried about the tDems taking over our government it makes me sick.

14222881? ago

I think it needs to stay Republican Party of Lincoln. The establishment Rinos like no name took it over. Look how different Graham is acting. So many retiring, I’m going to see who is left when the new Republican House and Senate is sworn in.

14222341? ago

Has anyone looked into the actual image file data in the files posted by Q? As I understand a part of the Cicada 3301 puzzle involved hidden messages embedded in the image file metadata. Has anyone found anything like that so far?

I just find it hard to believe that Q would post a "vote Republican" ad like that with nothing more to it... everything has meaning.

14226700? ago

Old, non-tech savy fag here: relying on you young dudes and dudettes.

14221837? ago


I know Slate is a Commie rag but Republicans have really hurt Cruz's reputation over time. I'm fairly concerned about Cruz losing to a freaking Socialist Democrat. In TEXAS!!!!! PLEASE Texas! Don't let my home state do this!

14237926? ago

That turd beta is going to get CRUZ MISSILE in his AIDS infected ass.

14230823? ago

Thank you Californians, for moving to Texas. Now go home.

14226951? ago

Can you imagine this social Democrat trying to ban guns in Texas? Would be fascinating to watch unfold like a trip to the twilight zone.

14229132? ago

He's using the old trick. "I don't want to ban guns, I just want 'common sense' gun control". Enough liberals have moved in from California to begin effecting Texas elections. We need to pray for Texas

14234377? ago

We need a wall around California so they can't get out and bother us.

14234547? ago

Haha, I lol'd at that

14229921? ago

Yes, but it’s still just a matter of time before this country is destroyed. The overall momentum can only be postponed for so long.

14230971? ago

Unfortunately I've had the same thought. Given that Communists have control of the education system they pollute these kids minds. They know that once these Socialist policies are enacted they're almost impossible to get rid of. Then starts the decline. And after that it's too late

14230718? ago

The "overall momentum" isn't going in the direction of "destroyed". You not paying attention?

14231006? ago

It is. It’s only been postponed a few decades at the most. But had Crooked been elected our nation would have been well into its death throes already.

14233377? ago

You seem to assume that you can see the future and you've already given up. A defeatist attitude will get you nowhere. You may as well turn the lights out and go back to sleep. I doubt that you've been paying attention to what's been happening, Worldwide, since 2016. On what do you base your prediction anyway?

14234632? ago

South Africa is an analog. No amount of education or cash can change DNA. Inherent behavior is not based on geography. Once the demographic change reaches a tipping point it’s over.

14230626? ago

Wrong. Are you fucking stupid or just trolling?

14231184? ago

I haven’t the power to instill you with foresight, especially when it’s so enjoyable living in the moment right now. The demographics are changing, and individuals from these demographics have very different inherent and incompatible behaviors. We are not all the same.

14237198? ago

K retard have fun larping as someone who knows something.


14238195? ago

:: shakes head:: You have absolutely zero foresight along with the delusional faith that everyone is the same. The only thing that can help you is a red pill. But you have to want to take it. Pretending to take it and then trying to act like you are aware just can’t cut it. But don’t feel alone. You have much more company in your religion than otherwise.

14238338? ago

Ok believe what you want ya kook

14249501? ago

This has nothing to do with “belief” you moron. It has to do with the truth. Geez! Open your eyes! It’s frustrating to see such prideful ignorance. You’d rather believe what feels good than actual truth. Good luck to you, buddy. You are in plenty of company.

14222485? ago

Howdy fellow Texan— several Cruz votes here!!! I need to put out some Ted Cruz yard signs, because there are a few Beto ones popping up in the neighborhood.

14225010? ago

As a breeder I have 6 registered votes for the Zodiac. You can believe that Beto hype bullshit all you want but he will not win.

14224978? ago

I think the lack of Cruz signs is a strategic move. Driving around you would think Beto has already won, so no need to go vote for him. The same complacency that got them crushed in 2016.

14224805? ago

I heard on the radio that the Cruz campaign do not believe in yard signs. I was relieved to hear this because I see a bunch of Beto signs all through our neighborhood and very few for Cruz. I also live in the Austin area so I am sure there are more Beto voters here than anywhere else in the state. This also seems to be where a lot l the liberals (carpetbaggers) flooding in from CA, NY and IL are invading. My wife and I are voting for Cruz but will probably have to count on the leftist clean parts of the state to carry the burden. Thanks y'all.

14230474? ago

Was in Austin few weeks ago. If I lived there I would eat at Salt Lick every day.

14233767? ago

We do have good BBQ here.

14222639? ago

Good! My dad, aunt and grandma live in Dallas. I doubt my dad or grandma vote (thank God) but my aunt probably will.... and I know for a fact she's voting for Beto.

14224918? ago

Kindly remind your aunt that Election Day is "Wed. Nov. 7" tell her to show up early. LOL

14230993? ago


14225396? ago


14221917? ago

There is no way Beto wins.

14223085? ago

People don’t realize that ted got more votes during the republican primary than all of the democratic candidates received combined. The republican voter enthusiasm is off the charts. I’m calling Cruz by double digits. I have been saying that for months.

14233735? ago

I voted for Ted in the primary. I'll gladly vote for him again!

14225015? ago

I hope you are right. Right now all the MSM is working overtime telling us how we are lagging behind everywhere. I don't believe a word of that. Look at the crap they spewed during the 2016 election. Hildabest lost BIGLY. I think people who are planning on voting R this cycle are just verbally keeping a low profile.

14234387? ago

Don't watch or listen to MSM

14224896? ago

Cruz +19 when final tally is done

14222060? ago

I hope not :/

14221702? ago

californians have until October 22 to register if you are not already (15 days prior to any election date). https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voter-registration/

if you have any friends or family that are not voting, please encourage them to register and vote (properly). of course, this election, because california is controlled by crooked socialists, we only have a choice between an evil libtard (feinstein) or another socialist libtard (deleon) for senate, but you may help with your local representative.

14221799? ago

Are old white men still allowed to vote in CA?

14234401? ago


14222528? ago

of course, but my vote is likely to be muted by an illegal vote of one of the 4 million illegal aliens living here. still, it must be done.

14225388? ago

California seems like a lost cause. Between the illegals as you have mentioned and the hoards of brain dead vote with their emotions liberals it would take a miracle to turn it around. Maybe once all the people/businesses with anything left to tax leaves the state the socialist system will melt down there would be a chance for reconciliation.

14225683? ago

mostly...but we still have the ability in certain areas to vote for republican representatives for US congress. there are conservative districts. california holds 53 seats. 14 of those are currently held by republicans. 14 is more reps than the majority of states, so it is crucial to keep every seat we can, and take every seat we can.

14229492? ago

Good to know. I am rooting for y'all.

14224920? ago

Q said to watch CA. I bet your vote counts a lot more THIS Nov...

14230052? ago

I agree. I am saving all of my battery life for my scooter so that I can vote Republican and I['m an independent. Us "old white men" can still read and get around.

14223297? ago

Amen. So tired of Democrats stealing our legitimate votes by openly encouraging illegals to participate in voting. It's time to place ICE agents at all voting places. Also time to arrest Soros for his voting machines that are programmed to switch votes. We must be able to review our votes once placed.

14221514? ago

https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote register and check your registration here.

14223124? ago

Thanks for making this so easy with the link. Done!

14225055? ago

And to think that WV (?) is letting people vote via CELLPHONES!!!! Can we say FRAUD.

14221461? ago

This really seems to be the moment of truth. Is there a set time for the mass text to the people by Trump?

14222183? ago

2:18 PM EDT according to FEMA.

14224430? ago

I wonder what the significance of that time is?

14224768? ago

Most people busy at work maybe.