14232117? ago

I wonder if they have any clues regarding the ricin? Crazy shit! 😱☠️

14226535? ago

Absolutely! Any vote for anyone other than a Republican is a wasted vote. This is the FIRST time in my entire life that I am a political activist! I never paid so much attention before in my life! But Trump and Q have awakened hope in me for the first time since the assassination of JFK! WWG1WGA!

14224199? ago

I will vote straight Rep. Any vote for any Dem at any level of gov't (city,county,state,fed) strengthens the entire party. Think fundraisers, op-eds, stumping, slandering, enabling, etc.

14223329? ago

If you live in Georgia and want to know if you are registered, click HERE. Many states allow you to register online at their State Website.

I for one cannot wait to vote, and have gotten several friends to register already.

14223062? ago

registered and will vote straight Republican

14239715? ago

THIS above > VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE people, straight RED ticket. Help our PRESIDENT !

14240090? ago


14221865? ago

voted already

14221747? ago

I promise to vote! WWG1WGA

14221505? ago

If I could ask you one question, that would not be it.

I'd be asking if you were a registered sex offender.